Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1359: very nourishing

“Very good, very good…”

"King Wei, how could Qiniang deceive you? If it wasn't for the benefit of the people, Lady Luoxiang wouldn't easily see the monarch of the world. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for your Wei Dynasty." Liu Niang's voice also came from inside. out.

"This... I... My original intention was to just take off the throne and go up the mountain to clean up with Liu Niang. As for the thoughts of the people at dawn, it's hard for me to control them." King Wei said with some embarrassment.

"Laoxiang Niangniang allows you to be beautiful here, to be contaminated with incense spirit to improve your merits, help you become immortal, and let you build a temple in the human world that matches the goddess of Niangniang. What does this have to do with the thoughts of the people? You are a dignified monarch, and you still have to apply to the people to build a temple?" Liu Niang said with some dissatisfaction.

When Zhu Minglang and Vega heard these words, they realized more and more what the empress on Luoxiang Mountain was going to do.

The first step is to create some miracles and let the miracles spread.

The second step is to attract pilgrims and create the appearance of an endless stream of pilgrims and believers. .

The third step is to win over the dignitaries and royal relatives in the world, and let them endorse their platforms and build temples in prosperous places, so that their beliefs are no longer rural beliefs, but magnificent.

Although there are many righteous gods who started like this, everything this Lady Luoxiang has been created is fraudulent.

Merit and prestige need to be accumulated a little bit. This kind of behavior that completely relies on creating an atmosphere and finally madly collects belief taxes from the people is belief fraud.

As a righteous god, Zhu Minglang cannot tolerate such behavior.

And this act of Lady Luoxiang violated the divine power of Vega!

"This may have to be discussed in the long run. Our Wei Dynasty has always been dedicated to the Temple of the Seven Immortals. The construction of any temple in a prosperous place must be approved by the entire country, and at the same time, it must be reported to the temple priest..." King Wei cautiously said.

"Didn't I tell you, the goddess Luoxiang is not inferior to the priests of the temple, but she came to the world to accumulate merit, and she didn't want the priests of the temple to know, as the king of Wei, what do you believe in in a place like Juntian? Isn't it what God said by himself!" Liu Niang was a little anxious, and her tone was not as gentle and charming as before.

"Because I'm the monarch, I can't change my beliefs at will."

"Your people scold you, everyone spit at you, and called you a foolish monarch. Children of five or six years old know that you, King Wei, is the most useless monarch. Don't you want to change? Everyone respects the gods and not the king. Are you willing?" At this time, the voice of the elegant girl sounded again, and there was still a sense of elusiveness in her voice.

"I'm really stupid, so I don't think I'm ready to be a monarch. That's why I want to completely abandon the harassment of the mundane and come here to clean up. Even if I don't have brocade clothes and jade food, even if it's rough food, as long as Liu Niang can accompany me, then That's enough." King Wei continued.

"Idiot!" Finally, Liu Niang couldn't bear it anymore.

Is there something wrong with this man's brain?

"Liu Niang, didn't you invite me to come here to clean up with you? We'll throw everything away now..." King Wei said in confusion.

"A waste, Liu Niang **** him dry." Suddenly, the elegant girl spit out these words indifferently.

"Yes, madam."

"You...you...Liu Niang, you..."

"What, don't tell me you didn't know I was a goblin?"

"I...I know, but as long as we're happy together...I don't care if you're a goblin."

"But I care if you are a monarch who can be used for me. Since it's useless, why don't you give me nourishment and nourishment? I will be grateful to you for giving me a thousand years of Taoism!"

"Is this retribution??" King Wei muttered to himself, he didn't show too much fear, but more like resignation.

Liu Niang didn't care what King Wei said at all, she walked towards King Wei, those fox eyes shone with a special luster, and brought her lips to King Wei's face, looking like she was holding his Kissing on the cheek is actually sucking his soul.

The human soul is like a phantom smoke, which is inhaled into her mouth and nose with great enjoyment by Liu Niang. Liu Niang is addicted to it. After all, a king like Wei Wang who has some cultivation bases and is worshipped by thousands of people at the same time, his The three souls of heaven, earth and people are actually very solid, and it is not a problem to improve oneself to a thousand years of Taoism.

Just when Liu Niang drained the three souls, suddenly a thunderous violin sounded in the room, the special rhythm exploded in Liu Niang's mind, causing Liu Niang's body to tremble violently, and then she got an electric shock. Shrinked back towards the back.

The Taoist Temple gate was smashed open by a mighty dragon with a strong mane. As the covering gate shattered, Zhu Minglang and Vega stepped in.

Vega is particularly dazzling, and it presents colorful colors.

She held the small harp in one hand, and played the other hand gently, and suddenly the violin sounded, and countless ethereal strings flew towards the Yao Liuniang and the Luoxiang Niangniang like sharp-edged steel cables.

The reaction was also very fast, the tail behind her spread out like a fan, and swept towards Vega Xingxian and Zhu Minglang fiercely, this sweeping suddenly hit the energy like a river pouring backwards!


Chongxielong roared, and it took such a step forward, directly smashing the huge force swept out by the demon tail.

"The Xuangu-level old fairy, except that the moon shadow can't hide its tail, has completely cultivated into a human form. Your soul beads of hundreds of thousands of years of Taoism are also very nourishing for my dragon!" Zhu Minglang mocked road.

"You brat, you dare to act wild in front of this immortal!" Liu Niang said angrily.

"It's not right to be a good and leisurely fox spirit. If you have to come to the world to run wild, the poor monk will save you first, and then give your whole nest of fox spirits to Taoism!" Zhu Minglang has automatically assumed the identity of the monk who conquered the devil.

This mysterious ancient demon indeed has a very high Taoism, and she was at a disadvantage in the process of fighting Chongdelong.

When Liu Niang and Chong Death Dragon were fighting, UU reading www.uukanshu.com that Luo Xiang Niang Niang was like a fairy who didn't eat the fireworks of the world, she slowly got up, and there was no stain in the smashed Taoist wreckage. A little dust turned and left.

No matter how great the energy, even the rubble that flew into her body seemed to hover inexplicably around her slender body...

So, a very bizarre picture was formed like this. The collision between Liu Niang and the Chongxie Dragon God King level created countless violent ripples, which destroyed everything around him, but the Luo Xiang Niang Niang walked with her nearby. The place I passed by is intact, everything is quiet, every grass and tree, green walls and red pillars!

Zhu Minglang naturally noticed this scene, and he was secretly surprised.

This Luoxiang Niangniang cultivation base is definitely more terrifying!

"You deal with her and the demon of this Taoist temple." Vega Xingxian naturally saw that Lady Luoxiang had a good cultivation base, she instructed Zhu Minglang, and followed up with the Lady Luoxiang who left on her own.

"Be careful." Zhu Minglang said.

That Lady Luoxiang is not simple, Zhu Minglang is very sure.

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