Chapter 291 [master. Angers]

In fact, Angers vacations in Paris every spring, attending the latest fashion shows, tasting fresh Périgord black truffles in familiar restaurants, and staying at the century-old Royal Monceau Hotel.

Gaze out at the Eiffel Tower from the rooftop bar and chat with the elderly bartender about this year's sturgeon caviar. This spring trip is almost guaranteed, and the old bartender will prepare Angers’ favorite mint liqueur in advance. Waiting for Angers to suddenly walk into the bar one rainy day, put his umbrella aside, sit on the window seat, and say with a smile: "How are you doing this year, old friend?"

But this year Angers had to temporarily interrupt his journey. The email sent by Director Akadulla urging him to come back for a meeting started like this: Death is approaching you...

If Angers hadn't known Akadulla too well and knew that he never meant what he meant, he would undoubtedly have interpreted this email as a death threat. But he still ordered to change the flight and fly back to the college, because there were only two situations when Director Akadulla came to Angers, either Walter Alheim wanted to increase the budget again, or the crisis had gone beyond the control of the Equipment Department and had to be handled by Angers. The heat makes the decision.

This time it's the latter.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's ability and this person are the turning point that changes the destiny of mankind, and everyone must be prepared.

Odin once restricted the development of alchemy technology by humans, but after the truth was revealed, everyone knew that without cracking the power of the Dragon King, humans would have no chance of winning.

Naturally, as the most high-end equipment department in alchemy, they also look forward to seeing the collision between alchemy technology and word spirit in this test.

And that result is [Summoning of Heroic Spirits]

However, the experiment failed.

On the edge of Kassel College, with the clock tower, Flamel opened the door to his home.

The door frame made the sound of branches, which was a scream that could not bear the humiliation and could not bear it. It was obvious that his owner was a little rough.

The vice-principal moved like a zombie, and after grabbing a bottle of whiskey on the table in front of the door, he jumped directly into a pile of clothes like a fish jumping into the sea. It might also be a mountain of other fabrics. In the middle, it seemed that he touched several empty bottles of wine, and there was a clanking sound on the floor.

He said in a muffled voice.

"Sit anywhere"

"Where can anyone sit in your place?"

"Excuse me~"

After the vice-principal lay down, two more guests entered the lonely bell tower, a tough old man with white hair and a lively and cute-looking orange-haired girl.

The vice-principal didn't try to hide how bad his hometown was, but Ritsuka didn't dislike it and didn't react at all.

Oh, I’ve seen this too many times.jpg

Ritsuka skillfully opened up a piece of open space. Just when he was about to sit cross-legged on the floor, Ange asked him to sit on the sofa. The old man's words were serious, like an old man scolding his young granddaughter not to play on the cold ground.

The vice-principal's face was buried in the pile of clothes, with only one eye looking vacantly, and he spoke angrily.

"Okay, okay, don't act like a sweet family drama. Haven't you ever been an engineering student? What's the first step to complete the experiment?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Turn off the power of the equipment."

Angers: "Get the teacher's signature to clock out."

"What are you talking about! You are just summarizing what you have learned!!" The vice-principal stood up and was furious.

"Don't you two have a little sense of shame? You blew up the fortress of the Human Equipment Department to your heart's content. As for the losses you just caused, you may not be able to make money even if you let a Chinese star go to sea to bring goods in a year. So much!”

"It's too much. It's too much."

"Why this, why this."

Angre and Lixiang pushed their hands to show that they were not so exaggerated. The actions were so coordinated that the vice-principal just wanted to point his finger at Angers and scold him. A few days ago, he even mocked the school board for not understanding war. I don’t think you, an old man, know how to spend money. Why don’t you bomb your own school to the sky? Can laugh.

Angers and Flamel have been friends for many years, probably longer than other people have spent popping pimples in their entire lives. Naturally, they understood what it meant, so they explained with a graceful smile on their faces.

"Hey, I know you're in a hurry, but don't worry yet."

"Testing Fujimaru Ritsuka's telepathic ability is an order of the school board. Of course, they must be blamed for this mistake. It is a tragedy caused by improper procurement channels for experimental equipment." Ange said with great precision. There is a knife hidden in the smile, and the knife is covered with the blood of capitalists.

Flamel was convinced, and his expression finally relaxed a little, but he still asked with a frown.

"Improper? How come you can't overthrow all the thickened layers of a hundred meters of foundation?"


"Gas leak."


Behind the two of them, Fujimaru Ritsuka raised his hand and subconsciously used a common method from his hometown. Flamel pouted in anger, and finally squatted aside to calculate the amount of gas leakage that could blow up the equipment department.

After getting the result, he paused, put the draft paper aside with a subtle expression, and then coughed twice.

"Then let's start summarizing the reasons for the failure."

He changed the subject.

Speaking of business, Ritsuka finally straightened his body.

This is related to whether she can find her support team, which is very urgent!

I don’t know if the vice-principal noticed it or not. He glanced at Fujimaru Ritsuka a few times and spoke slowly.

"The essence of summoning heroic spirits is to guide and burn a collection of information that is independent of the outside world."

"The principle is not difficult to understand. The problem lies in the means of implementation. To put it more directly, we need a carrier, a powerful carrier that can withstand the information of heroic spirits."

"So, our experiment just now failed at the last step."

Ritsuka nodded in approval.

Just now, they caused great chaos in Kassel College and the largest and most terrible desperate incident in the history of the Equipment Department.

The vice-principal invited Fujimaru Ritsuka to use the [Word Spirit Oracle] in the laboratory, and after hearing about her weird bonding attributes and "fate", he forcibly linked the Heroic Soul Information Collection itself and the carrier prepared by the vice-principal himself.

It was the Man of Steel equipped with the most cutting-edge technology of mankind, the next-generation species materials collected by Fujimaru Ritsuka and Anger, and the alchemy matrix debugged by the vice-principal himself.

This was the first time for Fujimaru Ritsuka to see someone outline the alchemy matrix with her own eyes, and she was very curious. Although her own magic skills could only be described as a piece of cake, she had seen a lot, and she could clearly feel the superhuman strength of the vice principal.

——It feels more professional than the director! !

There are even some shadows of the ancient magicians doing research!

So Ritsuka watched with great anticipation, and the vice-principal also stated that he had tested it in advance, and the prepared puppet carrier could not even make a scratch from a Gatling shot.

Then the experiment begins.

Then it exploded.

As soon as the carrier linked up with the Word Spirit, there was an explosion directly from the depths of the ground to the sky. If Fujimaru Ritsuka hadn't closed the link to the Heroic Soul Seat long ago, it would probably have directly destroyed Cassell. The entire crustal structure along with it was blown away, forming an empty island in the 21st century.

The condensed spiritual elements deteriorate, and finally form a reality distortion effect, which is similar to the trick used by Fujimaru Ritsuka when beating Xia Ya.

The conclusion is that it failed.

But what's the problem?

"It's still a carrier issue."

The vice principal pinched his eyebrows.

"Currently, she is the only one known to be able to withstand Fujimaru Ritsuka's word spirit and the concept of heroic spirit itself. This is related to her terrifyingly tough physical fitness as a hybrid, but it is also related to the concept of 'hybrid' itself. ."

"Or man, soul, and spirit."

"Just having a physical body is not enough. According to Fujimaru Ritsuka, a person needs a spiritual base, and then the spiritual base must include at least three elements. We not only need a powerful body that can carry the heroic spirit, but also need an equal soul and spirit. A powerful experiment."

When saying this, Flamel moved his eyes intentionally or unintentionally.

The end of sight.

It's Angers's profile in contemplation.



So, the moon-shaped Nibelungen plan - start! !

How to balance the forces of humans and dragons?

Let’s see the reveal in the next chapter!

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