Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 171 How many people, how many people are there! (Half annoyed


The soft cushion greeted the girl's fall again, sinking into a terrifying arc, and Ritsuka didn't know how many times she had to accept her failure.


The girl covered her eyes with her forearms, and the light, as golden as wheat ears, fell on her crystal sweat beads. The light circulated in an arc and slowly sank.

Putting her hands aside, the girl took a deep breath and sat up again, then slowly got off the cushion and walked towards the starting point. In the process, she glanced at the height of the bar at this time.

Two meters.

Very tall, but also very short.

It is said to be high because the women's high jump world record is 2.09 meters. This record was set by Bulgarian athlete Kostadinova on August 30, 1987. It is currently one of the longest-lasting world records in track and field events.

This record is actually somewhat exceptional, because female athletes who can reach more than two meters are already the pinnacle of this field in modern times.

If you say it is short, then of course it is extremely short.

For hybrids, human physical world records are basically meaningless. Leaving aside the C-level hybrids and B-level hybrids, the excellent A-level hybrids are enough to open a huge gap with humans. As long as they are stuck If the people at our college were willing, their freshman students would be enough to set all the world records.

Two meters? Even if it is three meters, it is not difficult for an A-level hybrid.

For S-level hybrids and emperor-level hybrids, that can almost be said to be a joke.

A monster hybrid that can break the sound barrier with its physical body. If it wants to, it can jump up like a superhero who has been exposed to too many gamma rays, jumping directly from the ground to the top of a residential building, even ten floors high. Down.

And for such a mixed race, two meters is naturally a bad joke.

But why is Fujimaru Ritsuka so embarrassed and even sweating?

the answer is--

"This thing given by the Inuyama family master is really useful."

The girl tugged on her sportswear, looked down at the wristband on her hand, and panted violently. In a hot city like Fuzhou, July is coming, forget about basketball, the girl must wear this when she jumps high. She naturally has her reasons for growing things.

Do you still remember the gifts that the head of the Inuyama family sent by water transport long before arriving in China?

Of course, that was not a random move. Given that the Inuyama family's seat would be given to the director of their executive bureau, it was naturally not a "Tamazozen Club VIP for one year" membership card.

Rather, they are crystallized creations of dragon technology—alchemy tools.

As discussed by Ange and Ritsuka before, although the words spirit cannot be passed on to different hybrids, if it is stored in alchemy tools by injecting the living spirit of the hybrids, it can exert a similar effect to [Word Spirits]. Spirit]'s [Alchemy Field].

The alchemy tool in Ritsuka's hands initially seemed to come from a certain era in Japan when alchemy technology was strong.

It was not uncommon for royal hybrids of that era to ask the alchemists of the time to seal their living souls into alchemy tools after death. This was even common in the world of hybrids.

In order to kill dragons, humans are even willing to sacrifice virgins to ferocious dragons. This level of self-sacrifice is considered lightly.

Most of the speech spirits of emperor-level hybrids, or S-class hybrids, are very powerful, and they are likely to inherit the speech spirits related to the characteristics of "kings".

For example, Ritsuka's [Oracle], Minamoto's [Kingdom], Master Yue's [Black Sun], Ange's [Time Zero], and Eri's [Judgment] are basically not words that the next generation can control. spirit.

Coincidentally, the alchemy tool Ritsuka got was the alchemy field contained in it, which was the spirit of speech that Minamoto had inherited.


It’s natural to understand this, right?

This alchemy tool was passed on to Inuyama Ga by Angers.

S-class hybrids possess excellent physical fitness that exceeds that of any creature in the world. On this basis, all exercise equipment created by humans seems so weak.

Although the equipment department can also develop training tools that are enough for the principal to warm up, Angers himself will be angry if a large amount of money is spent on such a place and delays the research of dragon-slaying weapons.

But this old monster who has hated the Dragon Clan for hundreds of years will eventually try his best to improve himself, so the problem will naturally return to its original point——

Is there something that doesn't require a lot of financial resources and can help hybrids develop their physical abilities?

The answer is still alchemy tools.

Angers bought it at an auction that year. Its name has been lost, but its function was discovered and used to torture prisoners.

Yes, torture the prisoner.

This is actually a torture device, to be more specific——

These are not wristbands at all, they are handcuffs.

The person who uses this alchemy tool will be crushed by the huge gravity pressure in an instant. Just standing still will have to bear a drop equivalent to [Word Spirit. King Power].

Although it is not as good as the boss Yuan who is full of firepower, Ritsuka is willing to call it——

[Dragon Ball Style Portable 100x Gravity Chamber]!

For a little monster like Ritsuka, with the help of this set of alchemy tools that are comparable to Dragon Ball's 100 times gravity training room, Ritsuka's physical abilities have been suppressed to the level of ordinary people, and they can even withstand greater stress than ordinary people. pressure.

When walking, you need to use foot pumping skills to ensure that you don't trample the floor tiles. You also have to try to avoid everyone to avoid collisions. Even if you fall from a high jump, you need to use force reduction skills to avoid falling directly into the playground and leaving a deep hole. .

The final result is this two-meter-high thin pole, which is almost the same level of difficulty as the Salmon Jumping Waterfall that Teacher Scathach dragged by his ears to learn in the Kingdom of Shadows when he was an ordinary person.

The moment the two meters crossed, let alone a salmon leap——

I'll fly over to the Kingdom of Shadows for you!

Unfortunately, from receiving this gift to adapting to it, to setting aside time every day after school to practice high jump as Ritsuka and Yabuki Sakura said, Ritsuka has not been able to successfully cross the two-meter mark.

But it doesn't matter.

Failure is something I have become accustomed to, and at this height, even if people are watching, it will not cause a commotion.

Li Xiang had everything figured out and planned to train until she was kicked out by the janitor of Shilan Middle School.


The girl took steps again.


"Hahahaha, Mr. Anger, as you said, this classmate Fujimaru Ritsuka is simply the lucky star of our school!"

The elegant man with eyes and a fat belly was holding a portfolio in his hand. He slapped the back of his hand on the roll of paper with an uncontrollable smile and pride on his face.

"Be it academic performance, personal image, subjective initiative, leadership ability, and even physical ability, they are all in the best state advertised by model students." The man trembled with excitement.

"The last student I saw like this was Chu Zihang. I have exchanged education experiences with his parents countless times. I never expected that I would find such a diamond under the recommendation of Mr. Angers."

"There's nothing surprising about this, Mr. Principal." The old man known as Angers turned his back to the excited man. The old man was still wearing his sexy black suit, as if he was ready to mourn at any time. Preparation, but also like praying stubbornly to the old friend all the time.

Angers faced the blood-red color of the setting sun, his blue pupils as bright as fire at the moment.

"She's been great."

"Yes Yes Yes!"

"So I hope you can prepare a suitable stage for her. Also... I heard there is a basketball game this week, right? I asked my secretary to buy me a plane ticket for today just for this reason."

"Hey! Are you still paying attention to this?"

"It's just a coincidence. Can you prepare a seat for me? It doesn't have to be in the front row."

"Of course, of course!"

The conversation between the principal and Ange was clearly a back and forth between you and me, but no matter how you listened to it, there was a sense of panic that the elder was repeating it softly and the younger one was sincerely frightened.

Obviously that was the principal of Shilan Middle School, the largest private aristocratic college in Fuzhou.

But the man just looked nervously at the background of Angers, waiting for the next step.

But from now on, the man has not turned to look at him, but has been looking out from the office window, not knowing what he is looking at.

And just when the principal was feeling a little impatient, Angers finally spoke.

"She and Chu Zihang will both become students in Kassel, okay." The principal of Shilan Middle School couldn't see clearly Ange's expression. He only knew that the man's voice was a little hoarse, with a hint of deep trance.

The curves on Ange's face were rare and soft. He looked at the girl under the setting sun. After a long time, he closed the curtains to block the crimson falling in the sky. He turned to look at the principal of Shilan Middle School.

"Excellent, outstanding student."


"Miss, you went back very late today."

"Well, there is Chu Zihang's basketball game this weekend. I spent some time studying the rules of the basketball game." The Mercedes-Benz S500 was parked at the entrance of Shilan Middle School, like a mobile presidential suite, attracting envious looks from the people around it.

Su Xiaoqiang was wearing DKNY and leaned on the car window with her elbows. Her fair skin was exposed to pitiful redness due to being squeezed for too long. Reflecting the whiteness of the ceramics, the girl just looked at the car quietly. window, his words seemed careless.

"Is it almost time to drive? After all, I have prepared dinner at home. It is all your favorite food. It will be cold if you leave late."

"Hmm" The wind traced back under the mottled tree shadows and passed through Su Xiaoqiang's long hair. In the dusk world, the girl turned around and had a smooth and beautiful face.

She finally spoke.

"Then drive."


Su Xiaoqiang took his hand back and rubbed his sore elbow with an incomprehensible tone.

"I also saw some good things."


The reinforced concrete has been coated with a layer of gold sand. From a distance, it looks like a group of civilized monuments. The red flames that are about to be extinguished are dazzling. Walking on the road is like being in the center of a bleak but glorious palace, with purple cabbage and blue. The hair on the murals is full of noble colors.

The graceful elder sister climbed on the top of the building, holding a long black rod-like object in her hand.

Oh, that's not a sniper rifle;

【Didi. 】

"Didi, what is Didi? Sister is looking at beautiful women. Potato chip girl, please stop making such nonsense."

The tall sister with a super figure adjusted the device in her hand, clicked and took a photo. After pulling her head away slightly to confirm the picture, she nodded and continued to shrink back.

At the same time, a woman's angry voice came from the eldest sister's headset.

【What do you mean, you have long legs! You're watching, but I'm not watching. It's not like you haven't started the live broadcast. Zero and I are watching from the hotel! 】

[I have been staring at you for too long, so I would like to remind you not to be turned off by Guda. 】

"Tsk." Mai Shutori wanted to retort after being scolded, but she didn't know where to start, so she simply smacked her lips and looked away from the camera, muttering unhappily.

"I finally learned from Wenchun Weekly and bought the most advanced equipment, but I have no way to read it. Isn't this bullying people and a waste of money?"

[You are right, but the boss said you disturbed him to watch the live broadcast, so shut up. 】



The whistle of September echoed with the heat of the city, forming an extremely hot and disgusting suffocation. The girl with chestnut hair and black eyes stopped on the sidewalk, and the light hit the fence of Shilan Middle School, forming a square shape. The square shadow fell on the girl's white skin.

The girl didn't know when she started, but her hand was placed on the ribbed dark green fence.

When she exerted her strength subconsciously, the originally neat iron net became distorted, and the sudden cracks formed strange vortexes. At a certain moment, the girl suddenly came to her senses and let go of her hand in a panic.


The girl bit her lower lip tightly with silver teeth. The red lips that were originally as soft as jelly now glowed with a hollow color. In her deep black eyes, even the bloody setting sun burning the sky was swallowed up.

She didn't know how, but she suddenly lowered her arms as if she had lost her strength, and then murmured softly.


"What bad luck."

The girl's thick-soled sneakers brushed against the gravel-covered tiles, her slender white legs rippled with a gentle breeze, and the figure in the setting sun gradually moved away with her back to the setting sun.

Some people meet at the wrong time, just like seeing a fish floating up to take a breath through the ice in winter. After the fish takes a breath, it sinks back into the water and is never seen again.

But can we say that it is right to encounter flowers in spring and wrong to encounter fish in winter?

Do you still try your best to get close, try your best to hide yourself, or even...

Disguised as another fish.

ps: I don’t know what ps is. It feels like I haven’t asked for votes in ps for a long time, so I will just do it as a routine.

Asking for votes (bowing)

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