Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 342 Fujimaru Ritsuka, are you still going back to Izayoi? ! (2-in-1)

The true name of the god penetrates everyone's brain without any obstacles. It is language, but it is independent of everyone's understanding of "language".

Across the melody and form, he just forcefully told everyone the name of the god.

The invisible shock wave turned into ripples of layers of barriers, and the steel was bent under such impact. Because Yuan Zhisheng had to fight as a general and the snake-shaped deadpool, he was always at the forefront, almost directly facing the invasion of the sound wave. .

The remaining Deadpools came out in full force.

This last army marched towards the coast, and the forces on the mixed race side were not only weak, but also almost lost the will to resist because of Constantine's intimidation just now.

Even Yuan Zhisheng couldn't help but fall into a brief stiffness.


The man was half-kneeling on the deck, breathing heavily. While resisting Constantine's domain, he squeezed out the remaining strength in his body, intending to forcefully chop Deadpool in front of him as he climbed onto the plywood.

But he was outnumbered. Because Yuan Zhisheng had just become a general and needed to enter the enemy camp to kill the enemy, and because he was one of the few royal hybrids who could resist the next generation and the Dragon King's golden eyes, he did not notice his position at this moment. It's just too in-depth.

There was no one around him who could help him, and Deadpool's leaping movements were full of danger and ferocity.

Just when Yuan Zhisheng was about to give it a try and use the word spirit——


A burly body suddenly lifted the man up. With skillful movements, he put his arm around Yuan Zhisheng's abdomen and hooked it to his side, and then threw the man upwards onto his shoulders.

The movements were neat and without any sloppiness, and he ran directly in the opposite direction of Deadpool.

Only then did Yuan Zhisheng see the other person's face clearly.


"Hey Brother Yuan, good morning. Although I just woke up, I woke up immediately after looking at the stinky faces of those monsters. Can you explain the current situation!" In the heavy rain, the man was running with Yuan Zhisheng on his back, and behind him The Deadpool approached the two of them as fast as "swimming". "What on earth is that big ball of light in the sky?!"

Yuan Zhisheng ignored the bumps and quickly organized his words to explain.

"We were pulled up, and the next generation came ashore and was blown up. The White King revived. After being blown up, the King of Bronze and Fire devoured it and revived it. Now it turns into what you see!"

"Thanks for explaining the plot - but hey, hey, this boss already has several stages, there won't be a third stage, right?!"

"God knows, those guys are going to catch up! Run faster!" Yuan Zhisheng lay on Fingel's shoulder, patted Fingel hard on the forehead and rubbed the gray hair violently, which made Fengel angry. Gal yelled.

"No! How fast do you expect me to run even though I'm carrying you on my back? Do you think I'm a racehorse? Can I take off just by grabbing my ribs? The Emperor of the East China Sea?!"

"At least break your voice!"

"Stop putting everyone on the spot you monster hybrids!"

However, at least Fingel's rescue successfully delayed the battle line and bought time for Yuan Zhisheng. At the same time, another helper quietly appeared.

【Yan Ling.Jun Yan】

Chu Zihang silently chanted the mysterious secret text in the rainy night. It was the original "language" of the world, symbolizing the laws and roots of the world, and the principles of the planet.

Serial number: 89

Bloodline Origin: Lord of Bronze and Fire

Risk level: high risk

Discovered and named by: Nicholas Flamel

It is a very rare and dangerous word spirit. The serial number 89 is enough to prove its strength. As a violent and ferocious type of dragon language, this word spirit will destroy the balance of elements like crazy in order to achieve the greatest degree of destruction. Lethality.

It triggers a powerful explosion, usually about as powerful as detonating a napalm bomb.

But Chu Zihang can be said to be extremely talented, and God will provide him with food. As mentioned before, "geniuses" among humans can use their bodies, or brains, to assist their souls to improve their ability to speak, spirit, and alchemy. The level of mastery of techniques is improved.

Chu Zihang is an example of a good brain.

Therefore, he can even control this dangerous word spirit into a fan shape and spread it outward without hurting his teammates.

Deadpool screamed miserably in the high temperature, and the insulating flame wall was successfully built, isolating most of Deadpool. Yuan Zhisheng breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at his two teammates who, although they were knocked unconscious by the difference in air pressure, were still capable when they were awake.

The remaining deadpools rushed towards Yuan Zhisheng, but if there were only this number, the man would have the confidence to fight even if he was tired. Just as he was about to draw his sword——

"I'm late."

A cold light came like a javelin, and Miss Sakura's sassy and bright shadow fell to the ground from a higher place. While killing a dead soldier, she also handed a box of things in her hand to Yuan Zhisheng with an indifferent expression.

"Master, your pokey."

"No, no, no, you don't need to say it twice, I heard it, and is this considered a tease to me?" Yuan Zhi sighed tiredly. "Yes, I know it was wrong. I shouldn't have relaxed halfway and said I wanted to eat some pokey."

"No, I don't mean what you meant." After Miss Ying handed over the pokey, she folded her hands and placed them on her lower abdomen. She shook her head very respectfully to show that she was loyal to the head of the family and had no second thoughts at all.

"However, it is indeed time to retreat."

"Yeah." Yuan Zhisheng sighed. "That's no longer our domain."

Following Yuan Zhisheng's gaze, Miss Ying also raised her head to look at the "god" in the distance, and her face, which was as indifferent as thin ice, also had a few dark strokes written on it.

Just because it is an existence that is beyond human imagination.

You must be fine.

Li Xiang.


And in that brief absence of concentration, the God who took action also made his first move.

From the distance of the battlefield, the head of the Miyamoto family looked at the strange phenomena of heaven and earth in the cloud map, as well as the high temperature data that exceeded the measurement range. The glasses on his face slid down the bridge of his nose that had become slippery with sweat.

I don’t know if it’s because I just noticed the word spirit used by Chu Zihang.

Constantine actually subconsciously used the existence of equivalent units.

However, it has no chanting.

There was no chanting, no energy accumulation, just an instant explosion of light that pierced everyone's field of vision.

The Dragon King unit successfully released the spirit of speech.

【Yan Ling·Jun Yan】

Modern Flamel's explanation of this spirit is that the releaser explosively ignites the fire element in the surrounding environment through long-term meditation and chanting, forming high temperatures, high heat and shock waves.

However, just as the symbolic ability of [Yan Ling. Oracle] is to control the human mind but its essence is the control of spiritual elements, the specific form of [Yan Ling. Jun Yan] is also related to the user.

In the hands of the next generation, Junyan can be a light cannon like Godzilla's atomic breath, ravaging the sea and sky.

But in the hands of the Dragon King

Junyan, the flame of the king.

This is its authority!

The light of the fire extinguished, as if the ether of the age of gods returned to this earth, and all the light gradually extinguished, driven by the ancient power, achieving the supreme coldness.

The sea surface turned red, and the substances in the air decomposed, cracked, and reorganized under the high temperature. A huge alchemical matrix enveloped the entire sea area. Countless mist rose upwards, and the commissioners of the Executive Bureau screamed.

The sea water is being completely evaporated.

The scorching heat, the mist like the land of the dead, and the hand of the gods that rolled up the mist of death.

The sun was established at that moment, and the ball of light created by the creature was the power that condensed the brilliant light.

Constantine rises to the sky. Its size is smaller than the White King, but this does not mean that he is weak. Among the noble and heart-shaking black, only the golden touch is so dazzling, but it makes people I can't help but fall in love with it.

It was the blazing sun that dotted the night sky. The dragon's eyes stared silently at the world. A wave of mental pressure poured from his eyes into everyone's mind. It was like a mortal being watched by a god. His mind went blank and he just wanted to worship. .



Countless repeated sounds began to echo, which were the sounds of the Executive Bureau commissioners' knees touching the ground. Some even hit their foreheads violently on the wooden board, their eyes turned white, and every muscle in their bodies began to tremble in a strange way.

Even Yuan Zhisheng and others could not avoid the absolute pressure, their knees were sore and numb, and they almost surrendered.

That's not surprising. As early as when Fujimaru Ritsuka first awakened the Kotōrei, he was able to use his ridiculously powerful bloodline to make Deadpool kill each other in front of him. The Dragon King in the adult stage was completely different. Menggadr is also different from Odin’s existence

That was the first time a monster had returned to the planet since the Age of Gods!

On the battlefield, only S-class hybrids can remain standing.

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Erika looked side by side at the resurrection of the god.

It's not that they don't want to do anything, it's that Constantine's resurrection has its own powerful and frightening realm, and it happens to be stuck at the time when Eri is fully engaged in the [Word Spirit Trial], and it happens to be weak.

And Fujimaru Ritsuka——

"Honestly, even I wouldn't dare to attack such a guy rashly." The girl admired the god above from the bottom of her heart. Even though she was well-informed, she was still extremely surprised at this moment.

I had never encountered such a terrifying guy before in the Singularity Crown Temple.

Not the Mad King, not Gorgon, not Favna, not even the self-sealed Mother Goddess of Creation could give Fujimaru Ritsuka such an absolute sense of oppression at this time.

If you think about it, this is natural.

The unity of multiple gods, one existence contains the mystery of countless gods.

Master one of the five origins of the world.

In this world where the planet is managed with an absolutely unique world view, the Dragon King is the creator god of the world where Ritsuka lives, or even higher!

Thinking about it this way, Jörmungandr's adult stage will also look like this.

Really, Xiao Mizi should have said it earlier.

If Jörmungandr heard the girl's voice here, he would definitely complain in a very aggrieved manner.

——She has always said this.

The Dragon King is very strong.

Roar! ! ! ! ! ! ————————

Along with the angry roar of the dragon, the greater majesty turned into a field of oppression. Everyone almost seemed to be hit by [Yanling. King Power]. Those who were still relying on supports to stay standing were... The gap was even greater, and he knelt down and worshiped the gods.

Blood oozed from his forehead, and breathing became a luxury.

In addition, the temperature of the breath is far higher than normal, but after a while, everyone will die on their knees with their internal organs cooked.

Thinking about that scene, it was simply the best welcome gift for the king.

"Ha! There must be a limit to bad taste!"

Just before that desperate situation was about to come, the "hero" stood on the stage.

So much for the emotion.

So much for the praise.

So much for the memories.

After the orange girl took a deep breath, she stepped over Eri's clothes, stepped on the railing and jumped up high. The oracle provided the girl with the possibility of floating in the air, so the light stopped in mid-air.

The girl looked at the god with a dangerous-looking smile. Although the altitude difference was obvious, there was no sign of fear on her face.

She is laughing.

The girl raised her hand high in a willful gesture, her slender fingers making a blade-like gesture, and her pink fingertips were aimed at the god high above her head.

Immediately, the airflow began to rotate.

A realm that was not inferior to the God King began to unfold. It squeezed out Constantine's element. The red spiritual element began to squeeze and repel the fire element, forcibly depriving the world of its own color!

The flames and molten lava spurting out of the cracks gradually solidified, and the heat lost its meaning in the girl's hands.

Immediately, she began to chant.

【Word Spirit.Oracle】

At that moment, everyone felt the sudden change in the environment.

Just like what was said before.

The essence of the oracle is to change reality, and whether it can be achieved depends on the amount of spiritual elements and whether the girl's "personal reality" can understand the reality she created.

And for Fujimaru Ritsuka, what kind of [reality] is easiest to understand?

Do you still need to ask?

Answer: I have experienced it personally and seen it with my own eyes.

That is to say——

"is that one"

In the distance, Yuan Zhisheng suddenly heard the man beneath him muttering to himself.

Fingel looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka's movements, his eyes dazed and murmured to himself.


Minamoto was not able to understand what that meant for a while, because it was something that even Fujimaru Ritsuka's hometown companions didn't know. Only Fingel and Chu Zihang, who also participated in the volleyball match, could see some clues.

In that volleyball match, there was an "abnormality" that once appeared.

There was a moment before Lu Mingfei turned the tide and scored the last goal.

The girl stopped in mid-air, and at that time Zero hit a winning shot. Generally speaking, Fujimaru Ritsuka would never be able to catch it.

But at that time, she seemed to be planning to do something.

A way to overcome the state of being "in the air unable to move".

The same ability as cheating.

【Yan Ling. Time Zero】

At that time, the girl could only intend to use this, and it was even in a semi-activated state, to master the word spirit which was extremely rare in human history!

The world was overwritten in black and white, and Fingel, Chu Zihang and Ling were all aware of it.

[I have personally experienced it and seen it with my own eyes. 】

Just understand.

As long as the prototype of personal reality is constructed, a reality in which "Fujimaru Ritsuka can use Kotōrei Time Zero" can be created.

The girl has been able to use other people's speech spirits a long time ago!

The ability that the girl once called Nashmo Light now has its true name——

【Noble Phantasm】

Yan Ling.


With huge wind pressure, the God of Death issued his decree at this moment.

The girl grinned and spoke in a simple tone.


It was an absolute burning killing that even White King's shell could not resist. There was no defense that could resist [Judgment]. It could only transfer, dodge, or forcefully bear it like White King did.

Constantine obviously had no room to dodge, but he didn't seem to be planning to dodge.

He was surprised by the word spirit driven by the human in front of him, but it was not enough to make the king retreat.

There were bleeding marks on the body, and the exposed dragon body spattered a lot of scarlet, and Jun Yan's domain was also compressed. But the Constantine missile did not retreat, but instead exploded in at a speed beyond human intelligence!

The sound waves are arranged layer by layer, and even the emperor-level hybrids may not be able to keep up with that speed.

Absolute quality, and speed.

The black hurricane shadow was like a meteorite falling from the sky at that moment!

Under pure physical ability, the entire Xumizuo, which was built with the world's most cutting-edge technology and top-notch organizations, with the mission goal of "moving as fast as a mountain", collapsed in an instant!

No, using collapse is inaccurate.

Because at the moment when the storm came, people could not even capture the moment when the material shattered. They only realized in the daze after the black smoke that the entire huge floating building had been covered.

Just this one blow.

Just one blow from the Dragon King using his body completely crushed the pride of human civilization.

The curtain of despair has been drawn.

Then the next scene——

"The hero appears!!"

Laughing wildly with pleasure, Long's oppressive body suddenly paused.

It was like the posture of a human when he accidentally stepped on the fragment of a toothpick while practicing Pamela in the living room. He suddenly stiffened and tensed his body without resistance, as if even the slightest movement would bring bad luck.

And this is indeed the case.

That's really an exaggeration.

The red ripples stretched across the huge black shadow like the shield of Achilles, like a bud of breakthrough that separated it with unparalleled brute force.

There was only one person between the dragon and the fragile alloy.

The strong wind blew Fujimaru Ritsuka's hair to stand on end. Because the girl consciously tied her hair into a ponytail, her wild hair did not turn her into a madwoman, but instead turned her into a heroic Hong Kong comic protagonist.

They all like to have long hair.

"Really, really~ I am obviously the protagonist, but I have been left to play for so long~ My arms are almost rusty!"

The monster who had just beaten the next generation to the point where he could no longer take care of himself was smiling happily. The arc was more public than usual, and it was not something that could be summarized by adjectives such as cheerful.

More like.


If anyone has heard Leonardo da Vinci's advice to Fujimaru Ritsuka, then they will definitely notice something abnormal at this moment. The expression that appears on the girl's face at this moment, for Fujimaru Ritsuka, a self-proclaimed "pacifist" is quite rare.

But unfortunately, no one could see it at that moment except Eri Yi who was beside Ritsuka.

The girl's eyes were filled with ferocious blood.

"You obviously took back all your powers but only used your physical power? You, the guy named Constantine, are not unexpectedly a good guy, right? What's wrong, do you want to let go? Or is this a test?"

Looking at God, the girl didn't even hesitate for a second, and drew the bow——

“Stop looking down on others!!!”

Accumulate strength.

Punch! !

The roaring waves formed a line, and with a horrified roar, the Dragon King quickly rose up, and there was even a trace of panic in the roar that tore apart the world.

Under him, the girl suddenly stepped on the ground. Under the reaction force, all the steel chains of the platform, which can be called an unsinkable pure land, were instantly torn off. The "land" that was said to be unmoving even in Category 12 typhoons began to shatter and then moved sideways. , pushing back with the rough waves.

Thunder thundered down, and Bai Yao turned the battlefield into a pale color.

The girl and the dragon king flew together, raised their fists again and said with a smile.

"Since you plan to try me, let me test whether you are qualified enough to try me first!!"

ps: Back to Izayoi, from "Problem Children All Come from Another World", a novel with an explosive worldview. Although the quality of the animation is not high, it is still an anime that I liked very much when I was a teenager.

After all, I care more about the purity of the characters than the plot, and the male protagonist is indeed the purest of all!

So, will this article draw lessons from the worldview or setting to a certain extent?


I do think that a certain setting of the problem child can be linked to the philosophical theme that Xingyue finally explores, but ahem.

Anyway, you’ll find out later on. ()

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