Dragon Tamer

Chapter 676: Still beaten up

"Venerable Bailong Zhu Minglang, you have poured out all kinds of limelight in the Sparrow Wolf God City, but you don't know what you are facing now!" Shang Hanxu stared at Zhu Minglang with a bit of irony. Said.

   Hearing these words, Zhu Minglang smiled instead.

   Others may not know the identity of the dark golden robe man, is Zhu Minglang still unclear?

Relying on human power and relying on a **** who has lost even the godhead, Sparrow Wolf God City is one of the righteous **** organizations of the Tianshu Divine Frontier. It is not without reason that the hybrid needs to maintain its own survival from other lower level of cultivation. Yes, the Sparrow Wolf God is a cerebral palsy, the Sparrow Wolf God City is a mess, and the Sparrow Wolf Temple is split in four and five...

   Still dare to claim to be a citizen of the upper realm, the so-called God?

   I have never seen a **** who is so badly mixed!

   In Sparrow Wolf God City for a month, Zhu Minglang had already figured out the power of this Tianshu, even if they were all out of the nest, they could send out the strongest. A genius remembers 噺バ一Chinese m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/

   Shang Hanxu, as one of the spokespersons of the Sparrow Wolf God, can manage a subordinate organization to such a terrible state of disintegration, and he doesn’t know what he is proud of!

"I heard that your Sparrow Wolf God is about to be removed from the position of God. Soon after, the Raining Rain God in the north will replace the 33rd Righteous God Star above the sky, and your Sparrow Wolf God City may not even be able to resist darkness? "When Zhu Minglang said these words, he gave this dog leg a sword first and foremost!

The sword came out of the east, the sword of dawn passed through the soaring dragon horns of the wild dragon, and flew straight to Shang Hanxu. Shang Hanxu sat on his golden animal seat, but he couldn't hide. flash……

At this time, azure-gold rosary beads flew out. They were numerous, arranged in front of Shang Hanxu like a curtain of beads. A thick halo was formed between the azure-gold rosary beads and the beads. The gap between is completely filled!

   The thick Pearlescent Yu was comparable to a gold battle armor, and Zhu Minglang's flying sword was blocked.

   "It's nonsense! Sparrow and wolf **** is a noble and righteous god, what you are talking about are just rumors of untouchables!" Shang Hanxu's expression became colder.

"Then dare you say, isn't the person who used the quicksand magical powers the Sparrow Wolf God? As a god, he has already reduced his personality to this level. How can this little Lichuan Hede need it? Your Sparrow Wolf God personally came to conquer, is your temple a group of rubbish, or the Sparrow Wolf God already needs to rely on secular disputes for his own benefit?" Zhu Minglang continued to stimulate Shang Hanxu.

   Shang Hanxu's face became ugly.

   He understood that the other party was playing his own words.

   Once he admits that the dark golden robe man is the Sparrow Wolf God, the entire Tianshu God Border will know that Sparrow Wolf God has participated in a secular war.

   Although mortals do not have the right to interfere with the behavior of the gods, the Sparrow Wolf God has left his mark here, and he is bound to be stared at by other existences at the same level.

Zhu Minglang naturally knows that there are many people in the Tianshu God's territory who covet the position of the Sparrow Wolf God Righteous God, especially the Raining Rain God I mentioned earlier, which is a quasi-god whose strength is extremely close to the gods, and there is no righteous God. His name, but his territory is prosperous and powerful, and his prestige and glory are gradually surpassing the Sparrow Wolf God.

"I heard Shangzhuang say that you are the chosen one by God? Zhu Minglang, I advise you not to be nosy. Our Sparrow Wolf Temple is determined to win Lichuan, no matter what Xuan Ge or your God chooses to stand in front of us. , There will be no good end. You like to protect these dirty and lowly peoples. It is ridiculous to want to be their savior!" Shang Hanxu said these words, and the strange animal and wild dragon it sat down suddenly Wearing the armor of the previous pearls!

   Hundreds of thousands of golden rosary beads, like a light armor, enveloping the wild dragon, making this wild dragon suddenly add a bit of the breath of the ancient sacred beast.

   It opened its huge mouth and spit out golden lightning. Those lightning roots are extremely strong and contain extremely violent energy. They scatter wildly towards the surroundings, lashing the earth and the sky fiercely.

Zhu Minglang retreated, and it was Fengyue Yingchen White Dragon who met him. He landed on its thick velvet back. On both sides were stacked white dragon wings protecting it. Those who sputtered over. The lightning spark was stamped out by Fengyue Baichenlong's claw!

   "I will deal with this guy, this time I will never let him go crazy!" Shang Zhuang took the initiative to fight, as a Five Elements Master, the suppression of his cultivation level will also make him unable to display many of his skills.

   Shangzhuang jumped from the strange beast behind him. There was a whirlwind on his body, which made him look like a storm lord in the air, showing a bit of violence and wild power.

He slammed into Fengyue Baichen Dragon head-on, seeming to find the face he had lost in the Sparrow Wolf God City than the battlefield. Unfortunately, when he approached the white dragon, he immediately felt that the opponent’s cultivation was still in his own. Shang Zhuang suddenly froze!

  People rushed up like this aggressively, would it be inappropriate to turn around and run right away?


   Fengyue Baichenlong took a photo of Shangzhuang wrapped in the storm on the quicksand of the earth~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and sprayed the flames of the white dragon at Shangzhuang struggling in the sand! !

The white dragon's flame is different from most dragon flames. Not only does it have no temperature, it also gives people a sense of extreme coldness. The splashing flame star is more piercing than the ice cone of the cold pool, and the spread of the flame is more like The cold under the Nine Nethers makes people feel like the whole person is immersed in a deep pool of the Nine Nethers' fire. Cold and scorching coexist, which is still a huge torment to the soul.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Shangzhuang was in the drifting sand pit, and wanted to try to wrap his body with the sand that the Sparrow Wolf God descended on, but the power of this white dragon flame was extraordinary. It seemed to transcend Fengyue Baichen Dragon’s own cultivation, and a white ice faintly revealed Divine Flame's breath, even the existence of the king-level realm could not bear it!

   Shangzhuang was wailing on the ground, and he realized that at that time, the competition that suppressed the cultivation base was a kind of protection for him. In terms of true strength, he Shangzhuang was not the opponent of this white dragon!

   "Ashamed, roll back!" Shang Hanxu said coldly.

   Zhu Minglang did not intend to let Shangzhuang go so easily.

In the deduction of    Li Xing's painting, this Shangzhuang is a relatively important role. Zhu Minglang gestured to the Venerable Xinglong at the back, asking him to take down this Shangzhuang first, and then take it back and slowly torture him.

   Shang Hanxu obviously didn't want Shangzhuang to fall into the hands of the enemy, and immediately ordered the temple worshippers around him to take action and drag Shangzhuang back.

   Unfortunately, these people from Shang Hanxu are still slower.

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