Dragon Tamer

Chapter 625: Get 2 women to win the world


   took a rest for the night, and in the early morning of the next morning, Zhu Minglang, in accordance with the agreement with Shengque leader Hong Geng, continued to go to the crater basin to bring his people over.

   "I really don't know how to thank you. If there is anything we can do, please don't hesitate to speak." said Dong Hanshuang, the turban woman.

   "Mrs. Dong, do you have any more Xingyue jade glass stones? I wish my brother was injured, and many things have not been remembered, but Xingyue jade glass can restore his memory." Mi Rong said seriously.

   I wish Minglang was still a little bit hard to tell, but I didn’t know that Mi Rong answered just right, really my own intimate little padded jacket!

Dong Hanshuang didn’t think too much. She immediately went to get people to find the Xingyue Jade Glass that she had collected these days. Although these things are precious and contain a very powerful Tianchen power, their main purpose is to smuggle them. Lichuan.

   Now they have entered Lichuan, and they have also obtained a city-state where they can rest and rest at ease. This is enough for them.


   In order to better attract people from the Shengque continent, Dong Hanshuang also went with Zhu Minglang and Mi Rong and returned to the meteorite basin together.

   "These Xingyue jade colored glaze works very well, Brother Zhu seems to remember where he came from." Mi Rong said with a smile.

"Well, it's probably because I inhaled some vain fog, dizzy and can't remember too many things, now I feel much better." Zhu Minglang originally had a headache, how should I explain his behavior in Lichuan to Mi Rong, Unexpectedly, Mi Rong didn't think much about it.

   That intricate maze of ground veins, it is really difficult to find the way without the miracle.

   This time, Zhu Minglang made some marks that only oneself can understand.

   went back to the previous river corridor, Zhu Minglang found that the collapse here was very serious, the original exit can no longer go, and he must find another cave exit.

  Mi Rong showed strong pathfinding ability again at this time, and it didn't take long to bring them back to the ground.

   is still a piece of scorched earth, but this time there are some very exaggerated claw marks and cut marks.

   The claw marks are tearing the surface of the rock, which is shocking, and the cut marks are even more exaggerated, extending from one end of the earth to the other, showing a sickle shape.

   is a masterpiece of Yan Wanglong.

   I don’t know how many people died under the claws of Yan Wanglong last night.

   "It's weird. Even if there is a dark swirl, Yan Wanglong shouldn't just show up. Is there something around Yan Wanglong that cares about?" Mi Rong walked along and suddenly asked this question.

   The words made Zhu Minglang's eyes suddenly light up.

   The little padded jacket makes sense!

   Yan Wanglong can never wander around like those lonely ghosts, just like some omen beasts, their appearance often means what they correspond to!

   Zhu Minglang and Mi Rong seriously discussed the matter, and Mi Rong also began to try to look at the sky, trying to figure out the real reason for the appearance of Yan Wanglong.

  Mi Rong’s stargazing technique seems to be able to see smaller things, which is a little different from what the star painting can predict next.

   For example, the appearance of Yan Wanglong, the star painting should be 100% predictable, avoiding this incredible night emperor in advance.

  Mi Rong has a bit of feng shui, divination, hopefulness, and spiritual search.

   To put it simply, Xinghua keeps safety and Mi Rong can make money.

   I wish Minglang feel that these two women can win the world!

   "I wish brother, there is a piece of jade glass!" Suddenly, Mi Rong said with joy.

   "Aren't there many jade glass fragments around here?" Zhu Minglang said.

   Mi Rong shook his head, and said very seriously: "It's a complete moon jade glass, at least the size of a palm, your palm."

   I wish Ming Lang and be surprised!

   The entire Zhumen has worked so hard to collect one or two moon glazed stones for himself.

   And the moon glazed jade, but the quality is much higher than the moon glazed stone, the value is more than a hundred times!

  "Yan Wanglong is also looking for it?" Zhu Minglang lowered his voice.

   People are like this. When talking about something priceless, they are afraid that the wall will have ears, so Zhu Minglang talked with a voice that could be heard with Mi Rong. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   "Probably, even if this rare Tianchen essence is dedicated to the gods, the gods will be pleased." Mi Rong said.

   The gods are pleased or not, Zhu Minglang doesn’t know, if he can get Xiaobai, he will take off completely! !

   How can Xiaobai have the sundial? Its growth is limited by "not having enough food", and there is no problem of indigestion!

  As long as the full moon glass can be found, Zhu Minglang feels that Xiao Baiqi's cultivation level can quickly surpass other dragons, and can also move to a higher level!

   There are true gods in the Tianshu Shenjiang. Whether you can challenge these gods in the future depends on Xiao Bai!

   "Do you know where it is?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "It's here, but for the specific location, I'm afraid I will have to wait until the dark stars come out so that I can see it accurately." Mi Rong said.

   At this time, Mi Rong only saw that special purple gas.

   Xingyue jade glaze is generally only easy to find at night. In the daytime, these heavenly essences are no different than ordinary stones, and you may not find its infinite value even if you hold it in your hand.

   But this piece of moon glazed jade is really too big, and some of the energy it contains will still remain in the daytime, UU reading www. Mi Rong at uukānshu.com also happened to see this special purple qi. If it weren't for her success in learning arts, she might even have mixed up with Chaoyang Ziyang.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "A lot of corpses..." Dong Hanshuang, the woman in the turban, walked, showing a little sadness on her face.

   There are many corpses on the ground, and many of them are the powerhouses of their Saint-Que continent. In order to protect them from the dark creatures, they died tragically near the rift.

   In addition, many people from Xuan Ge Divine Kingdom and Hong Tianfeng also died. They obviously did not expect that there would be such a presence in the dark as Yan Wanglong.

   "There are not many living creatures in sight for dozens of miles in this area, and there are dead bodies everywhere." Mi Rong said.

   There is a lot of corpse smell in the air, and Mi Rong can imagine this scene without going further.

  Sure enough, they kept going forward. Within ten miles, corpses were everywhere, not only humans, but also demons and holy spirits, and many nightwalkers.

   Yan Wanglong simply carried out a massacre, killing all the living creatures in this crater basin!

   "Mi Rong, did Yan Wanglong see what he killed?" Zhu Minglang asked.

   "It shouldn't be right. Although Yan Wanglong is alone and does not have his own kingdom of the night, he rarely hears of the large-scale slaughter of Yan Wanglong..." Mi Rong said.

   "Then can we understand that Yan Wanglong is also looking for this moon glazed jade on this land. It is worried that it will be snatched by other creatures, so it will not let any creatures approach, including nocturnal creatures?" Zhu Minglang speculated.

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