Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 985: Holy Yan News

The two embraced and kissed each other.

After a long time, the lips parted, and Wang Yuyan's face was already blushing, she dared not raise her head to look at Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

However, he did not continue to make the next move. Instead, in an embrace, he slowly told Wang Yuyan what he had done after leaving the Chiyun Dynasty, and Wang Yuyan leaned in his chest and listened carefully to Chu. Qianye whispered.

Although Chu Qianye lightly described her experiences over the years, she understood the hardships involved.

She listened very carefully and did not interrupt, like a little cat, quietly leaning against Chu Qianye's chest, slowly listening to him.

Wang Yuyan also told Chu Qianye about her experience over the years, and the two had a long chat.

Later Chu Qianye taught her Jieyin to enter the secret space.

When she saw the refining formation in the secret space, she finally understood that Longmen had many secrets of profound strength liquid in the recent period.

"This is the Spirit Gathering Formation. I set up the Spirit Gathering Formation in many places with strong profound energy. The profound energy is introduced into the Spirit Gathering Formation, and then the profound strength liquid is refined through the formation." Chu Qianye said.

Wang Yuyan nodded gently.

"Now that Longmen has entered the Sixteenth Wilderness, what are your plans next?" Wang Yuyan asked.

"I first find the Holy Flame of All Souls, and then refine the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill to save a benefactor’s sister, and then return to the Dragon Gate and try to develop the Dragon Gate to a level that can compete with the Soul Hunting Palace. If I Stepping into the Venerable Realm, then I may leave the Four Continents Wilderness and let Qin Hu and the others develop the Dragon Gate." Chu Qianye said.

Hearing Chu Qianye telling herself in such detail, Wang Yuyan suddenly showed a surprised look.

"I have nothing to hide from you. Tianqi can get better, thanks to the brother who gave the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill out. I owe him. This time I have to fulfill the promise of the gentleman. After entering the Venerable Realm, I fulfilled the promise I made to Li Ling. Within three years, I will go to Li's house once. Now that it has been almost a year, I cannot let her wait too long." Chu Qianye said .

Wang Yuyan was silent for a moment. She knew about Li Ling's affairs, and Zhang Tianqi had also mentioned to herself that three wives and four concubines of the strong on the Profound Qi Continent were too normal. When she heard Chu Qianye say this, she still felt It was a bit uncomfortable. After all, the man in front of me had a marriage contract with herself. Although she took the initiative to say that everything is going to happen, can she really do it?

But she also understood that Li Ling entered Chu Qianye's life earlier than her, so she knew that she had no right to interfere with Chu Qianye and Li Ling's affairs. Although she did not agree or support it, she could not object.

So, basically Wang Yuyan has acquiesced.

"If one day I was also in a dangerous situation like Miss Li, would you come to me at all costs to fulfill your promise for me?" Wang Yuyan asked suddenly.

"Yes." Chu Qianye focused his head and said, "You are all the most important women in our lives. I will not allow any of you to be hurt at all, nor will anyone move you!"

After receiving Chu Qianye's affirmation, Wang Yuyan looked startled, took a deep breath, revealed a faint smile, and received Chu Qianye's affirmative answer, Wang Yuyan suddenly raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a nice smile.


She put her arms around Chu Qianye's neck and dipped water on Chu Qianye's cheek.

Immediately preparing to leave, Chu Qianye smiled faintly, held his cheek in his hand, and then bowed his head heavily.


Wang Yuyan struggled, but Chu Qianye's palm climbed up the mountain.

She felt that the power in her body was taken away for a while.

There are only meaningless syllables in the mouth.

But Chu Qianye didn't go on to the next step, kissed affectionately, and then let go for a long time.

"This is the soul jade that I refined for you. As long as you have a crisis and crush the soul jade, I can rush to it in time." Chu Qianye took out a soul jade and gave it to Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan looked at the soul jade in her hand with a dazed expression. It took a while before she woke up. It turned out that he had been refining soul jade for himself. On the way there, she had seen Chu Qianye refining this soul jade, but She didn't know who Chu Qianye was going to give it to. When Chu Qianye hung the soul jade around her neck, she finally understood.

"Thank you," she said dumbly.

"What are we talking about? Thank you. You are my martial arts companion. It is a matter of course to refine soul jade for you. Moreover, any storm in the future will have me. As long as I am here, no one can hurt you! "Chu Qianye said.

"Yeah." Wang Yuyan snuggled into Chu Qianye's arms and said softly.

The two stayed in the secret space for a long time, and then Kieyin left.

There are still a lot of things to do now. Children’s affair, I have to let go for a while, otherwise he will see Wang Yuyan's affection, it is impossible for him to have no reaction or thought at all, but now he does not have that energy.

As soon as Chu Qianye left the secret space, a powerful perception swept across.

"Chu Qianye, Wan Ling Sheng Yan has news."

Before Chu Qianye resisted, a divine sound came into his mind.

Hearing these words, Chu Qianye suddenly flashed a strange light in his eyes. After waiting for so many days, he finally had his whereabouts.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

"But it's a bit troublesome to fight. Now I can't explain so much to you at a time. You come to me first, and I will let someone pick you up."

Then there was no aura of Yingyue dominating.

"What's the matter?" Wang Yuyan asked with concern when she saw Chu Qianye looking in the direction of Xizhou City.

"It's okay, an old friend asked me to enter Xizhou City." Chu Qianye said casually.

The relationship between Lord Yingyue and him cannot be known to too many people, especially before the catastrophe comes, he cannot easily reveal too much information, otherwise it will be very unfavorable for him, whether it is himself Who is around, this news can not be easily said, otherwise it will cause suspicion of others.

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Then Chu Qianye greeted Zhang Tianqi again and left by herself.

This matter can't be let too many people know, so he has to do it in secret.

Chu Qianye left the Longmen and reached a mountain peak.

He didn't worry that Yingyue's subordinates could not find him. With her vast magical powers, this matter was not too difficult.

Just as Chu Qianye thought, there was a sharp piercing sound soon, and a figure slowly appeared in front of Chu Qianye, carefully feeling the aura of the other party, Chu Qianye was suddenly surprised.

Breath of the Lord!

"follow me."

The other party glanced at Chu Qianye, then said.

Chu Qianye didn't ask much where he was going, and followed him closely.

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