Drifting Towards You

Chapter 2115: Lost contact

Is her life good?


It's just that she seems to really have nothing left.

No father, no mother.

Without the Wu family who adopted her, and without her brother.

She seemed to have lost everything at last.

Xia Feise sat quietly in the corner, and the music on the phone was playing, making her at least not so lonely.

In fact, she believed that Fei Jun would not deny her sister.

But the moment she knew the truth, she still seemed to have lost the whole world.

Fei Jun and Yao Ruoshan are twins, so the mother betrayed her father early in the morning?

Think of the man with glasses and a gentle smile.

Xia Feise's eyes couldn't help but feel a little pantothenic.

He always likes to pick her up and go around in circles, pick her up from school and carry him a little pink schoolbag, he will buy her beautiful dolls and princess dresses, and will hold her with one hand and kiss her happily face.

But he still left.

In the past so many years, the memory has been a little fuzzy.

She almost couldn't remember his appearance, but there was never a moment when she missed him so much.

Here Xia Feise stayed silently in the warehouse, while the dance troupe on the other side had rushed to the Cultural Palace Performance Center.

There was a mess in the backstage, and people from various organizations and dance troupes continued to shuttle.

The teacher used Xia Feise's cell phone again and again, but it was always turned off.

Fan Xiaoai was also anxious. He wanted to ask someone to ask, but found out that he didn't know anything about her, let alone the phone numbers of her other relatives and friends.

The performance started at two o'clock and it is now half past one.

Their show was filmed in the third one, which debuted around 2:20.

If Scarlet does not come again, I am afraid that she will not be able to catch up.

"Have any of you seen Xia Feise, I asked the doorman, she came clearly in the morning!" The teacher said angrily, obviously also a little anxious.

"We saw her in the morning, but then she seemed to go out, and we didn't pay attention to where she went."

"Yes, we were all busy putting on makeup at the time, so we didn't pay much attention."


Yao Ruoshan opened the mouth and said: "Where is the phone call? Did you make it? Is it still shut down? Could something have happened to Scarlet? Why did it disappear?"

Fan Xiaoai opened the mouth and said: "Why don't you call the police."

"It doesn't seem to work right now. The police have been missing for more than forty-eight hours? It's only a few hours now."

"Then what should we do now, it's about to start soon, what can we do without a lead dancer?" someone asked eagerly.

The teacher also had a calm face, turned around and walked to the window and kept talking on Xia Feishi's mobile phone.

What is disappointing is that the other side can't be connected.

Someone couldn't help suggesting: "Teacher, or let Ruoshan change into the lead dancer's clothes and get ready first. If Scarlet can get here, it's best. If she can't make it, only Ruoshan knows how to dance. "

The teacher looked up at Yao Ruoshan and said, "Do you remember those dance steps?"

Yao Ruoshan nodded: "Remember, but..."

"Okay, no, but you should prepare first. If Scarlet comes, it's best, you will go if it doesn't come." The teacher said in a deep voice.

Yao Ruoshan hesitated, and the people around kept persuading her.

Yao Ruoshan nodded and said, "Then... OK, then I'll change my clothes first."

After hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Fan Xiaoai gritted her teeth as she watched Yao Ruoshan's back, and couldn't help but said to the teacher: "Teacher, Wenwen saw Scarlett go out with Yao Ruoshan this morning, do you think Scarlett disappeared..."

Hearing that, the teacher frowned and interrupted: "Okay, don't talk about this in advance. After the show is over, I will find Scarlet to talk about it. I also called the security guard at the dance troupe and asked them to find someone in the courtyard. We will be notified as soon as there is news."

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