Drifting Towards You

Chapter 1352: When will you hide from me?

Ruanruan immediately refused to crawl anymore, and sat on the ground with a thud.

Holding a doll, he lifted it up and turned Huahua, grinned at Su Xiangwan and laughed, looking sweet and soft.

Su Xiangwan looked at Xiang Niannian, and hugged Xiao Zhengtai, who was becoming more and more cute, in his arms and said, "You gave all the toys to your sister. What if your sister refuses to crawl?"

Year after year, he confidently said: "Sister doesn't have to climb."

Su Xiangwan couldn't laugh or cry, and said warmly: "Then what should I do if my sister can't walk anymore?"

Year after year, he wrinkled his face and thought about it seriously, and then seriously said: "I am carrying my sister."

"Then what if you are not here?"

The little guy thought for a while, his bright black eyes looked like two obsidians, very beautiful.

By coincidence, Mu Beiting came out of the study, and his eyes fell on Mu Beiting every year, a little brighter: "Daddy's back."

Su Xiangwan couldn't help holding his forehead.

Brother is not on his father's back?

Really a good arrangement?

Mu Beiting strode over, seeing limp and arching on the ground, and fell again after not climbing two steps.

My heart hurts, he bent over to pick him up, and said, "What are you playing?"

"You can't let her crawl for a while? Always hold her, I won't know how to walk in the future." Su Xiangwan couldn't help complaining.

Mu Beiting kissed her soft face, and said warmly, "If you can't go, you won't go, I just hold it."

Su Xiangwan twitched his eyes, not wanting to talk to the father and son.

Not long after, Su Xiangwan's cell phone rang, it was Chen Changyi's.

Su Xiangwan frowned and got up to answer the phone.

"Miss Su, Liu Yuerong met with Dai Shengchang today, and then Dai Shengchang sent someone to buy a pinhole camera and contacted a lawyer surnamed Jiang."

Su Xiangwan froze, pinhole camera?


What do Liu Yuerong and Dai Shengchang want to do?

"After investigating, I found that Lawyer Jiang had been in close contact with your father during this period, and the things discussed seemed to be related to property."

Su Xiangwan frowned, property?

Firstly, the Su Group did not have any risks or abnormalities, and secondly, his father and Liu Yuerong at least showed that the situation was calm.

How could Su Zhiguo look for a lawyer to discuss property?

Is it to make a will?

But Liu Yuerong's child was only born. How could his father rush to make a will at this time?

Su Xiangwan had a faint premonition.

After hanging up the phone, after thinking about it for a moment, he planned to see Su Zhiguo.

An hour later, Su Xiangwan found Su Zhiguo's company.

He was signing a document in the office, and Su Xiangwan was not polite, so he pushed the door in.

Seeing Su Xiangwan's moment, Su Zhiguo was stunned, and then he was somewhat delighted: "Why are you coming here late?"

Su Xiangwan looked at his expression and slowly said, "Dad, when are you going to hide it from me?"

Su Zhiguo's complexion became stiff and hesitated.

Su Xiangwan looked at his expression carefully, and couldn't help but mention it a little bit.

She just faintly felt that Su Zhiguo must be hiding something from her, otherwise, why would he frequent lawyers?

Whether he made a will or not, something must have happened.

That's why she just spoke like that, just want to give it a try to see if he really has something to hide from her.

Su Zhiguo sighed softly at Shang Su Xiangwan's tight face, got up and walked behind her and closed the office door tightly: "Hey, how did you know?"

Su Xiangwan looked at him directly and said nothing.

Su Zhiguo was a little uneasy, took her to sit down on the sofa, and whispered softly: "Dad didn't intend to hide from you... I just don't want you to worry about it."

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