Dragon Tamer

Chapter 1363: the gods

Fortunately, the cultivation of Zhu Minglang's several dragons has reached a bottleneck. He relies on God's blessing and good fortune to cultivate in the sky. Once this good fortune is blocked, it will greatly affect the progress of Zhu Minglang's cultivation.

What kind of primordial spirit, what kind of immortal seed, and what kind of rare spiritual root will all be missed by him!

What a shackle of good fortune!

Your ability is really amazing!

Don't let me catch your bad deeds... Lao Tzu will take you...

Hey, why should I let it be slaughtered? ?

He is also a **** who is in charge of other people's immortal paths!

He indulged the demon fox to deceive the world, and even created such a corpse massacre in the temple. He witnessed it with his own eyes, and he also had the Vega as a witness, and the quenched pearl as physical evidence...

The evidence is like a mountain!

"If you don't let Lao Tzu get promoted comfortably, Lao Tzu also locks up your immortal fate!"


Zhu Minglang was so angry that he almost forgot that he was also an immortal, or an immortal who inspected the sky.

As long as it is an immortal, committing evil belongs to the category of its own control!

Entering the Xianting Dream Hall, Zhu Minglang looked around.


Is this still the dream hall I know? It feels like I accidentally entered an immortal hall where all the immortals are ranked. The stone statues are all glowing with golden rays of light, and they are not as dead as they used to be!

The change was so great that Zhu Minglang thought for a while that he had come to the wrong place.

In the past, this place was like a small and desolate court, with few civil and military officials, and those who were working could only be counted on one's fingers.

However, at the moment, all the immortals are still in the ranks, and they are all golden immortals and jade statues. At first glance, they are like the golden immortals of various Amanos and the holy ancestor Buddha. The gods and immortals are all scary.

When Zhu Minglang entered here, the entire Xianting Dream Hall seemed to be arguing over one thing, but the person presiding over the entire Dream Hall was a jade statue. This jade statue was the only one who was not surrounded by immortal mist. Ming Lang can clearly see the appearance of this jade statue.

It is the goddess Xuan Wu!

The female fairy that the official gave to her a hundred years ago!

The first person to discover the awakening of the statue of Zhu Minglang was the goddess Xuan Wu. She turned her head in disbelief and looked at the decoration on the main hall!

God Fuchen, who had been offered as a Buddha and had no sign for a hundred years, actually woke up today!

In fact, in the past 100 years, Xuan Wu has developed Longwei Mountain very well, and also obtained the similar ability of Fuchen God through the power of the **** queen, and then presided over this dream hall. .

In the early days, because Xuan Wu was not high in divine personality and was not the orthodox Fuchen God, she always set herself up as an internal helper and a spokesperson for God.

Through her own means, she kept raising the stone statue of Zhu Minglang, which had no vitality at all, and boasted that Zhu Minglang was an absurdly high godhead, a sky-high means, and a mysterious and ethereal emperor...

People's reverence and belief are still attributed to the shadowless Fuchen God, and Xuan Wu founded her own fairy sect in the name of the goddess. As for whether there is Zhu Minglang, the Fuchen God, it is not important to her anymore!

"You...how do you..." Xuan Wu looked like a jade at the moment, but Zhu Minglang could imagine that her deity must be as surprised as a ghost at this time.

Zhu Minglang was also entering the Immortal Hall for the first time in a hundred years. How could he know it would be this battle.

Is Xuan Wu so good now?

Why did she make this place so high in the hundred years she was away, which made Zhu Minglang look like a little mortal who accidentally broke into the party of Heavenly Court bosses!

"Cough, there is something to deal with." Zhu Minglang also realized that the big bosses in the entire Xianting Dream Hall were staring at him.

The immortal stone statue, which is probably located at the almost invisible end of the Dream Hall, belongs to the sesame Xiaoguan here. His cultivation level is higher than that of him now. As a result, he is still sitting on the main hall case, and he has not been to court for ten years. The king suddenly dominates the momentum.

Zhu Minglang knew that he was sloppy in entering the dream hall this time.

But all came.

The mystery must be maintained.

And, there needs to be a very reasonable reason.

Xuan Wu was also very nervous at this time. She was very afraid that the atmosphere and belief that she had created for a hundred years would collapse because of Zhu Minglang's sudden intrusion!

After all, Zhu Minglang, the **** Fuchen, has disappeared for a long time, and it has long been a plaque in Xuan Wu's mind!

Fortunately, Zhu Minglang has always cultivated the ability to quickly enter the play and have high acting skills. Even though his mind is full of fog and immortality, he is still serious, calm and direct.

"All immortals, bring a soul here, Jiu He, the priest of Juntian Wanli Tiandu Temple - Jiu He!" Zhu Minglang said.

Don't ask, don't talk nonsense, just go to court directly, once you stumble into a situation where the atmosphere is not right, especially when the people around you are confused, you guide them in a calm and calm tone. Everyone will follow this guide.

One thing that Zhu Minglang can be sure of is that this must be his original dream hall of surveying the sky and examining the gods. He is the only **** here, and all the gods in the ranks must also act according to their own powers!

Sure enough, as soon as these words came out, the statues of Jinxia Immortals sat upright and did not dare to ask or question, and the things they had argued before were directly thrown into the back of their minds.

"The Lord of Jiu He Naidi Temple God!"

"The deity must be at the corona level, do we want to judge his heavenly soul?"

"The venerable Fuchen never showed it, and when he performed a miracle, he tortured the Lord of the God of the Sun Corona Xiandi Temple..."

A group of immortal statues were secretly surprised that the great immortal they enshrined had actually manifested a spirit, and as soon as he manifested his spirit, there was a big movement, which was to torture a corona immortal!

This Jiu He is not a little fairy or a little god!

Of course, the immortals here also have the wildness of the sky. They know better than anyone that Jiuhe is the **** of the gods in the temple of the earth!

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It takes some time to summon the Heavenly Soul, but now these gods are all at an absurdly high realm, and the Heavenly Soul can travel millions of miles or tens of thousands of miles a day, so summoning Jiuhe's Heavenly Soul is just a stick of incense.

During this incense stick time, Zhu Minglang would never say a single word, nor would Xuan Wu ask himself a single sentence.

The sense of mystery must be maintained, so that there is enough deterrent!

But there were still some thoughtful immortals, he asked tentatively.

This person is also a Jinxian, with a slender figure and a dignified aura.

"Just now all the immortals are discussing the matter of Emperor Lu Gui, who is respected as the **** of hundreds of seas, but he has caused the people of the kingdom to suffer from the tsunami and infested by evil Jiao... We can't make an accurate statement on the character and behavior of this Lu Gui Haixian. Please also ask the **** Fuchen to give us some pointers." The ghostly Jinxian said.

Zhu Minglang stared at the little golden fairy without saying a word.

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