Parents, that is the bond that cannot be broken away in this world, that is the Hex that people cannot choose from the moment they are born.

Some people's lives are good, and some people's lives are bad, but no matter how much you complain, it can't change the bond between the two parties that is thicker than water.

But the opposite of the above point of view also proposes a special case——

In this world, there is such a kind of parents, called food and clothing parents.

Food and clothing, parents, can also be translated as - the one who gives milk is the mother.

Then here comes the problem.

Who feeds the equipment department?

"It's you, our dragon-slayer leader, our guiding light, the greatest dragon-slayer in history, Principal Angers." Director Akadulla raised his hands as if he were holding the Holy Grail and spoke with great emotion. His eyes shone with tears of emotion, as dazzling as crystal, as bright and hot as the sun.

Angers looked at him with a cold light in his eyes, as dark as the smoky makeup popular in the United States in the 1970s, and as cold as a 50-cent pack of snow lotus.

"First, don't express our relationship in such disgusting terms, who the hell is breastfeeding you!"


Anger kicked out the door from the lounge and looked at Li Xiang, his eyes full of fatigue.

The time point at this time was half an hour after Angers and Fujimaru Ritsuka arrived at the equipment department. During this period, Angers experienced ecstasy, ugly deception, and heart-wrenching betrayal.

Now I am experiencing the question of hating iron but not steel.

"How can you get along with these losers? Li Xiang!" Ange's voice was hoarse, and he said with anger and confusion like an old father watching his daughter who didn't learn enough to become a bad girl.

Li Xiang pursed her lips and stood there, hooking her little hands in front of her body and tilting her head in embarrassment.

"Not much to say"

She had the feeling that after being patiently taught magic by Medea, she then turned around and was caught by Medea being called by Jason to play poker with the crew of the Argonaut.

The shame of betrayal, the guilty pleasure, and the petty fear.

"Oh, forget it."

Fortunately, Ange didn't grow his beard like the immortal master of Changbai Mountain, otherwise he could definitely describe his angry face at the moment as "blowing his beard and staring", but he kept getting angry and holding it back, but in the end he couldn't bear to curse.

At this time, he felt as if he had seen a child who did not learn well handing him an unqualified report card. He wanted to scold him but was afraid of hurting the child's self-esteem. He could only hide his grievances in his heart with grief and anger, covering his face to persuade. road.

"You go to the room first. No, stay in the laboratory."

"Oh." Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded obediently.

"You go to the experimental class console." Angers went to see Director Akadulla and others again, and said with a cold expression.

Director Akadulla still wanted to struggle and muttered: "Isn't this a bit..."


"Oh oh oh."

Director Akadulla suddenly felt an inexplicable bad feeling.

Cockroaches that are covered with shoe uppers will choose to escape. This is common sense in the world.

He ignored the calls of his men behind him and hurriedly ran to the control center dragging his bulky body.



The silver-white door with a sense of technology opened after sensing the facial features of Fujimaru Ritsuka. Even the voice sounded futuristic. Ritsuka looked at the nearly pure white space and scanned it.

With her eyesight, she can see that the walls are basically not flat, but polygonal structures, and the material does not look like cement. It is a new material with an appearance and structure similar to a foam box. It is not difficult to guess that it is used to absorb and conduct force. Keep this place from being spoiled by the testing hybrids.

So far, they are almost the same as the laboratories in the eight houses of Sheqi. The Ganliu Research Institute is fully capable of making exactly the same laboratory. When he was in Japan, every time he tested the Oracle of Words, Ritsuka would come to something like this. room, and then began to follow the institute's instructions.

However, the European secret party, or Cassell, can definitely see those information, so what they want to witness in this experiment must be

Something else.

And apart from that, if there is anything else in this laboratory that is different from the Sheqi Eight Families, that is——

In the middle of the room, someone sat.

It was a man. The man was wearing a loose light-colored shirt and a small black vest. The cuffs were intentionally rolled up to reveal the muscle lines of his forearms. His fingers were strong and he held the wine bottle in his hand, amber wine rippling in it.

The man's temperament is somewhere between free and easy and arrogant. It is the style of a western cowboy. It is as if the wind is howling in the wilderness, but it wants to cry. The night watchman sees the enemy on horseback, his face is expressionless. With an expression on his face, he silently pulled out the pistol beside the saddle, with light flashing on the bright silver shell.

Before Fujimaru Ritsuka could ask the person's identity, Anger's voice came from the laboratory's broadcast center.

[Sorry, have you waited for a long time? 】

This sentence was obviously aimed at this cowboy-style man, and he just raised his eyes and looked at it indifferently, and said it casually.

"No, I just came."

Seems quite calm and atmospheric.

[Okay then, Ritsuka, let me introduce you first. This is Nicholas Flamel, the vice-principal of our Kassel College. Although this is not his real name, you also know Flamel’s title, right? 】

[You can also call him Night Watchman, but I suggest you call him Old Man Bad, Old Immortal, or Vice Principal. 】

Of course, the vice-principal's real name is not Nicholas Flamel, and the "Periodic Table of Brief Talk about Words and Spirits" that Fujimaru Ritsuka saw was not written by him.

He is just a successor of the Nicholas lineage.

In the history of alchemy, Nicholas Flamel is recognized as the last master who opened the door to alchemy. Many people believe that he refined the elixir of death and is still alive in this world.

His legend has been circulating in Paris for centuries. For example, the "Master of the Philosopher's Stone" mentioned in "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" - Nick Mele is based on Nicolas Flamel. .

According to Camarilla records, the first generation Nicholas Flamel joined the Camarilla in the 15th century and recruited disciples to pass on his alchemical knowledge from generation to generation.

The name of each generation of successors is Nicholas Flamel. They never share their alchemical knowledge with the secret party because they are worried about it.

Knowledge can be misused for things that have no bearing on the destiny of humanity.

But for many years, Nicholas Flamel has kept the promise made by the original mentor and the Secret Party, supporting the Secret Party behind the scenes and fighting against the Dragon Clan.

It should be said that the Flamel lineage is only an ally of the Secret Party, not a vassal.

All the Flamel tutors in the past were respected elders, but this generation didn’t know what went wrong and passed on the Flamel lineage’s mantle to this, a slut.

However, although his character was too out-of-the-box, no one dared to question him in terms of alchemy and the purity of dragon blood. Because not only did he inherit all the knowledge of alchemy from all his predecessors, but the purity of dragon blood is also a well-deserved ‘S’ level, even higher than Angers!

However, of course, all of this is just the wrong history that the European secret parties believe.

The moment Ritsuka saw this report record, he almost captured the key information——

fifteenth century.

Sudden alchemical resurgence.

First of all, in Ritsuka's memory, Nicholas Flamel, the most famous alchemist in human history, did not exist in the fifteenth century——

But the fourteenth century.

This is the first point of violation.

The second violation point is that if you take into account Odin's blockade of human alchemy technology, the name Flamel is still left. It can only be that the first generation Nicholas Flamel himself was too rebellious. God, his protection of the fire of human civilization has almost affected the entire world, so even if Odin wants to take action, he can only do it from his later inheritance.

So the question is, why did Flamel only join the Camarilla in the fifteenth century?

Or rather, what was there in the fifteenth century?

Answer: The birth of the almighty genius, Leonardo da Vinci.

If Flamel has been heard of by almost no one in human society except for occult enthusiasts, then Leonardo da Vinci is a "household name" in a pure sense.

Across nationalities and races, if you must interview passers-by and ask them about "the smartest human being in history", then there is no doubt that more than half of the votes will be given to this person.

Perhaps this result is not necessarily accurate, but it shows that Leonardo da Vinci's popularity is indeed ridiculously high.

Although it was just a groundless speculation, Ritsuka believed that after the great alchemist unearthed the secrets of the dragon clan in the fourteenth century, the great genius Leonardo da Vinci in the next century must have done something. This would lead to the explosion of alchemy technology in the fifteenth century, and also cause Odin to have no room to conceal this matter.

What exactly he did, Fujimaru Ritsuka didn’t know.

She is not a genius, how can she understand the thoughts of Da Vinci's marriage.

However, if Flamel's lineage had close communication with Leonardo da Vinci,

With that person's intelligence, there might be a slight possibility

He will leave something behind for his future self, or for some destined hybrid that is not him.

As if noticing Fujimaru Ritsuka's fiery gaze, the vice principal raised his head and looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Ange would probably be shocked when he saw it. The vice-principal carefully observed Fujimaru Ritsuka. Different from the previous days when he looked down on the female students as being obscene, the man was now rarely filled with serious and rigorous emotions.

No one knows what the man was thinking at that time.

But after watching it for a long time, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and spoke.

"Okay, beauty, I'm sorry. I've been watching for a long time. I have no other intention. I just want to be a doctor and help you see how your blood is." The vice-principal stood up from the abrupt chair and took a picture. Take a picture of your knees, which are obviously dust-free.

"Let's talk about testing."

"We all roughly know the other properties of the Word Spirit Oracle, and how powerful it is is also written in your mission record. Those little bastards may be very confident in their bunkers, but I know that this laboratory is impossible. The spirit that carries you will burst out at its full capacity."

"So let's do the easy part."

The vice principal snapped his fingers.

"Anyway, let's do a real heroic spirit summoning first."

ps: I’m not bragging, I’m not bragging! The original work - I don't know which version I read, actually said that Flamel was from the fifteenth century.

But in fact the historical Flamel dates from the fourteenth century.

1382 was the period when alchemy shone in history, and "Explanation of the Incomprehensible Symbols Engraved by Nicolas Flamel on the Arch of the Fourth Chamber of the Cemetery of Saint-Innocent in Paris" was published in Paris in the fourteenth century.

So I don't know why the fifteenth century active period is mentioned in the "original" (maybe it's a typo on the page?).


Doesn't this just give me a foreshadowing?

Isn’t this just right for the moon background?

In fact, there are many places in the original work that just match my settings, which I will talk about later.

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