The Eriyi incident has finally come to an end and has entered into the finishing work.

For breakfast, I had brown sugar steamed buns with pure milk. For dessert, I had a small portion of golden cake bought from the China Street next door. The texture was chewy and sweet but not greasy, making it a good snack.

Riding on the highway of the commercial street using the Red Rabbit Horse

A day's travel subverted Eri's understanding, but it was not enough. Madamada, whether it was the sun rising from the cracks in the office building to illuminate the stone road in the early morning, or the croquette vendor who started selling croquettes in the early morning. A warm wave, or the running posture of an office worker whose body is out of shape while rushing to catch the last subway train before being late.

Ritsuka was probably used to it. She had lived in this ordinary world for a long time, long enough for her to blend into the scroll without being out of place.

But after all, this was the first time he saw Eri, and he was fascinated by the atmosphere at this moment, so Ritsuka deliberately aggrieved the horse beneath him and rode a little slower.

The two of them were now on their way to Genji Heavy Industries, hanging on the handlebar was the pickled rice ball that Ritsuka specially brought for Genji.

Minamoto didn't have any objections to the food, as long as he had it, but after all, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who had brought Erika to plead guilty, still thought of a lot of ideas, so she got up early in the morning and set up the kitchen, and asked Miss Sakura to prepare it. Most of the process, and then asked Eri to make a few rice balls.

Yes, this is a love lunch from my sister.

If it weren't for me, Fujimaru Ritsuka, would it be possible for the boss, Monkey, to have such an honor? So the boss will forgive me no matter what he says - Ritsuka thought in his heart, but the squeaking sound of the bicycle wheels sounded like the gurgling water of the Styx, which was scary to hear.

Will you forgive me?


"Huh? The boss didn't come to work?"

When Ritsuka arrived at Genji Heavy Industries, the first person she spoke to was none other than Ms. Miyamoto at the front desk. The decent and polite woman was wearing a professional white suit. She placed her hands a little above her belly and smiled politely, but the content behind her words left Li Xiang stunned.

"Yes, Patriarch Yuan's secretary specifically asked the Liaison Department to notify all departments today about Patriarch Yuan's absence today."

"Miss Sakura?"

With her hands on the front desk, Ritsuka was a little puzzled, while Eri stood behind Ritsuka holding her small notebook, looking at the people who were looking over her from time to time, and then staring at them expressionlessly. Others waved as if to say hello.

Most of the employees directly made a fright judgment, bowed 120° in flattery, secretly said that a meteorite was about to fall, and hurriedly ran away from the scene.

"If Miss Sakura knew about it, why would she let me go to Genji Heavy Industries?"

Ritsuka didn't care about the commotion behind him, but instead began to fall into deep thought.

"About this matter-" At this moment, Miss Miyamoto interrupted the girl's thoughts.

"Commissioner Yabuki Sakura also told us that if there is anything that needs to be reviewed, please leave it to the director of the Executive Bureau."


"With the tacit consent of the other family heads, as the director of the Executive Bureau, Miss Lixiang, you have the right and obligation to be responsible for all the family's foreign affairs, as well as the internal task review, in a sense."

Miss Miyamoto smiled politely.

"I'm the acting master. That's great. I'm secretly telling you here. In fact, many people in the family are looking forward to such a day."


Ritsuka was stunned.

At that moment, thousands of sparks of red light traveled through the universe and fell into the earth, setting off waves of dust and tearing apart the earth's crust, plunging the world into darkness as people cried out in grief.

Delegate power? No. Is this plagiarizing my labor?

Ritsuka was shocked.

The reason why I say this is because of the current situation of mixed race in Japan.

The Executive Bureau only had a short busy period after the destruction of the Meng Ghosts. It was used to deal with some of the excessive remnants of the Meng Ghosts and eliminate their strongholds in Japan.

But this matter itself is actually not that difficult. After all, there are not many fierce ghosts left who are still alive and have not been instigated to rebel. Ritsuka himself, as the director of the executive bureau, will only act when extremely dangerous hybrids appear. Taking action, the difficulty of the job is simply heaven and earth compared to when Yuan Zhisheng was the director before.

On the other hand, looking at Yuan Zhisheng, the fierce ghosts are originally tumors that have taken root on the entire island nation. Once they take over this mess, they will have to pay a considerable price to cure it. It will also take time and energy to annex this huge prey.

And it was precisely the busyness caused by this change that was so big that day on the Tokyo coastline that even the small police station knew that the Japanese underworld was undergoing a huge change, and used it as gossip.

All in all, Yuan Zhisheng worked overtime until he suddenly died.

Although most paperwork must be reviewed by Miss Ying, this man's stubborn character made him have to go through the first trial. This caused him to deal with too many tasks that he was not good at. His pig brain was overloaded, and his body had long been accumulated. A lot of exhaustion.

This coma and fracture, in a sense, loosened the bones and spirit of this dead child.

But Li Xiang became the scapegoat.

Summoning from the top?

What kind of sacrificial style of play?

Ritsuka sighed helplessly, lamenting that people's hearts were not as old as before, and at the same time had no choice but to accept the task, and took Erika back to her room in Genji Heavy Industries.

The girl's room is deep in the building, on the ξ floor.

After getting off the elevator, there was a long, long branch road, and a long way to go, and finally arrived at a silver-white door without any markings.

Ritsuka just walked towards the card reader, and it began to automatically scan the girl's face.

"verification failed."

Of course, it was impossible for Minamoto to allow Ritsuka to enter this level to see Eri, and he had the foresight to guard against the girl.

It's just that he took great precautions and didn't prevent Eriki from running away from home, and he happened to meet the most unexpected person in the entire Genji Building.

The owner of the room took a step forward now.

"Verification passed, allowed to enter the ξ layer, welcome back, Miss Eriyi."

Kaguya's mechanical voice sounded, and the silver door opened with a bang, in sharp contrast to the director of the executive bureau in front.

The director of the Executive Bureau looked on coldly.

Tsk, sooner or later I'm going to add a few more backdoors to this program.

Ritsuka thought this way as she walked in the empty corridor holding hands with Eri. There was a faint smell of formalin floating near her nose, giving people the feeling of being in a hospital, which was a bit scary.

All the doors are cast from hard black metal, and various "danger zone" and "no entry" signs are posted on the walls. The room was filled with all kinds of first aid equipment, from the simplest oxygen tanks to things that most people would never think of, such as blood filtration vehicles, cardiac resuscitation machines, high-pressure thrombolysis pumps, angiography X-ray machines, and linear accelerators worth millions of dollars. Large medical equipment.

When Ritsuka looked at those things, they were actually not unfamiliar. She had once seen the dream of her schoolmate Mashu because of the resonance between the master and the servant. Naturally, she was no stranger to medical equipment. She even felt an inexplicable sense of déjà vu. feel.

And Eri Yi next to her looked at the medical equipment as if she were looking at the sofa at home, and her face relaxed.

Every time I breathe, I feel like I'm "going home."

Sure enough, Eriyi suddenly stopped.

Then the girl spread her hands seriously, taking a few steps forward like a MC player introducing her home to a friend, and pointed to the door of her home.

At the same time, the light changed from red to green, twelve safety bolts made a soft "click" sound at the same time, the 20 cm thick carbide door slowly opened, and the fresh scent of white sandalwood hit the face.

Ritsuka looked inside. Behind the gate was a large, old-fashioned wooden house, which looked like a foreign stereotype of Japanese people.

In the long walkway, the ground was paved with wooden planks, and there were wooden sliding doors on both sides. Candles were lit behind the sliding doors, and the warm candlelight cast lattice shadows on the two of them.

In the middle of the room is a kotatsu table.

There are not many decorations on the plain white walls, only three statues hanging on them, namely Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi and Susano'o. Amaterasu stands in the sunshine, holding a Yasaka kotama; Tsukuyomi stands under a dark full moon, holding a Yata mirror; Susanoo is a male god, showing the face of a boy, holding a Japanese mythology The ultimate divine sword "Tian Congyun" stands on the corpse of the eight giant dragons.

Apart from these three statues, there are no other decorations in the living room. You can't even find the flower arrangements that are common in Japanese homes. There is no furniture. There are neatly hung miko costumes in the open closet. Eriki walked into the inner room to change clothes without closing the door. The interior was of the same style, except that the kotatsu table was replaced by a bed on the floor. The only thing that can be used for "enjoyment" is the huge LCD TV, which is connected to a ps3.

The girl put on the miko uniform as if she were changing into pajamas. When she was done, she walked towards her MP3 player and looked back at Ritsuka with an indifferent expression on her face, but Ritsuka understood what she meant.

"No, although I really want to play, I still have work." Ritsuka went up and touched Eriyi's head, rubbing the dark red hair as if petting a cat, while Eriyi squinted her eyes. Enjoying it, his brows jumped after the girl finished speaking.

The girl took out her little notebook, maybe she had fallen out of habit. Although she could speak, she didn't seem to like talking.

[Ritsuka talks like her brother. 】


Such heart-wrenching words, the corner of Lixiang's mouth twitched, thinking to herself, that's not it. He has become the acting master of the family. After all, he was forced to wear a yellow robe and ascend to the throne of power.

The girl sighed, continued to stroke Eri's head, and murmured.

"Yeah, so."

Ritsuka lowered her head and looked at Eriki with a flirtatious smile.

"When I am also blinded by the throne of power, Eri will come to save me."

【good. 】

Eriki nodded seriously, and even Ritsuka didn't notice at that time.

Obviously, for Ritsuka, that was just a joke to fool him——

But this stupid girl will always remember her in her heart.

Bury one hand, whether it will be used later is another matter. ()

By the way, I just realized, why do I, as an author, have to pay to see my chapters? How can it be repaired? Unblock me!

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