Dragon Clan: Fujimaru-san is saving the world

Chapter 356 Holy Relic (two in one)

"So, is it all over—?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka approached Norton, not caring about the danger involved.

In fact, as a cautious Master, during the battle, the thing she was most worried about was whether Norton in front of her was another Kagemusha, so she always deliberately held back her efforts to avoid accidents.

It wasn't until Norton fully unfolded the Nibelung roots and used all his world-destroying words that Fujimaru Ritsuka was convinced.

The enemy in front of him could only be Norton himself.

Because Fujimaru Ritsuka is confident that there will be no Dragon King in this world who can take over his half-finished light belt and still survive while using a substitute.

So, in short——

The battle is over.

"Yeah. It's over a long time ago." Norton's charred and almost broken body was lying on the ground, and his voice became extremely hoarse. "This battle was over long before it began."


Norton's words made people confused, but Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to hear something from them. After raising her eyebrows, she subconsciously raised her hand, paused her shoulders, relaxed her "burnt" arm, and used the other one that was considered His good arm scratched his head.

"So the Riddler is annoying, but I guess what you want to say is--the closing point thing, right?"

"Have Leonardo da Vinci told you?"

"I did hear about the concept of convergence points from Leonardo da Vinci, but the reason why you are so persistent in going against humans and even trying to kill me is my own speculation." Ritsuka Fujimaru approached Norton He squatted down and threw his executive bureau jacket over.

The black jacket has not been burned to ashes by the high temperature, of course, not only because of its good workmanship, but more importantly because Fujimaru Ritsuka himself included the clothes within the protection range of the spiritual elements released by the Word Spirit Oracle.

Although she has very little shame as a human being, she doesn't want to show her naked body to others casually.

Just like Norton in front of me.

"You dragons have grown up, learn from Xia Jörmungandr, men and women, men and women, no one can kiss each other, don't make promises naked." All the clothes in front of me were burned by the fire and became The scumbag of a man, Fujimaru Ritsuka was kind and humane enough to throw in an executive bureau jacket as a fig leaf.

Facing Fujimaru Ritsuka's concern, Norton snorted lightly.

".It's so easy."

Fujimaru Ritsuka shrugged: "The adults at home have taught you well. Didn't your father tell you not to run naked?"

".I don't have a father."

Fujimaru Ritsuka felt like this was the first time she heard this sentence.


No father?

Should the Black King angrily refute his identity as his father, or...


However, before Fujimaru Ritsuka could think about the result, a voice came from behind her.

That familiar voice made Fujimaru Ritsuka look back subconsciously, and found that Caesar and Lu Mingfei had arrived in Japan at some point, and even ran towards him.

".Mingfei? When did you come here?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka asked. After all, in her memory, both Caesar and Lu Mingfei should be in the United States. Although she noticed Lu Mingfei's strange condition before performing the mission, considering that Lu Ming Ze and Da Vinci knew everything, and Ritsuka followed.

After that, she had been in a fierce battle and had almost no time to estimate the parts outside the battlefield. Naturally, she had no information.

But now, they appeared in front of him.

For some reason, this unexpected situation made Fujimaru Ritsuka feel a little creepy.

And, she suddenly realized.


(I didn’t notice his presence until Caesar called me.)

It wasn't until Caesar entered the fifty-meter radius of Fujimaru Ritsuka that she became aware of his presence.

Although the lack of murderous intent can be explained, it is more obvious.

The reaction has become sluggish.

This is also a matter of course. After all, Fujimaru Ritsuka defeated the boss by himself over and over again. During this period, he also made many inefficient actions to save people and protect the outside world, which wasted a lot of energy.

In other words, this is Fujimaru Ritsuka, like a sponge, if you squeeze it, you can squeeze out some potential.

Anyone who lacks a little bit of background will probably die in the Nibelungs.

No, even now

My head is dizzy, my body is dry, and I may faint at any time.

The deployment of the Noble Phantasm just now was still too reluctant. Even if it was only less than half of the power of the world-destroying Noble Phantasm, the calculation amount of personal reality has reached an unprecedented height.

The first unique barrier is deployed, the first super-scale Noble Phantasm is deployed.

At this moment, Fujimaru Ritsuka was at the end of his strength.

It should be said that it was lucky or unfortunate that Caesar and others were approaching the battlefield at this time.

If it was just Caesar, it would be difficult for Fujimaru Ritsuka not to ask him not to come close to her for the sake of his safety, but she also noticed that Chu Tianjiao and Anger were also running towards this side.


If it were Teacher Angre and Senior Chu Tianjiao, they shouldn't need to worry about it themselves.

There should be no elements that could lead to collapse.

Norton is resolved, so...no more.

A sense of disobedience flowed through my mind, as if I could grab one end of the thread with just a little struggle, but my tired brain seemed to be down and unable to respond.

That feeling is like hearing a melody suddenly, which I am sure I have heard before, but I can't remember it no matter what.

After a while, his mind once again completely confirmed the memory in his mind, and he thought again and came to the conclusion - there were no surprises.

There are no possible surprises.

Fujimaru Ritsuka's consciousness was like a taut piano wire. While barely holding both ends to straighten it, she showed a bright smile that was no different from before.

"Haha, stretcher, here comes the stretcher~ By the way, someone can tie this guy up with alchemy tools, so as to avoid a long night of nightmares."

Seeing that Li Xiang was still interested in talking nonsense, Ange, who was the fastest to come, also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the injury is serious, [Word Spirit Oracle] itself can distort reality. In theory, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be recovered, so there is no need to worry. Fujimaru Ritsuka: "Kazema Ruri. Is the injury okay?"

"Uesugi Yue blocked the attack. Although the old guy failed more than succeeded, he is serious about taking care of his son and daughter, and there is no need to worry about the dragon's resilience. He just needs to rest for a long time."

"That's good"

"Okay, your injury is ten thousand times more serious. After this is over, I will ask for leave from the Executive Directorate for you, and you will not be allowed to take on any more tasks!" Angers let go of his worries, but he was not weak at all. .

At this time, Chu Tianjiao didn't pause and walked straight over. He glanced at Fujimaru Ritsuka's wounds and reluctantly relaxed. He didn't say anything more, just looked at Ange, and after getting the other party's acquiescence, he turned his eyes again. Focusing on Norton, the figure that he is extremely familiar with.

Norton looked at Chu Tianjiao and slowly opened his mouth——

"Wait, don't talk yet."

boom! boom! boom!


Four alchemical bullets penetrated Norton's limbs before Chu Tianjiao lowered his arms.

Norton seemed to be amused by this move, but he didn't feel annoyed at all. He just sneered and said in a hoarse voice.

“So cautious”

"Sorry, occupational disease." Chu Tianjiao managed to squeeze out a hint of familiarity, "Old Tang, long time no see."

"Just a few months." Norton looked at Chu Tianjiao with a normal expression. Unlike Chu Tianjiao, he didn't seem to feel that there was anything worthy of embarrassment between the two people with opposing identities at this moment.

Does it have to be this way?

Is there really no other way?

What exactly is your purpose?

Why must we do this?

Chu Tianjiao clearly had doubts in his heart but he didn't say it out loud. Let's not talk about two grown men. An old man and an old dragon king. Is it too pretentious to talk here? Let's just say that Norton's behavior at this time is already Proof enough.

Chu Tianjiao could clearly feel Norton's attitude towards him. There was no such absolute opposition between humans and dragons as he imagined. Even during the period when his memory was restored, he could see peace in Norton's eyes.

If he has decided and done so and is not going to explain it, then he must have his own ideas.

It has ended.

Adults always don't like to finish what they say, maybe because they think it's deep enough, or maybe because the bitterness shown when they say it makes them feel that they are not mature enough.

But for young people, there are no such scruples.

"Old Tang"

Ronald Tang heard the second familiar voice, and the trembling tone made him sigh.

Lu Mingfei slipped down from the edge of the giant pit. He first got the news from professionals that his eldest sister had no worries about her head injury and had won the battle. After looking around, he saw Norton lying on the ground.

At that moment, the boy faced for the first time the topic he had to avoid.

At that moment, Lu Mingfei realized why he fell into such a loss after letting Old Tang go in the United States.

Not only because he didn't help Fujimaru Ritsuka, not only because of the fact that his friend was the Dragon King.

It's because he subconsciously realized a reality.

[If Old Tang went to Japan, he would definitely be killed by his eldest sister, right? 】

[If the eldest sister really wants to be killed, should I ask for mercy? Not being as good as the elder sister is not the point. The point is that in such a large-scale dragon-slaying battle, if Old Tang appeared like that, would he have any chance to help him deal with it? 】

No, no, no.

The answer came quickly.

Lu Mingfei's loss and despair at that moment was because he subconsciously knew that he was about to lose a friend forever.

His heart began to beat wildly, and Lu Mingfei glanced around in a panic, only to find that there were people everywhere that he was familiar with, or unfamiliar with, but they all looked scary.

And Old Tang on the ground looked so strange.

"Old Tang, it's me!" Lu Mingfei mustered up the courage to step over the principal's side pretending to be unintentional. He called out to the Dragon King lying on the ground, "Do you still remember me? You look too scary now, no Will you lose your memory again?"

Although Norton's body at this time is closer to a human body, there are traces of dragons everywhere on his body, whether it is the ferocious face or the sharp structures at the ends of his limbs.

But what was more obvious were the dark and cracked lines all over the body, like charcoal.

"Old Tang...how did you end up like this? You..." Lu Mingfei looked at the wounds with an unexplainable emotion, but the most direct feeling was panic and panic about the current situation.

He thought it was all a bit sad and incoherent,

".Look, you don't even wear your clothes well."

Lu Mingfei was speechless, and his face gradually turned pale.

The memory and gastric juices seemed to be alive, they were tumbling around, not knowing where they were going. Lu Mingfei remembered an agreement he made with Old Tang. When he was at his lowest and most sensitive time in life, that netizen he had never met, a bad friend who played games, took the initiative to send him a QQ.

He said that if he couldn't survive anymore and didn't want to stay with his relatives, he would come to the United States with him in the future.

On the interstate highways in the United States, we are riding Greyhound, which is a long-distance commercial bus that travels across cities in the United States. On Greyhound, they sang ugly songs and had no idea where they were going. When they see a good-looking place, they get out of the car and walk around, buy local hot dogs and eat them in the exhaust of the car, waiting for the next Greyhound to come and take them to a farther place. Old Tang said that he could guarantee greyhounds and hot dogs.

But how could this happen? Why did Old Tang ignore him?

The Dragon King's dull lead-grey eyes looked at Lu Mingfei silently, but he did not talk to Lu Mingfei like he talked to Chu Tianjiao.

Lu Mingfei clenched his fists, his skeletal muscles constantly trembling, as if coldness was emerging from his body. His words to help Norton and plead for mercy were stuck in his throat.

Lu Mingfei was very naive, ignorant and could not speak, but he had read a report on the plane coming here. It was a scene of his eldest sister's battle with the Dragon King.

In the picture, the Dragon King threw what looked like a very lethal weapon towards Tokyo. The data analysis provided by Norma at the time said that if it hit the ground, the entire Japan would sink in a chain reaction - or be bombed. God.

The Dragon King and Norton were twins, and his actions were all directed by Old Tang.

The friend I know is an anti-human creature who wants to destroy human countries. What else can I say to defend him?

Is it true that you are speaking from your heart - "Honestly, I don't think it's okay to kill the Japanese"?

Not to mention that Lu Mingfei didn't have such extreme feelings. If he really said that, what would be the reaction of the eldest sister next to him, and what would the fierce-looking Japanese mixed-race people next to him say?

It has ended

Fujimaru Ritsuka could see Lu Mingfei's situation at this time, but even if she had her own thoughts, she did not intend to speak out.

Not many people call her "eldest sister", but since Lu Mingfei calls her that, Fujimaru Ritsuka originally planned to train her as an outstanding junior, but things like today...

I also experienced it before.

The trajectory of life will make people grow.

For an "old man" like himself, he could just stay on the sidelines and watch.

Hey, hey, with this way of thinking, I might actually reach retirement age - in a spiritual sense.

After complaining about himself in his heart, Fujimaru Ritsuka also subconsciously relaxed, and this relaxation made his spirit even weaker. Ange frowned and tried to help him, but then he saw Fujimaru Ritsuka shaking himself. Standing upright unsteadily.

She managed to cheer up and said hello to Caesar and Zero who came after them.

"Hi~ Speaking of which, this is my first time performing a mission with you two. It's really new. What's that box in your hands?"

Although Caesar noticed that Fujimaru Ritsuka was barely able to speak at this moment, but seeing that the other party did not want to show weakness, the man with high emotional intelligence still handed over the box to Fujimaru Ritsuka and spoke.

Caesar: "This is an alchemy tool. Da Vinci asked us to send it over, but he didn't say which heroic spirit's holy relic it is."

Zero added: "You should know it when you see it."

After hearing the two people's explanations, Ritsuka was slightly moved for a second.

Da Vinci was still cautious, but even she probably didn't expect that she had defeated the enemy before she even got the alchemy items.

Even so, Fujimaru Ritsuka was driven by curiosity and opened the portable box containing the alchemy tools.

And appeared in front of the girl.

Is it a piece of cloth?

what is this?

Fujimaru Ritsuka blinked.

Even though she was well-informed, she didn't recognize what it was at the first time.

It seems to be fragments of clothing and a cloak, but in general, it is just a piece of cloth that looks like it has some age. The material is a bit too forced to judge. If I insist on it, this cloak has an absurdly rich divinity on it, and The aura of evil spirits is most likely a product of the Age of Gods.

So in terms of style, Fujimaru Ritsuka feels that she often sees this style of clothing materials on Greek heroes.

But it was only reduced to this extent, and Ritsuka still couldn't figure out what it was.

At this time, Caesar seemed to see Fujimaru Ritsuka's confusion and said smoothly.

"Speaking of which, Leonardo da Vinci once said that you should never touch the things inside. He said that if ordinary people touch it, it will basically be hopeless, but if it is left to you, there will be no problem."

do not touch?

Fujimaru Ritsuka raised his eyebrows and looked inside again.

Ah. I see.

There is a poison that can kill people instantly. It is a product of the Gods. The user has a strong and crazy divinity, and it is a fragment of a suspected cloak.

In this case, the conditions are met.

Da Vinci was really worried that I would accidentally die at Norton's hands.

Not knowing whether to laugh or be moved, Fujimaru Ritsuka closed the box again.

"However, it happens that I have almost no physical strength and energy for synchronization now, so I will leave this box with you first."

Fujimaru Ritsuka handed the box to Zero again, and then pushed Caesar out of the round pit.

"Anyway, you should leave here now, otherwise it will be dangerous."


Before Caesar could ask about the abnormality in this sentence, he felt a strange touch under his feet.


The ground that had already begun to cool suddenly felt a new scorching heat, and the deeply dug earth appeared with strong bulges.

The clothes on Caesar Gattuso instantly ignited. Just before he was wrapped in light and heat, Fujimaru Ritsuka grabbed his stamina and threw the 1.8-meter-tall tall man up, throwing him to hundreds of people. meters away.

And the next moment, the ground was broken through.

A black figure that was slightly larger than an ordinary person rushed towards him. His whole body was covered with a thorn-like shell, and the golden pupils of his eyes burned red.

The exoskeleton on the arm turned into a sharp hook, as if death had a sickle, slashing at Fujimaru Ritsuka.

"I see."

Fujimaru Ritsuka, who sounded tired, kept her gesture of throwing Caesar away, looked at the murder weapon that was getting closer to her, and spoke calmly.

"The next-generation species just now was stabbed by Kazama Ruri and deliberately turned into a human form. While changing the size of his body, he took the opportunity to recover some of his physical strength and waited for a sneak attack to see when his mental power was completely exhausted."

"But how could I let down my guard?"


How could you let your guard down?

Norton closed his eyes and thought to himself - he knows this reality better than anyone else.


This time.

It's your downfall.

ps: Oh~ three days later? Now comes my favorite part of this volume.

Hey, the plot is really slow, I will update it tomorrow.

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