Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1942: Join God

This is really evil!

Everyone's eyes widened, and their faces were unbelievable.

The female soldier stared wide-eyed, and she didn't recover for a long time.

As for Brother Xiao, looking at Chu Qianye at this time, it took a long time to get over, and he secretly marveled.

He has seen many geniuses, but breaking through two small realms in the ascension pool in a row is indeed unheard of, and you must know that Chu Qianye has also reshaped the soul realm! !

This kind of thing, when placed in the God Realm, almost does not exist, the black-clothed young man in front of him, this talent is also terrible, it is simply beautiful.

Chu Qianye felt this sense of oppression, and smiled secretly in her heart. If she absorbs the power of the gods again, this body will fall apart.


Chu Qianye exhaled a mouthful of turbid gas, he opened his eyes, the exercises stopped working, and the whole person flew Chu's beam of light, and then walked towards the shore.

There was a push back force behind him, which made him involuntarily reach the shore of the ascending pool.

Feeling the sense of restraint from the gods, that kind of extremely heavy space, made Chu Qianye feel a lot of suppression, that feeling was very terrifying, as if he was crushed under Wuzhi Mountain.



At this time, Longmen Shouzhong all came up.

Chu Qianye shook his head. With his current strength and means, he couldn't even teleport at all. In the ruins world, the feeling of being high in the sky no longer exists, and even walking now feels oppressed.

This teleportation is estimated to be able to be done after the Divine Emperor Realm.

As for the Divine King Realm, it can only be said that the speed has increased to the limit, and it cannot be teleported.

"Well, since you all know each other, then I don't talk nonsense. You can register with me now, do the registration of the gods." Brother Xiao said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

This kind of divine affiliation is actually just for the convenience of jurisdiction, but it did not have much impact on them.

"Dare to ask your lord, which **** emperor controls our area?" Chu Qianye asked.

Brother Xiao looked startled and looked at Chu Qianye in surprise.

"Oh, I know a senior in the God Realm. He once told the God Realm that there are nine emperors in the God Realm. The Feishengchi is under the jurisdiction of the nine emperors, and if you become a god, you will be under his control." Chu Qianye said quickly.

Then Brother Xiao nodded slightly.

"The area where we are now is under the jurisdiction of Emperor Ming. The gods you have entered are those of Emperor Ming. If you have the talent and strength, you can try to join the Guardian Army of Emperor Ming. You join, such as patrolling the commanding army, the management of the gods, as well as the city of gods and other various places." Xiao Ge said:

"Of course, you can also join the sect of the sect. As long as the Ming Emperor controls the power, it is allowed, and we will not block it. This is your freedom."

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and everyone's eyes flashed with brilliance.

In fact, there are still similarities with the market world.

"You have a good talent." Brother Xiao praised: "You don't know how many sacred stones and other cultivation resources you can save with that divine power infusion. How many people want to re-enter the sacred pool, there is no such opportunity. You have broken through two small realms in this ascension pool in a row. This is a great profit."

"If you are interested in joining our guardian **** pool, I can recommend you to see Master Wei Ming."

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly. He was naturally not interested in joining this. After all, he has a heavy responsibility. The most important task now is to understand the God Realm and improve his strength as soon as possible. This is the most important thing.

Moreover, Longmen Shouzhong followed him, so naturally he could not join these imperial forest army similar to the Profound Qi Continent.

If you drag your family around, you have to be responsible.

Not just for yourself.

"It is really rare for the market realm to have this kind of talent. Moreover, your soul realm is reshaped, and it won't take long, maybe 800 years, you will be able to reach the **** realm. This level is quite powerful. "Brother Xiao said.

Eight hundred years?

This time is too long. It is natural for other people to reach the God Realm, but it will not take so long at all.

But Chu Qianye didn't refute, just smiled faintly.

Brother Xiao said: "Follow me to become a god, and I will explain the basic situation of the gods to you clearly along the way. After all, I am your extraditioner."

Everyone followed him one after another, walking toward a temple with great momentum.

"However, according to the usual practice, you just arrived in the God Realm, you have to go to the God Mine to mine ore, and dig for ten years before you can leave. In addition to the God Mine, there are also the God Beast Farm, you can choose. It is relatively easy to slay the beasts and dig out and collect the cores of the beasts. However, it is not so easy to get in. After all, it is easier than mining. I don't know how many people want to go in after breaking their heads." Brother said:

"I am not responsible for these things, so I can't help you. Becoming a **** is my own business, and someone will come to lead you there. Of course, if you want to resist or escape halfway, you will be hunted down. !"

When he said this, his expression became serious.

Longmen's countless expressions were startled, obviously they didn't expect it to be like this. When they ascended to the God Realm, Chu Qianye didn't seem to tell them this.

But Chu Qianye gave them a relieved look.

People like Long Aotian and Xu Qing also didn't care.

Seeing this, the restlessness in everyone's heart finally weakened a lot.

Following Brother Xiao and the others, all the way straight to the temple, he soon arrived at a huge temple, heavily guarded all around, extremely strict.

Soon he entered the temple and went straight to a magic circle. There was already someone sitting there. She was a heroic woman with a white dress, a long sword and her hair like a cloud!

The number of people in Longmen was stunned at once, but for Chu Qianye, he saw too many women of this class, so he didn't have much attraction to him.

There is not much information about the divine book, mainly from what market realm, what its name is, plus a drop of blood, and then stamping a seal on a non-character heavenly book to issue a **** card.

The seal was very mysterious and disappeared quickly, and each of them could feel that if there was nothing, they had some kind of connection with the wordless heavenly book.

This feeling is very strange, and everyone is secretly strange.

"Okay, now your **** book has been completed, wait a moment, soon someone will pick you up to the mine." The woman said.

Arranged, go to the mine?

Desperate to dig the **** stone?

Longmen Shuzhong was somewhat reluctant.

The woman naturally looked at them with expressions.

Chu Qianye said, "Let's go hunting animals."

The voice is short and firm.

Everyone looked surprised, including the woman, she raised her head and stared at Chu Qianye with a sneer.

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