Dragon Tamer

Chapter 594: Astrology Kenori

   Heisha Wuluan's seven swords were all in, and none of them escaped.

Seven eye-catching sword marks appeared on his body, and his bones were exposed in the huge wound. What makes people feel weird and horrified is that this guy’s bones are black, and from the wound, he can be seen vaguely. The bones are also creeping!

   Zhu Minglang adjusted his breath on the spot, and continued to use the sword, his arms were a little sore, and his breath began to be unstable.

   The enemy is very weird and evil. He believes that even if his own sword-drawing Zhuukun slashed him and split him in two, the emperor of the earth demon could quickly stitch him together.

   The demonized Beixiong was cut off by himself, but at this moment he had already got up, and those disgusting earthworms turned into his meridian skeletons, forcibly stitching his two parts together.

   Cangluan Blue Phoenix Dragon and Tiansha Dragon are dealing with him, it is not that the two dragon kings are inferior to the demonized giant Beixiong, but no matter how hard it is hit, it seems to be able to stand up again...

   Earth Demon is always the key.

   If the earth demons are not killed, they can constantly change their hosts, which is equal to immortality!

   I wish Minglang calm and focused, he needs a sword to kill the Emperor of the Earth Demon, so that the Black Cha Wu Luan can die completely.


There was a noise in his ears. While Zhu Minglang was observing the Black Cha Wuluan, countless evil bats flew towards him. Among them, there were some larger evil bat dragons that had transformed into real dragons. His teeth were exposed, waiting for an opportunity to bite himself.

   The existence of the evil breath of the black mist made Zhu Minglang's visibility very low and very low. Coupled with the flying of these evil bat dragons, Zhu Minglang could only see a hazy shadow of the black monk Wu Luan.

   Heisha Wuluan's figure began to become weird, Zhu Minglang was in the process of killing these evil bat dragons, vaguely saw the bones exposed from the wound of Heisha Wuluan growing outward.

   Four huge claws grew from the back of the Black Cha Wu Luan, and the Black Cha Wu Luan instantly transformed from a person to a monster, like a scorpion!

   His body is still undergoing some horrific changes, but Zhu Minglang cannot stop with a sword at this time, and the dense Evil Batsaurus forces himself back, I wish he was deliberately trying to give Black Sha Wu Luan this time to completely demonize.

   "Clear, come to me." Li Yunzi's voice came from behind.

   I wish Ming Lang and didn't think too much, and immediately stepped back.

In the dark fog, Zhu Minglang saw Li Yunzi’s graceful and graceful figure, just like the jade-white Valkyrie statue that he saw when he stepped into Yongcheng when the night was thick.的气韵.

When Zhu Minglang approached Li Yunzi, he was surprised to discover that behind Li Yunzi's back somehow appeared an extremely shocking galaxy. The galaxy was transformed by the long sword in Li Yunzi's hand, and each handle was glowing with the brilliance of the jade sword. , Even in this deadly zone, it is difficult to cover up.

Swords like stars? Gathering in the shining Tianhe, as Li Yunzi swings the command sword in his hand, the sword star Tianhe traverses the earth and flies towards the tens of thousands of evil bat dragons? It also flies towards the Black Cha Wuluan. !

  Magnificent and magnificent? Li Yunzi is like a night sword fairy at the moment? Those demons and monsters were all killed by the Flying Star Sword in a short period of time? Basically there is no escape!

   Zhu Minglang once thought that Li Yunzi was a swordsman? But after watching Li Yunzi use the sword star Tianhe up close, Zhu Minglang realized that the core of her abilities is not the sword in her hand? It is her mind!

   Sword is just the best medium? Her mind seems to not only control all weapons, but also condense into any weapon.

   These tens of thousands of stars sharp sword? It is also her mind power!

   No wonder she wanders the battlefield, her ability can exert the most extreme power in the battlefield.

  If the cultivation base is higher, Li Yunzi alone will be worth a million lions!

   "Wu Wen summoned these evil bat dragons? What should they be hiding?" Li Yunzi said to Zhu Minglang.

   Zhu Minglang looked in the other direction? Seeing that Red Cha Wu Wen had appeared on the battlefield, it was she who had summoned these evil bat dragons.

Wu Coun’s ability is the magical bird witchcraft of Hidden Kirishima? That is to say, Hidden Kirishima has been a force of the Great Mountain City from the beginning? They seem to be isolated from Lichuan, but they have already trapped Lichuan to the north and the south. If it weren't for the emergence of the Great Court Continent, it would be difficult for Li Yunzi to get rid of their behind-the-scenes manipulation!

   "Well, he must have exposed his weaknesses in his changes just now." Zhu Minglang nodded.

   The Red Brave Wu Wen took the shot at this time, obviously not wanting Zhu Minglang to see how the Demon Emperor took over Wu Luan's body.

   Heisha Wuluan is no longer a human figure at this time.

Symbiosis and coexistence, the previous Black Sha Wuluan should have taken the lead. The Emperor of the Earth Demon only gave him some extraordinary evil powers to increase his strength, but when he discovered that this was still not Zhu Minglang’s opponent, he was instead Zhu Minglang. After being seriously injured, the fierce Demon King began to take over!

   The small book booths that book friends used before have gone, and now they are basically using \\mi\\mi\\app\\\\.

   The evil bones of the emperor of the earth demons protruded from the wound of Black Cha Wuluan and turned into four hideous evil bone claws...

   This makes Black Cha Wu Luan look like a mad scorpion with a human body!

   The Demon Emperor has a tail, and its tail is like a centipede.

It also has forelimbs. This forelimb is the evil-arm saw spear before Blacksha Wuluan. Wu Luan’s two living arms have been bitten off by himself, and then it is this stronger evil-arm saw spear that gave birth. .

   "Return my children!!"

   "You humble human!!"

   The emperor of the earth demons used the black brake to utter the human language, with a roar and roar in his voice! !

   Zhu Minglang glanced at the army base mountain, the corpses and blood everywhere.

Pulling the sword to Zhukun did kill all the Earth Demon worms in the entire mountain. It turns out that they were all reproduced by the Emperor of the Earth Demon, but the question is how did the Emperor of the Earth Demon complete the reproduction of such a large project, and its The object of reproduction will not be the host Wu Luan, right? ?

   I feel sick after thinking about it.

Good people don’t do it, and they have to offer such evil things. Even if they want to offer evil things, they still have to look for such beautiful appearance and features as Nuwa dragons. Find a worm and centipede, how can it be dropped? Waist? ?

   Zhu Minglang is a compassionate gentleman who rarely has any murderous intentions. This is the first time that he has had a great sense of nausea and a strong desire to kill something from his appearance.

   "How many things like you exist in the world, how many I will kill!!" Zhu Minglang sent his hand outwards, the sword in his palm flew out sharply, and the sword was as fast as a lightning bolt! !

   "Clang!" The emperor of the earth demons raised his evil arm saw spear, and only relied on his reaction to block the flying sword.

   Flying Sword Sword Shuo is not very powerful, but it is the fastest flying sword.

   Could the emperor of the demon be able to fend off so easily? It shows that after this evil thing took over Wu Luan's body, his strength increased by more than one level! First release https://(www) https://m/.x81zw./com/

   "It may have reached the upper king level..." Li Yunzi said.

   Zhu Minglang nodded. At the king level, a difference in cultivation level is very obvious. If you confront directly, you will basically be crushed.

  Insufficient cultivation base, realm and wisdom come together, Zhu Minglang dared to cut the arm of the king-level when he was at the top of the king, this is only a step difference, and what is there to be afraid of! First release www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   If you don't challenge the rank, you can afford to wake up with this precious sword!

   "Don't worry, my husband, my cultivation level is not high, but the sword realm is comparable to the gods!" Zhu Minglang laughed, his eyes also glowed with a different brilliance!

   Li Yunzi looked at other places, even though Zhu Minglang smiled at herself.

   I don't know where he came from this powerful and overconfidence, especially when he claimed to be a husband.

When    first met, he was not like this.

   Zhu Minglang found that Li Yunzi ignored herself, and slowly withdrew the smile that she thought was very handsome.

   It seems that only with real strength can Li Yunzi be impressed.

   "It's the group of witches and dragons." Li Yunzi seemed to have heard something. The sword in her hand suddenly dispersed, turning into silver threads of amazing power, and the goddess flew in all directions like flowers!

   Zhu Minglang's insight is not as sharp as Li Yunzi's. After a short while, he saw a large number of witch dragons appearing in the surrounding black fog. These witch dragons are as big as eagles, and they are not big, but they are fierce and cruel.

   Li Yunzi's scattered sword silk not only pierced the flying witch dragon, but also weaved a silver sword silk constellation between herself and Zhu Minglang!

   "Star Kui Wood Wolf!"

The sword silk was formed in an array, intertwined with stars, and as Li Yunzi recited the name of the star, you could see that all the silver silk suddenly turned into a scarlet color. The moment Li Yunzi pulled the string of the sword, the sword Light is intertwined in the constellation map of the sky with incredible speed and frequency~www.wuxiaspot.com~, and the flying army of witch dragons is cut into blood clots in an instant! !

Countless blood clots fell down, and the group of witch dragons, comparable to a horsefly dragon, all died under this star sword map. The seven-star sword in Zhu Minglang's mastery of swordsmanship is compared with this star sword, so I won't discuss its power for now. The momentum seems to be inferior a lot!

   On the realm...

   Li Yunzi is also much higher than her own cultivation level!

   At the same time as the witch dragon group struck, a tsunami-like death air also surged. Zhu Minglang knew that it was the emperor of the earth demon, and only this evil demon had such a terrifying aura.

   Zhu Minglang protected Li Yunzi behind him.

   At the top of the cultivation base, Li Yunzi is still not high enough. If he gets close by the Demon Emperor, Li Yunzi is afraid it will be difficult for him to withstand the full blow of the Demon Emperor.

   "The Sixteenth Sword of the Sword Falling Sword Technique!"

   took a deep breath, Zhu Minglang felt the blood all over his body boil at this moment, and the fire pattern he obtained by fusing with the sword spirit dragon was as bright and dazzling as gold on his skin!

  The most quintessential sword intent of the Sword Sect of Yaoshan is this sword falling sword technique.

   A total of seventeen swords.

   There are very few in the entire Sword Sect of Mount Yao who can use the latter twelve swords.

   It is rumored that the seventeenth sword can kill God!

   The last sword, Zhu Minglang has not been enlightened so far, but the sixteenth sword...

   Before the king level Zhu Minglang did not dare to try, his body could not withstand the huge power, but with the sword spirit dragon, which gave him his sword-awakened body, Zhu Minglang felt that he could give it a try! !

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