Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 348 Riddle, you tell the riddle again! ! ! (2-in-1)

What is the meaning of the birth of life?

In the mysterious early days of the distant Gods, the great, dark-black emperor once divided his power and handed it over to the four creatures under his throne.

The term "creature" is wrong, because it is too noble, and that kind of existence may only be called "life", not "creature".

They can never reach death.

They hold power that could shake the world.

They are born with absolutely obedient followers.

For them, the world is boring, orderly, and static.

In the words of the 21st century, this world is probably metaphysical to them. Norton does not have a deep understanding of philosophy. He spent most of his limited time studying e-sports and the human beings in this era. Science books.

All in all, the Dragon King is an absolutely perfect creature.

If human beings have the essence and obligation to evolve, then it is really unimaginable that the end point of their evolution will be anything other than the Dragon King, right?

After Norton came to this world, the first thing he did was to wake up his twin brother from his sleep, and the second thing he did was to take it everywhere to observe the world.

Inevitably, his first target was the existence named Fujimaru Ritsuka.

Because of this, he went to Japan.

In that country, in order to obtain information, he invaded the local mixed-race organization, which seemed to be called the Sheqi Bajia. He deliberately left behind some disguised information about "invasion failure", but what he really wanted was already obtained. .

For Norton, a person who stands at the pinnacle of alchemy, whether it is memory intrusion or time retrieval, it is a simple operation. Even if the modern mystery has faded and the great source is exhausted, as long as it is not a true "time retrieval", It is something like "reproducing images from the past" to this extent, and it can still be done.

He saw a man named Herzog who made a deep impression on him.

He has been distinguished from all mixed races since he was a child, and seems incompatible with all humans. He thinks that he is special, and in fact he does have the qualifications to touch the truth.

Even Norton couldn't help but admire the results of genetic engineering.

Even Norton couldn't help but look sideways at the other party's pursuit and enthusiasm for becoming a dragon king and a perfect creature.

Because I couldn't help it.

Can't help it.

To laugh at that folly.

Do not misunderstand.

It's not "Humans can't become Dragon Kings".

Although the probability is infinitely close to zero, there are still ideas and possibilities.

The reality that Norton mocks is——

"Herzog cannot become the Dragon King"

This is the absolute reality.

Judging from the conclusion just made, this sentence seems to be contradictory, because Herzog belongs to human beings. Since human beings have the opportunity, why can't Herzog alone?

Yeah why?

Why did Herzog fail in thousands and tens of thousands of calculations?

Why is this an absolutely unchangeable reality?

【There are things in this world that absolutely cannot be changed】

When did you first notice this strangeness?

As the Lord of Bronze and Fire, and the pinnacle of alchemy, only such a being can perceive it.

【The world is fixed. 】

During the Age of Gods, when his "future vision" was still complete, Norton could easily conduct observations in units of thousands of years and simulate millions of possibilities during these thousands of years.

The future is different, but full of contradictions.

For example, in all futures, he will be promoted to the status of a god in Sumerian mythology, and then break away from mankind.

In all futures, he will be killed by Odin and then fall into a deep sleep.

In all futures, human history will continue, and then the death of King Arthur will serve as the dividing line to end the age of the gods.

[Parallel world crossover theory]

This theory, which would take a long time to be solved by a genius in the human world, was understood by Norton not long after he was born because of his innate uniqueness.

The history of the world is a ribbon-like continuation. No matter how it spreads, it will eventually converge at a certain or several points.

-Some things cannot be changed.

He named this event "Conclusion Point".

The convergence point is a node that will never change in the history of the world. It is often some kind of event, such as the death of a certain existence or the achievement of a certain race.

In addition to the time beyond the convergence point, the world will develop in countless ways.

The more of these development methods you observe in a certain future, the greater the probability that that world line will become your established future.

In later generations, this seems to be called the "observer effect".

The observed future will collapse in possibility and eventually become an unchangeable reality.

However, because future vision itself is not the privilege of one person, and there are countless observers, the future has become turbulent and swaying, creating randomness.

Well, in the end, it's just randomness on parallel beam lines, and it will eventually converge.

After understanding this incident, Norton also fell into confusion for a time. During the Age of Gods, rumors such as "Norton was as cruel as the Black King" mostly came from this incident.

The world is fixed and there is no way to change it, but I can see everything through.

That kind of pain, that kind of knowing fear and anger, made Norton almost unbearable.

At first, he was arrogant and cruel, and he would sneer at Jörmungandr's feelings for humans, because he could see that it was a desire - from the Dragon King, from the extravagant desire of that perfect creature.

[Let yourself escape perfection and become mortal].

Jormungandr longs to be human.

Norton ridiculed this and even forced Constantine to cut off contact with Jormungandr, but he actually knew.

The reason why I care so much is because of fear.

I am afraid that one day I will not be able to bear the price of "omniscience".

Time passed slowly, and the Dragon King, who was unwilling to believe it at first, also had the heroic attitude of "My fate is up to me." He made all preparations. As the king of alchemy, as long as he was willing to prepare his workshop wholeheartedly, then Logically speaking, he is the most invincible among the four thrones.

Omniscient and omnipotent.

But it still lost.

Odin pretended to start a war with himself while uniting with humans, relying on humans to defeat him.

Obviously none of those millions of futures have appeared, but as long as you deviate from those futures, in order to reach the established node of "Norton will lose to Odin", a new future will be born until you can put yourself in the future. Kill.

[Conclusion Point] Successfully usher in the conclusion.

This failure was the trigger.

After trying everything but being unable to resist the fear of fate, Norton let go.

Finally, he made a decision.

Turn off your vision of the future.

The omniscient Dragon King absolutely denies his omniscience. That kind of ability should not be borne by any life with the ability to think and the existence of "humanity".

In Norton's second generation, he has given up all his previous grand ambitions such as seizing the throne of the Black King. From history, it is not difficult to see that he is even willing to assist the human military king, while he retreats behind the scenes and just builds Baidi City was used as a workshop.

He was tired and just wanted to live well with Constantine.

However, just when he was about to let go of the future completely, he accidentally saw——


his death.

Norton will truly die.

In the future, he seemed to be penetrated through the heart by an orange-haired girl.

For dragons, piercing the heart is by no means a fatal wound.

The consensus among humans is that if you want to kill dragons, you must rely on weapons with the "Philosopher's Stone", because the body of dragons is almost immortal. Even if the body is completely destroyed, it can still be reborn through cocoons.

The Philosopher's Stone contains spiritual elements and can kill dragons from the spiritual level.

The theory is correct, but in fact, if you want to kill the Dragon King's huge spiritual element, a mere bullet-sized Philosopher's Stone is completely insufficient.

Spirit is the trajectory of life. Constantine's shallow experience may not mean that his spiritual elements are very rich, but Norton's spiritual elements are second only to the White King, Odin and other dragons in the world.

Generally speaking, Norton will not die.

But in those countless futures, he will be killed and tortured by a girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The girl has a spiritual element comparable to that of the Dragon King, and she is a giant Philosopher's Stone in her own right!

Combat ability, combat talent, ability to adapt to situations——

All are monster level.

Although Norton tried to expand his future vision, he gave up after discovering that even if he increased the number of future observations to millions or tens of millions, there would be no change.

If he had a good relationship with Fujimaru Ritsuka in advance, he would be exposed by a hybrid named Anger, and finally be killed by an unobservable existence in the melee.

The existence that cannot be observed in the future vision can only be an existence with a higher status than himself. Norton can probably guess the identity of the other party, after all, there are only a few places to choose from.

And if he threatens Fujimaru Ritsuka with civilians, the girl will kill him as if he were to explode.

If he chooses to simply run away, he will be targeted by Odin and hunted to death.


There is no if.

He accepted his death calmly.

Although dragons should not have come to an end, Norton, who has lived for so long, thinks that he has tasted all the joy and rights in the world.

If it were just him dying, Norton would probably say "oh" and accept it.


In that life in Baidi City, Norton saw the truth of [Conclusion Point].

The ending point is not the death of Norton.

Instead, it ended with the death of the [Lord of Bronze and Fire].

in short.

Constantine will die too.

Different from before——

It is complete death.

Most of the time, Constantine did not die in the hands of the girl named Fujimaru Ritsuka, but was hacked to death by Angers' folding knife that could kill the Dragon King, or was killed by the unobservable shadow. He even died at the hands of other hybrids.

Constantine is different from himself, he has too many weaknesses.

So I should have protected him.

During the last period of time in Baidi City, the man went crazy and started thinking about how to break the absoluteness of the [Conclusion Point], but in the end he was unable to find a solution.

And he was eventually led by Odin's forces to start a full-scale war with human hybrids. In that battle, he was killed with almost no resistance.

Because the future cannot be changed.

[Killed in Baidi City]

Although it is not death in the true sense, it is also part of the [Conclusion Point].

He will die.

Will die, will die, will die, will die, will die, will die, will die, will die, will die, will die, will die, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail, fail Failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed failed.

It's no use no matter how hard you struggle

The destined ending point


What a disgusting word.

Whether they are dragons or humans, are they going to play a disgusting drama under this kind of vocabulary, live like this, and then die?

The scariest thing in the world is knowing that the person you love most will die.

The scarier thing than this is that this death cannot be changed.

And the fear that spans this supreme thing is that only I know about it.

If nothing else happened, Norton should have completely collapsed after this and gave up the struggle.

Until he met that person.

[Oh ~ Parallel world theory, have you also studied this? 】

In 1513, Norton was in the Duchy of Milan.

The frustrated Norton met his first human "acquaintance" in his dragon life.

Leonardo da Vinci.

Although this bad relationship was due to various factors such as Norton maintaining the reserve of the Dragon King at the time, and Leonardo da Vinci did not become a so-called "friend" with Norton, there is no doubt that the pinnacle of human wisdom and the pinnacle of the dragon technology tree The Dragon King met.

Norton, who lost his fighting spirit, and Da Vinci, who always regarded himself as a weak scientific researcher, showed no signs of fighting from the beginning. After confirming Norton's idea, Da Vinci helped him and Constantine to find a way to fight against human hybrids. After living under the hunt of the organization for some time, the two began to chat about various things.

Be it alchemy, science, or painting, architecture...

In today's terms, Norton can be regarded as a science and engineering superman, and he is very curious about things. He can only see the future, but Norton did not use it to have too real experiences, so when he saw the Mona Lisa The birth of the painting was still quite surprising.

But what the two discussed the most was probably the theory of parallel worlds.

Like Norton, Da Vinci also saw through the structure of the parallel world theory and knew the existence of the "Convergence Point", but she devoted herself to how to upload her consciousness to the Da Vinci Network to have fun. Regarding the Convergence Point, On the contrary, he doesn't care.

And Norton did not tell Da Vinci that he would die in the future, because if Da Vinci knew it, it would be equivalent to increasing the number of observers, and the possibility of the future would also increase.

Although, it doesn’t matter how much you add to the 100% established facts.

The two spent a very peaceful period of time there, exchanging ideas with each other. It just happened to be the Renaissance period. In a sense, the two of them were doing things that were quite consistent with the background of the times.

In the end, Norton helped Leonardo da Vinci create a plan that proved 70% of the parallel world theory, which is the "plan to build Da Vinci's network through the roots".

Although it is a bit strange to say this, Norton actually feels quite accomplished. Even the Dragon King is quite impressed by the plan conceived by the genius.

The friendship between the two gradually deepened, and he and Constantine followed Leonardo da Vinci in Rome and Florence until the last moment.

In 1519, Leonardo da Vinci died of illness in Amboise, France.

He obviously saw such a future, but he didn't tell her.

Before his death, Leonardo da Vinci seemed to have expected it, and did not comment on Norton's "knowing and not telling" behavior.

She just left her last words and asked Norton to return to the Principality of Milan and find the original design as a parting gift.

Norton got the plan called "Da Vinci Network", 70% of which was jointly participated by the two people, and the remaining 30% was thought up by Da Vinci independently. the result of.

In other words, there are ideas about [The Root] and [Hall of Valor].

She planned to use her own death as a test.

Norton should have been impressed by the greatness of this genius whom he admired so much, but he couldn't.

Because only then did he realize that this was Leonardo's last gift to himself.

【Hall of Valor】


can do it.

Norton suddenly thought.

[I have a way to get Constantine out of this death vortex. 】

A higher level.

To think deeper.

More crazy, more absolute.

Let this world escape observation and make this world a world of absolute freedom.

He seemed to have found a way to escape his fate.

He wants Constantine to live.

The Dragon King named Norton changed that day.

The only confidant who could understand him, the genius passed away, and Norton quietly waited for the time after his death for the crazy plan in his mind to be realized.


And hope.


".It's not that simple after all."

Deep in the Red Ghost River, Norton's body opened its eyes.

Of course, as the insanely cautious King of Bronze and Fire, Norton could not allow himself to go to the United States alone without making any preparations. Although the human named Lu Mingfei did have a trace in his heart, Norton's goal It is impossible to change.

Going to the United States was Norton's "Shadow Warrior" from the beginning.


Unexpectedly, there was an unexpected gain.

[The little man in the bottle]

Life, which symbolizes the essence of alchemy, is not created by human hands, but a miracle that can only be touched by the highest-level alchemists who have spent their entire lives working hard.

——Connect with the roots from birth.

——Having a vision beyond the dragons since birth.

The concept of alchemy was born from this planet. Although Norton is called the ancestor of alchemy, in fact, his own power was also given by others.

The end of the world.

The dark emperor.

The concept of alchemy was born from the Black King, and that king is also connected to the origin of the world and the door called truth, and the so-called "little man in the bottle" is to "reach the extreme of alchemy" to create "kind" Black King Vessel” process.

Once successful, it will be equivalent to creating a key that connects the Black King, the source, and the real world, a treasure that countless alchemists are eager to pursue.

Because this is a treasure-like miracle in itself, the alchemist who can do this is almost only an alchemist who has mastered the [Truth].

And among all the colleagues Norton knew, there was only one guy who would plan to make such a thing.

"Odin, that guy hasn't given up on that ridiculous ideal yet."

Norton mourned his compatriots in a sleepy tone, but the negativity was not directed at Odin, but at himself.

[The Little Man in the Bottle] is a miracle that is almost impossible to reproduce in modern times. Even Norton would have spent nearly a hundred years to master it. And at Odin's level, it probably took at least a thousand years of simulation and calculation to create this one example. exist.

Chen Motong is special, that's why Norton was so excited when he met her.

Once I have her, all my plans can be simplified.


[How about it, do you want to fight? 】

The boy's question seemed to still remain in his mind. When Norton touched his neck with his fingers, he felt as if a cold sting was wrapped around his neck.

Unexpectedly, that being was willing to protect Chen Motong.

And the reason turned out to be for Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The "hero" who was destined to kill the Lord of Bronze and Fire, Norton.

Sure enough, his [fate] will never be on his side.


"Just stick to the original plan."

Norton looked up, and he could clearly feel that on the surface of the Red Ghost River, the terrifying aura was pouring into the depths like mercury.

Although he is a hypocritical emperor, he has reached the level of authenticity.


Let’s deal with it a little bit.

ps: All Fate series works ultimately seem to be a process of reconciliation and recognition between characters and fate - but the author, as a primary school student who has just entered sixth grade (), is not very able to accept "King Arthur must die" and "*** must die" ***" and other binding points.

Maybe it’s because you prefer man’s victory over nature to your natural human rights? (No, no, no, that’s not how these two words are used at all)

There is no way, primary school students are like this ()

In short, the foreshadowing is basically all buried. In fact, as before, I still stuffed a lot of small details into the book, but because I was too lazy to write them out one by one, so... ahem, maybe no one discovered them.

The inescapable future and the closing point have always been the themes of the fate series.

Of course, the two are not the same thing.

To put it simply, even if you get rid of the binding point, it does not mean that you will not be ruled. Well, the setting and plot will be discussed later.

As I said before, I will give each Dragon King a very stylish theme like the King of Lostbelt.

Norton's topic is——

[How to transcend the convergence point and free the world from its fate]


How to do it?

I do not know. (Touch neck)

Just think of it as redeeming Kenneth ()

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