Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1938: Ascension God Realm


Under a loud noise, everyone felt a scalp numb energy, which finally gradually weakened.

There was a burst of suspicion in everyone's hearts, and they quickly looked up.

But seeing those **** thunder, finally disappeared.

Thousands of miles of black clouds are dissipating, and at the same time the endless black clouds tumbling have stopped moving.

Obviously, Shen Jie completely dispersed.

Everyone looked at this scene, and couldn't help showing a touch of excitement.



Everyone suddenly showed an excited smile on their faces.

The disappearing black clouds finally let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

During the whole process of crossing the robbery, they had been worried for a long time.

Now, this **** thunder is finally over, for them, this is a great thing.

Chu Qianye also secretly breathed a sigh of relief as he watched himself through the divine calamity.

The power of the divine thunder this time was quite terrifying, and it was worthy of being an eight-fold divine thunder. It would take some effort and energy to block all these divine thunders.

Chu Qianye passed the divine thunder, letting everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Chu Qianye is leading the battle. If this is a defeat, it will be a huge blow.

On this God's Falling Ruins, excitement voices one after another, and the Longmen crowd were talking excitedly. They all felt happy for Chu Qianye in their hearts, but they increased their confidence in crossing the gods.

"The master succeeded!"

"I said he was fine."


Everyone talked about it one after another.

At this moment, after Chu Qianye got through the divine calamity, he immediately raised his head and looked at everyone.

Chu Qianye carefully sensed that the existence of the God Realm had become extremely clear, and the oppression had also come, he had to leave the Profound Qi Continent within these seven days and ascend to the God Realm.

"You all start to cross the divine calamity," Chu Qianye said.

Everyone nodded their heads, and then they all dispersed. A crowd of dragon gates, more than twenty people, swept towards the sky. These spectacular scenes are really amazing.

When everyone released the martial arts cultivation in their bodies, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and there were constantly thunders of different colors surging away.

Seeing this scene before them, everyone couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Such a moving breath is like the end of the world.

The figures in the distance raised their heads and looked towards this area. Their hearts were filled with deep fear and shock. After all, they could have such power and oppression. It was indeed quite terrifying.


Yin Shuo's thunder blasted towards everyone fiercely.

Because they accepted Chu Qianye's statement, many people did not use the profound weapon to stop it when the first divine thunder descended, but instead used their own flesh to contend.

Countless divine thunders smashed in fiercely.

The dense thunder surging away frantically.

And this movement can be felt by everyone on the Profound Qi Continent, and this matter will also be recorded in the annals of history in the future:

In the first year of Xuanyuan 2564, there was a divine thunder catastrophe in the Shenyue Ruins.

These are things to follow.

At this moment, after the people contended with their bodies, they reached the limit and took out the magic weapon to overcome the tribulation.

There are people who have successfully survived the tribulation.

The faces of everyone were constantly surprised.

However, although the **** thunder has passed, some people are also very miserable and embarrassed. The power of this divine calamity is still very terrifying, the only thing in common is their eyes, their expressions are bright!

Countless figures descended from the void one after another.

The first batch ended, followed by the second batch.

After a long time, the breath of divine movement disappeared completely, and the dragon gate was numerous, at this time all people had passed the divine calamity.

At this moment, the divine calamity has been completely passed, and at this time, naturally, he will also leave.

Chu Qianye looked around, her eyes flickering.

"Look at everyone who hasn't said goodbye. Let's hurry up. Three days later, we will all leave and enter the God Realm." Chu Qianye said.

Three days are enough for them to say goodbye.

Some people leave, some people stay.

Three days' time passed quickly, and when the three-day deadline came, everyone in Longmen returned to Shenyue Ruins.

However, the difference is that all the newcomers of Longmen have arrived at Shenyue Ruins, and they are indeed seeing off Chu Qianye and others.

"It's going to fly." Chu Qianye said, looking at Xu Kong.

No matter how reluctant to give up, but still have to face it at this moment.

Everyone knew this in their hearts.

As for Chu Qianye, he has nothing to worry about. He has already completed the journey on this Profound Qi Continent, and the next journey is the God Realm.

"Leave," Chu Qianye said.

At this time, everyone's bodies were suspended uncontrollably, and everyone moved towards the new Dragon Gate who saw them off.

"We are in the God Realm, waiting for you to come, so that you can cultivate well!" Qin Hu said.

There were some tears in his eyes.

This time it was a big change of blood. All the main members of Longmen have integrated the godhead and are about to ascend to the God Realm. They are not sure what will happen to these newcomers in the future, but after all, they have been together for a period of time, and they are obviously emotional.

Everyone tried to squeeze a smile.

But at this moment, everyone's body was emitting a misty starlight, and the more the light, the higher and higher they flew.

This beam of light covered everyone's bodies, and at this moment, the new talents of Longmen were all staring at Chu Qianye and his party. Their figures were flying higher, smaller, and more blurred.

Immediately, a group of people disappeared directly out of thin air.

The God Realm is vast, very vast and huge. In this vast world, countless gods run wild.

Since the birth of the God Realm, there have been quite a few years, a total of 240 quadrillion years. In these long years, various sects have been lined up. Under many disputes, the strong like clouds finally appeared. Nine **** emperors.

However, although there are many clans and sects, there are not many that can stand up under the impact of these years. The nine gods are one of the few groups, because of the help of these capable people and strangers. Large areas of the gods, thus forming a pattern of dominance.

Prosperity and decline are like the laws of heaven.

The nine **** emperors have an ancient heritage and will never decline!

The nine highest among the gods are the nine emperors of the gods.

The strength, power, and cultivation resources, under the Nine Emperors, are all lingering, and even fighting for the few cultivation resources, blood is flowing.

In the entire God Realm, there are nine great divine ponds, and these nine great divine ponds are divided into dense 800 ascending ponds. This appeared after the birth of the divine realm, and it cannot be destroyed and exists forever!

Because of the existence of the nine great divine ponds, the nine great divine emperors were born.

The importance of its **** pool is self-evident!

In an ascending pool of the Emperor Ming's sacred pool, there are ten super-strength armored warriors. They are surrounded by the ascending pool, and there are people to rotate every once in a while.

At this time, these people are talking boringly.

"It's so boring. It took only a few years for one or two people to ascend, but we have to wait here. The training resources for this reward are not as good as going out and practicing."


Everyone was discussing that the fog on the ground in the Feishengchi was actually rolling.

Those people stopped chatting immediately.

"There are ascendants!"

A soldier had an expression of excitement on his face.

The white mist rolled more and more, as if there was a flood dragon rolling in the ascension pool.

This ascending pond is said to be a pond, but it is very vast, with a distance of a million feet!

The scope of the white mist is constantly expanding, one hundred meters, kilometers, and ten thousand meters are still expanding!

"Hey, there are a lot of ascenders." Everyone said in excitement, startled.

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