Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 238 I can’t stay in this family anymore


Xia Mi walked forward angrily. She spoke in a strong and loud voice, but with her long white legs and small face, she didn't feel oppressive. On the contrary, she looked quite cute.

Then she quickly walked up to the Dragon King, the girl raised her arms high——


The girl slapped Fenrir's exposed front half, making a dull sound like hitting a stone, which lingered in the confined space for a long time.

the girl said angrily.

"What are you doing! Is this what I taught you yesterday!"

"How many times have I told you, be ruthless! Be ruthless!"


When Long heard this, his whole body trembled.

As if it wanted to cooperate, it grinned and buzzed, then poked its nose at Fujimaru Ritsuka——

Ritsuka smiled friendly.

Then he shrank back in fear and turned into "woo"

When Xia Mi saw this, his face became angry.

"Be more ruthless! If you want to act, just act the whole thing! How can anyone shrink their head only to scare people halfway!"

The girl was angry and refused to argue.

The giant dragon shrank its neck: "I'm afraid."

"Afraid!?! Make a living, my dear brother!"

The chestnut-haired girl was tired, and she raised her head and slapped her forehead.

She didn't expect that what she had rehearsed with her brother for most of the day yesterday would end up like this. She was so angry, but she couldn't really scold him. , then I feel distressed again.

In fact, it doesn't matter if you feel embarrassed or tired, this is how you and your brother have been doing for thousands of years.

The problem is

Natsumi turned to look at Fujimaru Ritsuka who was standing aside.

Imagine: Falling to the ground, trembling and about to cry, with a pale face and pear blossoms in the rain, I will go up to comfort him in a kind and kind way, and hold him in my arms.

In reality: The girl's eyes were shining with her trouser pockets inserted, and she looked with interest like a young teacher who came to participate in a primary school art performance, watching the primary school students perform yoga and gymnastics.

Gua! It's all over!

And just at this time, Fenrir also followed Xia Mi's gaze, looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka a few more times, and his head suddenly shrank even lower.

It was close to Xia Mi and said with some hesitation.

"Sister. She is so red."


Only now did Xia Mi realize that he should ask Fenrir what he was afraid of.

Although she has always known that her brother is not very smart and is very afraid of being lonely. To put it bluntly, he is a five-year-old child in the human world. No, he is still the kind of five-year-old whose tutor is not very strict and who is not precocious. Child.

But even Fenrir like this would not be scared by ordinary people.

Even if he is cautious, at least he will not show such weakness.


What red?

Xia Mi came to a conclusion in less than five seconds of thinking.

Because her memory quickly regressed, returning to the scene she saw at the entrance of Shilan Middle School a few hours ago.

It rises from the ground to the sky, connecting the sky and the earth, as if it is carrying the high temperature that burns the sky and melts the earth, and is as violent and chaotic as the thunder. Just from the sight, you can hear the roar and tearing in your ears. A sharp roar that cracked the atmosphere.

That is a spiritual element that humans can never reach. If you insist on speaking, even if it is a dragon, only the Dragon King can come close to that kind of spiritual energy.

But Fenrir is different from him. As the Dragon King who has always condensed the body of a dragon, his vision has been transcending the human body from the beginning, overlooking the world from a dragon's perspective.

In his eyes, the world does not have normal colors, and elements invisible to humans can be clearly seen in the eyes of dragons.

And then trembled at it.

For Fenrir, the moment he saw Fujimaru Ritsuka was no less than seeing his brothers and sisters walking in from the door carrying knives and saying that he was visiting the house.

With his stupid mind, it is natural to be afraid.

I figured it out in my heart, but Xia Mi didn't spare Long's words.

She turned around, stretched out her fingers, and pointed at Fenrir.

"So what! You are a dragon, let alone a person there, even if "those guys" come, you can't be so timid!"

"Sister, aren't you afraid?"


Xia Mi put his hands on his hips and said angrily.

"of course!"

"Sister, you are so amazing!" Fenrir praised him at the right moment, his body shook, and the whole cave trembled.

"Xia Mi is so awesome!"

Bang bang bang, Fujimaru Ritsuka also clapped, the sound was neither loud nor quiet, but very happy.


Natsumi glanced at Fujimaru Ritsuka again, pursed her lips, gritted her teeth, and blushed.

"That's enough!"

She couldn't lose this face anymore. When Xia Mi used the human body, she set her character as a lively and sporty girl with no skin. The reason was that after her observation, she found that both Chu Zihang and Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to be I dote on the young man named Lu Mingfei.

Although Xia Mi couldn't see anything special about that man, since those two people thought so highly of Lu Mingfei, she tried to move her image in that direction.

The effect is good, and I don’t know if it’s because after liberating her inner dignity, Xia Mi is naturally suitable for this role. She doesn’t feel any special disgust or conflict when she acts as a human being.

However, there is still a long way to go before the true unity between man and nature.

She still wants to lose face.

So she resolutely changed the subject.

No more embarrassment.

I gotta give this human bitch a little dragon shock!

The girl thought for a while and snapped her fingers.

At that moment, the elements of the entire world began to become chaotic.

Fujimaru Ritsuka quickly noticed that he had seen a similar situation, like Odin wielding his power to make the wind element of the world gather around Chu Tianjiao's puppet. The element at that time was called "wind".

A rough use of the wind element can wrap a person's body around the howling wind, accelerate, fly, and create a defense that cannot cause damage even if the Noble Phantasm collides head-on. Even if it is waved casually, it will burst out with damage far greater than the expansion of the Noble Phantasm.

The element Xia Mi is using at this moment is called "earth".

Unlike the wind element, Xia Mi's body at this moment does not have that kind of agility, it is just pure heaviness.

It was as if the sky was gradually approaching the earth, and boundless pressure enveloped the entire world. My legs began to feel sour pressure, and breathing became difficult.

The foehn wind fell from the end of the mountain, enveloping it in gray-black haze and fog, as if it was about to cover the entire world. The sun also went out, and the brilliant light gradually dimmed, heading towards death again. The desolate land broke apart, and the violent hurricane passed, leaving only the eternal darkness and the outline of the shell.

The crudest use of the earth element, its mere "existence", makes people look around at the breathtaking scenery, which makes people want to kneel down like a king, as if forcing people to kiss the ground, like kissing the queen's glass slipper. noodle.

"How about it?"

The Queen's voice was high-pitched and boastful.

Because that is the power that is absolutely different from human beings.

The air was almost distorted. Xia Mi spread her arms slightly, her chestnut hair spread slightly and automatically without wind. Her golden eyes were second only to Fenrir's Shengran.

The girl looked relaxed and tilted her head, but it seemed as if the whole world was in the hands of those white hands. As long as she turned her hands over, the entire mountain range would be twisted and turned upside down.

How about it?

Natsumi didn't explain his question clearly, but Fujimaru Ritsuka probably knew that the other party wanted to ask about his feelings.

Odin’s Nibelungs and Chami’s Nibelungs.

The power of Shami and the power of Odin.

Yes, I must say it.

The girl’s first reaction was————

"The King of Word Spirits is definitely the most useless Word Spirit among the high-level Word Spirits." The girl sighed.

"What did you suddenly say when you were fine?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka complained regretfully, while Natsumi frowned in confusion.

She didn't know that the awakened word spirit of Boss Yuan in her hometown was Wang Quan. She thought it was cool at the time, but in fact, how could she come up with skills similar to Wang Quan when she saw a dragon.

Although it is definitely not on the same level as the now stronger Boss Yuan Wang Quan who is fully deployed, it is still inferior.

Let's call and mock him tonight.

The girl shook her head in front of Xia Mi's strange gaze. She was stunned for a moment, feeling that her majesty had been ignored, and a sense of grievance and anger welled up in her heart.

But what made her even more angry was yet to come.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, you!——"

"Speaking of which, Natsumi." Fujimaru Ritsuka looked left and right, and then said carefully, "You have a clear view of the Nibelungs."


Xia Mi is angry.

"Are you kidding? I just teleported you to the center of the Nibelungs so that you wouldn't get lost! In fact, my Nibelungs cover the entire mountain! If you think about it, even within Shilan Middle School , I can also teleport back here directly through the medium!"

"Odin's Nibelungen has a big one in Fuzhou."


Xiao Longnu immediately stopped talking.

They are also Dragon Kings, but the Nibelungs are isolated from reality, so just within the scope of the Nibelungs, the Dragon Kings may not be able to feel the boundaries of each other's Nibelungs unless they go inside.

So she really didn't know Odin's strength. After all, these two dragons were very timid and didn't dare to fight at all.

But now she knew that Odin's Nibelungs actually covered the entire Fuzhou.

Ah this

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Is there anyone else?"

"." Xia Mi asked weakly. "People? Who?"

"Are they the residents of the Nibelungs? There are hundreds of humanoid Deadpools in Odin's Nibelungs, and they are the most advanced ones. They feel quite powerful. Don't you have one in yours?"

The girl asked without any malice.


".No. That, that's not a necessity. I like a quiet place."

Xia Mi hesitated, and the earth element slowly fell to the ground.

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Hey~~ What about the mount? Odin will specially breed a subspecies of dragon with abilities comparable to those of the third generation as a mount. Doesn't Xia Mi have such a thing?"

Xia Mi: "Ah, I just don't have any. I don't like having pets."

"Where are the alchemy tools? Odin has many."

"No more space."

"The alchemy must have very powerful alchemy skills, right?" Fujimaru Ritsuka moved a little closer to the girl. If Natsumi had not lowered his head and looked at the floor but looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka, he would have found that she was not You know when there are some messy circles in your eyes, and your mouth twists into a weird arc, as if you are asking innocently.

"It's like the mountain-protecting formation in fantasy novels. If it is activated, the dragon king will kill him without mercy! There must be one, right?"


"And Odin, and—"

Then go and spend time with Odin! ! !

Xia Mi let out a wow, and almost said this without breaking his guard.

The beginning of ps is a reference to "Kung Fu". I miss it so much that I suddenly remembered it.

This chapter contains a very important foreshadowing.

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