Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 265 Are you afraid? (2-in-1)

"Hey! My old friend, you have such a bad temper!~"

The overwhelming rain beat on the bell tower of the chapel, and the bell rang in the wind. The door was pushed open, and a man in black was holding a black umbrella.

The man in black heard the other party's emotion. He was stunned for a moment, and then he hummed and cursed with a smile.

"You put the monitor in the school board meeting room?"

Angers walked into the bell tower. He looked familiar. After opening the door, he neatly put away the umbrella and threw it into the corner next to him. His movements were very smooth, with the elegant style of a college boy throwing his umbrella at the door of the dormitory. .

"No, how dare I? Besides, alchemy is not used for such vulgar things! Do you think that I, a contemporary Flamel, don't have any dignity of my own?!" The speaker sat alone in a corner. On the sofa, two fingers hooked the mouth of the wine bottle, shaking it. "If you want to put it, put it in the women's locker room, preferably in the swimming department."

"Really, I wanted to praise you if you let go." Angers didn't care and shrugged. "But if it's a women's locker room, then I, as the president of Cassel College, will condemn you."

The careless man said without comment, "What if I put it in the locker room of another school?"

Ange smiled and also found a place to sit down.

"I can't control that, but as a good citizen, I need to review it."

"Good for you."

"Have a drink."

"Whiskey, pure malt, drink it if you like."

The conversation between the two ended here. They seemed to be very familiar with each other. There was no sense of unfamiliarity when they spoke, and there was no hesitation in their movements, just like friends who often visited the house.

Maybe not as if.

"Going back to the previous topic, after being your bad friend for so many years, can I not know what it looks like when you are angry? It's just like that long, black, straight, cold student council president who has a relative. On the surface, he is calm and calm. , In fact, you frowned, just waiting for others to touch you, and you almost wrote 'Who will die' with a grease pen in your eyes."

"It's not that exaggerated." Angers pulled away his tie, unbuttoned the collar of his white shirt, then raised his head and poured water into his throat. The strong burning sensation was probably equivalent to Normal people eat mints when their throat is inflamed. It is not very irritating, but it can relieve itching.

But everyone knows that if you have an inflamed throat, you should not force yourself to take throat lozenges, especially the extremely sweet ones. In addition to promoting inflammation, they may also help slim down your wallet.

But who doesn't know?

Who can bear it?

"Is it about your student?"

"It's about my student."

The two of them exchanged an incomprehensible exchange of words. The slovenly man pouted and raised his eyebrows. He was slumped on the sofa with his legs dangling in the air. His calf twitched, and he actually showed signs of sitting upright.

"Did they attack that kid?"

"It doesn't count. It's probably just a test, to see what the kid can do. After all, it's been a year, and the news can no longer be kept secret." Angers put his mouth close to the mouth of the bottle, and glanced at the surface of the whiskey. The waves are swaying, and there is fire in the eyes, but it is as fragile and wavering as if it is about to be extinguished.

"They want someone to replace you?"

"Ritsuka? Haha. If she is willing to take over, it would be a good thing for me, provided that——"

Angers took another sip, and this time he almost blew the bottle. When he put the wine down again, there was no sound of liquid shaking inside.

"The premise is that those old people don't try to control her and use her as a tool."

"It's difficult. Apart from you, every person has weaknesses." The man spoke with an unknown emotion. "Except for the vengeful ghosts who want to die, no one can deal with those vampires. Even if that kid can fight two of you, she can't protect everyone around her all the time."


Angers did not agree or deny this sentence. This violation made the audience opposite him frown and couldn't help but take a second look at Angers.

He had some guesses, which he had before Angers came, but he needed time to verify this conclusion, and he also

I don’t want to believe my own guess.

"Okay, okay!" the middle-aged uncle seemed to have changed the subject. "Change the topic - Angers, I've been wanting to say it from now on. On this gloomy rainy day, please can you not dress like a mourner and come to my place to listen to the bells? I'm the one who's been here to begin with. People complain like they are at a funeral, and you made me think today was my own funeral."

"Let's not mention that your nickname is Night Watchman, but you are actually afraid of this? Besides, isn't it not domineering enough for me to help you carry the coffin?" Angers suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, I won't be the one to carry you when you die. I will personally help you select nine good-looking dragons and tie them under your coffin. I learned this when I went to China. It's very cool. It’s fair, let’s gather a Nine Dragons to carry the coffin.”

"Cool!—but is there really a dragon willing to take this job?"

"I never said I wanted to win their consent." Ange smiled, seemingly satisfied with his joke, and gestured to the other party for more wine, and said cheerfully.

"Besides, what's the matter with the black suit? I've known you for so many years, haven't you always dressed like this?"

"Because you have been preparing for the funeral these years." The night watchman could only grab another suspicious-looking cup, looked at his bottle unwillingly, and finally decided to pour half a cup of wine and handed it to Ang. hot.

Angers took it and huddled in the sofa with him. The sofa behind him creaked and whined, but the two men ignored it and just drank one drink at a time without speaking for a long time.

It was a really sloppy attic, with all the windows on the sunny side and huge posters of low-cut girls. There was only an unfolded bed, a single sofa, a set of computer desks and swivel chairs, and a large bookshelf filled with DVDs of Western movies. Of course, there were empty wine bottles all over the floor and adult magazines scattered everywhere.

The college's hidden figure, the Night Watcher, has lived here for decades, furnished in the style of a dissatisfied adolescent.

The style of this loft conflicts greatly with Angers' aesthetic, but Angers naturally occupied the most comfortable position after he came in. He is very familiar with this place and cannot help but be familiar with it, because only here can the night watchman be found.

Everyone has a few bad friends, and they always ask you to meet in places with questionable sanitary conditions, drinking cheap beer and eating rotten seafood. But you still went ahead and spat with him, and you never tired of it.

Angers also has such friends.

"Yeah. I've been preparing."

The topic was silent for a long time, but Angers finally answered and admitted his friend's statement. His voice was hoarse. He didn't know whether it was because he drank too much wine or for other reasons.

The night watchman glanced up at him and continued pouring wine.

He thought for a while and took the initiative to speak.

"This year has been the worst year I've had in decades."

"Just because you, an old boy, went to China and rushed into that damn Nibelungen with your new students, oh my God, Nibelungen, that's the Nibelungen! That's St. A place like a palace! The alchemists tried their best to find it, but you just rushed in with a little brat?"

Angers shrugged very pleadingly, raised the wine glass with one arm, and said melodiously.

"By the way, I slashed Odin."

"Tsk, I know, I know, this is the least important part of the story you have told countless times."

"Hey, that's too much."

The two of them quickly returned to normal after the bickering. The night watchman licked his lips and tapped the edge of the bottle with uncertainty.

"You deciphered the so-called truth in China, and when you came back you told me that this world is a bunch of fucking illusions. The alchemy books I have read for most of my life are all gibberish. It is "Introduction to C Language", and the "C Language Is Buried" It has long been hidden by an old boy named Odin."

Angers sneered at the other party's reaction and said hummingly: "You weren't surprised at that time. You had already made a guess, right?"

". I just vaguely feel that there is something wrong, but unlike your student, I am the kind of person who instinctively senses danger and does not want to go further. It is okay for me to go to the bar to pick up girls and pole dance, but facing dragons Let’s forget it.”

"Soft-footed shrimp."

"That's also a New Zealand crayfish-level soft-footed shrimp. Tsk, don't interrupt. I was right about what I just said, that student of yours." The night watchman pinched his temples hard, recalling the information about the girl in his mind. .

"Fujimaru Ritsuka, a native of Earth, an individual with extremely abnormal spiritual elements, an individual with extremely abnormal human genes, and an individual with abnormal dragon bloodline mutation. The whole person is synonymous with the word miracle, but it is 100% proven that he is not a person transformed by the Dragon King. .”

"Debuted in the Japanese branch. In the first year of my debut, I resolved a millennium-old local organizational conflict. I blew up half of the Tokyo Tower. I went to Tokyo Disneyland to fight an old boy like you and got a draw. I went on a mission in China. For the first time, I was in Dragon King. He broke into the house and ran out, and he also severely humiliated the other party."

"Then I stayed in middle school to study, and became a scheduled student of Kassel College. Over the past year, I have worked with you to deal with the frequent dragon resurgence cases in recent years. Together, we have solved three objects suspected of being second-generation species, and we have reached double-digit third-generation species."

"The Word Spirit is an unprecedented [Word Spirit. Oracle] that has never been seen before. Its current ability is to communicate with the [spirit] of ancient heroic spirits. It can do something similar to a ghost spirit. In this way, it can reach unimaginable strength. , you can even synchronize three heroic spirits in one breath."

After saying these words in one breath, the night watchman felt that his lips were a little dry. Angers thoughtfully offered him a glass of liquid. He took it and drank it without caring about what it was.

Upon seeing this, Angers took the time to add something in passing.

"By the way, it was a year ago that the three heroic spirits were synchronized, and the information about [Word Spirit Oracle] was also reported. Although it was not reported to the school board or the Sheqi Hachi Family, in fact, Fujimaru Tatsuka It can already influence reality to a certain extent.”

"Poof!——" The night watchman spat out what he had just drank. Drinks were flying all over the sky. Unfortunately, it was not a sunny day, otherwise a rainbow ring might have appeared.

The man didn't react until he was halfway through the vomiting, and then he quickly tensed up and drank the rest with all his strength. This move caused him to accidentally drink some of it and enter his nose and trachea, causing him to cough.

He didn't know if he had spoken too much, or if he was thinking about the content of these words and that was why his mouth was so dry.

But eventually, he came to his own conclusion.

"This is a fucking monster! A complete monster!! Even if the history of this world is forged by Odin as you said, no hybrid in this world can surpass the level of this monster. I seriously doubt it. She has been able to kill the Dragon King single-handedly!"

"At least it's not impossible." Angers spread his hands.

"Perhaps we can keep it simple. Maybe the school board knows the way to enter the Nibelungs, and will fund you with a few nuclear bombs, allowing you to go in and blow up the Nibelungs. Of course, it's best to blow yourself up too, I can imagine how much they dislike you." The night watchman said, "In this way, your wish as a vengeful maniac will be fulfilled, the school board will support the new puppet, and everyone will be happy."

"Are you happy too?"

"As an old friend, I will attend your funeral and promise not to make a scene." The night watchman puffed out his chest.

Ange did not deny it, but said softly: "Those people on the school board cannot fight against the Dragon Clan. You know it, and I know it too. Only they don't know it. They don't understand how cruel war is. I said Yeah, I would be happy if you actually put monitors in the school board meeting room."

Angers squatted with his glass of wine, walked to the window, and looked out at the scenery outside. There was the "Hall of Valor" of Kassel Academy. There was originally a sculpture of Odin carved there. Unfortunately, Angers was the first one when he returned to Kassel. The first thing was that he went to the toilet in his private office, and the second thing was that he went out and kicked Odin's sculpture to pieces.

There are spirits in heaven. If I offend the gods——

I have the guts to come and beat me personally.

The rubble of the sculpture was still piled there, washed away by the rain like a pile of discarded plastic garbage. Looking at it, Angers felt like a normal person seeing a Ragdoll cat, which could be used to lighten his mood.

"You should really see how those old guys reacted when they saw me pretending to be angry for a little bit. If it were in a Tom and Jerry cartoon, they would have been bent into an arch bridge shape."

".You may think that you have kept up with the times, but Tom and Jerry animations are quite old for young people." The night watchman complained, but then agreed.

"But I can understand what you are saying. They are politicians. Politicians always think about building a new world before the war is over, just like the United States and the Soviet Union are already thinking about how to divide their spheres of influence in Europe before they capture Berlin. "

"Yes, they are already full of confidence, thinking that after the Dragon Clan is completely buried, they will control the power of the world." Angers said, narrowing his eyes.

"But the war has only just begun."

"And I'm a soldier. I just need to survive until the war is over."

Angers looked at the night watchman.

"Friend, I still need your support before the war ends."

"Friend, you are already so old that you are about to die, why do you still persist?"

The night watchman sighed

"You know, why bother asking?"

The night watchman nodded, "I know, you are the mourner, so you always wear black and carry a folding knife in your sleeve. For a hundred years, every moment you think about killing people, ah no, slaying dragons. You are the kind of person who is very Those who hold grudges, whoever develops hatred against you and becomes your enemy will only die. Unless they kill you first."

"I've known it for a long time. How long have we known each other?" the night watchman said softly.

"If possible, I should agree to your invitation. No, I will agree to you now, because to be honest, if there is a person in this world who can lead a hybrid to kill those reptiles, in that little girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka Before showing up, I am willing to put all my chips on you."

"Are the odds good?"

"High, high like Japan playing Germany in the World Cup." The night watchman said something bad and scratched his head.

"But... something seems to have changed now."

"As you said, I also don't like the plutocrats and politicians on the school board. For the sake of profit, they can sacrifice anyone. Politicians have no morals and bottom lines. But they still want to build. Build a new era of hybrids and take power. And you just have to pay tribute to the Dragons..."

"I believe what you said. If you are given the chance, you will definitely use the mushroom cloud of a nuclear bomb to end the Dragon Clan. When the fire rains from the sky, you will light a cigar and pour a glass of champagne to honor your old friends. Your life is here. Waiting for that moment full of performance art," the night watchman whispered.

"But Angers, that's you before."


The wine bottle was thrown into the trash can. Angers, who remained calm-faced, turned his head and asked naturally as if he didn't hear his friend's words clearly.

".what are you saying?"

"You know best what I say." The night watchman no longer evaded, but looked directly at Angers.

Unlike the old men on the school board, for the night watchman, even if Angers really lit up his golden eyes in front of him, he would not avert his eyes. There will always be a few weirdos in this world. Just like Odin said, the pride of an era will always have an incomprehensible distance from other vulgar people. When other hybrids are still fighting with lions and leopards, In the competition, as S-class hybrids, they are responsible for killing the Dragon King of this era.

The Night Watchman's ability is discipline, and he is also the most powerful alchemist in the world. He is the old man who assists Angers in running Kassel Academy, and is even older than him.

And the bloodline is no less than that of Angers.

"Why should I put all the chips on you? I said that even Fujimaru Ritsuka has weaknesses. No matter how powerful that girl is, there will always be people she wants to protect, but you don't need it. You are just a madman. Everything about you All for the purpose of destruction, the destruction of the dragon clan, the destruction of enemies, and even destruction of yourself."

"You may feel that you are still very relaxed, you may feel that you are still rational, you may feel that you are very mature and just persistent, but my friend, when a person bets everything on revenge, he will be with you. The so-called calmness has no chance."

"But this is your choice. As your damaged friend, I have no right to say anything. If you are determined to jump off the end of destruction and close your eyes before the dawn of the world, then I can only bless you. I'll give you two white roses, or...I mean maybe, maybe, probably, I will jump with you when necessary and end my life like a handsome man."

"But all this is based on the fact that you have no weaknesses, Angers."

"Answer me, Ange, why are you so angry? Don't use your acting skills to lie. Have you been framed by the school board in many cases? Why are you reacting so loudly just this time?"

"Tell me, Angers."

The night watchman looked directly at Angers.

——Are you scared?


The iron-gray sky dyed the light with a layer of dusty shadow. The man's shadow was blurry and distant, and the eyes facing him in front of him seemed to be lengthening and distorting with the sound of tinnitus.

Angre pursed his lips and suddenly laughed.

"Pfft! Huhahahahahaha——"

"Hey old friend, are you talking in this tone now? It sounds like our Professor Masashi Toyama, you have a minor in psychology? And don't talk about me, let's talk about you, what are you thinking about? Over the years, you Why are you still staying at Kassel College? Don’t tell me you’re spending your old age drinking beer here.”

The thunder outside the window is still roaring, and the white thunder day flashes. The old man kept a slight smile on his lips, but his face looked as white as a patient under the thunder curtain.

The night watchman pursed his lips, but finally said nothing, just sighed softly.

"I won't tell you...I don't want to make up a lie."

Angre smiled: "You would be so honest? You used to talk sweetly to women."

"But you are not a woman, so I can't lie to you."

"You seem to be someone who will die if you don't tell cold jokes." Angers finally turned around, picked up the umbrella he brought and was about to go out.

Although he had achieved the purpose of his trip, his departure seemed so abrupt.

"Hello, Angers," the night watchman said behind him.

Angers stopped, said nothing and did not look back.

"Then what - oh, damn it, I'm your brother and not your wife, I shouldn't say this, but..."

"You know what you're doing, right?"


Lightning spread from the sky to Kassel like withered branches. Amidst the rolling thunder, Angers's dark suit was also dyed white. The old man knocked on his umbrella and seemed to be smiling calmly.


"Just say so." The night watchman stopped admonishing him. He knew that he had no position, and he also knew that Angers, an old stubborn man, would never admit his story until his death.

So he could only make insinuations, starting from that source——

"Is that little kid you miss so much still in Kassel?" the night watchman shouted at the top of his lungs.

"No, it's a holiday." As if he mentioned the topic he wanted to hear, the curves on Ange's face finally softened a little and he said casually. "Just wait for this semester."

"You'll see her."


Angers left, and the bell tower fell into silence.

Flamel sighed softly. He didn't know what possessed his old friend so much that he believed that a young man could replace him and become the future of the world.


The once perfect God of Death now had weaknesses.

"Well, you have to rely on yourself at the critical moment." The old man looked at the old man's back outside the clock tower, but his hands secretly began to fumble under the sofa where he had been sitting.

Then, a thick black shadow was taken out by him.

The old man brushed off the dust on the book and stroked the words on the book like a lover.

That book is extremely heavy, yet extremely precious.

What is recorded here is the spark of human wisdom.

It is also the last hope.

ps: Angers is an almost perfect character in the original work. Except for his record, he is basically perfect.


I do not think so.

There are no perfect people in this world. When a person wants to live for revenge, this person can no longer be said to be completely understanding and completely calm.

To paraphrase the Hulk - he's always angry.

But when the anger cools down, will he still be the "perfect" person?

So, how do you keep your anger from cooling down?

In fact, there are many hints in the original work, but readers may not care about various issues such as their age when reading it.

Angers is actually quite "utilitarian" and has personally admitted that everyone is just a tool for revenge.

However, this sentence corresponds to what he did, which is "contradictory".

I don’t know what kind of plot Jiang Nan finally arranged for the principal, but I think the clues to the happy end have been given in the original work.

The difference is whether someone stimulates him or not.

Okay, I won’t say it anymore, it would be a spoiler if I say it again, so I’ll leave you with the hint here.

Today it’s still two-in-one.

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