Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 267 Fujimaru-san awakens the

Changle Airport, pick up at the living room.

It has been more than ten years since this airport was established. It has experienced heavy rains and typhoons. The footprints of thousands of people passing through this building have stayed on this building.

The unstoppable T2 terminal is extremely quiet at the moment. Two o'clock in the afternoon is an extremely hot time. Except for those who need to rush for work, not many people like to get off the plane at this time and rush on their way.

Think about it, your whole body is wet and sticky with sweat, your luggage is heavy and cumbersome, the scorching sun in the sky is lighting up the sparse hair on your head, and you are wearing a pain shirt and you have to think about getting soaked. Will the color of the headlights on your chest be exposed through your clothes?

That's not good.

So everyone thought of this layer, but as everyone knows, this is only the third layer.

You think you are on the third floor and I am on the first floor, but in fact I, Fujimaru Ritsuka, am on the fifth floor!

"Because there is no one, there is no one. This is a philosophy, you have to understand it."

After getting off the plane, Ritsuka Fujimaru politely declined the WeChat ID the flight attendant left for her. She spoke incomprehensible words to her fellow passengers on the same plane. After brushing her long hair around her ears, she walked to the baggage claim area.

With her smooth movements, it is not difficult to see that she is completely familiar with this routine. There is no way around it. After flying more than a dozen times in a year, even a person with a phobia of airplanes can train herself to watch air crashes with wired headphones in her room. Video, let alone a simple operation like picking up luggage.


The black conveyor belt delivered the packages to the collection point one after another. Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't have much luggage, just a brown-black backpack with some clothes in it.

When I travel a lot on business, I realize that clothes and other items are all external possessions. Generally speaking, they disappear as soon as they are worn, or they are burned by the high temperature.

Therefore, Fujimaru Ritsuka usually picks up the executive bureau's exclusive coat and combat uniform on the spot after going out, or uses the combat uniform that he brought from the Jakihachi family before.

It doesn’t have other functions, it’s just high temperature resistance, which is enough. It's very troublesome like Angers. Every time "henxin" grows bone spurs or something like that, which costs a combat uniform.

Teacher Ange is good at everything, but he really doesn’t care much about whether the environment is environmentally friendly. If one day he gets desperate, he really plans to throw a nuclear bomb on the head of the Dragon King. He has gone through all the various clauses about environmental protection in his head. No.

Alas, I have to take good care of him too!

It is clear that even in two lifetimes combined, Fujimaru Ritsuka is no longer the age of the charming young woman. For some reason, she has awakened the nosy blood of a fifty-year-old aunt, and everything she thinks is biased.

But then again, what did Fujimaru Ritsuka himself do in this year?

It goes without saying what others have said. From Fujimaru Ritsuka's own opinion, one of the main parts of growth is indeed the holy relics collected within this year.

Because of Odin's existence, almost all the holy relics of the Gods have been lost. What remains are either the alchemy tools placed in the ancient dragon's tomb, or the precious phantoms left by modern heroic spirits.

Most of what Fujimaru Ritsuka has collected in the past few years - Andersen's homemade business cards and part of his hair, the Iron Maiden that Elizabeth is said to have used, the postcards left by Jack the Ripper, Marie Antoinette Unique jewelry, Shakespeare’s will and the like.

Of course, none of them are particularly "powerful" servants.

It cannot be said that it is useless, it can only be said that it is very useful in embarrassing frontal battlefields.

It's not that they are too weak, it's that Fujimaru Ritsuka himself is too strong.

If Fujimaru Ritsuka is inserted into Greek mythology, then Hai, who is number one in Greece, may be able to maintain his position, but it is hard to say whether he is number two.

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka still collected all the holy relics. She didn't have any foresighted thoughts, it was just a simple collection habit. She didn't know if it was the dragon's blood that was causing trouble, or she missed the voices and faces of her friends. She just couldn't help it. Get your hands on these things.

At worst, after this battle is over, I can go find Andersen or Shakespeare to have a ghost spirit to help me write a book.

This is no longer a copycat! ()

Then, other things that can be said to be capable of combat are basically obtained by Li Xiang and Anger from their missions.

That's right, the truly powerful alchemy tools are basically buried in the ground with the ancient dragon. If you want to get them, you have to wait for the dragon kings to revive, and then come out with their own treasures to pop rice for Fujimaru Ritsuka.

For example, Finn's alchemy tool is rice exploded from a next-generation species.

Judging from the content of the trash talk before the war, it seems that after the opponent was killed by Finn in this world, he was reborn by forming a cocoon. He directly went to the opponent's hometown and dug away all the alchemy tools, and then made another one with himself. cocoons buried together.

I don’t know if this is love or hate ()

Anyway, the action was really fast, even Odin didn't make a move.

Ritsuka got an advantage, but apart from Finn's authority, she had almost nothing left to gain from the top-notch heroic spirits.

After all, not every Dragon King is seriously ill and likes to snatch away the alchemy tools of the hybrid that killed him and bury them with him.

Because of the blockage in the holy relics, Ritsuka could only dig deeper into the violent blood technique and his own [Word Spirit Oracle]. The growth of spiritual elements has given her the conditions, whether it is the unlimited control of violent blood, or the essence of the oracle, she has made great progress.

After all, "arbitrary manipulation of spiritual elements" itself can almost be equated with King Bai himself. Being able to fully master this spiritual spirit is no different from becoming the contemporary King Bai, who can affect reality at will. A god-like existence.

More than a year has passed since obtaining it, and Fujimaru Ritsuka has finally figured out the way.

Although it is distorted reality, it is still impossible to achieve "all your wishes come true". Basically, it depends on Fujimaru Ritsuka's biological limits, the quality and quantity of spiritual elements, and "common sense" .

For example, if it were just to "reverse the gender of Fujimaru Ritsuka", this level of reality distortion would be very simple.

As long as we assume that - if Fujimaru Ritsuka in a certain parallel world is male, such a simple thing, Fujimaru Ritsuka's brain will naturally start to construct such an image subconsciously, and the physical structure of men and women is written in textbooks Clearly, it is not difficult to construct.

As long as she wants to, she can instantly transform into the yellow-haired version of Fujimaru Ritsuka with eight-pack abs and a lewd smile.

But if you want to "make the world lose gravity", this level of reality distortion will be very difficult.

Because the human brain cannot directly imagine every detail of a "gravity-free" world, and if you want to make changes on a "world" scale, you need spiritual elements that even Fujimaru Ritsuka cannot come up with.

To put it simply, it is a skill that has a very high upper limit, but also requires ridiculously high demands on the user. If it were the White King, observing the world from a dragon's perspective would probably easily distort the rules of the entire world.

The current Ritsuka is just a bankrupt version of Dragon Ball ()

But even so——

"If it's just a fight with an opponent of Odin's level, the adult Dragon King is completely confident."

"The question lies in the realm Odin himself has reached, as well as the interference from additional factors such as alchemy props and alchemy technology."

Fujimaru Ritsuka was walking on the road with a habitual smile on her face, but her mind was reorganizing her mission to return home this time.

Use it with all your heart, this is a skill that Master, at least Fujimaru Ritsuka, must have.

And speaking of her goal of returning to China—she was also notified of this by Angers.

——She was asked by the secret party to enter Kassel College one year in advance.

It is not difficult to understand. Fujimaru Ritsuka, who is a super-exceptional person, is an outlier in this world. There is no need for an age limit. If she wanted to, she could have gone to Kassel Academy as early as her first year of high school.

During the year she stayed in China, she dealt with Odin and Xia Mi. The rest of the time she basically spent traveling to all corners of the world to deal with the dragon resurgence incident. She only occasionally took up positions in the school and was in front of students. In my leisure days, I gradually understood what the so-called "mental element operation" is.

It's like practicing meditation.

Of course, this period of time at the school was considered meaningless by the school board. Because of his exceptional qualities, Fujimaru Ritsuka had to immediately become a member of the European Secret Party, which was the most beneficial action for them.

——The importance of adolescent girls’ time at school? youth? Is student life necessary for shaping personality? Fujimaru Ritsuka’s personal freedom?

It doesn't matter, the school board is thick-skinned.

——When the responsibility of the end of the world requires an underage girl to carry it on her shoulders, then all the adults in this world are disqualified?

It doesn't matter, the school board is really thick-skinned.

Angers blocked the matter for half a year, but eventually things came to a point of falling out.

After Fujimaru Ritsuka found out, in order not to make the situation too ugly, he also chose to compromise.

Counting the time, it's time.

My strength has reached a bottleneck, and I can't collect alchemy tools. Even if I heard that there are so-called rings with inscriptions of Ramses II and Nefertari in the museum, and Leonardo da Vinci's self-portraits, etc., they are all being destroyed. A sample of Odin's dropped package.

If you want to gain an advantage in the next process, there is only one thing you can do——


That Nicholas Flamel, the strongest alchemist in the world.

As early as that time in Tokyo Tower, the girl had thought that the command spell of [Word Spirit Oracle] provided magic power as a source of power, but the quality and quantity were too different. If you want to succeed, you may need A more mysterious alchemy formula.

But now, the growth of spiritual elements, the mastery of [Word Spirit. Oracle], and the strongest alchemist.

There may be hope for a true summons of heroic spirits.

Even Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but feel excited at that time.

Can I really see them again, not as phantoms, but as real friends who talk to me in their own ways?

Leonardo da Vinci, Sherlock Holmes, Musashi, Artoria, Nero, Artoria, Emiya-san, Artoria, Atalanta, Artoria, Medusa, Arash, Wang Jiang , Martha, Medea, Kong Ming



I miss you.

I wish you all perfect scores in science - it seems unrealistic, so I wish you all get it right if you know it, and get it right if you don't know it!

You guys, hurry up and get admitted to a prestigious university to repay your poor author brothers! ()

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