Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1348: I will only do it for you in the future

In the car, Su Xiangwan leaned in Mu Beiting's arms and said softly, "It's nice to meet you."

Mu Beiting lowered his eyes to look at her, bending his lips: "Me too."

Su Xiangwan smiled and said nothing.

Mu Beiting's eyes darkened a bit, and slowly said, "What is Song Ziming looking for?"

Su Xiangwan couldn't help but look up at him, really as careful as ever.

"He regretted it, after all, I am so good." She bent her eyes and smiled with him.

He hummed, bowed his head and pecked on her lips: "There are flowers and weeds everywhere."

Su Xiangwan smiled, got serious, and said softly: "He said he wanted me to cook for him again, but he was regretful."

Mu Beiting said nothing.

Su Xiangwan lowered his eyes and said again: "In my previous life, I used to make food and wait for him to come back, but he didn't bother to pay any attention."

"But he thought that I made all those dishes, but that's not the case. My cooking skills are very poor, so I mostly help the chef. Sometimes I cook it myself but the dishes are very simple." Su Xiangwan vomited. tongue.

Mu Beiting kissed her on the forehead, and whispered softly, "You are not allowed to cook for others in the future."

"I only do it for you, I only want to do it for you in the future."


On the other side, in the small building of the Su family.

Su Zhiguo often shut himself in the study after Liu Yuerong slept recently.

On this day, Liu Yuerong once again noticed the man beside her and stood up softly.

When the door was closed, she couldn't help but climbed up quietly, and tiptoed out, and saw the study door closed tightly.

She followed carefully, and first leaned against the study door and listened carefully to the movement inside.

Quiet and terrible, there is hardly any sound.

Liu Yuerong frowned, trying to push the door open. ,

But the door was tightly closed. If you twist the handle, Su Zhiguo would be aware of it.

Liu Yuerong's thoughts turned quickly, and after a few steps back, she directly increased the sound of footsteps and made a look of sleepy eyes.

After a few seconds, she pushed the study door open without any warning.

He looked at Su Zhiguo with an unconscious look: "Zhiguo, why are you still asleep?"

Su Zhiguo seemed to be sorting documents at the table at this moment, when the door was suddenly pushed open, shocked.

Immediately after seeing Liu Yuerong, he quickly put down the file in her hand and said: "Why are you awake?"

"I happened to wake up and found that you were not here, so I came out to have a look. What time is this, let's be busy tomorrow." After that, Liu Yuerong turned her head and looked at the clock on the wall decently.

It happens to be early in the morning.

Su Zhiguo's expression eased a little: "It's okay, you go to bed first, I'll go over."

"You are early, you are a lot of age, and your body can't bear it." Liu Yuerong instructed again.

"I see, you go first."

Liu Yuerong nodded, closed the door and turned to leave.

However, she did not really go back.

After taking a few steps with aggravated footsteps, he quietly retreated to the door and watched Su Zhiguo's movement through the opening of the door.

The man at the desk seemed to be sorting out something.

After sorting out the documents in his hand, he stood up.

Liu Yuerong frowned.

What on earth is worthy of him carrying her to tidy up in the middle of the night?

She was far away, coupled with the problem of angle, she couldn't see what was in his hand.

After a while, Su Zhiguo stood up, integrated the documents in his hand, and then got up and walked to the safe.

As if worried, he subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction of the door.

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