Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 283 Profile? Barton Technique! ! ! !

Although Ritsuka was a little surprised to be stabbed in the back by the senior she met on the first day, but - it only lasted a moment.

I asked why everyone always looked at us strangely when we were eating.

She was more curious about the title content than this.

Needless to say, I and Lu Mingfei were two pure S-class people. They couldn't hide it even if they wanted to. Principal Ange personally went to Japan to test himself. The two of them went back and forth, punching me and kicking me. A profound revolutionary friendship was established.

After that, there was basketball diplomacy on the field and three captures of Odin, not to mention countless missions together during the year.

Ange was definitely right when he said that Fujimaru Ritsuka was S-class. As for Lu Mingfei, Ange seemed to have known the news earlier than Fujimaru Ritsuka. Either it was a problem with Lu Mingfei's parents, or it was because of Lu Mingfei's parents. That guy Lu Mingze is up to something.

On the other hand, Chu Zihang and Ling must be pure surprises to the outside world.

Needless to say, as the person in charge of the [Social Animals’ Salvation Team], she herself seems to be inextricably linked to Lu Mingze.

The boss was able to transform Mai Shutoku, an A-level girl, into a superwoman with hundreds of sinister skins. In his eyes, changing the bloodline was probably just a matter of snapping his fingers. What was surprising about Zero becoming an S-level was not the bloodline itself. But the boss is actually willing to let his team members be exposed to the public eye.

Could it be that he couldn't help but want to take action?

Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little hesitant and planned to inquire about the situation later.


So what happened to Chu Zihang?

The answer is related to a certain inspiration that was mentioned a year ago when Fujimaru Ritsuka and Chu Zihang and Akira were involved in the training plan.

That was an idea that shocked Angers.

It is also the plan to kick off this era.

The last glimmer of humanity in this war.

If we want to use the referring method of the famous cartoonist Yabazi, it is


In short, let's ignore this matter for now. Although Fujimaru Ritsuka was surprised that she and others were given special care by the school, what made her even more strange was a violation.

That is--

"Why do you know?"

"Huh?" Chen Motong's voice was weak, as if she didn't know what Fujimaru Ritsuka was talking about, and Ritsuka was happy to start her own explanation.

"The time, the time doesn't match up."

"The time was 8:29 when we entered the campus. The post at this time has not been posted yet, which means you don't know our identity. This can be discovered by the attitude of the seniors after entering the school."

"But around 9:30, when we were eating in the cafeteria, the eyes of the seniors changed obviously. They had obviously finished reading the posts posted at 9 o'clock."

"But you are different."

Lixiang looked at Chen Motong with interest. This was the first time she had shown clear curiosity about her roommate.

"The first time you and I met was in the dormitory between the two. After that, we went to have dinner. In the meantime, you checked your phone seven times, and each stay lasted no more than two minutes. If you read the post carefully, There seems to be insufficient time, and your attitude towards us has not changed from the beginning.”

"In other words, you knew I was not a normal freshman the first time you saw me. You didn't read the content of the post carefully, including the photo gallery. You just glanced at it and determined our identities."


Lixiang moved closer to Chen Motong, who raised his eyebrows and did not quibble. Instead, he turned his head and said with strange attention.

"How many times do you have to pay attention to other people's mobile phones while you are eating?"

"I have a good memory and am used to observing the people around me." Li Xiang nodded proudly.

Chen Motong looked at her, suddenly raised his head and closed his eyes for a few seconds as if he was remembering something, and then suddenly nodded inexplicably with conviction.

"Ah, you are indeed such a person."

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "?"

Chen Motong's words were somewhat intriguing, and Li Xiang couldn't help but blink his eyes.

Why do you say you understand me very well?

The more Ritsuka looked at it, the weirder it became, and he couldn't even think of an answer. This made Ritsuka find it more and more interesting.

You know, she is a strange woman who studied under Sherlock Holmes and secretly studied for several promotion classes. She couldn't figure out what Chen Motong's reaction meant, so what else can she do next?

Brother Finn, please give me a thumbs up?

"Girl, where have we met?" Lixiang asked.

Chen Motong did not answer the question directly. Instead, she raised her lips and said with a smile: "Aren't you very good at reasoning? You can guess for yourself."

Chen Motong is a girl who easily offends others.

There is always no reason for her behavior. People can't understand what she wants to do, and she is not particularly polite to anyone. She is polite but not too much. She is good-looking but always looks at people with empty eyes. In popular terms, she is The proud princess has no one else in her eyes.

She is like a book that no one can read. A scumbag wants to tear it up after reading it. But if it doesn't work, he will quickly throw it into the trash and never take it out again. The top student became furious when he saw it, desperately trying to understand her, using her disguise as a veil of mystery, looking forward to the day when he would lift it off.

Ritsuka looked at her, but she only had one thought in her mind.

"As for reasoning, I only know a little bit about it. It is more about observation and thinking than reasoning. It cannot be put on the stage. Don't mind if I am wrong."

This sentence sounded familiar, maybe because it was the line she used when she first met Master Yue.

"That's all you say." Chen Motong smiled, not knowing what he was thinking.


Seeing Chen Motong smile, Li Xiang simply laughed too.

"Start with me -"

The girl took a deep breath and began to speak.

"Chen Motong, female, your interests and hobbies are exactly what I just said, but the interior of your clothes has more elegant green and pink. Your favorite color lied. You don't like red. You just want to be yourself." To leave such a strong impression on outsiders, I chose bright and flamboyant colors.”

"This is just a possibility. You long for attention and protection, but you don't want others to know."

"The family environment is not good, and I don't have a deep bond with my parents. I had a bad childhood. My family is wealthy but the discipline is very strict. It's not about etiquette, but it's about severely restricting your range of activities."

"If you don't regulate your behavior but limit your scope of activities, it probably means that the family doesn't want you to inherit the business, but wants to use it as a tool. If you are a woman, I would prefer a political marriage."

"You usually look very rude, not because you look down on others, but because you don't know what you want. You provoke me to reason about you because you want to know your own image in the eyes of others. "

"You are very confused. You are not looking forward to life in Cassel, but you hope someone can bring you a sense of freshness. You seem to have an inexplicable concern for Lu Mingfei, and you seem to have a caring mentality towards the good-for-nothing man in your junior generation. , you may like to play the role of the eldest sister in your daily life, and it seems that you want to rely on this method to comfort yourself that you are not a puppet controlled by the family."

"You are timid, cowardly, good at self-deception, that is, good at disguise, and very observant. You are a bit lazy. The socks you wore today were wrong, but because they were boat socks, you didn't think you would be noticed."

"Although you can see traces of movement on your body, and you can see a thin layer of calluses on your hands. I have practiced shooting, and my shooting skills are not bad, but I am not particularly obsessed with it, just because I need to practice. I guess your Yanling is not a fighting type. It’s more focused on mental development, so it requires certain training.”

As Lixiang spoke, she also took the time to look at Chen Motong. The other person opened his mouth slightly and seemed a little surprised, but his mood was still stable and he seemed to have guessed the current scene.

Ritsuka frowned and whispered softly.

"Finally, with a little padding on the chest, the curves will actually be less prominent. My measurements are probably -"

"Wait!" Chen Motong finally interrupted, looking at his roommate fiercely. "You don't have to say this!"

"I'm sorry, I have a condition called 'If I don't see others startled by me, my heart rhythm will be disturbed'." Fujimaru Ritsuka explained seriously with a straight face.

Chen Motong glanced at her a few times with a rather speechless expression, and then sighed.

"Although I probably guessed it, it's really powerful."

Chen Motong muttered, and after speaking, he planned to turn around and leave without stopping.

This Ritsuka couldn't bear it. He was like a man who was seduced by his wife on his wedding night. He just took a shower and saw the woman who had started to snore. He was about to burst into anger.

"What the hell! What do you mean you guessed it, you don't want the Riddler~" Ritsuka said with a snort, pestering the other person to not let him go. She simply hugged the other person's waist and dragged him until he could not let him go.

"Let go!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the moment she was touched on the waist, Chen Motong seemed to be stunned for a second.

But she soon returned to normal, pushing Fujimaru Ritsuka's face outward with a look of disgust.

After Lixiang obeyed and took two steps back, she straightened her clothes and raised her eyes to look at the person opposite. There was some unknown light in her eyes.

After a while, she suddenly showed a sly smile.

His face suddenly lost the idle look of death before, and became a little more rosy and angry that a girl should have. He looked at Ritsuka, as if he wanted to take in the other person's appearance.

Under the moonlight, the girl's skin glowed with a wild white light. She took two steps back from the original position and spoke softly as if she was brewing some emotion.

"Fujimaru, your reasoning is not bad, but do you want to listen to mine? I'm also very good at it -" Chen Motong said with an inexplicable smile.

"Profiling or something."


Li Xiang was a little surprised. She couldn't help it. This was the first time she heard someone wanted to fight with her.

Are you provoking me?

Are you provoking me, Inspector Lestrade of the 21st century? ?

I.I can bear it! ?

Can Mr. Holmes endure it? ?

The evening wind blowing at this time caused the dense leaves around to tremble and sway from side to side. The shadows fell to the ground, the sound echoed in the wind, and two long and narrow shadows intertwined on the dark earth.

"Okay, let's try it."

The girl became energetic instantly, her eyes seemed to be burning with fire, and Chen Motong also showed a bright smile.

However, at that moment, even Fujimaru Ritsuka could not predict what would happen next——

the girl said softly.

"Big snowstorm, white buildings."

"The floor was hard and cold and you felt something licking your face."

The voice was slow, as if the host of a Western fairy tale radio station was playing the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolf, but the content of the words was torn like a sharp blade, penetrating the gap between the two.

Fujimaru Ritsuka subconsciously contracted his pupils.

The moment exceeded her imagination and surprised her beyond measure.

But... this is not the end.

"The burning city, the knight in black armor. You wake up, and next to you is a girl in very erotic clothes. She seems to be someone you have known for a short time, but you trust her very much."

"Dragon, a group of dragons circling in the sky, evil dragons spouting vicious flames, white-haired women seeking revenge on the world."

"The moon, with three men standing in the moonlight, surrounded by Roman features on the buildings."

"The sea is very wide. Whose ship were you taken to? The woman has scars on her face."

"You have come to a city filled with fog."

"The man who looks like the sun wields a golden spear"

"The arrows knocked down the stars."

"The sea turned black, you seemed to have fallen into some abyss, and someone was calling you."

"You seem to have sacrificed something."

Chen Motong's voice paused.

"Actually, this is an abbreviation. Although you can continue reading, do you still need it?"

Tick ​​tock.

It was a sunny day in Kassel that day, and no matter how remarkable the photosynthesis was in the morning, there would be no water droplets. However, in order to water the flowers, the staff arranged flowers neatly throughout the school.

The dew left by the shower head fell downwards and fell to the soil, becoming the only sound that Chen Motong could hear.


And her heart was beating faster than at any time in her life.

At that moment, countless emotions were mixed together and stuffed into the small heart chamber. The girl said with a strange flush on her face that she didn't even notice.

"am I right."

"Master of Chaldea?"

ps: In the original book, until the part I finished reading, the reason for Chen Motong’s profiling skills was not explained.

So I tried to round it up myself, and by the way, I rounded up Chen Motong's identity. Everyone can guess along with it, why Chen Motong can be profiled, and why he knows about Fujimaru Ritsuka's past.

Why 4-bit S-class?

Don't ask, asking is foreshadowing and everyone can guess.

In fact, it's quite obvious.

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