Dragon Emperor, Martial God

Vol 2 Chapter 429: Gallbladder

Being reminded by Zhang Ling, Ling Yun calmed down in an instant, because Zhang Ling said it was good.

When he happened, the school had to expel his student status. The class teacher Kong Xiuru went to argue for him. It was out of a teacher’s responsibility. This is still true.

Now when I came back, I ran to the headmaster and the grade director. I was sure that Lingyun would be able to get back to Kong Xiuru. But in this way, the relationship between the two people is equal.

The fake also becomes real!

Kong Xiuru’s position can be returned, but her innocence is completely ruined!

Ling Yunxin said that his mother’s jump into the Yellow River could not be washed away. He scratched his head in distress and looked at Zhang Ling and said, “What do you say? What is it?”

Ling Yun really doesn't care about this kind of thing. It doesn't matter at all. In order to make up for himself, Kong Xiuru has lost a reputation for engaging in male-female relationships with male students. How will the teacher still be?

Zhang Ling can't think of a good way. She can only say: "There is really no good way to do this kind of thing. I think you should change it invariably. Let's talk to the class teacher separately and listen to the opinion of the class teacher. Say..."

Ling Yun couldn't help but grin, and said that he still talked alone? Just making up a class has produced such a big anecdote. Now both of them have become the daring figures in the school. If they meet again in private, they may be talking about how others are talking about it.

This matter is very tricky. Don't say that in the high school campus in China, it is in the world of comprehension. If the disciple and his teacher respect this kind of thing, it will be something that will not be allowed by the sects and be laughed at by the people of the world.

Of course, Lingyun is rampant. He never cares about other people's claims, but he has to consider Kong Xiuru.

“Is there anything else?” Ling Yun asked Zhang Lingdao.

Zhang Lingjiao’s squinting Lingyun’s eyes, eating vinegar and Lingyun said that there were two women who came to the class to look for him. These are the same as Zhang Dong’s, Lingyun smiled and nodded and said.

"There is still one thing..." Zhang Ling suddenly twisted and his face was hot red. Breathing speeds up.

Lingyun smiled and said: "What is it?"

Zhang Ling bit his lower lip and said: "My mother wants to meet you..."

Lingyun thought it was a big deal. He smiled and said: "Oh, it turned out that the mother-in-law wants to see the son-in-law, no problem, but these two days will not work. I will wait until this time to talk about it..."

Zhang Ling was ashamed and happy, and she said, "Go to you. Who said that I want to be your wife..."

The scent of the wind blew, and the dragon dance came back from outside the classroom. She went back to her seat and said faintly: "There are still a few minutes to go to class. Are you two of them talking?"

Zhang Ling should also go back to her seat. She stood up reluctantly and whispered to Lingyun: "These two classes are the class teacher's class, you..."

Lingyun remembers very clearly that the first two lessons on Tuesday were English lessons, so I smiled and nodded and said that I understood.

Zhang Ling went back. The dragon dance sat back in the seat, Lingyun rushed to her and smiled: "Thank you!"

The dragon dance was very angry, which made Ling Yun start to look at her differently.

Three minutes before class, Kong Xiu, the class teacher of the 3rd and 6th class, came to the class in advance, still wearing a long shawl and wearing a white shirt. Black ol skirt, two slender legs wearing transparent flesh-colored stockings, intellectual and sexy, serious expression.

However, unlike Lingyun’s first time when she saw her, Kong Xiuru’s face had an indescribable exhaustion and embarrassment. The eyes are also slightly red and swollen. Obviously, she has been greatly affected these days.

Kong Xiuru walked into the classroom and walked straight onto the podium. Her eyes swept away, and the classroom was quiet and silent.

When Kong Xiuru’s eyes moved to Lingyun’s face. Slightly stagnant, a serious blush of a faint blush, but almost disappeared in the blink of an eye, she coughed, without any nonsense, began to lecture directly.

The first lesson was over soon. After a whole class, Kong Xiuru was in normal class and did not show any abnormalities.

However, only Lingyun knows best. Kong Xiuru saw his eyes except when he first entered the classroom. After that, he never looked at Lingyun again. She was deliberately avoiding Lingyun’s eyes.

This kind of scenario is simply two words: 尴尬.

And this kind of embarrassment brewed another unspeakable atmosphere in the classroom, which made the air in the classroom extremely tense.

Later, even some students who only knew that they were immersed in hard work had noticed that something was wrong. They secretly turned their eyes to Lingyun.

As a result, Kong Xiuru's face is even more unnatural. She can feel that her face is hot and it is hard to get to the class, and she will flee.

But at this moment, a voice passed into Kong Xiuru’s ear, Lingyun’s voice.

"Mr. Kong, dare you let me go to your dormitory to take a class? It is now! If you dare, let's go now."

Ling Yun didn't like this feeling very much. He and Kong Xiuru were even more innocent than the green onions and tofu. He didn't want to make them so embarrassed, and decided to break the game.

To be honest, Ling Yun's drug is fierce enough, saying that it is good to attack with poison, saying that it is hard to break the can.

Doesn't it all mean that Ling Yun and Kong Xiu Ru engage in male-female relations? Then he was in the broad daylight, and returned to the single dormitory with Kong Xiuru, directly let the whole school see, see if others dare to chew the roots, whoever dares to dare, Lingyun guarantees that he will regret why he will grow his mouth. !

Of course, he used the method of transcending secrets and Kong Xiuru. Only Kong Xiuru can hear it, no matter whether Kong Xiuru will agree or not, it will have no effect.

Lingyun’s voice was powerful, and Kong Xiuru was shocked. She didn’t know that Lingyun just said it to her, and quickly turned to look at the class.

Kong Xiuru found that the whole class is still doing what they are doing, watching, leaving the seat, chatting and chatting, as if they did not hear Lingyun.

Kong Xiuru's nervous mood was only a little relaxed, and then naturally it was time to make a decision.

Lingyun must have heard about the two people. The meaning of his words, Kong Xiuru is also very clear, but this method of Lingyun is really too shocking.

Kong Xiuru took his footsteps and stood firm and graceful. His face was hot and his heart was turned.

Because of one thing six years ago, Kong Xiuru had a fear or even a conflict with men. After graduating from Jingcheng Foreign Language University, she gave up the opportunity to stay in the capital to enter a foreign company. One person fled the capital and went to Qingshui City alone. Taught for six years.

She chose Qingshui Yizhong, hiding in this school, a person silently licking his wounds, waiting for the day he recovered, and then reopening himself.

During the six years, she refused all the men who admired her, liked her, pursued her, and would rather be considered by the teachers and students in the school to be an abnormal geek, and would not be hurt by men any more.

Kong Xiuru never thought that because he could not find a suitable place, he brought Lingyun back to his single dormitory and gave him counseling lessons. He let himself fall into such a reputation!

After the incident, Kong Xiuru’s mind was once again seriously hurt. She felt very depressed. She silently accepted it but did not want to explain anything.

She felt that this was life, that fate was teasing her, she thought it would be like this, she thought of fleeing again.

The only thing that can't be left is the three or six classes that I brought with me. These fifty people are going to squeeze the wooden bridge and rush to the students of the ivory tower.

Kong Xiuru intends to stand up for the last class, and when this student graduates, she will resign without leaving the school.

However, Lingyun came back. When he came back, he was shocked. When he came back, Qingshui City was full of wind and rain.

This is a very powerful boy, beyond the understanding of Kong Xiuru.

Kong Xiuru feels inexplicable pride, because she has such a student, she feels that everything she has done for him is worth it, and her heart has already been relieved.

When Kong Xiuru saw Lingyun’s blush, the most important thing was actually because of the beauty of Lingyun, plus the rumors between the two people in the school. The class teacher of Gaosan-6 and her students had a leg and a teacher. Love...

I am a single woman, Lingyun is so beautiful, I brought him back to the dormitory in the evening, and the two men and widows spent two self-study together...

If this kind of thing is spread out, if others don't think too much, then it is really a ghost.

"It seems that fate really does not intend to let me go. Forget it. If you can't hide it, then accept it. In fact, six years ago, things that were more serious than this have already experienced..."

Thinking of this, Kong Xiuru suddenly secretly bite his teeth, turned the graceful body, and looked directly at Lingyun and said: "Ling Yun, you come with me..."

Ling Yun and so on is this sentence. After he finished listening, he stood up directly from his seat. As before, he squeezed out from behind the dragon dance.

"Oh, come!" Ling Yun with a calm smile, swaying toward the door of the classroom.

Lingyun will use the voice to enter the secret, Kong Xiuru can not, the entire high school three or six students almost heard!

They stunned and looked at Kong Xiuru and Ling Yun before leaving the classroom, immediately as if the pan was fried, and there was a lot of discussion!

"I am dizzy~www.wuxiaspot.com~How did the class teacher call Lingyun out at this time?"

"Yeah, they are so confused, can't they just jump into the Yellow River?"

"Where are they going to go? English group? Director of the grade? Or go directly to the principal's office?"

"Go, go out and see, don't know, Lingyun is so up against the sky now, I still don't believe that he can't solve it!"

"That is, even the police chief of Qingshui City has cleaned up, still afraid of our principal?"

"Go and see..."

The dragon dance did not move in her seat, she was still calm, with a faint smile on her face.

Zhang Lingmu sent Lingyun out of the classroom. She turned her head and looked at her own table, Miao Xiaomiao. She sighed and said: "Hey, this is really lively..." (To be continued.) (To be continued.)

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