Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1964: Looking for the limit


Under a loud noise, the two war swords collided fiercely, and Chu Qianye slashed them out.

The man widened his eyes, looked at Chu Qianye, and sighed for a long while.

"You go up."

Then that strange space was removed.

Chu Qianye stepped out again.

Twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth,...

In this way, with the passage of time, the more places Chu Qianye swept toward the front, the steps under his feet became more and more shortened.

Qin Zhanxuan couldn't help feeling a gloomy expression as he watched as Chu Qianye was chasing him tightly.

In fact, Chu Qianye didn't chase him, he was just at a normal speed, so at such a normal speed, Qin Zhanxuan thought that Chu Qianye was chasing him, and couldn't help but feel so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

The two people always kept a certain distance. When the people below saw this scene, everyone had a look of surprise on their faces. They didn't expect that the speed of the two people was very similar, and Chu Qianye seemed to be following closely, as if biting Qin Zhanxuan firmly.

"Do these two people have hatred?" someone suddenly asked.

"I don't know, I shouldn't, but I feel that these two are so close, it seems that you are chasing me."

Everyone talked about each other.

Of course Qin Zhanxuan could hear these comments. He thought that Chu Qianye was deliberate, and deliberately opposed him, insisting on competing with him and fighting the male and female.

However, Chu Qianye really didn't think so much. He just wanted to enter the fourth epee tower as soon as possible. After all, his goal was the five epee tower, and now he has only reached the third level, his goal is still far away.

The third epee pagoda is really not so easy to break through. From here, it is to distinguish the difference between real genius and ordinary people. From here on, the cultivation of martial arts is important, but more important is the attainments of kendo. No matter how powerful, he can't enter that strange space. The martial arts cultivation can only deal with the strange space. But when it comes to the strange space, the sword spirit of each of them fights with the sword willpower and their swordsmanship.

Without these two things, no matter how powerful the martial arts cultivation base is, if it is defeated in the strange space, it will still be swept down and eliminated.

Therefore, in this situation, comparing the two, the willpower of the sword and the attainments of kendo are more important, and martial arts cultivation is second only.

Chu Qianye stared at the area directly in front of him, he did not stop, he was still moving forward, and at this speed, with the passage of time, he was getting closer and closer to Qin Zhanxuan.

In the end, the two were only one step away!

Qin Zhanxuan's expression was extremely ugly, and his eyes were dark. He felt that Chu Qianye was deliberate. Before Chu Qianye handed over the sacred stone, this guy must have a grudge in his heart, so he wanted to beat him in the breakthrough.

Chu Qianye didn’t know Qin Zhanxuan’s thoughts. He only knew that the seventieth step he was on was already very good, but it was always far from the fourth epee tower, and even the fifth epee tower. Out of reach.

Therefore, this achievement is nothing to him, and although his current oppression is strong enough, there is still something missing in the distance breakthrough.


Yes, it is the limit, a breakthrough point. Only when you reach the limit, at the moment when you think you can't rush forward, can you gain something and improve yourself.

As for now, it's still a bit worse.

Chu Qianye looked towards the area directly in front, he took a step, and Qin Zhanxuan's pupils suddenly shrank.

Two people, there is no gap now!

He looked at Chu Qianye, his fists clenched, and then he started desperately.

However, when he entered that area of ​​space and opened his eyes again, Chu Qianye had already stepped into the seventy-first step.

Opening his eyes again, Chu Qianye was stepping into the seventy-second ladder again.

He has been left behind by Chu Qianye!

Everyone's eyes widened, and they looked at the scene in amazement.

"He actually surpassed Qin Zhanxuan."

"It's rare."

"This guy is bullshit."


All kinds of comments were heard, and Qin Zhanxuan's expression finally turned gloomy. He stared at Chu Qianye's back with gloomy eyes, but it did not affect Chu Qianye's passage through the barrier.

The ninety-ninth ladder.

Chu Qianye opened his eyes, and then didn't look back at Qin Zhanxuan, stepped away, entered the hundredth ladder, and fought against the main soul.

Success, step into the fourth epee tower!

The corner of Qin Zhanxuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch suddenly, he looked at Chu Qianye's disappearing figure.

"Asshole, dare to be an enemy of Qin Zhanxuan, you don't know how to write death words!" His eyes were dark and he said coldly.

Chu Qianye naturally didn't know Qin Zhanxuan's thoughts, he had already entered the fourth epee tower at this time, and continued to search for the limit.

The oppression became more and more tyrannical, and the strength of the sword soul became stronger and stronger. When it came to the back, almost all of them fought fiercely, and some sword souls made him feel like a soul flying away.

Some of them didn't even make a move, but the two sides released the will of the sword and fought each other with will, without actually making a move at all.

Even so, it is still a terrifying contest.

Chu Qianye climbed continuously.

When Qin Zhanxuan came in, Chu Qianye was already standing on the fiftieth ladder.

Seeing the gap between Chu Qianye and himself, Qin Zhanxuan couldn't help but his eyes were gloomy. Chu Qianye had already lit the flames of war, at least in his opinion, Qin Zhanxuan.

Chu Qianye didn't care so much. He just wanted to break through and improve. This kind of limit still didn't appear, and he had no choice, so he didn't keep it afterwards, almost defeating the sword soul with one move.

The fourth epee tower, the ninetieth ladder!

Finally came the small limit that Chu Qianye thought was not too big, but Chu Qianye understood that the big limit he wanted should come soon. It was either the fourth epee tower or the fifth epee. tower!

Chu Qianye continued upward, upward...

The hundredth ladder!

Free of war!

Chu Qianye couldn't help being shocked, the main soul was exempt from the fight without taking a shot.

"Don't be surprised. Your record this way, I naturally understand what level you are. With me, I can't give you the limit you want, so I just let you enter the fifth epee tower. Can bring you real limits."

Chu Qianye glanced at each other deeply.

"Thank you." Chu Qianye bowed his hands and said.

"No, you won it."

When he finished speaking, Chu Qianye came out again. He stepped forward with the soles of his feet and entered the fifth dimension. At this time, Qin Zhanxuan, who was still on the sixtieth step, had his eyes jumped suddenly, and a murderous aura flashed across his eyes.

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