Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1426: Demon War Halberd

The lake in Tianshoutan is boiling, and the lake in that camp is broken!

The endless mist surrounding it, under the trample of that three-legged monster Peng vision, has dispersed!

The scene presented at this moment is the three-legged monster Peng of Qingtian, spreading its wings for more than ten thousand miles, covering the sky and carrying the void hole above it!

And this void of nothingness is also the demon **** void!

It was the entrance to the ruins of the demon **** that the three-legged demon Peng Huang opened with the power of the Supreme Great Shore!

The light of God is revealed, accompanied by the countless rays of light!

At almost the same time, all eyes were focused on it!

The royal families have secretly prepared themselves!

In the east, after staring at the demon **** Xudong, the royal families, including the unicorn leopard, put their eyes on Ye Wushuang!

Their eyes are obviously less alert than they were previously despised!

The powerful Zerg can only escape by the means of this young human!

Bao Qiqi now cooks rabbits and dogs, let them come to deal with them!

"Sir, do you count the things you promised before?"

The Leopard patriarch asked tentatively.

After hearing that, Ye Wushuang's eyes also recovered, with a slight smile, and said, "You are now on the same front with the Shenmu clan and defeated the Zerg. With your credit and promises, naturally count!"

After that, Ye Wushuang turned his head to Qingsong Road: "Give up half of the place and give it to them!"


Hearing Ye Wushuang's words, the leopards and other royal families were shocked!

Ye Wushuang gave up so much!

They have the most estimates in their hearts, and they are also giving up one-tenth!

"What are you talking about?"

The patriarchs such as the Leopard tribe gazed at Ye Wushuang, and then glanced at the soldiers of the Shenmu tribe!

"Natural arithmetic!"

Ye Wushuang also signaled Qingsong!

Qingsong vaguely knew some Ye Wushuang's calculations, and gave up half of the place "generously"!

Seeing this, a group of patriarchs looked at each other and worshiped Ye Wushuang, and took the half of the fighters in their clan. As for how to allocate them, they left it to them!

Immediately, Ye Wushuang stared at the demon **** Xudong!

Like a cave in the sky!

"Her Majesty, the ruins of the kingdom of Yaopeng are sealed in it, but we cannot enter it. We can only wait for the turbulence in the space to bring the treasures out!

Qingsong was afraid that Ye Wushuang was unclear, so he said in advance!

Ye Wushuang also nodded his head. At the entrance of the demon **** Xudong, a kind of God's forbidden killing was set up, and Heavenly Supreme could not go up!

He already felt it!

At this moment, he also understands why the eight royal families will occupy the edge position at any cost!

The more it occupies, the greater the chance that the treasures that the demon gods spit out will fall into that area!

The more treasures you will get!

The demon god's virtual hole is shaking, and the exposed god's light gradually extends downward, like a beam of sky connecting heaven and earth!

Shining in the Celestial Pond is like shining on a huge diamond, reflecting the dazzling brilliance, Jingying Xuan * Wonderland is even more beautiful!

However, no one appreciates this beauty!

At this time, everyone's eyes are gathered there!


The three-footed demon Peng, who was on the mighty shore of the god, snarled and rushed into the demon god's virtual hole!

The howling voice is extremely unwilling and affects the mood of all the monsters!

As if the three-legged demon Penghuang is not willing to be reduced to the dowry of the kingdom of the corpse gods, with a monstrous hatred!

What awe-inspiring three-legged monster Peng Huang was at the time, killing the supreme god, the kingdom of God swept invincible, but was attacked by the kingdom of the corpse God after a great wound!

The deities fall, hate forever!

This mood, even Ye Wushuang frowned!

This is undoubtedly a wake-up call for him. It is small and can only be reduced to a foil. Only when it is constantly strong and without threat can it stand on top!

Yaopeng God Kingdom is very powerful, the median God Kingdom!

However, there are kingdoms of heaven, gods of all ages, and even more terrible existence!

Therefore, it still can only be reduced to the background of history!

And heaven is the same!

If you don't want to play, you must be strong!

He Ye Wushuang must also be constantly strong to keep everything!


After the three-legged demon penguin rushed into the demon god's virtual hole, the throughput was even more violent!

A terrifying space storm rushed out of it, blowing all the beasts into the sky!

锵 ——

The sound of metal trembling sounded in the devil's virtual hole!

A dazzling beam of skylight rushed out along the storm, like a huge pillar of God descending from the sky!

It seemed like the world couldn't bear it, and shuddered!

The whole world is shrouded in a god's killing!


The horror spreads in all directions, rushing to countless demons, many of the nearby strongmen were directly suppressed, kneeling on the ground, unable to move, and many demons were directly wiped into blood mist, terrible!

嘭 嘭 嘭 ——


The endless vicissitudes cannot bear this unparalleled breath, and it bursts and explodes, and the impact reverberates, as if it were extinct!

Even Ye Wushuang was lifted off, backed up by dozens of miles, and blocked by eternal guardianship!

And beside him, countless figures were rushed back!

Demon soldiers, soldiers of true gods, all breath is invincible!

"Oh my god, that's a demon soldier, it's born!"

Looking at the pillar of God, the eyes of the powerful men of the eight royal families are surging with an extreme madness!

It is a long and powerful demon war halberd, bathed in the light of killing the halberd, the silver light of the gods!

A three-footed demon pendant lingered on it, howling and screaming, forming a powerful divine mask!

Just like a huge world enveloping that Great Halberd!

Demon War Halberd!

It is the demon soldier of the demon Penghuang, the demon **** war halberd!

Suddenly, countless loudly exclaimed, ecstatic and excited!

"The demon **** halberd is my Sirius royal family!"

Among the Sirius royal family, a supremely powerful man has taken the lead and rushed to the past, grabbing the "evil **** halberd" with a huge palm!


That palm touched the mask!

A wave of killing waves emerged from the hood, and the palm was worn away a little!

"Do not--"

A scream screamed from the mouth of the Supreme Sirius, killing the waves and spreading his body into nothingness, leaving no trace at all!

This is the power of the gods!

Just by being imposing, you can destroy the Supreme, like ants, and be killed!

Seeing this scene, those strong men who had rushed forward also stopped abruptly, and their complexions instantly turned pale!

"Boom off the captive god!"

Among the royal demon lords, there are seven or eight superb figures!

Among them are the figures of the Supreme Supreme, who stood on the sky and evolved a huge body of the sky demon.

All bang on the hood!

"Boom it!"

The other royal families also quickly began to bombard the God hood!

Roar roar--

Three-footed demon Peng growls ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Shenwei resists!

However, this divine power is just a breath that can't stop countless supreme turns attacking, and the divine cover also fades!


The monster young man standing on the mountain bag moved and stepped out of the air!

At the same time, Ye Wushuang took out a mask belt and moved it instantly!

Cast the golden **** feather, step on the seven steps against the dragon, and rush to the demon **** war halberd!

The other strong royals also knew that God's killing had been melted a lot, and they rushed up!

"The demon **** war halberd, the demon royal family has decided. Whoever dares to grab it will kill it!"

The Seven Heavenly Demon Supremes on the sky form a wall, blocking Ye Wushuang and so on!

And the demon young man rushed forward to the demon **** halberd, no one blocked!

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