Dragon Tamer

Chapter 686: Find numerology

It is a fact that Li Yunzi is at odds with Nan Lingsha.

However, the relationship between Nan Yusuo and Li Yunzi seems a bit unpredictable.

Anyway, on the surface, Nan Yusuo was screaming at sister Li Yunzi's long and short sisters, and secretly seemed to always be against her, but most of them were on minor matters.

"Where is it hurt?" Li Yunzi gently supported Zhu Minglang, seeing Zhu Minglang showing a state of exhaustion and weakness, and his face was pale and bloodless.

Zhu Minglang took a breath, his breath was frosty, he glanced at the city wall with lingering fear, and said: "It just feels a bit cold, and the body can't warm up."

"Yu Suo." Li Yunzi looked back at Nan Yu Suo who was holding the Xiantulong, and motioned to her to let Xiao Chang'e help Zhu Minglang resolve the ghost cold in his body, "Heal Minglang."

"This kind of ghost cold is mostly hidden in the texture. If you want to get rid of it, you have to touch the whole body of the brother-in-law. As a sister, it is embarrassing to do this kind of thing for the brother-in-law." Nan Yusuo smiled charmingly and enchantingly, and didn't mind that there were a lot of things around. People, this tone, this attitude is completely deliberately to make people feel that there is something inconsistent between them.

Zhu Minglang is actually used to it.

With a temperament like the rain in June, Nan Yusuo put on the appearance of vying for favor with Li Yunzi. In fact, she never gave Zhu Minglang a chance to cross the boundary. It is really the relationship between the innocent brother-in-law and the sister-in-law!

But she just wants to tease!

Every time when people's hearts are tickled, a gorgeous and glamorous turn, ice and jade, proud as frost and snow!

Li Yunzi didn't bother to pay attention to this demon-like sister.

Under the pressure of Li Yunzi’s eyes, Xiantulong jumped down by himself, and began to seriously heal Zhu Minglang. Nan Yusuo said something to avoid suspicion, but he walked over and stuck it with the back of his hand. I wish Minglang on his cold forehead.

After closing his eyes, Nan Yusuo also began to send a burst of spiritual power to Zhu Minglang, so that Zhu Minglang's body could warm up.

But Ye Niangniang’s ghost cold air is too strong. Nan Yusuo was in the process of expelling the cold air to wish Minglang. She herself contracted this ghost cold. Her skin became pale, and her rosy cheeks gradually lost their blood. , A pair of glamorous and full lips turned white and purple.

At this time, Nu Wa Long also leaned over, and signaled Nan Yu Suo to draw those ghost cold breaths to her. As Nu Wa Dragon, she was not afraid of this ghost cold breath.

Nan Yusu nodded, and together with Xiantulong guided the ghost cold poison in Zhu Minglang's body to Nuwalong.

"Have you warmed up?" Li Yunzi asked softly, seeing Zhu Minglang's skin no longer pale.

"Well, it's better."

"The existence of Ye Niangniang is too terrible. Fortunately, you dealt with her wisely, and Yu Suo also repaired the city wall in time, otherwise..." Li Yunzi said.

When it comes to repairing the city wall, Zhu Minglang couldn't help but fall on Nan Yusuo's body.

"Girl Yusuo, the mystery of the Zulong City State is actually in your hands, right?" Zhu Minglang said.

"Hmph, it's not just you and Li Yunzi who can protect Lichuan." Nan Yusuo said proudly.

"Everyone should be safe tonight, but the city-state is still sinking. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, we must break this hundred miles of quicksand." Zhu Minglang said.

Li Yunzi and Nan Yusuo both nodded.

From fighting during the day to night, everyone was tired.

Nan Yusuo has strengthened the city-state wall, and the quicksand should not break down the corner again. This evening, everyone can rest at ease. After dawn, more important choices will be made.


Lived in the Li family courtyard, Zhu Minglang recuperating here.

Nan Yusuo also simply slept here, and it will take time for Zhu Minglang to get rid of the ghost cold.

Zhu Minglang fell asleep faintly, and when he woke up in the middle of the night, he obviously felt that the entire Li family compound had sunk a bit, and the city outside the courtyard was still in panic.

The broken corner of the city wall made many people in the city see the horror of darkness.

More people would rather be buried with the Zulong City-state than being chewed by nightcrawlers in the wilderness, leaving no bones and scum.

Zhu Minglang woke up slowly and saw Li Yunzi lying asleep on the table next to him. Zhu Minglang called the little maid Shuang'er over and asked her to help Li Yunzi to sleep in her room...

But Shuang'er was probably sound asleep, Zhu Minglang also stood up and gently lifted Li Yunzi from the chair.

The fragrance was overflowing, the soft jade was slippery, and it was close to Li Yunzi’s cheek. Zhu Minglang couldn’t help but leaned over and kissed secretly, but when he found that Li Yunzi’s ruddy lips were quickly turning pale, Zhu Minglang didn’t dare. With too much thought, he hurriedly took her back to her warm room, put her gently on the bed, and covered the bedding.

After letting go of Li Yunzi, Li Yunzi's cheeks gradually became rosy, and her original complexion was restored. Zhu Minglang also realized that the ghostly cold air on her body had not been completely eliminated. At this stage, contact with other people might cause others to also get infected. .

"Huh?" She chucked softly, seeming to be awakened.

She opened her eyes, a pair of slender eyelashes trembling, and her over-glamorous face always touched Zhu Minglang's heartstrings easily. Zhu Minglang felt that even if nothing happened in the dungeon, she would probably fall in love with Li Yunzi at first sight. The coveted beauty can easily be the guardian and possessiveness of a man!

Once Zhu Minglang felt that he was a person who would never judge people by appearance, but he never knew that he would be completely defeated by a face value.

"I accidentally woke you up." Zhu Minglang said a little apologetically, and of course he also deliberately kept a distance from her so as not to spread the ghostly cold on her again.

"My son, a lot of things happened outside, right?" the waking beauty asked softly.

Zhu Minglang scratched his head.


When Li Yunzi is tired, it is easy to fall asleep.

When she enters a deep sleep, Li Xinghua will wake up.

Because of the sequelae of burning soul, Li Yunzi's waking time is about the same as that of Li Xing painting...

However, it is actually the time when Li Xinghua's guidance is needed. Her prophecy is extremely important. Whether it can break the current situation of Baili quicksand can not be solved by the force of Li Yunzi and Zhu Minglang.

"Yes, we are in a bad situation now," Zhu Minglang said.

At the moment, Zhu Minglang briefly described some recent events to Li Xing, and also carefully explained the behavior of the Sparrow Wolf God.

Li Xinghua should have carried out very complicated calculations before and found a clearer numerology trajectory. She just sorted out the matter, and said to Zhu Minglang: "The son, the Sparrow Wolf God appeared to be buried in the city. Our chance."

"How do you say this?" Zhu Minglang didn't understand too much.

"Xinghua will sort out the son later, let's visit a few people tonight." Li Xinghua said.

"Which ones?"

"Let's start with Shangzhuang, who was captured by Master Bie." Li Xinghua said.


Li Xinghua said before that this Shangzhuang has numerological clues from the Sparrow Wolf God.

It's just that Shang Zhuang is not a particularly important role among the people in the Sparrow Wolf Temple. On the contrary, Shang Hanxu died violently because of the curse of the samurai. Zhu Minglang felt that Shang Hanxu might have more valuable information.


Going to the cell, Zhu Minglang saw that the sand was no more than half a person tall, and the detainees who could have been sleeping on the haystack now dare not fall asleep at all, and can only stand on the sand in fear, every time after a while Pull your legs out of the sand a little bit.

"I wish Minglang, Li Yunzi, you two will let us go!" Prince Zhao Ying became anxious. He didn't want to be a funeral in this city.

"You two vicious couples have cheated so many people in our court, don't you be afraid of retribution!"

Zhu Minglang completely ignored the barking of these guys, and took Li Xinghua straight to the place where Shangzhuang was imprisoned.

Shang Zhuang squatted on the sand, looking very depressed.

As a proud god, he doesn't understand why he has been defeated repeatedly...

"Shangzhuang, ask you a few questions." Zhu Minglang said.

"I won't have any conversation with you, don't think of me as the kind of person who is greedy for life and fear of death. If you want to kill or smash, you will do it!" Shang Zhuang said coldly.

Zhu Minglang glanced at Li Xing's painting.

Li Xinghua approached the cell, and said in her soft and dignified voice: "You are looking for someone who has harmed one of your family. Now that you have the answer, do you also want to find short-sightedness?"

Shang Zhuang raised his gaze ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and stared at this too beautiful woman with a hint of clarity in the muddy eyes.

"How do you know about me?" Shang Zhuang asked.

"When the fog of nothingness dissipated, more dreams that were difficult to distinguish between time and space poured into my mind. Among them was a dream. I saw you hiding under the idol, and saw thousands of dry corpses outside. We arrived at a devil in jet black sackcloth, and took the lives of everyone and then walked away." Li Xinghua said.

The simple description in a few words made Shang Zhuang's face gradually covered with blue veins, as if the scenes were recurring. When he crawled out of the idol, he was in **** on earth!

There were more than a thousand people from above and below, all turned into corpses, and even all the vital things in Shangjialin where he lived had withered!

"At that time, I was young, hiding under the statue of my **** bird wolf, but my father and mother, my brothers and sisters, my clan... I swear, I must find the murderer, let He will never live beyond birth!" Shang Zhuang said in an extremely painful tone.

"There are not a few strong people among your tribe. A small idol will not allow you to survive. Your clansmen are dead, but you survived. That is to say, the murderer deliberately avoided the idol when he performed the exercises. "Li Xinghua said.

"The murderer must be afraid of the Sparrow Wolf God. My God saved my life, and I Shangzhuang swears to follow him. No matter what means you use to force a confession, I will not betray!" Shangzhuang said firmly.

"Have you ever thought that the murderer deliberately avoided the idol when performing the exercises, precisely because it was his own statue?" Li Xinghua asked.

After she finished speaking, Shangzhuang seemed to be struck by lightning, and the whole person was dull there!

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