Chapter 253 LV.6 Updraft! !

Xia Mi is right.

The three foul-smelling Japanese looked at each other for a few times, but they couldn't find anything wrong with this sentence, so they nodded in agreement.

It would be better to say that Eri Yi was a little happy.

That’s what it means, that’s what it means!

Of course, Xia Mi was also very happy. After happily rubbing his hands together to warm his originally cold hands, he put his hands into his trouser pockets, making a dent in the look that he couldn't hold on to in the last round of fighting.

Yes, I, Jörmungandr, am still the peerless master.

Although I was a little shocked by human technology just now, so what?

To be a dragon, you must know how to be generous.

"You go first."

Xia Mi said happily in a cadence.

Seeing this, Eriki nodded politely.

——Then Eriyi raised her hand and rubbed [Judgment].


Xia Mi's expression faded a bit.

Serial number: 111

Bloodline Origin: White King

Danger level: extremely dangerous

[The super speech spirit that cannot be explained by science can almost kill everyone in sight.

When actually used, it often manifests as some kind of powerful cutting property. The releaser can manipulate anything within the range he sees as a killing weapon, cutting or even smashing the target.

The scope of the field is basically equal to the range of perception. As long as the target can be detected, the target can be killed. It is more like issuing a death order to the enemies in the field and enforcing it. It is a powerful curse related to fate.

The target's mental and physical levels are severely damaged at the same time, and there is basically no cure. Even if the physical wounds heal, they will lose their consciousness.

Can exempt specified targets in this field, in other words, the releaser can consciously convict specific targets.

This word spirit has basically never been observed, and theoretically it cannot be possessed by hybrids. Therefore, the discoverer and namer should have learned about this word spirit based on inference.

The namer believes that this is the will of the kingdom of heaven, and the releaser represents the kingdom of heaven in judging sinners and punishing the world.

It was too terrifying and too far away, almost equivalent to the blood-red cross sword in the hand of Archangel Michael. 】

This is the introduction to the Word Spirit Trial in the Kassel Dragon Clan’s Word Spirit Genealogy.

As they said above, everything about this word spirit is "inferred". No one can completely see the use, destructive power, principle, and everything of that word spirit.

In the entire history of mankind, there has never been a user of the word spirit [Judgment], and some even suspected that it was a word spirit that only the Dragon King could use.

This is actually not wrong.

Referring to Yuan Zhisheng's Word Spirit [Kingdom], whether it is the name or its effect, one can easily deduce that this Word Spirit was invented to give the four dragon kings the laws they would use to make their subjects surrender. The name also tells the user straightforwardly. limits--


Generally speaking, the higher the bloodline of a hybrid, the more powerful the word spirit inherited. However, as a royal-level hybrid, Genji was born with the worst bloodline among the Genji brothers and sisters. Even he has the Dragon King level. Of course, Eri Yi's situation won't be any worse.

The reason why human beings can possess Dragon King-level speech spirits is actually not difficult to guess.

——Because of the special nature of Bai Wang’s bloodline.

Because of the abnormality of the spiritual elements, the spiritual elements of the hybrids of the White King's bloodline are transcendent from those of normal hybrids. Even the spiritual elements of the Yuanzhibigen boss are far beyond what the normal S-level of the Black King's bloodline should be.

The strength of the spiritual element means that one is very handy with the power of dragons, especially the power of the [White King] who is in charge of the spiritual element.

Even Eri, who is called [unstable bloodline], is because she was contaminated by the blood of an ancient dragon when she was a child. S-level hybrids have to ascend to heaven on the spot. Being able to survive and even grow up to this point is in itself. Erashi's abnormality has been proven.

All in all, the emperor-level mixed-blood Yanling possesses exceptional qualifications.

And now, Xia Mi has proven it.

"How is it possible not? I should have known when Fujimaru Ritsuka used that word spirit that it was not just her who was abnormal, but all the hybrids on that island have inherited that person's bloodline."

The strong wind roared, but it was not unexpected. Xia Mi frowned and thought.

But [Judgment]?

【Judgement】? ?

Is this thing meant for humans to use?

Why don't you say I don't know how to do it? ! Rather than saying that he can't, it's better to say that even among the Dragon Kings, not many have seen that king use his own speech spirit!

The White King remained aloof from the world most of the time. Although Odin defined the nature of dragons as violent and ferocious, in fact, even the history that has been modified by him now shows that the White King had almost no influence under the Black King's rule. He has never done anything out of the ordinary. Even if he rebelled against the Black King, it was because the other party treated his own people too cruelly.

In the history of hybrids in Japan, the White King is described as a "Lord of the Rings" character who "seduces humans."

Although according to Dr. Herzog, the remains of the White King have devoured real royal hybrids countless times in history and caused disasters, in fact, there has never been a single riot in which the White King's personal will appeared. There is no record of any directional behavior of the White King after his resurrection.

Basically they just lose control and get hacked to death.

In general.

It has a Tiamat-like beauty.

But the special nature of the White King is obvious to all.

Just think about it and you will know that just like Xia Mi is accustomed to using part of the word spirit of the wind element, and the [Heaven and Earth as Furnace] of the fire element, the four dragon kings are actually basically interoperable.

The four major elements are interconnected with each other. In addition to the world-destroying words and spirits between the dragon kings, I will know you and you will know me. There is me in you and you in me.

But King Bai is an exception.

The White King is in charge of spiritual elements. Only her speech spirit cannot be used by any of the four dragon kings.

Therefore, as the Dragon King, Xia Mi was actually the first girl to get on the sedan chair.

Xia Mi: But listen to me, don’t rush yet!

Xia Mi remained motionless, letting the strong wind blowing in the prelude of the trial to blow the hem of her clothes. She stood calmly on the spot, with her hands in her pockets, her expression cold, as if she didn't know who her opponent was.

——It doesn’t matter, I am Jormungandr.

I am determined not to be shaken when the White King comes, let alone a mere human being.

Humans are just human beings. No matter how much we use the powers of dragons, we will never reach the heights we should have.

Let's see how I can deal with it easily, a [dustless land], a [glazed Brahma City], a [heaven and earth as a furnace], and then gather the concentration of earth elements in the surrounding air into a similar entity.

Now, even if a cloud bomb explodes on my head, I will—

Eriyi waved her hand gently.

Boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ——————! ! ! ! !

Suddenly, the world became noisy.

A burst of LV6 updraft was born out of thin air, and the elements of the entire space suddenly shrank and exploded in an instant, releasing all the contents like a balloon pierced by a needle.

The fiery turbulence was like cracks being torn apart in the ground, lava splattering from the ground to the sky, and the Nibelung roots that symbolized the concept of mountains were directly penetrated.

It shattered the earth, wiped out the atmosphere, and then passed through the side of Xia Mi's face.

White and black kept interlacing and flashing, and the vision was shut down in an instant.

An irregular hole appeared directly in the sky, and the sun shone into it.

Fortunately this is the Nibelungen, otherwise at that moment just now

A mountain is gone.

In front of Natsumi, who had his hands in his pockets and looked dull, Eriki just raised her hand slightly, holding a strawberry-colored ruler.


Twenty centimeters.

Posted with a photo of Timely Rain.

Xia Mi pursed his lips.

He took his hands out of his trouser pockets, rubbed the sides of his thighs up and down, and then placed them on both sides in confusion.

Slightly cramped.

She can't understand this era.

Just...can't understand.

ps: Let me explain. It’s not that Xia Mi is too weak, it’s that these three people are too strong.

I absolutely did not insult Mi, I also said it in the group——

The original Bloody Chu Zihang is slightly weaker than Xia Mi << Angry Fenrir < Forgot how many times Lu Mingfei was increased < White King Herzog (more increased than the second one, even Lu Mingfei couldn’t be killed, was held down Fight)<Chu Zihang’s version of Odin (Lu Mingfei’s growth rate is higher)<Chu Tianjiao’s version of Odin

And now Xia Mi is directly targeting Chu Tianjiao's version of Odin.

How many layers of boxes are there!

This is just Xia Mi in the larval stage!

This is all my love! my love! ! My feelings for Xia Misang can be learned from time to time! ! (heartbreaking)

The reason why it looks so unbearable is because Eri Yi and Kazama Ruri have been "strengthened". To say that they are strengthened is actually to give Kazama Ruri a violent blood attack, while Eri Yi has completely controlled her own dragon blood. , these are assumptions that have never appeared in the original work.

I feel that with Ruri Kazama's level of killing the White King in the juvenile stage, even if I don't strengthen it, I can still do it at a 50-50 level with Natsumi ()

It’s the Japanese villain who is too strong (sad)

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