Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1919: Borrow power

"Xiao Yezhong, you can see that you are still very scheming." Gu Chen stared at Chu Qianye with a gloomy face and a cold light flashing in his eyes, and said, "However, you think you can kill only with two **** kings in the late stage. I?"

Chu Qianye looked at each other blankly, and didn't want to talk nonsense to him for a moment.

"Do it!" Chu Qianye said, taking the lead with a touch of the sole of his foot.

Long Aotian and Ling Xuanqing followed closely, and they shot one after another.

The powerful divine power, surging wildly, coupled with the illusion of the double formation, Gu Chen was quite disadvantaged, even though he already knew that this place would not be punished even if he used his full strength.

After all, Jiang is still old and hot, obviously not those cute new ones. When he saw Chu Qianye and others take action, he instantly realized the particularity of this area. On the one hand, he confirmed that Chu Qianye and the three of them, and There is no hidden treasure. On the other hand, the killing power of Chu Qianye and the others is really terrifying. Everyone tried their best to shoot. The power of the gods is madly powerful and sweeping, and the violent power is crazy. The ground roared and roared in the world.

He immediately understood.

However, despite this, he is still in a weak position. After all, this is Chu Qianye's phantom killing double array, obviously not something he can deal with. What surprised him most is that this is still Fuyao phantom killing double array, this is Wudi's array method. .

He was puzzled, why Chu Qianye and others could subordinate this phantom killing double formation, this is very unlikely, Emperor Wu has already died, and no one dared to deploy this formation ever since. What he didn't understand was that , After so many years, he would encounter this Fuyao Fantasy Killing Double Formation again, and he was so frightened that he didn't expect it to be so.

Chu Qianye looked at the formation, and the light in his eyes flickered, and he showed a cold smile. Gu Chen at this time should be surprised in his heart. He should be guessing about this double formation of fantasy killing.

Faced with the siege of Chu Qianye's trio, Gu Chen's disadvantages soon became apparent. Although Gu Chen's methods were good and his martial arts training was higher than the trio, it was in the early stage of the Divine Sovereign Realm, but he couldn't resist it. A group of reckless men, coupled with the blessing of the Fuyao Fantasy Killing Double Formation, greatly increased the power of the three of Chu Qianye.

At this time, Wang Yiling and the others were waiting, staring at the front, keeping an eye on whether anyone came in.

After the fight, Chu Qianye frowned. Although the three of them were able to suppress this guy, there was still a gap in the way they wanted to kill this old thing.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, it was a murderous wave, and in Chu Qianye's martial arts heart palace, that congenital sacred weapon war knife, turned into the size of a thumb, hovered in Chu Qianye's martial arts heart palace, drawing the blood of the gods. After undergoing the tempering of his essence and blood, the essence is like brilliance, falling on the sword.

The saber absorbs those essences and forms an astonishing breath of power, which is constantly permeated with an astonishing breath of strength. The astonishing breath is quite strange, revealing a breathtaking light.

Chu Qianye has already moved his thoughts in this regard. If it is delayed for too long, it will actually be very unfavorable for the subsequent situation. The servants of the Emperor Zhenyao are not idlers, and they are much more difficult to deal with than the present Gu Chen. .

Therefore, the most straightforward strategy is to make a quick fight and kill the old thing Gu Chen. As long as this old dog is slaughtered, the following things will be much easier, at least for him.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered. ,

"You two, first help me delay him." Chu Qianye said in a voice.

Although they didn't know what Chu Qianye was going to do, the two of them still speeded up the killing wittily.

Although Chu Qianye communicated with the sword, even though it had been nourished by Chu Qianye's blood, it was really not that easy to use this innate sacred weapon.

The sacred instrument can be different from the sacred instrument. Although the sacred instrument has spiritual intelligence, it does not have the consciousness of cultivation. But the sacred instrument is different. The sacred instrument is extremely intelligent and conscious. It is necessary to use its power and at least obtain its permission. Mo, without its permission, wanting to use its power is simply dreaming of that great dream.

Chu Qianye knew that this innate sacred artifact was not easy to use, so now he needs to use its power just like asking for instructions.

His current martial arts cultivation is mainly too low, only in the early stage of the Divine Human Realm. If he is in the Divine Emperor Realm, then this innate sacred weapon would not dare to be so arrogant. Since he can't use it, he has the ability to destroy it.

Chu Qianye communicated with that innate sacred artifact, using its power as much as possible.

Under his communication, the innate sacred artifact did not fluctuate in the slightest, floating in his martial arts heart palace, without the slightest reaction.

Chu Qianye frowned. If this were the case, he couldn't obtain the power of this holy artifact, then he might not be able to get rid of the dog thieves of this sacred martial sect, at least with the power of the three of them. Can do it.

"Let's talk about it, how can you lend me strength." Chu Qianye's heart moved and communicated with him.

"It's okay with your strength, but what can you trade with me?" A voice resounded in Chu Qianye's mind, the voice seemed to have crossed the eternal space, and the vicissitudes of life resounded in his mind.

Chu Qianye was startled. He didn't expect that this would be okay. He just wanted to test before. If he refused to borrow his power, then he could only think of another way.

Unexpectedly, such a cold congenital sacred weapon actually responded to him.

"If I guessed it correctly, you should have suffered a lot of damage." Chu Qianye said: "And you are the innate sacred weapon, the king of weapons, and ordinary things can't be like your magic eye."

"Sportsman, it's useless for you to praise, you can't take out things that make my heart beat, I still won't borrow your power." The Innate Sacred Artifact said coldly, "Although I have drawn your blood, I am forced to , Since you want to keep me, you must take advantage of it. I can barely accept the benefits of the blood, even though your blood is very ordinary."


Chu Qianye smiled bitterly, this innate sacred artifact was really cold, even though he spoke with such an attitude.

"You are transformed by chaos, and the most important thing to you is nothing more than chaos." Chu Qianye said lightly: "If I say I have a chaos, would you believe it?"

"Huh, just rely on you? Do you know how rare things of chaos are? And you, a martial artist of the gods, can touch that thing?" The Innate Sacred Artifact snorted, and immediately sneered.

"Aren't you also a thing transformed by chaos?" Chu Qianye asked back, "Can I get something like chaos like you, why can't I get something else?"

When Chu Qianye asked such a rhetorical question, the innate sacred artifact became silent, because what Chu Qianye said made sense.

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