Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 958: Annihilation of the blood


"Damn it!" The blood ancestor's face was gloomy, his blood marks were destroyed by Chu Qianye two, and the power of the big killing array suddenly weakened a lot.

Chu Qianye flicked his finger and called out the only two puppets on his body.

The third blood mark, destroyed!

The fourth blood mark, destroyed!

The fifth blood mark, destroyed!


Chu Qianye was very fast. He had already sensed the location of the nine blood marks before, so Chu Qianye barely thought about it now, teleporting to the blood marks one by one, his sword slashed out, and the extraordinary sword energy rushed out and ruined. Those blood marks.

He took a deep breath and slowly raised his eyes.

The war sword in his palm burst out in vain with a brilliant light, that kind of astonishing power, like a ruin, and everyone's face changed drastically.

He drank the second bottle of profound strength liquid, and immediately accelerated his body shape in vain.

When Chu Qianye destroyed the ninth blood mark, the blood-colored sky shrouded in the sky, the situation returned to clarity, and the heavens and earth reappeared.

The blood ancestor's face was gloomy to the extreme, and his greatest support was now destroyed by Chu Qianye. He couldn't help roaring, his feet slammed, his figure also rushed out quickly, and his speed skyrocketed to the extreme.


The blood ancestor swept in front of Chu Qianye, his palm flashed, a long knife was tightly held in his hand, and a terrifying evil aura burst out.

"This is Sha Wu Xuan Bing?"

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

"Hmph, you know the goods, this is the **** of demonized blood. It has followed me for many years. It has the terrifying power of destruction. It is enough to deal with you!" The blood ancestor grinned.

"Is it."

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

"You used to set up a martial arts big killing formation, now it's me."

Chu Qianye touched the sole of his foot, and the sword in his palm burst into light, and the profound energy in his body surged out frantically, condensing towards his long sword.


Chu Qianye teleported to the front of the blood ancestor, and the sword in his palm burst out in vain.

"Clang clang!"

Chu Qianye's shots were getting faster and faster, and his extraordinary sword qi shot after shot, as if he hadn't consumed the profound energy, and this situation also made the blood and Longmen people bewildered.

The blood ancestor was secretly surprised, Chu Qianye's extraordinary sword aura became more and more terrifying, and Yun Han's killing aura also madly erupted from the war sword, that amazing power became stronger and more domineering!

In the blink of an eye, Chu Qianye had already produced twenty swords. As soon as one sword fell, the second one followed immediately, and this crazy offensive made the blood ancestors vomit blood.

He underestimated Chu Qianye's strength, and now Chu Qianye seized the opportunity and began to fight back frantically.

Chu Qianye attacked, took out a bottle of profound strength liquid, and drank it again.

The blood ancestor's complexion suddenly became very ugly, and he was almost gone. His sage was completely helpless against an eighth-order junior in the extreme earth.

Seeing this scene, the people of the blood race suddenly showed a strange expression on their faces.

"Thirty swords."

"Thirty-one swords."

"Thirty-two swords."


With the passage of time, Chu Qianye's offensive has become more and more terrifying. This kind of attacking power aura surging crazily in the world, and many people's eye pupils can't help but violently beat.

It was too cruel, and the venerable was completely crushed and beaten. At this time, the blood ancestor was mottled with blood on his body, and he was no longer a venerable.

This blood ancestor deserved to be in the air for hundreds of years. Among the venerables he came into contact with, he was the strongest. He could restore himself through other blood qi, as long as there was blood qi in this area, then he could recover.

But it didn't matter, what he had was profound strength liquid. As long as he continuously used extraordinary swordsmanship suppression, flaws would always be revealed. Now the blood ancestors have gradually become somewhat unstoppable. As long as the skill is deep, the iron rod will be ground into needles.

Moreover, the current blood ancestor, the trend of depression has been formed, as long as he works harder, there will be no problem.

carry on!

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he continued to spur the extraordinary sword aura, his figure continued to rush out, and the extraordinary sword aura quickly rushed out of his war sword, and went straight to the blood ancestor, the monstrous sword Qi, full of the breath of killing.

The third bottle of profound liquid!

I have to say that this blood ancestor is indeed very powerful, he has used so many swords, this guy has not fallen, this is more powerful than ordinary venerables.

It seems that it has something to do with his cultivation skills, being able to continuously absorb these blood qi.

But now it's different. This old dog has gradually appeared inferior, and as the inferiority expands, he knows that he can't hold on, but he can't fight back at all now, and is almost killed by Chu Qianye.

"Go away!"

The blood ancestor shouted violently, and the long knife slashed out.


The swords collided fiercely, while the blood ancestor's body was slashed out by a sword, his body was stained with blood, his face was pale, and it seemed that he could not support it for long.


Chu Qianye hit the sole of his foot, and his figure rushed out. The power of killing fell out of the sword, and the extraordinary sword energy rushed straight toward the head of the blood race.


This sword gleamed like a **** swallowing the sky.

This sword was too abrupt, and the surge in power was almost twice as high as before, or even stronger!


The extraordinary sword energy rushed straight to the head of the blood ancestor, and finally fell into his head, but the blood ancestor's eyes widened, and he didn't believe it until he died. He actually died in the hands of a junior.


Chu Qianye's heart moved, and his body was collected into Lingjie.

At this moment, all the blood people woke up and wanted to escape, but Zhao Sange and others were already on standby and saw these people want to escape.


The elites of the Longmen rushed out one after another, and went straight to the blood clan, Chu Qianye also started.

To cut the grass to remove the roots, and if you want the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty to live in peace, then the blood must be removed, otherwise the future will be endless.

Xue Wutian's face was pale. When the blood ancestor died, his face was shocked and unbelievable. Just like that, the soul of the blood race died?

"Boom bang bang!"

Countless shadows rushed out one after another.

In this world, there are only screams. Those warriors who came to investigate the situation saw this scene in front of them, and their faces showed a touch of shock.

The blood clan, that is the overlord of the dark blood realm, was so bloodbathed?

And the blood ancestor, after becoming the venerable, was also killed?

Who is this person?

Countless thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, but after all, they didn't understand Chu Qianye's identity.

Longmen counted the crowds quickly, and countless figures fell to the ground from the void.

The blood clan was suddenly defeated.

Chu Qianye swept towards Xue Wutian, a little on the sole of his foot, swept in front of him, and immediately slapped out.

A figure flew out and stood in front of Chu Qianye.


Chu Qianye slapped it out with a palm.

"Please, please don't kill my son."

The fallen figure begged for mercy.

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