Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1770: Invitation to Death Emperor's Veins!

"Isn't that the little girl in the vein of Death Emperor?"

An old man immediately recognized the three cloud dancers!

Not only him, but the strong men of the Emperor's veins saw it. The old girl with white hair and pigtails in front of the crowd stared at the girl who turned around, suddenly staring with a beard, almost no anger on the spot!

You little girl, so you do n’t want to come to the emperor's grave market, you sneak up again, this is to lick the pulse of the dead emperor!

Seeing the expression on his grandpa's face, Yun Wu directly spit out his tongue, and even made him angry, his beard flying!

"Brain Master, that is, the blood killer of the human race who killed Young Master!" One side of the grave war pulse pointed at Ye Wushuang and said to the grave war pulse master.

Listening to this, the anger and killing in the eyes of the host of the grave war broke out completely!

The elder of the Death Emperor's veins also turned his eyes to Ye Wushuang, and for a moment, he felt a threat of blood in Ye Wushuang's body!

Worthy of Chaos Emperor Blood!

He said secretly in his heart!

"Xiaowu, how did you get here?"

Beside the elder of the Emperor's Pulse, an old man couldn't help asking Yunwu again!

"Grandpa, let me play here!"

Yun Wu shouted softly, that arm was holding her little white jade horse, as if letting her breathless, immediately found a little head, and looked at the distant figure with curiosity!

"That is……!!"

Among those figures, a strong man had sharp eyes and pointed directly at the little white jade horse in Yun Wu's arms. He almost didn't jump up!

Three-pulse powerhouses and other race powerhouses also stared away, their pupils shrinking.

"That's a market beast!"

One person exclaimed his name, and more powerful men rushed forward a few steps excitedly, staring eagerly at the little white jade horse!

There are really market beasts!

The legend really is not fake, the market beast really exists in the world!

A long time ago, the dead emperor left a legend that there are footprints on the market in the emperor's grave, and these footprints are represented by market beasts, very mysterious existence!

For the souls in the emperor's grave, what the market is and whether it exists is unknown. The market spirit can't be said, let alone exist!

Therefore, many strong people think they are fake!

But now appeared in front of them, and was also obtained by a little girl!

Looking at the crowd, Yun Wu quickly hugged Xiaobai Yuma and turned to her side. It seemed as if she was saying, this is mine, what are you doing?

The strong men in the Death Emperor's vein are also very concerned about Yunwu. While these people are excited, they have come directly to Yunwu!

Seeing the strong in the vein of the Emperor of Death, those strong will instantly cover up the excitement!

The Death Emperor's Grave Alliance is precisely the main vein of the Dead Emperor's veins, which inherits the blood of the Dead Emperor. It belongs to orthodox, and the leader of the Emperor's Grave, every race who comes here is afraid of it!

Those who knew the identity of Yunwu directly eliminated many unrealistic thoughts in their hearts, because Yunwu was the heir to the blood of the emperor. In other words, the ancestor of Yunwu was the emperor of death!

"Xiao Wu, have you entered the emperor's grave again?"

The old vein owner of Tianxu Yimai also knows Yunwu and asks with a smile!

Yun Wu nodded his head and said, "Grandpa, I'm going to find a pony. I finally found it today!"

When this little white jade horse was very young, she came here to see it!

At that time, she liked it very much. She chased into the market of Emperor's Grave, but she stepped in and was captured by her grandfather. She always missed it!

"Xiaowu, haven't you encountered anything strange at the Emperor's Tomb?"

Tianxu old pulse asked with a smile.

Almost every strong man listened with ears. The shocking changes in the past were definitely caused by the emperor's tomb, but they were curious, what happened?

Before waiting for the death emperor to speak, Yun Wu wondered, "No, it's beautiful inside?"

There was no concealment in that confused look, every strong man understood it, this girl could not pretend!

But nothing changed, but they puzzled them!

They also prepared to ask, but were stopped by the elders of the dead emperor's veins. "You, the ruins of the emperor's grave are weird and unpredictable, and they don't think they have gone deep. They should not know. People go in, if you don't want to, then please leave! "

With that said, the elder of the Emperor's veins looked at Ye Wushuang, and on Ye Wushuang's forehead, there was a peculiar mark, which was not before!

This point, even Ye Wushuang did not find out!

However, after seeing the death emperor's veins, he felt a huge wave in his heart and said to Ye Wushuang, "Can the son move to the death emperor's veins?"

"Brother Ye, go to my house. My house has a lot of market power!"

Cloud Dance also invited!

Ye Wushuang glanced at the group of people in front of him, knowing that if he didn't find a chance to leave today, the trouble would continue, and he nodded!

Immediately, the elder of the emperor's veins directly opened a door, and the people with the vein of the emperor's veins entered into it!

The master of the tomb war originally wanted to take the opportunity to kill Ye Wushuang!

However, the strong man of the death emperor's vein has been invited, and he can only hold back temporarily!

When the people of the Death Emperor left, the surrounding strongmen also left the canyon, and none of them stepped in, but shortly after all the strongmen left, countless figures got out of the void and stepped in. Emperor's Tomb!

Only after crossing the canyon, these figures turned back again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A blood hole was added to the body, fell in front of the canyon, and was completely dead!

"What exactly is going on?"

"Why are all three of them entering okay, and all of us entering are dead?"

Tianxu Laomaizhu stared at those powerful men who rushed out and died in the void, all puzzled, this is weird!

Not to mention him, I'm afraid Ye Wushuang is here, and weirdly secretly!

The weirdness of this emperor's tomb is too much!

The people who followed the dead emperor's vein entered the emperor's grave, which is the place where the three major veins live, and also the place where the heavens and earth are transported!

"You must be the emperor of Kyushu heaven?"

The Emperor of the Dead Emperor asked Ye Wushuang with a smile, but his eyes were directed at Ye Wushuang's face!

Ye Wushuang thought that the other party was recognizing his identity, and was comparing with the former Pangu Emperor and Xuanyuan Emperor!

Ye Wushuang nodded his head and said, "Kyushu Ye Wushuang!"

"It turned out to be Emperor Ye!" The elder of the Emperor Dead looked at Ye Wushuang's calm and calm expression, and nodded his head. Ye Wushuang was so calm, not pretending, so surely the other party was not afraid of them

"Ye Huang, the old man is the elder of the dead emperor's veins, and he doesn't have any trouble, so he wants to ask Ye Huang about the emperor's grave market?"

Having said that, the elder Emperor of the Dead Emperor seriously asked: "Who did Ye Huang meet at the Emperor's Tomb? Or did he get anything?"

Ye Wushuang's eyes narrowed, looking at the old man, he seemed to know something!

After thinking for a while, he didn't conceal, and said, "I met a farmer and gave me an iron seal. Why did the elder ask this?"


Iron stamp?

Hearing these two words, the elder shook his body and knelt directly at Ye Wushuang!

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