Dragon Tamer

Chapter 592: Hades


   Zhu Minglang disappeared in the same place, he seemed to be integrated with the world, Li Yunzi standing behind him, can feel the speed of Zhu Minglang's explosion at this moment, so terrible that you can't even see the afterimage!

   A touch of red blade appeared like a silk thread without warning, like the last gleam of the sunset below sea level, as gorgeous and dazzling as it is between the vast sea horizon and the skyline.

   And that was the sword that Zhu Minglang drew. This sword seemed to divide the muddy world into two, with a slight slant, but it did not affect the shocking power that could cut the vast land apart! !

   Sword drawing technique, this is to gather the power of the whole body at one point, and complete the sword out at the most extreme speed in a very short period of time. The world is the sheath, the strong wind assists, and the fire burns.

   Pulling the sword will make the heaven and the earth tremble, and the sword will be the Tumozhu God! !

   This is Zhu Minglang’s strongest sword drawing technique! !

   is also this sword that cut off the ground vein at the end of Ji Ting Continent, allowing Wutu to descend into the void sea area around Lichuan ahead of time! !

   The majestic city-state lies between the snow-capped mountains, high ridges, and absolute valleys, but the length of this scarlet sword mark is close to the silver continuous mountains, and it passes through the north side of the city-state...

   At the giant statue in the back city, the red blade of the sword stretched across, and the head of the statue slowly rolled down.

The hordes of giant ridge dragons in the low-altitude area suddenly splashed blood on the spot, and their half-mountain bodies were divided into two from different parts. One of the giant ridge dragons’ upper body was still flying high, and Its lower body blood surged and fell. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   The Jun Lei Mountain, which was formed by the entanglement of Earth Demon Earthworms, was also cut apart in an instant, whether it was the Earth Demon Evil Dragon like a beam of pillars or the Earth Demon like a ring snake was cut off!

There is a mountain outside the city-state. The mountain is silent at first, and then the birds and beasts of the whole mountain start to fly, densely packed and countless. When they fly to a high place, the rolling mountain underneath is straight. The occurrence of tilt...

  The half-waist position of the mountain ridge was finally staggered. Looking at the past, you will find that the mountain ridge is directly flattened and tilted a little bit!

   This tilt is exactly the angle at which Zhu Minglang draws his sword! ! !


   "Boom boom boom!!!" First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   "Boom, boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

   A loud noise came from near to far, in several different stages. The first thing that sounded was the buildings and statues in the city, and finally the distant mountains that were cut away by a sword! !

There are tens of thousands of military base demons. They were swept into the sky behind the military base. Although this sword is pure to the extreme line slash, the position where Zhu Minglang drew his sword is exactly this military base? Space is blessed Minglang tore apart, and the storm that swept through the tearing space became Zhu Minglang's stamina? Kill all the demons of the entire army base mountain! !

   "puff puff puff puff puff puff"

Thirty meters away, the demonized Beixiong's sprinting posture stopped abruptly? He just accidentally smashed the edge of Zhu Minglang's sword? But he was cut off by the waist at this time, and blood came out of the two slits of his waist. Squirting wildly.

   As for those demonized black robes? Can they survive completely depending on where they stand? As long as they are in the same direction as Zhu Minglang's sword, they will all be cut in two! ! !

   Black Cha Wu Luan and Red Cha Wu Wen have been standing on the heights of Jun Lei Mountain? Condescendingly.

But at this moment they fell down with the military base mountain that was slain by Zhu Minglang, and fell into this asura field that was rushing blood crazily? What made them unbelievable was that this asura field was only caused by Zhu Minglang’s sword. !

   The city-state was cut by more than half.

   more than half of his men died.

   The mountains tens of miles apart were also flattened by a sword! !

   Heisha Wuluan's face no longer has the slightest smile? His eyes no longer have the slightest brilliance.

  The earth demon he is proud of? The mountain of the earth demon army that he spent a lot of energy raising, which carried all of his army of earth demons? So was it annihilated by Zhu Minglang? ? ?

   Heisha Wuluan was expressionless? The Demon King in his eyes squirmed in anger? Almost from his eye sockets, he had to **** Zhu Minglang's blood to vent his anger.

   "I... I underestimated you." This sentence? Heisha Wuluan spit out very painful and difficult.

   Black blood is slowly flowing out of his eyes? His face began to change.

  The anger of the emperor of the earth demons is burning? He will bestow the evil power of this world on the black monk Wuluan!

   The evil spirit first gushed out of Wu Luan’s pupils, and then Wu Luan’s whole body, his naked chest and skin began to wriggle, as if there were many eyeballs inhabiting it!

He did not become huge and hideous like other people who were invaded by the demons. It seemed that he had already reached a coexistence contract with the monarch of the demons he raised. The monarch of the demons would bestow its supreme power and let him It completely turned into an evil deity! ! !

Wu Luan's own cultivation has reached the middle king level, but it is not his cultivation that really rules this city-state, but the emperor of the earth demon who lives with him~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the emperor of earth demon. Will give him power far beyond his own cultivation! !

   And this is the capital he dares to provoke the entire Ji Ting Continent! ! ! !

Heisha Evil Venerable, while Wu Luan's whole body is enveloped by the black and death aura, there is a thick layer of evil aura on his body, like a black haze armor, making Heisha Wu Luan seem to be walking from the Yin Cao dynasty. To the dead man of the world!

   "Your life, I will accept it." Heisha Wuluan no longer meant to tease on his face, he was cold, majestic, and evil.

   His legs don't need to step on the ground, the lifelessness under his feet supports him, and as he leans forward, he roars like a ghost, and most of Zhu Minglang's eyes are covered by his lifelessness!

   There is no palm on one of his arms, but it is an evil flesh spear grown by the emperor of the earth demon. On both sides of this evil flesh spear are thin and dense sharp blades, like a saw!

   His speed is amazing, Zhu Minglang has concentrated his energy intensively, but he still can't see his movements clearly.

And when the evil-arm saw spear suddenly pierced toward the center of his eyebrows, Zhu Minglang's eyes were even darker, and he felt that he was the edge of the world, and in the endless darkness, an extinction spear rushed toward the tiny world where he was. Come, everything will be pierced fiercely by myself, including behind me! !

   Zhu Minglang's eyes were blinded, and he simply closed his eyes and released the sword in his hand with his fingers.


  Sure enough, the sword spirit dragon did not let himself down. The sword spirit dragon took off his hand and acted on its own. With a perfect block, it stopped the evil arm saw spear that was about to pierce Zhu Minglang's eyebrows!

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