Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 1870 They are still alive too!

Is the City of Stars fun to visit?

Well, in Witt's opinion, apart from the stunning sight at first glance, looking back, it is actually not much different from the street where his shop is located in the City of Sky.

In fact, it is even more monotonous.

After all, most of the shops here are alchemy shops.

The only thing that interests Witt is some small alchemy gadgets.

For example, in this City of Stars, the most common "vehicle" is the short-range automatic teleportation magic circle!

Don't forget, in this starry sky, in addition to giant dragons and flying dragons, there are also several types of dragons that cannot fly.


The good things in the City of Stars are all in the sky.

For giant dragons and flying dragons, the star-like buildings in the sky are not much different from those on the ground. They can go wherever they want.

But the problem is that dragons can't!

So, Kram personally took action and transformed the ordinary teleportation magic circle into a short-range automatic teleportation magic circle.

You don't need to do anything, just stand on it, you can reach any place in the City of Stars except Kram's building.

Of course, the premise is that you have to remember all the teleportation points in the City of Stars.

And this is not very difficult for a dragon.

So, this thing is really all over the City of Stars and has become an important travel route for this city-state.

If this thing is not under Kram's control, Witt would like to disassemble it and study it carefully.

You know, things related to space generally involve a lot of energy consumption.

This is why the teleportation system built by the Sky City and other city-states needs to deliver magic crystal coins during use, and the stronger the strength, the more magic crystal coins are required.

However, in this city of stars, this short-range automatic teleportation magic array is free!

This puzzled Witt.

Energy consumption, maintenance of teleportation magic array, management of the entire teleportation system, which ones do not require human and material consumption, there must be input if there is output, otherwise, how to maintain the operation of the teleportation system.

And now, the fact that it is free is in front of him, which makes Witt suspect that there is an efficient energy absorption device behind the operation of this teleportation system.

Witt is quite interested in this thing.

For example, the energy storage of the Nervous series is a solution, but energy absorption is still a bit of a problem.

Under normal circumstances, after using it once, the alchemy puppets of the Nervous series will take a lot of time to fill the dragon crystal.

Of course, if used frequently, Witt will manually recharge.

So far, Witt has not found a good charging method, and Egbert is actually studying this.

However, Egbert has set his sights on Witt.

After all, the way that Witt absorbs elemental energy is the fast charging they need.

However, Witt has not studied it clearly yet.

After all, it is his own body, and he can't dissect himself.

Witt's research progress is slow. If something similar appears, he will certainly be interested.

Unfortunately, this thing can only be seen and used, but not disassembled.

Let's stop here for now.

In short, even with Kadi's leadership, Witt and Celine's enthusiasm for the City of Stars is still almost exhausted soon.

Kadi is quite happy, it seems that because it is rare to see Witt and others, he is very interested in explaining the interesting things about the City of Stars to Witt and others along the way.

However, both Witt and Celine noticed that Cardi was different.

He tried to avoid talking about his own recent situation.

However, he tried to avoid talking about these situations, but he seemed to want to say something to Witt and others.

In addition, every time at this time, his expression would reveal some anxiety that he had suppressed in his heart.

With such contradictory emotions, it was difficult for Witt and the others to pretend that they had not seen it!


"Kadi, are you hiding something from us?"

After hearing Witt's sudden words, Kadi, who was introducing the interesting things that happened in a building not far away, suddenly became speechless.

After reacting, Kadi slowly closed his mouth and sighed.

"When did you find out?"

Hearing this, Witt looked at Kadi speechlessly.

"When we wanted to know your recent situation, you changed the topic quite abruptly, so, are you really hiding something from us?"

Kadi smiled bitterly, raised his head, and looked at the sky in the distance.

"In fact, I came to the City of Stars this time just passing by here, and my original goal was the City of the Sky."

Witt raised his eyebrows.

Since meeting Kadi, Vitki can be sure that he has probably settled in the Tire Plain.

This is normal. After all, the dragons that grew up in the city-state may not stay in the city-state forever.

Just like Leila!

If he hadn't made a promise, he would have left the Burning City long ago. It's not suitable for him to live there.

Kadi hasn't returned to the Sky City for so many years. It's probably because, in his opinion, the Tire Plain is more suitable for him to settle down than the Sky Plain.

So, Kadi, who has probably settled on the Tire Plain, is suddenly ready to return to the Sky City. This must be because of an unusual change.

Werther was thinking about this, and Cady continued: "And the purpose of my return to the Sky City is actually to find you!"

Hearing this, Werther was stunned.

"Looking for me?"

Werther really didn't expect this.

Because he really couldn't imagine why Cady would find him.

Ask him for help...

Normally busy, even if Cady returns to Sky City, he should find Claude, who has a better relationship with him.

"What do you need me to help you with?"

Hearing this, Cady smiled bitterly again, and did not ask the question directly, but asked: "Witt, among the dragons who are about the same age as you in the Sky City, who are you more impressed by?"

"Who else could it be? Those dragons from the Dragon Gang, Claude and the others, Oldorf, Crohir, Nasha and Oti, Xue, 냪, Frost and Nuo, you were almost forgotten by me. "

"Then do you still remember who were the dragons you fought with when the Young Dragon Management Association was first established?"

Werther looked at Cady speechlessly.

"Then who can remember? They were all related to each other during the first battle, and there was no interaction afterwards. I only remember a magic dragon that claimed to be able to make other dragons unable to cast magic, and the wind elemental dragon that Daniel adopted.


Who else is coming? "

Hearing this, Kadi smiled and shook his head.

"Sure enough, you have forgotten them a long time ago, but they still remember you, the green dragon Les, the red crystal dragon Tal, the thunder dragon Syl..."

Werther looked surprised.

"As soon as you mentioned this group, I remembered it. It turns out they are still alive!"


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