Fujimaru Ritsuka is a genius.

Although it seems shameful for him to praise himself as a genius, if he has a talent that is truly different from other people but has to hide it, he will easily be disliked by others, so Fujimaru personally has a more objective evaluation of himself.

At least in this life.

It is precisely because of Fujimaru Ritsuka that he knows that among the mixed races in the entire world, no one has a higher safety factor than himself in participating in the Jiyuan Project.

And how could Yuan Zhisheng not know what he knew——

Fujimaru Ritsuka touched his chin and said hesitantly.

"No, judging from Boss Yuan's mind, is it completely possible?"

"Hey you bastard. From now on, both the psychological description and the words spoken are very unpleasant." Yuan Zhisheng cursed with a calm tone but fierce eyes.

"First of all, let's talk about it. This is something that has been decided from the beginning of the battle. It has been analyzed and determined by me and Princess Kaguya, and no changes are allowed."

"So why." The girl muttered, wanting to say something, but in fact there was no need to ask.

As the IQ person in charge of the entire Japanese Executive Board, Fujimaru Ritsuka only needs a little analysis to find the answer.

The Battle of the Deep Abyss is a battle that requires hybrids to slay dragons in extreme environments. In addition to extremely high water pressure, the combatants are also required to have the ability to resist the suppression of the White King's bloodline.

As mentioned before, ordinary A-level hybrids can't help but kneel down just when they see the Dragon King. That is to say, Fujimaru and her friends are somewhat extraordinary in various aspects, so they do not encounter this situation.

But if faced with a dragon king, such as Jörmungandr, Chu Zihang, who had not been forced to increase his bloodline ability by Ritsuka using [Word Spirit Oracle] and "violent blood" technology, would not be able to look directly at Xia Mi .

In the entire Kassel, it was probably Caesar, the president of the Lion Heart Society, and no more than five people with A-level superior bloodlines who could barely maintain their fighting spirit in front of the Dragon King.

Therefore, in order to kill the White King accurately, it is of course the safest to let a monster like Fujimaru Ritsuka perform the task in person.

But, this is only the first layer.

Let’s talk about the second level

In fact, most hybrids with some brains don't think this plan will succeed, right?

The worst part of the Jiyuan mission is that humans cannot monitor the situation under the sea. If, if the White King had awakened, then things would be far from the ideal situation established now.

Eight thousand meters under the sea, how can a group of hybrids locked in iron boxes face the White King?

Yan Ling is almost in vain in such an environment.

Fujimaru Ritsuka is extremely special. Even in the deep abyss of water eight thousand meters deep, her abilities can still be used without fail.

But, what about fighting?

The Word Spirit Oracle may be able to control dragons with low bloodline in that environment, but if there are dragons in the adult stage, and if King Shiro wakes up, Ritsuka will have to fight at an absolute disadvantage.

Only using the oracle to fight against the White King at a depth of 8,000 meters?

Idiots are just talking, but in the final analysis, the oracle is nothing in front of King Bai.

Taking a step back, even if the White King does not wake up, when the submarine approaches and when the alchemy missile is aimed at the White King's cocoon, with the great instinct of life, there is a high probability that the cocoon will be forcibly broken.

Taking a step back, King Bai has slept to death and has no intention of waking up. Are there no dragons guarding King Bai under the sea?

All dragon kings have their own ministers. Even if the White King's power was wiped out by Nidhogg in the legend, as long as the White King has a chance in the past thousand years, he can assimilate surrounding creatures and become his own ministers.

Take another step back.

Even if there are no ministers and no awakening, the White King is just sleeping. According to Flamel's records of alchemy, basically all the Dragon King's tombs are full of dangers, either because of the very strict alchemy system or because of the existence of the Dragon King himself. The resulting elements are rioting and the environment is turbulent.

Forget it on land, if it's under the sea, humans can't even protect themselves.

There are simply too many dangers.

If this kind of mission is not necessary, it is impossible to throw a human treasure like Fujimaru Ritsuka to the bottom of the sea, leaving this precious hybrid species to be so miserable at a place like eight thousand meters under the sea that he cannot even use his ultimate move. Just die.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka is not "necessary" for this mission.

Just like the example given before, even if there are few, there are still hybrids that can resist the pressure of the Dragon King.

They are the ones who are necessary.

Used to test and open the way


"Hey, hey, hey~ Isn't this just like saying to other hybrids, 'Hey, we need a suicide squad, come on in'? It's so unsightly~"

Quickly seeing through this, Fujimaru Ritsuka complained.

This is not the first time that she likes a person to take on the responsibility of saving the world. Fujimaru Ritsuka's life dictionary is very rich, but the only word "shirking responsibility" does not exist.

Yuan Zhisheng knew this clearly, and his understanding could not be more profound as early as when he was at Tokyo Tower.


"Who cares whether you are beautiful or not? Since you want to join the world of dragon slaying, you must bear the corresponding responsibilities. Don't cry at this time."

"But." Li Xiang's tone became a little calmer. Although the topic before her was a commonplace topic, she still couldn't stand such a thing.

"I have the ability to do it. If I don't do it when I have the ability to do it, it always feels like pushing others to die."

"Do you just do it because you have the ability? That kind of thing is just a slogan made up by people who have no ability and want others to protect themselves. Only fools would believe that kind of thing."

"Hey, hey, hey, you guy, wasn't you still mocking this sentence three minutes ago! Don't deny yourself three minutes ago! Don't plagiarize your father's second defense! You can't say what others say when you see them. Are you talking nonsense!?" Li Xiang was shocked.

"It's rare but strange. This is just a required course for our master's profession. And -"

Minamoto's expression had not changed even one bit, but Fujimaru Ritsuka only felt that the person in front of her was so strange.

Asasi's soul pursuing justice seems to be still there, but its taste has changed, like beans that have been left out for a long time and turned into natto. You can say that he is stinky, but in essence it seems that What is retained.

"Since we are all going to die, I would rather push a stranger to die than a partner I care about."


Yuan Zhisheng's words were so sudden that even Lixiang was stunned on the spot.


The girl blinked.

If the person you don’t know is another mixed race, who is the partner you care about?

Hellshake Yano?

No, it seems to be me, right?

"Eh~~~~~~~?!!!" Ritsuka contorted her face and let out an endless scream.

In the courtroom, the girl exclaimed.

that! that! Boss Yuan actually admitted that we have a good relationship? !

Li Xiang waved his hand with a horrified look on his face:

"Yaksha! Crow!!"

"I know!" Crow opened his eyes and shouted with a look of horror. "Yaksha, go turn on TV Tokyo and see if the end of the world is coming!"

"What are you yelling at!" Yuan Zhisheng seemed to be speaking from the bottom of his heart and said angrily without feeling shy. "You are an important retainer of the Eight Sheqi Family. It is the family head's duty to protect the retainers. Is there anything strange about this?"

"And" Yuan Zhisheng paused. "Dad and Eriki would also be very sad without you."


Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka felt relieved.

"Ah, that's great." The girl calmed down her nervous heartbeat and said as if she had survived the disaster. "I thought Boss Yuan that you would even take off your tsundere attributes. It really scared me to death. After all, if you take off this layer, I don't know what is left~"

"You are as annoying as ever. You'd better thank me from the bottom of your heart for my kindness in being willing to treat you as a retainer."

"Hahahahaha~ Madam really loves to joke~" the girl said gracefully, covering her mouth.

However, there is one thing to say. After Minamoto's confession, even Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't stick to his own ideas.

Whether it's public or private, Yuan Zhisheng is right.

Oh, it’s true, you’ve grown into an extremely dirty adult, Gen-san.

The man who was always persecuted by me in the past has grown up, which is really sad.

Bearing the baptism of Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes without any trouble, Minamoto announced the battle list regardless.

"We need three people."

"The first part is to dive into Jiyuan. This part requires at least three people to work together to take care of each other and complete the situation survey. The best case scenario is to kill King Bai on the spot. The worst case scenario is that he can't do anything to resist and dies inside. , but at least lead the other party to the sea."

"The second part, if the first combat team fails to assassinate, then we need someone to pick them up on the sea and kill the chasing White King on the spot before he has returned to his prime. This requires the second combat team "

"In the third part, some of our researchers believe that if the assassination fails, the White King who forcibly breaks out of his cocoon may not only surface directly to the sea, but also pour into the Akagui River through the link between the Sea of ​​Japan and the inland, and directly attack the interior of the city. Attack, in order to prevent this possibility, we need to separate another group of people."

"This is an absolutely foolproof plan."

"This is a safe situation that has never been seen before in the history of human dragon-slaying."

"Because we have overcome the only real difficulty in dragon slaying in history - how to find enough combat power to block the Dragon King."

"The cooperation between the European Secret Party and the Sheqi Eight Families, and the resurgence of the Emperor-level hybrid species, solved this problem."

There was an indifferent, cold light as sharp as a knife hidden in the golden eyes.

"This battle has brought together almost all the S-class hybrids in the world."

"We are stronger than the Dragon King."

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