Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 940: Kindred information (five shifts)

"After I enter the Sixteenth Wilderness, I will settle down as soon as possible. At that time, the elite trained by Longmen can enter the Great Wilderness through a flying boat. It takes about six days to shuttle back and forth. The Dynasty depends on you." Chu Qianye Said.

"Boss, don't worry, I will do it properly." Qin Hu nodded gently.

"Well, that's fine, I believe you can do it well." Chu Qianye nodded, then looked at Ruan Kui, and said softly: "Now you are the Sect Master of Long Yunzong, you have to work hard to improve your strength."

Ruan Kui nodded slightly.

"You follow me."

Chu Qianye said lightly, I will teach you the essence of my kendo. Whether you can step into the transcendental realm or not is up to you.

Ruan Kui was overjoyed immediately.

This is a great opportunity. Now his kendo has been stuck in the great position of Dzogchen, and he is looking for an opportunity to break through. If he can step into the transcendent realm, it will be like a tiger and he will be able to stabilize his position in Longyunzong. .

Chu Qianye made him the Sect Master of Long Yun Sect. In fact, he felt incompetent. However, with the introduction of relevant provisions by Chu Qianye, the establishment of the Longmen Guards and the improvement of Longmen's overall strength, he gradually gained confidence.

If his kendo stepped into the transcendent realm, it would be simply perfect.

At this moment, Chu Qianye was standing on the wide area of ​​Longmen, standing with his hands held down, staring straight ahead.

Some elite dragons looked at Chu Qianye with excitement.

Chu Qianye's methods in the past few days are very iron and blood, killing Jun Qing, creating the Longmen Guards, collecting tributes, and ruthlessly suppressing opposition voices. These are huge changes.

In half a year, from the sixth stage of the Profound Realm to the eighth stage of the Earth Extreme Realm, this is a huge improvement, and a kick to explode the second-order powerhouse of the Celestial Realm has shocked many people.

Chu Qianye took out the war sword.

A genius like Ruan Kui doesn't need him to say much.

After taking out the war sword, Chu Qianye's entire breath receded, staring straight ahead, and took a deep breath.

Chu Qianye took a step forward on the soles of his feet, and his whole person was like a violent thunder. The war sword was quickly swept out in his palm, shocked like a violent thunder.


Seeing this scene, Ruan Kui's eyes flickered.

This kind of sword power changes from weak to strong, and it's still clean and not muddled!

Chu Qianye's war sword neighed, countless sword auras rushed out like rain, and fiercely passed through the void, causing the void to twist and faintly shatter.

The endless swords and shadows finally merged into one, and the fighting power was equal to the sky.

A huge crack appeared in the void, extending to the surroundings of the void, which was a hundred meters long.


Ruan Kui stared at Chu Qianye intently.

Soon Chu Qianye didn't stop, his soles continued to rush forward, and again, this time the sword aura was like rain, and it rushed out again, but this time the sword rain was stronger and more domineering, and more powerful.

Jianshi and Jianxin, the two are one!

Ruan Kui's heart was full of shock, because the sword auras and sword styles that Chu Qianye displayed seemed to be drawn by hand, without the slightest consideration, but each sword aura was very extraordinary, especially in terms of power. Invincible feeling.

At this moment, Ruan Kui finally knew what he lacked. What he lacked was sword power and sword heart, and even the energy to combine the two into one. Once he controlled this power, then his kendo might be able to break through again.

And Chu Qianye also put away the war sword at this moment, and no longer wielded it.

Ruan Kui's face showed an expression of enlightenment.

Seeing this, Chu Qianye didn't pay much attention to it.

That's all he can help Ruan Kui. To comprehend this kind of thing, he can only taste it, it is impossible to do it himself. Everything has to be controlled by himself.

Then Chu Qianye went to the Lingxiao Palace again and entered the visualization chart again.

No one dared to say nothing this time, because Chu Qianye was now the master.

Su Qi looked surprised, especially when she saw Chu Qianye, her heart was complicated. She did not expect that Chu Qianye would one day become the lord.

Old man Huo also sighed deeply. Chu Qianye used to only practice alchemy with him. At that time, there was still a huge gap between him and King Pill. Now Chu Qianye already possesses the strength of King Pill, which makes him feel very unreal.

"Oh, what a sigh," he said.

Mu Yilai on the side shook his head gently.

"I was also shocked. At that time, he was so weak that even a junior of the Li family could trample him to death. But now I can't tell. Although he has not stepped into the Celestial Realm, his strength is already comparable to that of the Celestial Realm. The warriors are evenly matched, and may even exceed this level."

The two sighed in their hearts.

And Chu Qianye entered the visualization map again.

This time is different. His martial arts cultivation and martial arts perception have been greatly improved, so when he visualizes that pair of visualization pictures, there is not much confusion in his eyes anymore, and some are just enlightenment. .

The reason why Chu Qianye decided to enter the Lingxiao Palace again and visualize this visualization was because he felt that this visualization was still helpful to him, especially those who killed the Dao, he had to seize any opportunities and possibilities. , Comprehend the killing and cutting the road, when you step into the celestial realm, everything will happen naturally, and entering the respect will become much easier.

Those elders are quite a little weird. More than half a year ago, Chu Qianye was a guest of the High Heaven Palace who entered here, but now he entered here as the prince of the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, making them a little booing. Endless.

Of course, the highest change in mentality was the palace owner of the High Heaven Palace. Fortunately, he helped Longmen, otherwise the current High Heaven Palace might not be able to obtain such a large living space.

The Reincarnation Sect and Ling Wuzong were almost going crazy, because Chu Qianye charged him with a huge tribute fee, which made those people very regretful, why didn't they help Chu Qianye at that time.

Chu Qianye looked at the visualization map. After an hour passed, Chu Qianye opened his eyes again, and there was no doubt about it.

"Thank you elders."

Chu Qianye said politely.

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"The Lord, this is what we should do."

Chu Qianye did not continue to stay, but returned to the Longmen.

According to what Chu Qianye said, these elites who were able to enter the Sixteen Great Wilderness were basically in the extreme realm of the earth, and Dragon Blade also left with them.

In other words, the current Longmen has left some elites and a large number of newcomers. They have to train these newcomers and enter the Ten Great Wildernesses together.


Chu Qianye summoned flying boats, two giant flying boats, a total of more than 600 people in the Dragon Gate, this will be a huge migration.

Except for the people who should stay, the rest of the people all got on the flying boat with Chu Qianye.

Two streamers swiftly swept in the direction of the dark blood domain.

Chu Qianye held the blood clan's various sub-temple information in his hand, and a sharp light shot in his eyes.

Kindred, it's time for you to pay the price!

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