Dragon: Dragon Realm

Chapter 382 Another fellow villager!

Chapter 382 A fellow countryman!

As soon as he entered the store of Boredia, Witt's eyes looked in a direction involuntarily. There seemed to be a familiar breath over there.

However, this breath was blocked by the high shelves.

Witt hesitated for a moment, and then flew over there.

At this time, the sound of flapping wings came from the shelf, and the other party seemed to feel Witt's breath.

When Witt flew over the shelf, a figure also flew out from the other end of the shelf.

Cold, dead silence...

It's the starry sky!

The moment the two dragons looked at each other, they figured out each other's identity.

However, they only looked at each other, and after the two dragons nodded to each other, their eyes separated and they each did their own things.

Unless necessary, strange dragons rarely talk to each other.

Witt didn't think about getting to know each other.

The world is so vast, and there are countless dragons from the starry sky. If we get to know each one of them, what is that, a hometown meeting?

Witt sneered in his heart, and then flew towards the counter where Poredia was.

A streamlined body, walking on four legs, slender figure, dark breath lingering on the shorter dragon horns, with fine dark blue diamond scales and silver patterns all over the body, flew to the side of the dragon that was looking at Witt.

"Nasha, what are you looking at?"

The voice was a little cold, exuding a faint chill, and it didn't sound like a dragon that was easy to get along with.

It was Otti!

At this time, her body length had reached six meters.

But in fact, at her age, her body length should be at least about eight meters, like Nasha's eight meters.

However, she also belongs to the category that missed the rapid growth period.

In fact, most of the dragons born in the wilderness are like this.

As for Nasha, the dark blue scales were much darker than when she was just born, and with the white spots, she looked more like a starry sky than when she was just born.

Hearing Oti's words, Nasha came back to her senses and smiled gently.

"Nothing, I just saw an interesting dragon. By the way, have you chosen the potion?"

Hearing this, Oti nodded.

However, her brows slightly frowned.

"It seems that something has been added to the potion, and it looks a bit bad."

Nasha smiled helplessly.

"After entering the city-state, you don't need to be so vigilant. What's more, in my opinion, the atmosphere here is much better than that of the Free City.

Well... how about we live here for a few years?

It's just right to look around and see if there are any dragons worth challenging. If not, we can leave."

Oti nodded.

She didn't have any opinion on this.

Anyway, she just needed to follow Nasha, and the rest didn't matter.

They had lived in the Free City for three years before.

I ran all over the Free City, beat all the young dragons, and then set off again.

"Since you have no objection, I will ask the owner of the pharmacy to see what requirements need to be met to stay in the Sky City. I just hope that fighting is not prohibited in this place."

As he said, the two dragons flew towards the counter.


Witt flew to the counter and saw Poredia glance at him, then closed his eyes again, pretending to sleep, and sighed helplessly.

Then he flew to the counter and knocked on it.


Are you so angry? I accidentally destroyed several shelves of your potions. I didn't expect that this would happen.

Later, I compensated you for the materials!

After all, you didn't want the potions I made!"

A year ago, when his body suddenly began to violently extract the power of the element, Witt happened to be in Boredia's pharmacy.

As a result, the potions on several shelves were all drained into white water.

Boredia was so angry that he almost transformed on the spot!

Although Witt had given compensation, Boredia said that this store did not welcome Witt.

In addition, Witt at that time was indeed not suitable to come out again.

Unexpectedly, after a year, Boredia still remembered it!

Hearing Witt's words, Poredia opened his eyes, glanced at him, and then said coldly: "I didn't drive you out, it's good enough, what else do you want from me, smile for you?"

As he said, Poredia grinned, showing a white tooth.

A very "sunny" smile!

Hearing this, Witt's face showed a smile, willing to communicate.

"Smile, smile, smile, you know how to smile, I get angry when I see you smile, if you have something to say, say it, don't disturb my sleep!"

As he said, Poredia glanced at Witt's neck, was stunned for a moment, and then sneered.

"It's not out of infancy yet!"

Witt said helplessly: "It doesn't have to be a hundred years old to get out of infancy, some dragons have gotten out of it, and I know a 108-year-old one that got out of it.

My reverse scale has begun to grow, it can't be that it won't grow in four years!"

Poredia sneered, closed his eyes and stopped talking.

Witt saw that Poredia had made up his mind not to speak, and sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, I've been holding it in for a year, so I'm going to go out for a walk. Since you don't welcome me, I'm leaving!"

With that, Witt prepared to leave.

However, when he turned around, he saw the dragon he had seen before, and another midnight dragon flying towards him, holding some potions in their mouths.

With a turn of his eyes, Witt turned around and slapped the counter, then cursed in the astonished eyes of Boredia.


Are you selling potions or explosives?

I just drank a bottle, and then all the dragon scales on my body exploded!

I have been staying at home for a year and dared not come out to see the dragon.

Give me back the coins!

You want to eat the dragon with your eyes wide open? I tell you, this is the Sky City, I am not afraid of you!

If you have the guts, just wait for me!

I'm going to call the dragon, I don't believe there is no way out of this Sky City!"

While shouting angrily, Witt was quite honest and flew out of Boredia's pharmacy at the fastest speed.

All of a sudden, the store fell silent.

Nasha and Oti, who were holding the potion, looked at each other. They couldn't put the potion in the bottle back, nor could they keep it.

Thinking of the way the dragon scales on their bodies would break after swallowing a bottle of potion...

The two dragons couldn't help but shudder.

But then, their bodies froze, just because a pair of sharp eyes came closer.

"I said that the guy just now was trying to trick me, do you believe it?"

Feeling the hot breath from the opposite side, Nasha nodded wisely.

"It looks like a troublemaker!"

Hearing this, Poredia smiled.

"Very good, these potions will be discounted for you!"


After a moment of silence, Nasha seemed to suddenly think of something.

"Well, sorry, we just came to the Sky City, and we don't have the Sky City currency on us. These potions..."


Poredia's pupils shrank.

Nasha changed the subject.

"Can these potions be exchanged for other things, such as magic plants, magical items from the wild, etc.?"

Poredia grinned.



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