Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 203 Odin and I have a life-long friendship! (2-in-1)

Ritsuka is a well-informed person.

Please don't misunderstand, this is the literal meaning. The girl has indeed seen many, many powerful big shots, landscapes of different eras, stories of different colors, and heroes with different ambitions.

Among them, the part about heroes is her favorite.

There is no way, at this age, Fujimaru Ritsuka was also a passionate sports girl who liked heroic stories in her previous life.

Like King Arthur, like Jason, like Arash. She is all familiar with them.

Familiarity may not be enough, but she also had face-to-face conversations with those heroes, shaking hands and becoming friends.

The girl didn't know what was special about herself, but it was true that she had a very good relationship with all the heroic spirits in her previous life. If she wanted to compare it to a mobile game, it would probably be the so-called [full bond with all members] - like that Such a terrifying achievement.

The evidence that the relationship with the heroic spirits has improved is not only saying hello on the way to the cafeteria, but also the Valentine's Day gifts getting more and more exaggerated every year, and some goddesses with open personalities and weak sense of ethics will pull themselves into the bedroom from time to time.

The most direct expression is probably the girl's reaction when she asked them about her life story.

The heroes are basically happy to talk about their past, and even queue up to grab a number to have sex with the girl.

Among them, there is such a heroic spirit.

The great hero described as the protagonist in Homer's epic "The Iliad" is a demigod born to Peleus, the grandson of Zeus, and the goddess Thetis. Thetis wanted him to become a complete god, so he soaked him in the underworld. He Er possesses immortality, and his only weakness is his hands and feet that have not been soaked.

The hero knew that he would die in the Trojan War, but he still participated in the Trojan War with the wish of being a hero and leaving his name forever.

At the end of the war, the hero was angry because of the death of his close friend and his father-in-law Patroclus. He singled out Hector, the bravest general of Troy, and killed him. However, due to his disagreement with Apollo and the prophecy, Destiny was killed by Apollo and Paris before they breached the gates of Troy.

Apollo gave the Trojan prince Paris the protection and shot an arrow through the hero's heel, so he knew that he was going to die here but still fought bravely until he fell.

The legend of the hero ends here, but he has become the faith of Western soldiers for thousands of years. Among those who worship him extremely are Iskandar, one of the greatest kings in the history of the world.

That hero is said to be the largest in Greek mythology, and is even said to be "as brave as Heracles" as a super-extraordinary servant. His name is...

"I have commanded you in the name of the Command Spell——"

"Answer my call."


The girl once again drained the elements from her body and released her precious phantom to interfere with the God King. At the same time, she drew out her white spear and called out her true name.

At that moment, Odin felt unprecedented emotions begin to permeate his body, as if invisible hands began to shrink and wrap around him, trying to strangle himself as a king and a god in this space.

His first reaction was to turn around and run away, but his second reaction was rage that overrode his instincts.

Unacceptable, unacceptable, and unforgivable!

Being insulted by mortals to this point, forced to this point by mortals, and intimidated to this point by mortals?

The god's throne was on the verge of collapse, but Wang Sheng was still furious. He collected the scattered elements around him with a crazy gesture, and while holding it in his hand, he seemed to want to throw everything out and kill the girl in front of him.

Kungunir threw it out and headed towards the girl's heart with the ring that tore apart the cause and effect. This time he wanted to completely obliterate it——

Before she throws that inexplicable alchemy item!

Odin knew the name of the gun and who wielded the weapon.

Achilles, the Greek hero, is a mythical figure in human terms, but for Odin, he knows that he is a super hybrid that actually existed in ancient times.

The alchemy field of that divine spear is——

"[Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe]!!"

When the user of Achilles used the alchemy weapon, he also created a great magic that seemed to be an inherent barrier using the gun as an axis. With the landing point as the center, a fair, one-on-one battle is formed with the opponent, covering the original world like a natural barrier.

That was the arena space created by legend - he created it in order to have a fair duel with Hector during his lifetime. In the center of the space stood the spear thrown by Achilles.

The time in it is static, isolated from the intervention of all gods, third parties and luck, and can neutralize the immortal body. It can cause harm to Achilles regardless of divinity - it cannot be called a favorable battlefield, and even Diminishing the advantage of Achilles himself.

But it is precisely because of this "unfavorable" factor that this barrier has become an absolute existence.

It was a world where time was completely obscured and no external factors could act.

Once you enter that space.

Even the Dragon King will only receive an absolutely fair verdict.

This kind of alchemy tool, which almost enforces the rules of the world, naturally has its limitations, or constraints, that is -

In this absolutely fair space, the establishment elements include the "recognition of both parties".

That is to say, the user himself must have the will to fight, and the object affected by the Noble Phantasm must also possess corresponding bravery.

And this was something that would never have happened.

Because it is impossible for Odin to accept one-on-one combat, and he is not a noble warrior, so he cannot allow such behavior to put himself at a disadvantage.


This is also within the control of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Even though the girl knew the limitations of this Noble Phantasm, she still chose him.

that is because

(It’s better to say it’s just right, Lord God King.)

(It is because you are so despicable and like to hide in the dark that I am able to do what I am doing now.)

Fujimaru Ritsuka is convinced that the activation of his Noble Phantasm this time will not fail!

In order to reach the future she saw, the girl's red spiritual particles began to extend——

[Word Spirit Oracle] is actually operating for the fourth time!

That's not impossible.

The number, form, and reason of the command spells are the way of using the spiritual elements that the girl's body can bear. In other words, as long as the girl can withstand the physical burden caused by the operation of the spiritual elements, let alone four times, even if it is one day. It’s not an exaggeration to say that they are all used.

But humans cannot do that, and if we go any further, we will only face the risk of destruction.

But ah.

Death is imminent. If you don't bet on your life at this time, what should you bet on?

The breath of the spirit is constantly weakening, and the pain that is about to burst is coming from the brain - ignore it all!

Is it just a mere calculation ability?

Isn't it just the physiological difference between humans and dragons?

Just try your best to get over it!

At the same time, a low lamentation came from the devil on the distant Maybach.

He watched the girl shed red blood, and her clear pale golden eyes were filled with sadness like a tsunami.


The devil sighed softly, and then raised his hand——

Guda, this is not cheating.

Just give back a little of what originally belonged to you.

The demon's movements seemed to stir up a breeze, and wherever the wind went, everything came to a standstill.

The black and white world seemed to be sweeping the world again, but the difference this time was that the girl seemed to be able to feel the bone-chilling cold. At the same time, the girl suddenly saw the back of a white-haired boy in a trance.

The young man was bent over, with his back hunched over, and his body had the same aura of loser as Lu Mingfei.

He is gentle and a little masochistic, and he is easily pessimistic.

There was wind and snow around him, and he was far, far away from himself.

Ritsuka seemed familiar to him.

There seems to be a connection. On the first day he came to Chaldea, he was one of the seniors of Group A at that meeting.

It seems to be called

Blood began to overflow from the corners of the girl's eyes, but she suddenly opened her pupils. The blood droplets were stagnant in the air, round and translucent, and vertical and horizontal electric currents flashed in the air, forming dense network patterns!

The crimson turbulence roared loudly, but after a brief pause, it actually gathered on the back of the girl's hand, forming a new pattern, and then twisted and deformed, emitting a light that almost illuminated the world.

This time, the target of the Yanling Oracle is still the arrogant king.

Or rather

What's underneath that mask.

Then, the world began to turn upside down.

The moment Odin couldn't react to what happened, a reality appeared in front of him.

The world that Odin and Ritsuka live in seems to be divided out of thin air.

The surrounding colors began to change suddenly, the surrounding environment began to solidify, and the world stopped at this moment.

【Diatrekhon Aster Lonkhe】

Expansion successful?

"How can it be"

The trembling of the soul, the confusion from the heart, at that moment, there were many question marks in the heart of the God King.

Why can the Noble Phantasm be activated successfully?

Was it the oracle that distorted my thoughts in less than a second?

Why can she see through her own power?

Who is helping her behind her back?

Why was she able to use that king's speech spirit to this extent?

What on earth has she experienced?

Why do humans have that level of spiritual element?

Who made her?


But the doubts can no longer catch up with the magical reality at this moment.

Facing Kungenir who was throwing it in front of her, the girl with eyes wide open raised her hand, and then——

He grabbed the magic gun directly.

The huge force left some friction heat and a harsh sound in the palm of the hand. The girl leaned back slightly, but only took half a step back.


With the waist as the core, the legs were raised slightly and then suddenly stepped on the ground. The eyes covered by messy and gorgeous hair burst out with blazing fire. The ground shattered, the atmosphere burned, and the branches of the World Tree spun in the girl's hands. Circle, then——

Shooting towards his master! !


The space screamed of collapse in an instant, and layers of ripples exploded and spread with the starting point of the throw as the center of gravity.

The gun turned into a white light that penetrated the sun and moon, and flew towards the sky with unstoppable momentum.

Odin could almost be said to be "shocked and embarrassed" as he dodged the gun. The magic weapon he had taken advantage of turned into a sharp blade capable of taking his life at that moment. While Odin was angry, there was more that was self-evident. of fear.

Because that means his power is taken away.

The divine spear that was sure to hit and win was transformed into a mortal object that was just a lot tougher.

And myself.

The elements under his feet collapsed, and the God King actually fell to the ground in an almost embarrassed posture, like an emperor who was dragged off the throne and then tripped over his too-long dragon robe.

Wang, who was kneeling on the ground, his whole body trembling, gently touched the side of his face with the end of his finger, and then looked.

There was a large amount of blood on his hands.


Half of the visor was broken, revealing the lower half of the God King's face, and his trembling, already blue lips.

Just now, Kungnir did not hit Odin, but the wind pressure it carried ripped off the god king's face armor and half of his face.


"Your strength depends largely on your mastery of elements."

"Especially for the wind element, just driving it will cover the body like invisible armor, creating a barrier that is difficult to break even if the noble phantom is unfolded."

"But in this space, power is not allowed."

The girl walks in this color-deprived world without any rush or panic.

"This is a space where only martial arts and one's own fighting spirit reside."

"This is a battlefield where noble warriors fight each other."


The girl's voice was so calm with every step, but Odin quickly climbed up and stepped back, almost panicking, as if he had just woken up from a dream.

"If you want to talk about a Noble Phantasm, there is nothing more suitable for me than this one~"

"In a space where all abilities are isolated, I will not possess any of Achilles' inherent skills, and I will not be able to become the second-best hero in Greece. But -"

The girl smiled, looking down at the king who bent his waist because of the unfamiliar emotion, her eyes were like golden sun.

"There is a proverb in Mesopotamia——"

The muscles in her body began to tighten, which was the girl's foundation that had been tempered for more than ten years.

"Muscles may not be able to overcome difficulties, but they can give people the courage to face difficulties. Well, that's what King Leonidas who was summoned to the plains of Mesopotamia said."

The girl clenched her fists, and what she gradually formed in her mind were the various martial arts skills she learned from those famous teachers during her arduous journey to save the world.

The bones began to make violent sounds, and the girl clearly felt every tremor of her muscles, and then mobilized them, as if a grand symphony was beginning to sing, and she stood in the center.

"If I want to fight you, I'll be enough on my own."

[Keel Mode].

The blood surged and roared, and the girl's body surged with great fighting spirit. It was like injecting fuel into a top-notch engine, and the speed soared to the top in an instant.

At this moment, Ritsuka's physical function has completely surpassed the peak in the Tokyo Tower incident. Even if he can slide a hundred meters with a knife in one arm without trembling, his physical body has completely transformed at that moment, with almost invincible strange strength!

But it's not enough.

There are probably more that have not been used.

Isn't it enough to make the God King feel despair?

"Just in time, I want to try this too."

The girl was muttering something to herself. All of this happened in a brief moment, and even Odin didn't react. The whole world...

Start burning the twist.

That is the literal meaning. The spiritual elements begin to boil. It is not the [Word Spirit Oracle], because in this space, even the Word Spirit has no space to function.

That's just a simple phenomenon.

The world is going crazy for the girl's existence, and the elements are boiling and burning as if they have touched a red-hot iron rod.

That was a sign that the girl had concentrated her willpower to its peak.

She began to recall what the old man said to her.

——Just a little trick

——For the dragon hybrid, there are two spirits of human attributes and dragon attributes in his mind at the same time.

——Of two conflicting personalities, the human personality often prevails. But if human will is weakened to make the dragon gene show overwhelming performance, it is a technology to improve the purity of the bloodline.

——Not only did the spirit change at this time, the dragon genes also became active as if they could sense this change. Various hidden characteristics of the dragon in the body were activated, and the dragon genes began to modify human genes. We affectionately call it——

"Once. Violent blood!"

The gears, circlips, and transmission shaft all click together harmoniously. At a certain peak moment, the air is shattered. Red blood mist bursts out. The whimpering of the wind is a cry of fear. The vacuum blade spreads and rotates, like a dragon roaring to shake the sky. The earth was trembling with the anger that rose up in that moment.

The blood mist seemed to be an updraft wrapping around the girl's body, and her hair swayed upwards, bringing the girl closer to the existence that Odin maintained -


Yes, if you just control your own will, you don't need the so-called spirit of speech at all.

For the girl at this moment, all she needs is an "order".

Not to the world, but to yourself.

So, the girl spoke.

"Hey, why are you retreating? You're so cold."

Slowly, take a step.

"Aren't we a life-long friendship?"

The girl tilted her head and smiled.

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