Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1343: good luck

The bride Li Ya was stunned for a while, and then a smile broke out on her face, comforting Nie Qiqi: "Sister, don't worry, there are quite a few women who have some grudges with me, I can probably guess who it is, let me She's jealous!"

"Yes, yes, those senior sisters from the same sect in the past, some cousins ​​and cousins ​​in the clan don't envy our current Fairy Li Ya."

"Continue reading, don't pay attention to such malicious people, I don't think they dare to keep their names, they are nothing more than rats." Nie Qiqi nodded.

The bride is not suspicious. In fact, in the previous blessing words, you can also see the sourness between the lines of some plastic sisters.

crisis resolution.

Shen Tu greatly relaxed.

"Then you guys continue to play, and Junior Brother Zhu and I have a few more drinks." Shen Tu hurriedly retired.

"Go, get drunk, I'll find someone to carry you back, but if you're dirty, you can only sleep on the couch..." Li Ya said with a smile.

"Haha, not really."

Just as he was about to leave, two shining lines appeared on the palm of Zhu Minglang's palm. It was the Azure Wing Immortal and the Scarlet Wing Immortal. They flew around and left a unique fragrance in the room. .

They are like two delicate artistic colored knots, and finally hugged tightly above the couple, and turned into a real fairy bird!

A ray of blessings fell and shone on everyone's body. The breath of auspiciousness was like some kind of gift from the gods, lingering in the soul, and it might bring good luck to him in the future.

"Hope to end!"

"I've heard of this, only those who believe in the Qixi Temple who are extremely devout will get it. With it, you can meet someone you've been looking forward to for a long time soon!"

"Wow, I never thought we could get such a blessing!"

"Then can I meet the man of my dreams?"

"As long as you don't close the door..."

Zhu Minglang and Nie Qiqi also obtained such a wish knot, and as the disciples of Vega Immortal, they completed a part of her priesthood for their master, and they could also obtain auspicious purple energy.

Zhu Minglang can clearly see that the purple energy on his head is very concentrated, so he will soon have great luck!


After completing this beautiful thing, Zhu Minglang left with satisfaction.

This time the harvest should be good, no less than killing an evil **** himself.

If I knew that being a marriage counselor could easily earn auspicious purple energy, then why would I work so hard to kill the evil lamp boy, Tu Shanmeng, and kill the Seven Star Gods...

"It's fun, you have to take me with you in the future." Nie Qiqi said with a smile.

Even she admired her on-the-spot reaction at the time. If it weren't for this paragraph, I am afraid that the beautiful marriage between the two people in the future would have a crack, and it would eventually get out of hand.

"You are doing very well. I will tell my sister and master later that I will remember you as a great deed." Zhu Minglang said.

"They should be a good match, right?" Nie Qiqi asked.

"Yes, Bi Yixian has embraced each other, which means that they have put aside other distracting thoughts and pasts, and they are enviable immortal companions." Zhu Minglang said.

Back in his garden, the little maid Xiao Xiao brought good news to Zhu Minglang. The fire fruit for the little nine-tailed dragon has successfully sprouted. It won't take long for it to grow mature under such special soil moisture. Fruits come.

Zhu Minglang is more and more satisfied with this little maid, she is simply a girl's version of the little **** of agriculture!

Many dragon grains can be cultivated by themselves, which saves a lot of expenses. Otherwise, these dragons raised by Zhu Minglang will always make ends meet, and it is difficult to condense the strength of the nine-tailed dragon and Chongdelong.


Early in the morning, Zhu Minglang went to offer tea as usual.

His three junior sisters were earlier than him and had already finished serving tea and went to work.

"Are you serving morning tea? It's almost noon!" Servant Mei said angrily.

"Biwing birds embrace each other, Li Ya and Shen Tu's relationship is solid." Vega said to Zhu Minglang.

"Well, I still have to send a letter to Shen Tu, lest the woman who has not cut off her relationship find her in the future." Zhu Minglang said.

"You did a good job." Vega Xingxian is very satisfied with Zhu Minglang's independent completion of the task this time. This is actually the result she hoped, but she is related to Li Ya, and the more interference she has, the more counterproductive it is.

"Is there any reward? For example, Liudao Divine Purification?" Zhu Minglang asked seriously.

When Vega Xingxian heard this, she smiled, gentle and charming, quaint and generous, she said, "You want to be the moon **** so desperately?"

"Yeah, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng." Zhu Minglang didn't hide it, he really needed Vega to help him, and it would be best to give it to him for nothing. If it doesn't work, he can tell himself how to get it. Brightness will naturally reciprocate.

"Will it be too hasty? If it fails, it will have a great impact on your immortal path." Vega Xingxian asked.

"I have confidence."

"As a teacher, I know some opportunities. If you are going to Yongshenzhou, you can try your luck." Vega Xingxian said.

"I am blessed by God." Zhu Minglang said.

"You go to a place called Binyuan Xiaoxian Village. Pay attention to the safety of life. You are separated by tens of thousands of miles, and the teacher can't protect you." Vega Xingxian said.

"Thank you, master and sister..." Zhu Minglang was overjoyed, and the last divine cleansing was full of eyes. He couldn't wait to leave, and before leaving, he did not forget to turn around and praise the beautiful and gentle Vega, "Master is a beautiful heart. Good, I will repay the spring in the future!"

"How did you talk~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Don't be too presumptuous!" At this moment, Mei Shoufeng shouted angrily.

Zhu Minglang ignored the old-fashioned Servant Immortal and left gracefully.


It is not a problem for Xiaotaotie, who is proficient in soaring clouds and mists, to travel thousands of miles a day.

However, Zhu Minglang took nearly ten days to reach Yongshenzhou. Yongshenzhou is one of the three major Shenzhous in Kangsu. Zhu Minglang arrived at a yellow maple city according to the detailed address given to him by Shen Tu.

After sending a letter, she explained Shen Tu's current situation. The woman didn't do anything extreme, she just smiled bitterly.

"Little Immortal doesn't have to worry about me. I had expected this result. That's fine. I made it clear. I don't have to worry about it anymore." The woman forced a smile.

"The girl should take care of her. If she encounters any difficulties, she can still write to inform that Shen Tu is not an ungrateful person." Zhu Minglang said.

"Well, thank you little fairy."

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