Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 202 Heroic Spirit. True name is lifted!


In anger, the God King split through the rain and thunder, and the horse beneath him had long been abandoned behind him. The king pursued the rebellious ministers with all his strength as if he were on a personal expedition. He was bound to pluck off the enemy's head with his own hands and bathe in the blood of victory.

However, he suddenly realized.

That was just now

With his body in a trance and a sense of time dislocation, Odin began to scan around with extreme caution and hesitation, but finally focused his gaze forward.

It's him?

Is he in that car?

The surrounding elements began to become chaotic and boiling, as if he had encountered a predatory beast that was his natural enemy. Odin held the gun in his hand tightly and then slowly released it, seemingly hesitantly.

Now that he has observed Angers' coma, without the other party turning on time zero, it only takes a split second for Odin to catch up with Maybach.

So he's thinking.

The behavior of "that person" is undoubtedly a sign of hostility, but the question is, is it necessary to take the risk to check?

No, there is no need to hesitate for too long on this question.

If I could use this body to try out the current state of "that person".

Thinking of this, Odin rushed in with his gun without any hesitation!

Spanning time, Junzu tore apart all the scenery on the entire path. The atmosphere roared like a wail, and the silver-white straight lines shuttled like a hurricane. Almost instantly, they arrived only thirty meters away from the Maybach.

Odin suddenly straightened his body and raised his arms.

The atmospheric elements began to shrink again, and the magic gun, which symbolized "victory" and "sure hit", once again gathered all the laws of the world to set the only target.

The goal is not the person, but the Maybach.

The wind elements continued to gather and spiral, eventually forming a sphere with only its outline remaining, covering the entire Kungnir with a roar.

He wanted to completely destroy the car. It was different from the "penetration" damage caused by simply throwing Kungnir. As long as he had the power to operate the elements and condensed the wind attribute elements to the extreme, he could completely explode in one blow. It has a power beyond that of human individual missiles.

No, as long as the Dragon King himself is willing, just the step of "gathering the atmospheric elements and punching them out" is enough to explode the development of the Noble Phantasm that surpasses Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Taking control of the world means acquiescing to that kind of extraordinary cheating.

But just when Odin was about to put it into practice, he suddenly stopped.

"Do you really want to do that?"

In the wind, the girl's voice floated. The voice was not high. It should have been swallowed up by the roaring hurricane, but Odin, who had activated [Word Spirit. Kamaitachi] at the same time, still heard those words.

He stopped.

The elements in his hands began to dissipate, and Odin used his power to lift himself up into the air. Under the white thunder, he seemed to be the god who dominated all living beings. But this god still subconsciously took a step back at this moment.

Why do you still dare to stand up?

Fujimaru Ritsuka! ! !

The ends of her orange hair danced in the turbulence, sometimes flapping at the corners of her mouth and sometimes blowing to the back of her head. The girl's hands were on the roof of the Maybach, her golden pupils burned to the most intense color, and she half-kneeled to look at Odin.

"Hahahaha~ The one who made the thunder is not so much Odin as Thor~" The girl seemed to have the intention to talk trash and tease the gods, completely ignoring the crisis of the situation at the moment.

And the more this happened, the more Odin's heart palpitated.

A hybrid that shouldn't be like this. It's impossible for him to be like this.

"Well, you didn't intend to throw that gun from the beginning, you just wanted to show it off, right?" The girl facing the strong wind spread her hands and began to explain.

"Quungnir's ability is indeed terrifying, but its weakness lies in [range]."

"As long as you target one person, you can't take down another enemy at the same time, so you can't use [Mark] for an attempted attack."

"It's a simple truth, but when you think about it, this weapon is like a scale of evil~"

Save the one here or the one over there?

For Odin

"Do you think I'm more attractive, or are the old, weak, sick and disabled people in the car more threatening?" the girl deliberately put on an artificial smile.

That kind of question doesn't require thinking at all.

"Mortal, call that being out."

Odin looked down at the Maybach, which was as small as a black spot on a draft paper. Even the dazzling hybrid couldn't attract his attention at the moment.

"I know what you are relying on at the moment. Call him out. You are not qualified to intervene in the conversation between me and that person."

Regarding Lu Mingze's naming, it is obvious that for these kings who consider themselves mysterious and majestic, even if Fujimaru Ritsuka exceeds their imagination time and time again, they will eventually be underestimated subconsciously.

While realizing this reality, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help pouting, but before she could refute, someone gave this rude response——

"It's been such a long time."

Another boy walked out of the car.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time."

That's literally "walking out."

The space seemed to provide him with invisible steps. As soon as he opened the door, his feet stopped in mid-air. The boy showed his obedient face, wearing white square leather shoes, a black suit, and a white silk Scarf, a pair of light golden eyes.

“We meet again after a long separation, and I have a thousand words in my heart, but for the sake of format, let’s just say this——”

He was too handsome to be human, and he couldn't tell the difference between male and female.

But when he appeared, no one regarded him as a beautiful vase, because he opened his mouth slightly and read slowly with a smile.

"Shut that stinky mouth of yours."

"Show her some respect, vile thing."

At that moment, it felt like my limbs were stuck in a mire, and the atmosphere gradually became thicker and heavier.

Odin's anger was such that the whole earth trembled and trembled.

Then Lu Mingze's anger turned the world upside down, the sky shattered into pieces like a dense network, the clouds and stars fell from the cracks and shattered, igniting a heart-stopping fire on the ground.


Odin looked at the boy without any flinch or frivolity.


"You don't have to put on that air."

There were no ripples in Odin's voice, just like the surface of a frozen lake, which looked smooth and white at first glance, but only left some sharp thorns on the surface that scratched the skin.

"Since you have not attacked my compatriots, it means that your current state must not be equivalent to full prosperity."

"And in these thousand years, there is no way that can surpass the preparations I have made."

"There is no place for you in the new world."

The white angry snakes were rolling and moving in the thunder clouds, and the cracked filaments seemed to be the precursor of a broken mirror, and also seemed to be a prophecy of the end of the whole world. Lu Mingze, who was wearing a small suit, lowered his head and said nothing.

After a long time, he couldn't help but speak out.

It was a chuckle.

"Yeah, you're absolutely right."

The boy spoke softly as if remembering an old friend, with nostalgia in his eyes.

"I've become weaker. I can't compare to before. Otherwise, how could you dare to speak in front of me? You were so timid before."

The film covering Lu Mingze's body faded away, and the rain finally hit the boy's face and flowed down the smooth cheek. Lu Mingze raised his head and let the water droplets flow into the corners of his eyes and drip into the gaps in his clothes.

"But...so what?"

rumble rumble

The movements of the angry thunder became more and more intense, and Odin looked at the sky as if he noticed something. The sky there was supposed to be just a sky full of dark clouds, but at this moment, more obvious changes began to appear.

"In the final analysis"

The beam of light shot out from the cracks in the black clouds. It was not a clear sky, but a sharp blade that symbolized judgment and the blood of sinners.

The king was so angry that the color of heaven and earth changed.

Lu Mingze grinned.

"I've become weaker - doesn't that mean you've become stronger, right?"

Rumble, rumble! ! ! ! ——

The lightning penetrated the sky and the earth, and the pure whiteness almost dragged the entire world to the edge of shattering.

Odin was frightened and had no choice but to fight against him. Kungenir was forced to strike out. His roaring attack shattered the turbulent flow. The god king was furious and ferocious, and the snake-like dragon-like flow of light could not stand still.

Thunder and lightning have been mankind's most direct fear of the sky since ancient times. The concept of thunder is almost the same as that of gods. Therefore, the strongest god in Nordic mythology is Thor instead of Odin. Therefore, the god king and the strongest god in Greek mythology are those who master thunder and lightning. of Zeus.

When Lu Mingze waved his arm gently, the most powerful element in the world began to roar, turned into a living creature and fought towards Odin. Even the God King would look at him sideways.


Kungunir is the divine spear that symbolizes victory.

The fluorescent blue light is like a thin thread penetrating a wound, sewing ominous traces on the light beam formed by lightning.

Immediately, the aura that symbolized death began to write the destined outcome.

When the divine spear was thrown, it was like a hunting bird piercing the atmosphere, flying from the vast land to the boundless sky. All the elements within the reach of its wings disappeared into smoke, turned into dust, scattered and misty.

The blow released by the transcendent Noble Phantasm was instantly burned.

Blue and white star points scattered in the sky, like fragments of thunder and lightning. In the center of the star cluster, the God King held a gun brazenly.

Kungnir has a distance, but it's almost nothing.

In just a few seconds, he broke the rules of the world for the second time.

You must win.

"It's really cheating~"

Lu Mingze raised his hand with a look of wonder on his face, but he didn't look discouraged.

That's naturally because

"However, my mission is accomplished!"

The boy suddenly laughed helplessly, not knowing why he was laughing or why he was helpless.

He looked at the girl beside him and said softly.

"As you wish, a grand welcome show is over. I really can't stop that little bastard without making a deal."

"You broke my plan, and the world went into a whirlpool that no one knows about."

Lu Mingze was always talking in riddles, but no one could understand him.

But in the end, he showed his heart in a very popular way. He put his hands together, squeezed his chest, and intertwined his fingers. The boy came to the girl's side and raised his eyes to look from bottom to top, looking pitiful.

"You have to be responsible for me~"

"It's ok~"

The girl who was in trouble made a gesture without hesitation.

The boy looked at the girl. Although he really didn't want to use this word, he finally sighed helplessly in an almost "petting" way.

"Okay, let's talk about the ultimatum."

"Is this the right time to say that? Ritsuka——"

"Do you still remember what I said to you when we said goodbye in Juchun Garden?"

——The next time we meet, in order to make amends, I will give you a big red envelope.

Of course Ritsuka remembered that it was the first time they had dinner together, the boss left behind as an apology for leaving early.

And at this moment.

It was the second meeting between the two.

——Damn it, don’t bump into it. I still have some very important cargo in my car.

Mai Shutoku's words also flashed back at that moment.

Wow! ——

The trunk of the Maybach was completely opened, like a black lunchbox lid, to reveal the contents inside. The girl directly grasped a long pillar wrapped in black silk.

The moment she saw the contents inside, the girl couldn't help but be stunned, and Lu Mingze asked with a smile.

"Is it enough?"

"...Is it enough?" The girl blinked and her tone was stunned.


"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha--"

A sudden burst of laughter.

"It's enough. It's enough. Hahaha. If the owner of this gun hears this, he will probably be furious with you. That person is very proud. This is so interesting!"

Obviously in this situation, just imagining the expression that the heroic spirit would show when hearing Lu Mingze's words was enough to make the girl overjoyed.

Indeed, if it were this gun.

Ritsuka had many ideas on how to defeat Odin.

In the end, the total was probably less than ten.

This is very rare for Ritsuka, because based on her understanding of the use of heroic spirits, any enemy should have at least dozens or hundreds of ways to respond.

Even more, this is just "defeating", not killing.

Odin is such a powerful threat.

But fortunately, this gun is one of the solutions, and even among the ten solutions, it is the best one.

The rain wet the black curtain, and the heavy fabric slid downwards, revealing what was inside.

The cross-shaped spear had a tip as sharp as a spear and a halberd, and the whole body was a bright silvery white.

Like a shooting star.

ps: Everyone should have figured out who to summon.

In my opinion, this heroic spirit is simply the ceiling in regular summons. Like Little Sun, it is the best choice without any major shortcomings except for mana consumption.

Personally, I chose him mainly because the effect of that Noble Phantasm is so addictive, and it can write a plot that makes me very happy (lick

Why do I feel a bit Mary Sue in this chapter? Tsk, that’s really annoying.

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