Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1303: Prove it to me

"You're endless? Song Ziming, don't be sick. I don't have time to play these cliché tricks with you. If you don't want to lose your position in the Song family completely, you'd better let me go now!" Su Xiangwan is also the same. She was very angry, she really didn't expect Song Ziming to go crazy suddenly.

Song Ziming sneered and said coldly: "Are you and Han Che getting better? Does Mu Beiting mind?"

Su Xiangwan's chest rose and fell slightly, and he didn't want to talk to the man in front of him anymore.

She forced herself to calm down, thinking that she would never go again, Xiaoxiao should have come over, while she swept to the sink, looking for something to defend herself.

But she was a little far away from the sink, about two meters, and she couldn't get anything at all.

"Give me a chance, okay, late? Give me a chance! You are mine, you are mine!" Song Ziming clenched Su Xiangwan's hand tightly and roared.

Su Xiangwan was a little dazed by his yelling. She was a human for two lives, but she had never seen Song Ziming look like this.

Her mind was in a mess, she didn't know what Song Ziming was thinking or what she was going to do.

When the words fell, before Su Xiangwan responded, Song Ziming lowered his head to pull at her collar and kissed her.

"Go!" Su Xiangwan was startled and horrified, his eyes were already covered with mist.

Turning her head to avoid the kiss that he had dropped, she lowered her head and bit his arm hard, and underwent a bite, almost biting off a piece of meat.

Song Ziming was in pain, and immediately relaxed a bit.

Su Xiangwan took the opportunity to push him away, stepped back, and looked at him in horror.

Song Ziming's eyes grew crazier, and he approached step by step: "You are mine, you are mine! What is good about Mu Beiting, I will treat you better than him, later."

"As long as you are willing to follow me, I can treat the things that have never happened before, okay?" Song Ziming approached again.

Su Xiangwan put his back against the sink, but there was nowhere to go.

"Okay... OK, let me think about it..." Su Xiangwan changed his words, trying to temporarily appease the lunatic in front of him.

Song Ziming lost his senses for a moment, and then a touch of joy was dyed on the bottom of his eyes: "Really?"


Song Ziming suddenly stepped forward, and his big hands began to pull up Su Xiangwan's clothes.

Hearing a ‘stab’, the neckline was torn apart for a few minutes and pulled to the shoulders, revealing a fragrant shoulder.

"You lie to me, you prove it to me!"

Su Xiangwan's face turned pale, and he smashed the soap box and tissue box on the sink at him, but the things were of little weight, and they didn't make much difference.

Song Ziming lowered his head and pulled up her clothes again.

Su Xiangwan clasped his hand tightly, nailing his nails into his flesh to try to stop his movement: "Asshole! Get out, you let me go!"

Su Xiangwan was also anxious at this meeting, struggling to try to run out.

But Song Ziming refused to let her go. She ran out two steps, one sleeve was torn off, but he was torn back again.

At this moment, Li Xiaoxiao waited and waited until Su Xiangwan came back. He wanted to call her to ask about the situation, but saw that she didn't have her mobile phone again.

I immediately called a waiter over and asked, "How many people are in the bathroom, please?"

The waiter said warmly: "The restrooms are adequate and there are not many people."

Li Xiaoxiao frowned, and quickly got up and ran towards the bathroom.

Stopped in front of the bathroom door and pushed the door, but seeing that the door couldn't be opened at all, he couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He slapped the door hard, "Late late? Are you inside late?"

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