Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Chapter 1876: Inheritance of the Yin Shang Royal Family

"Mother, the child knows wrong!"

Ling Yun fled and begged for mercy: "I really didn't hear anything just now, and I didn't see anything, it's so far away..."

"Nonsense! Eavesdrop if you shouldn't listen, take a peek if you shouldn't look, you little bastard, relying on high levels, don't you? Stop and see if I don't kill you!"

Yin Qingxuan smiled and cursed, chasing after her.

The mother and son chased and fled, and they have reached the sky above the valley.

In the bedroom on the second floor of the bamboo building, Ling Xiao, who was lying on the bed, was awakened. He swept away his mind, and immediately "saw" the mother and son chasing in the air, and suddenly withdrew his mind.

If Yin Qingxuan beats her son, then beat, he dare not intervene in this matter.

Let's go to sleep, it is too tired.

In the other bamboo building, Ye Xingchen also opened his eyes, and the same consciousness swept away. After seeing the situation clearly, he almost couldn't help laughing.

Just because of Ling Yun's free temper, being beaten is inevitable, and now someone can finally deal with him without any scruples. Good thing!

Ye Xingchen immediately looked inward and found that the devastated soul had completely recovered. He didn't know how Ling Yun cured her in such a short time.

She smiled, and threw a formation to block outside sounds, then rolled over lazily, and fell asleep again.


After Ling Yun made more than a dozen large circles over the valley, he suddenly landed on the top of Feiyun Mountain and stopped.

Yin Qingxuan followed like a shadow and appeared in front of Ling Yun instantly, waving his hand to hit.

Ling Yun didn't evade and smiled: "Mother, my child was just helping you get out of trouble. Otherwise, my three aunts still don't know when they will have trouble with you."

"I know it naturally."

Yin Qingxuan had already changed her gestures, and touched Lingyun's cheeks fondly, and said with satisfaction: "The stars are right. My son's ability to escape is really good, mother is relieved."

In the chase just now, Yin Qingxuan used the pinnacle of the Fusion Realm and the unique technique of the Holy Sect to increase her speed to the limit, but she still failed to catch up with Ling Yun.

"Come with my mother."

Yin Qingxuan grabbed Ling Yun's hand, and came to the pavilion on the top of the mountain in a flash, then let go and smiled: "You just sit down, mother has something to say to you."

As soon as Ling Yun heard it, his mind immediately moved, dozens of spiritual stones suddenly floated in the air, and a small imperial **** array was about to be laid down.

But Yin Qingxuan smiled and waved.

"Yun'er, this is in our own house. Your father, Xingchen, and your three aunts are our closest people. What should I beware of? In the future, I can speak and do things more freely. Don't be so careful."

"Hey, got used to it."

Ling Yun scratched his head in embarrassment, and immediately put away all the spiritual stones, and at the same time explained with a smile: "Mother, in fact, the child wants to take out the treasure of Senior Yin that he got under the pit that day and show it to you. Look."

In fact, since Ling Yun entered this small world, he has been thinking about showing Yin Jiuyou's things to his mother, but in the atmosphere last night, he didn't find the right opportunity at all, and he never expected Yin Qingxuan to be like this. Atmosphere, I didn't even ask a question about such an important matter.


Yin Qingxuan was wondering where to start, and when she heard that, she turned her head and smiled: "Also, take it out and take a look."

Yin Jiuyou is not only a descendant of the Yin Shang imperial family, but also the ancestor of Yin Qingxuan. He is also recognized by the cultivation world as the strongest demon sect over the past thousand years.

At this moment, no matter which topic the mother and son talk about, the name Yin Jiuyou will definitely be mentioned.

Ling Yun nodded, not talking nonsense, just a movement of divine thought.

Whoosh whoosh...

The blood magic knife.

White Dragon Excalibur.

Golden Dragon Pill, Blood Sha Pill, Xuan Yin Pill, three bottles of the best treasure pill.

And that page of the mysterious golden book.

The bright yellow silk "sacred decree" left by Yin Jiuyou.

And the huge bronze coffin.

Lined up in front of Yin Qingxuan, hanging silently in the air.

In the end, Ling Yun wanted to take out the remaining half of Ye Mingzhu, but saw Yin Qingxuan raise his hand: "Those beads, the stars have already shown me the stars, don't take them out."

Nowadays, those Ye Mingzhu that are enough to drive ordinary people crazy, no matter it is in Yin Qingxuan's or Ling Yun's eyes, they are nothing.

Even if Ye Xingchen had already heard about it, he had already been fully prepared. At this moment, seeing so many things from the ancestors, Yin Qingxuan couldn't hide his excitement.

Slightly calmed down, Yin Qingxuan picked up the "sacred decree" first, gently spread her hands, and scanned her eyes.

"This imperial decree, in the eyes of others, was left by the ancestor Yin Jiuyou to someone who can find his treasure, but for my descendants of the Yin and Shang imperial family, it is actually an ancestral instruction."

She turned her head to look at Ling Yun and smiled and said, "So, Yun'er, if you have read the words above, don't worry too much."

Ling Yun shook his head solemnly, and said with a serious face: "Mother, I understand what you mean, and I am worried about my safety. However, in any case, I am the person who opened the coffin of the predecessor. I have already benefited from the inheritance of the predecessor. Then you should go all out to fulfill the wish of the predecessors, enter Kunlun, find the Jiuding, and report the hatred of the Yin and Shang Dynasty for destroying the country!"

"Otherwise, the child will feel uneasy."

Yin Qingxuan stared at Ling Yun for a long while, and saw that his eyes were firm, knowing that it would be useless to persuade him, so she had to give up with a sigh.

"Since you think so, then the mother has no choice but to let you. But you must remember that as long as you do your best and have a clear conscience, everything must be based on your own safety."

Ling Yun nodded immediately: "My child understands, please rest assured mother."

"This imperial decree is of no use to you, so you don't have to take it with you anymore. My mother will collect it for you."

Yin Qingxuan said, carefully rolled up the silk and put it away carefully, and then said casually: "My mother has finished reading these other things, so please put them away."

Ling Yun was slightly dazed: "..."

Just stared at it for a while and finished it?

You know, apart from the huge bronze coffin, the others are treasures that are hard to find in the world, but I didn't expect my mother to even touch it.

"These treasures are all my son's belongings. What's the urgency of my mother?"

Seeing through Ling Yun's thoughts, Yin Qingxuan smiled freely, and suddenly raised her hand, pointing to the blood transforming sword with crimson light and full of blood evil aura.

"The Blood Transforming Sword was originally called the Dark Blood Magic Knife because it sealed the dragon soul of a Dark Blood Devil Dragon. Later in Poyang Lake Longtan, the Dark Blood Devil Dragon's dragon soul occupied the body of the red dragon. It's called Dahong, right?"

Ling Yun had to nod his head.

Yin Qingxuan moved her finger and pointed at the White Dragon Divine Sword: "This sword, whose real name is actually called the Dragon Slashing Sword, was one of the commonly used weapons before the ancestor Yin Jiuyou reached the realm of transforming the gods. There is a rare white dragon dragon soul sealed inside. Overwhelming all kinds of dragon descendants in the world."

She moved her finger again: "Golden Dragon Pill, Blood Evil Pill, and Profound Yin Pill, these three medicines are all the best treasure pill. Yun'er, you are only one step away from the realm of the Golden Pill, and the dragon energy in your body is blazing and your blood is amazing , Has already cultivated Yin Shen, it is the best time to take these three kinds of pills."

Finally, Yin Qingxuan retracted her finger and looked at the mysterious page of the golden book: "Among all these treasures, apart from this **** sword, this page of the golden book should be the most powerful, but it's a pity that her mother has searched through the Holy Sect. No records have been found in the classics. The ancestor Yin Jiuyou also didn't know what to say about this, so his mother couldn't understand it, and couldn't help you. You can only explore it slowly by yourself."

After speaking, Yin Qingxuan folded her hands, smiled and looked at Ling Yun who had been completely stunned, and her beautiful eyes blinked.

Come on!

No wonder that at the banquet last night, my mother only talked about the daily routine, but almost didn't ask anything about her own affairs. It turned out that she already knew so much detail.

Actually, after thinking about it, Yin Qingxuan is the previous demon sect saint, naturally knows almost all the secrets of the demon sect, plus she is a descendant of the Yin Shang imperial family, naturally knows Yin Jiuyou extremely well, plus Ye Xingchen and Blue Bird It is too easy to understand some of the information provided.

At this time, Yin Qingxuan once again said astonishing: "My child, in fact, twenty years ago, my mother also rushed to the south of the Yangtze River to find these inherited treasures of our ancestor Yin Jiuyou, but this opportunity was not in my mother's body, so naturally she got nothing, but she did not expect it. It’s easy for you to get. But fortunately, after all, it’s not cheaper than others."

"That's it."

Ling Yun laughed dumbly. He couldn't help but shook his head and asked: "Mother, then I will put them all away?"

"Just take it."

So Ling Yun moved his mind and put away all the treasures, leaving only the three bottles of the best treasure pills.

"Mother, in your current state, you can take these three medicines. See how much you can use. I will leave it to you."

When he parted with Mo Wudao, Ling Yun once gave both the master and apprentice the Blood Sha Pill and the Xuan Yin Pill. It was unreasonable that they could send it, but he didn't know to give it to his own mother.

Unexpectedly, Yin Qingxuan shook her head indifferently: "You don't keep a single mother of these medicine pills, you just have to accept them all."

Ling Yun suddenly became anxious: "Why?"

Yin Qingxuan smiled and said, "Although these Golden Dragon Pills and Blood Fiend Pills are the best treasure pill, they are not consistent with the mother's physique and main practice. Can't you tell?"

"What about the Xuan Yin Pill? You will soon enter the heartbeat period. Is this Xuan Yin Pill always useful?"

Yin Qingxuan still shook her head and said: "I actually have just reached the peak of the fusion realm, and I am stabilizing the realm. It is too early to enter the heartbeat stage.

Yin Qingxuan stretched out her hand at the bamboo building halfway up the mountain and said to Ling Yun Chuanyin: "Your dad, that idiot, was so guilty of me last night because of his low state, and made me very angry. UU Reading www.uukanshu. com"

As she spoke, she couldn't help rolling her eyes at the sky, looking helpless.

Ling Yun gritted his teeth and suffocated his smile.

Yin Qingxuan's meaning is very clear. There is no plan to take the medicine at present. One reason is that it has just reached the peak of the fusion realm, and it does take time to stabilize the realm.

There is another more important reason, waiting for Ling Xiao's realm to catch up!

"Mother, please rest assured, within half a year, um... it will be around the Spring Festival soon, my father's realm should almost reach the fusion realm."

Ling Yun's thoughts moved, he took out a bottle of the best base building pill and the best body tempering pill he refined in Longhu Mountain, and sent them to Yin Qingxuan's hands, and told her the respective usage of the two pill.

"My father has now reached the eighth level of Qi training. This body tempering pill can be taken at will. After he reaches the peak of the ninth level of Qi training, as long as this one builds a foundation pill, he can at least reach the peak of the light realm."

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Network Mobile Edition Reading URL:

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