Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 174 That day, Lu Mingfei met Guang (two in one)

As the afternoon wore on, the sun was obscured by thick clouds and the stadium lights provided cover for the delinquent stars. Under the cold white light, the boys and girls were radiating burning heat like fireballs.

Bad luck, breakthrough, layup.

"Come on, monitor! Crush them!"

"Rivers of blood! I want to see rivers of blood!!"


Sweat beads splashed into the air, falling slowly as if the pause button had been pressed.

Shilan Middle School's opponent is called Fuzhou **Affiliated Middle School. As top players who also reached the city finals, their average ability completely surpassed Shilan Middle School.

During the game, this was constantly proven. Even if Fujimaru Ritsuka could pass the ball of extremely high quality, he would always be out of position due to the lack of skill of his teammates, and there would be no return.

The game came to 89-72

The score between the two sides was more intense than expected. After all, no matter how powerful Ritsuka was, even the wristband that seemed to be used to absorb sweat actually had an alchemical matrix engraved on the inside to suppress hybrids.

Wearing the [Dragon Ball-style Portable 100x Gravity Chamber] equipment, without back-up play, there is really no way to surpass the level of a professional basketball team.

But if you really hit me from behind

She was afraid of accidentally hitting several people in the back and knocking them out.

So at this moment, all she can do is "play against a basketball team by herself while minimizing the number of passes."

If it weren't for the fact that most of the girls' basketball team at Shilan Middle School were really gangsters, Ritsuka would have been really worried that a few people would be unwilling to do so, but since everyone had given their hope to her, it wouldn't be a bad idea to win.

The defender of the opposite team stared intently at the orange basketball in front of him. He cautiously lowered his center of gravity, kept a body distance and opened his arms, looking at Ritsuka with intense eyes.

The girl looked at the defensive personnel who were keeping a certain distance from her and looked cautious. While raising her forearms, her body was already swaying slightly. The loose sportswear on her body swayed slightly as if there was no wind, even if the players on the opposite side tried their best. No one can see the next trend.

Then at the moment when the spirit is so tense that it is about to break


When his right hand turned slightly, the basketball seemed to be out of hand, but it was in his hands in an instant. When the opponent's player panicked, he rushed into the opponent's arms and exerted force on his feet——

The moment it hit the spherical surface again, the ball disappeared, leaving a violent vibration on the field in an orange-yellow straight line before bouncing up again.

The orange-haired girl brushed past the defensive player and whispered.

"If you spread your legs so far, people will misunderstand that you are frivolous~"


The defensive player's face turned red with anger. Why did the player on the opposite side always talk "trash"? It was just a high school game. Is there any need to mess with people's mentality? Moreover, it was not very cruel to say it, but it made her angry. No, neither is shyness.

He had to try his best to catch the girl's figure with his eyes, but he could only see her smiling profile and a few strands of hair stuck to one side of her cheek.

Even a girl could only use her "handsome and striking" face and there was no room for the word compromise. She made a sudden change that made people scream and accelerated backward twice, holding the ball and heading towards the basket.

There was a sharp friction sound, the upper of the shoe scraped against the court ground, and the girl charged up and exploded.

Then, leap high.

There was no room for compromise. The girl's body could not be described as tough, but the scene could only be interpreted as "violent."

The basketball seemed to turn into a vertical red light that penetrated the basket, pierced the net and then exploded on the ground. It bounced high after a deafening sound, flying much higher than the players standing on the ground.

People were silent at first, and then cheered. The cheers were divided into two waves, one from Lixiang's side, and the other from Chu Zihang's stadium.

Coincidentally, he also dunked.

Different from the split dunk made by Li Xiang, Chu Zihang just put more emphasis on efficiency, but because he accidentally knocked the opponent's defender away in the process, he looked more fierce.

No one knows how his height of less than 1.8 meters can produce such brute force, but no one knows how a delicate-looking girl like Ritsuka can dunk. They just did it, so everyone just Can applaud.

Lu Mingfei also clapped, and it was from the bottom of his heart, because the action just now was really cool, so cool that he felt like Su Xiaoqiang's little hands behind him were going to be broken.

He didn't know much about basketball, but like most of the people present, he was fascinated by watching it.

At this point, who cares whether Lan is a basketball player or not? The one who sprints with the basketball is the key.

People cheered and cheered, but at this moment the situation on the court was suddenly changing.

The people in the attached middle school obviously won't sit still and wait for death. Unlike the mixed-grade Shilan Middle School, they are genuine people who have worked hard all the way. Furthermore, Ritsuka has not shown abilities beyond the range of "human female high school students". This time Winning or losing is not necessarily determined.

At least, when the kickoff started again, they did not hesitate to choose a fast break instead of sticking to the city and trying to let the game end with a small score difference.

The three-point shot from the line was shot from the hand, and the goal was successfully scored after a beautiful arc.

Lu Mingfei was heartbroken as he watched, and a wave of enthusiasm finally erupted in the audience seat opposite.

At this moment, the opposing team seemed to take the opportunity to show off this wave of momentum and play more fiercely. In football terms, it is a high-position press, and in vernacular, it is like a mad dog.

With the level of Shilan Middle School, it is really difficult not to make this happen. During a seemingly hidden pass, the opponent's small forward, who had just relied on a three-pointer to recover the score, took the opportunity to rush into the passing line and grab the ball. Take that shot.

"Return to defense!"

The captain of the basketball team of Shilan Middle School panicked and shouted that she was the one who passed the ball just now. As a rare "special enrollment" of Shilan Middle School, she originally had the highest level in the basketball team, but she did not expect to be delayed in the finals. The hind legs.

There are still more than ten minutes left in the game. If the five points are taken back with such a furious momentum, the advantage Fujimaru Ritsuka has established for them will be gone.

The girls were anxious, but how could the enemy team miss this perfect opportunity.

The small forward who wears uniform No. 17 is tall and tall, about 1.9 meters tall. He is quite capable in women's basketball. He is not rough in technique but is bold and careful at the same time. He also has a strong and well-trained physique.

Although he is often joked that he is as huge as an active volcano standing on the ground, on the basketball court, this joke has become the best compliment.

The opponent just relied on a chop to suppress his morale, so there is no need to elaborate on the best way to respond.

There are still more than ten minutes left in the game. The muscles of both sides are already a little weak, and the knees are also severely worn. It is indeed difficult to take off again at this time.

But it can be done.

The No. 17 jersey was fluttering, and the girl grabbed the ball with both hands. Her thigh muscles tightened and swelled, and her body provided a steady stream of energy, bursting out!

The basketball broke through the wind resistance, and people's cheers stopped. People clasped their hands, worrying about the future of scoring a goal in the next second.

But Lu Mingfei didn't. The vision he developed during his daily games allowed him to focus on the entire court other than basketball, so he could see blurry afterimages.

Breaking through the wind and tearing apart the defense, the beautiful orange almost drew a straight line of pure color in the air, like lightning bursting, splitting the space of the stadium into two!

Time stood still, and the people who were half a beat slower to react were shocked when the black hurricane shadow forced its way into sight.

At that moment, the most shocked person was the attacker himself.

When light is plundered, any offensive line will reach a dead end in an instant. If you compare yourself to a bullet that penetrates everything after being released, then what will cover you is a storm that tears everything apart.

She was so sluggish that she met the girl's passionate eyes in mid-air, and a simple and direct doubt came to her mind.

Sister, I am 1.9 meters tall.

How do you jump higher than me?

boom! ! ! ——

The moment the sound fell, there was a fierce scream of the basketball being squeezed into a pancake shape. Then it deformed and rebounded. Under the horrified gaze of the offensive personnel and the cheers of the audience, it was shot away at a faster speed. go out.

Block shots, and they are chasing after the shot.

The complete crushing has reached the point where people don’t need to understand football to understand it.

People were just stunned for a moment, and then burst into more enthusiastic applause, like a landslide and a tsunami, except for a small part.

"I go!"

The moment the basketball flies out, judging from the speed, it will definitely fly out of the baseline, and then chase the side block, which also means that the basketball will eventually fly directly to the audience.

Although the distance had caused the ball to lose much kinetic energy, people who didn't know how to play still shrank in fear subconsciously, while those who knew how to play excitedly wanted to catch it.

But the line of the ball was already fixed, he was just very, very determined, and it just so happened that

Flying towards Lu Mingfei's position.

So "I'll go" is naturally the boy's sincere voice.

He subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but he stayed in place at that moment.

Lu Mingfei thought about it, wasn't it Su Xiaoqiang behind him? If he avoided that little goddess, his face would have been smashed.

The ball was an orange shadow in mid-air, as scary as the headlights appearing on the corner of the highway late at night.

But it has to come next.

When Lu Mingfei thought like this, he suddenly felt a heroic spirit in his heart.

He didn't know why, maybe it was because of his high jump under the sunset that day, or maybe it was because of his squad leader's split dunks and big blocks.

Anyway, he stretched out his hand towards the basketball.

The spinning ball looked frighteningly fast, but with the boy's dynamic vision and courage, it was actually caught by Lu Mingfei, a man who had never played basketball many times.


The palm of his hand brushed against the spinning basketball. The remaining energy of the basketball was so stubborn that it squeezed into Lu Mingfei's chest. It made a muffled sound and almost bounced out again, but in the end it was hugged by both hands.

It hurts a little, but it's not a big deal.

Lu Mingfei's excited heart finally calmed down. He was a little happy. Although he didn't pick it up well, at least he didn't get embarrassed, right?

He stared at the ball in his hands in a daze, unaware of the envious looks of the people around him.

They are envious just because——

"Lu Mingfei~~"

The boy was awakened by the call. He looked up blankly, and his first reaction was that everyone was looking at him. The second reaction was that on the distant court, his squad leader was actually waving to him.

The third reaction is

"Ah, uh, I'm the monitor."

Lu Mingfei had no idea what to do and looked at the people around him, and found that everyone was looking at him with eyes that were so jealous that they were separated from each other.

Of course! After all, the squad leader had just completed a super cool shot, and in front of thousands of people, he was like a god descending from heaven, giving everyone a wandering color. And such a gorgeous girl, the first thing she called after finishing the shot was Lu. Mingfei's name.

Damn it.

It was the first time that Lu Mingfei knew that so many people could be looking at him at the same time, and it was also the first time that Lu Mingfei knew that Zhao Menghua, the rich second generation, could be so obviously jealous of someone like him.


Was there originally so many people in this competition venue?

First time. First time.

Lu Mingfei suddenly felt that the ball in his hand was no longer a basketball, but a shot put.

Everyone must have experienced it. When running and exercising on the playground, there will always be people training football who accidentally kick the ball and hit the track.

When passing by, will everyone choose to take the initiative to kick the ball back? Or will you be afraid of embarrassment and pretend not to see it and run away?

There is nothing you can do about it, everyone will be scared. If you take the initiative to kick the ball back, and the kick is deflected and passed to someone else, then you have to watch others look at you in shock, and then pretend that nothing happened and chase after the ball. Kick the ball further yourself.

That was such a shameful time.

When people pretend to be indifferent, it may not be because they are cold-hearted, but because they are afraid of being hurt.

Most people will never speak in front of a large audience in their lifetime, nor can they understand the natural shyness when facing thousands of people at once.

While being highly nervous, the boy began to have tinnitus. Lu Mingfei felt that his hands and feet were trembling at the moment, as if this was the lecture hall that made him collapse, and the audience watching him around him was sitting underground that day without saying a word. classmates.

The difference is that this time their eyes are colder. Each of them has a Smith \u0026 Wesson who will collapse the moment they mess up.

At this time, should I put away my manuscript and leave the stage?

Lu Mingfei hesitated, sweat began to overflow from the hand holding the ball.

The scene recedes, but at the moment when everything gradually becomes blurred——

"Don't be stupid~Xiao Mingzi!"

Suddenly, the girl's voice came again.

Lu Mingfei looked subconsciously, only to see Fujimaru Ritsuka stretched out his hand, with the palm facing him, four slender white fingers hooked, and the other hand pointed at the palm of his hand, smiling softly.

"Pass the ball!"

The girl had been playing a whole game, her forehead was covered with sweat, and her hair was stuck to the crook of her ears. Lu Mingfei found that he had never noticed a woman's ears before. Today, for the first time, he knew that a pair of ears could be so beautiful. White skin and orange hair mixed together will form a turbid color like a Western oil painting, ethereal and hazy.

The girl smiled, very beautiful, like a light.

The light was impartial, illuminating this cowardly and unlucky teddy bear in the dark stage.

The teddy bear nodded blankly.

The basketball was thrown.


I'm so long (convinced)

I reiterate for the third time that the emotional lines in this article belong to me, the Chaldean Emperor, whether they are female, male, neither male nor female, both male and female!

Everyone uses a single arrow to stand up incense under reasonable circumstances, but just like in Chaldea, this single arrow may not be love, but may also be other feelings.

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