Drunk House

Chapter 742: Criticism (second update)

 Xie Lin turned around and Duanhua's carriage drove away. He was wondering what Duanhua was doing in the East Palace? In the past, eight out of ten times she went to the East Palace was to pester her. What did she want from the East Palace now that she would rather wait there even though she knew His Highness the Crown Prince was not here?

 He suppressed the doubts in his heart and rode away.

Duanhua walked for a while and smelled an alluring fragrance coming from both sides of the street. She was immediately aroused and said to the driver: "Stop the car."

 The driver stopped the car quickly.

Duan Hua said to the guard following him: "Go and ask, which restaurant is this? Why does it smell so good?"

 One of the guards should have gone to investigate immediately.

 After a while, the guard came back and said to him: "Princess, this is the guest house, and we have introduced some new dishes."

"The guest reception hall." Duanhua's eyes lit up and she took a look at the sky. Although it was still early at noon, His Royal Highness was not in the East Palace anyway. Why didn't she wait for lunch before looking for someone?

So, she immediately made a decision, "Stop the carriage, I'll go to the guest house to eat, and you hurry up and order all the new dishes for me."

 The guard should be there and leave immediately.

 Duanhua got off the carriage and then took his maid into the guest reception hall.

It's still early for lunch, but there are already customers in the Yingke Square. They are young gentlemen who have nothing to do and come here to drink. There are also ladies who are tired from shopping and like to eat the refreshments in the Yingke Square. Something is simmering in the big kitchen. That newly launched new dish spreads its fragrance throughout the street, making other restaurant owners glare angrily, lamenting that if this continues, all the customers will be seduced away by Yingkefang, and their own restaurant will close down!

A wine seller in Yingkefang gradually became famous for its delicious dishes and pastries. In particular, he originally thought it was a shop with no foundation, but he didn't know that it was backed by the Duke Protector's Palace and Prince Ruian's Palace. After several troubleshootings, they were all solved by these two governments. None of them dared to plan the Yingkefang.

  Hey, it’s really hard to do business. It’s even harder to do business this year than in previous years.

When Duanhua entered the guest room, she naturally chose the private room. After she walked in, the gentlemen and ladies at two tables whispered about her.

“I heard that Princess Qingping was choosing a horse for Princess Duanhua. From the autumn of last year to the spring of this year, she selected almost all the good-looking young men in the capital, but couldn’t choose any one.”

"I've heard about it too. It's said that the princess is very picky and wants to compare the appearance of Young Master Zhou of the Duke Protector's Mansion. How can I do this? How many people can compare to Young Master Zhou's appearance?"

 “She still can’t let go of her worries, right?”


“I heard that Princess Qingping’s hair has turned gray due to worry, and she is so angry that she is too lazy to take care of her recently. She is recuperating in the mansion.”


The windows of Duanhua's private room were open. Although the sound from downstairs was small, it still penetrated her ears faintly. She ordered the maid angrily, "Close the window."

The maid must have quickly closed the window, thinking that the princess's temper was much better than before. If it were before, she would definitely rush down to make the gossips downstairs look good.

Isolating the sound from downstairs, Duanhua sighed, "Hey, I was laughed to death by others."

The maid wants to say, Princess, you have been laughed at since childhood, especially those years when you were chasing Young Master Zhou. Now such criticism is nothing.

Duan Hua lay on the table feeling worried, "My mother said I shouldn't say anything, but I quietly told the prince's cousin that he must have a strict mouth, right? My mother is pregnant, and I can't let her worry about my marriage anymore." "

The maid didn't know what advice to give, so she could only say: "Your Highness, you know what is important and what is important."

Duan Hua nodded and felt sleepy again.

The new dishes at Yingkefang were so delicious that they made her tongue roll. Duanhua ate a lot. After eating, he didn't want to move, so he simply rested on the couch in the private room for a long time. He accidentally rested too much and woke up again. , it’s time to apply.

Duan Hua stretched out her waist and said energetically, "Let's go, the prince's cousin should have returned to the East Palace." She took the maidservant downstairs and gave Yingkefang more reward money. The shopkeeper of Yingkefang accepted it with a smile. , and packed a jar of newly brewed wine and two boxes of pastries that the new research had not yet sold for her.

Duan Hua was very happy, "You people from Jiangning County are good at doing business."

The shopkeeper chuckled, thinking that people from Jiangning County are not good at doing business. It is our boss who has made good friends with you, so naturally we should be more generous.

So Duanhua directly took the wine and cakes and went to the East Palace. She thought to herself that after he arrived at the East Palace, it would be almost time for dinner. If the prince's cousin was easy to talk to and agreed to her work, she would give him the wine. Leave him cakes and cakes, borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha, but if he is not easy to talk to, don't give him anything.

 She came to the East Palace, but unexpectedly, Yan Huisheng had not returned home yet.

Duanhua stood at the door. She had already come, so she couldn't go to waste. She asked the housekeeper, "When will the prince's cousin come back?"

 The steward shook his head, "Your Highness didn't say anything."

Duan Hua immediately said: "I have something to ask my cousin, the prince. I'll wait for him."

 The housekeeper nodded and invited Duan Hua in.

He found that Princess Duanhua was much more stable and polite than before. At least when she came to the East Palace, she would no longer rush in and run wild like before. Moreover, this time he came to the door with gifts, which had never happened in the past years.

Duanhua asked his maid to carry it. He didn't say to hand it over to the housekeeper, so the maid kept carrying it.

Duan Hua was invited to the living room by the butler. After tea was served, he chatted with Duan Hua. Duan Hua talked to him for a while and found it boring, so he sent him away, "You can go and do your work. I will wait for the prince." Just a cousin."

 The steward nodded and stepped back.

Duanhua sat there for half an hour, and before anyone came back, she walked out of the living room because she was impatient.

The little **** Xiao Chengzi sent by the housekeeper to serve immediately asked: "Princess, are you leaving?"

"No, I'm waiting for the prince's cousin. I'm tired of waiting, so I just walked around the East Palace." Duanhua walked out. In the past years, she rushed into the East Palace with only one purpose. To find Zhou Gu, she was not in the mood to appreciate the East Palace. view.

Little Chengzi nodded and followed her obediently, always obeying her orders.

Duanhua wandered around and felt that the scenery in the East Palace was really nice. It could not be compared with the Princess's Palace. Although her mother was a favored princess, she was not as good as the crown prince. The precious flowers and plants were given priority to be planted in the East Palace.

After walking for a while, she suddenly remembered Ye Qiuying. Every time she asked someone to come to the East Palace to take Ye Qiuying to the princess mansion, but before she came to find Ye Qiuying, she asked: "Where is Xiao Qiuying in the courtyard?" ?I’m going to go play with her.”

 Little Orange immediately led the way.

The place where Ye Qiuying lived was quiet. Duan Hua and the young **** walked for a while and heard someone talking behind the rockery. They seemed to be two young eunuchs. They were also walking. They were chatting in a low voice as they walked. One of them said curiously: " Tell me, why did Young Prince Xie come to Miss Qin today and talk for a long time?"

Another person whispered: "When Mr. Xie left, he didn't look very happy. I guess he probably wanted to take Miss Qin out of the palace to be a concubine, but Miss Qin didn't agree."

 The two people talked, turned around, and walked away quickly.

Xiao Chengzi, who was accompanying Duan Hua, thought to himself that he must tell the housekeeper that the rules in the palace have been relaxed recently. If His Highness listens to his nonsense, he will be severely punished. It is better for him to file a complaint and let the housekeeper give him a lighter punishment. .

Duanhua listened to Xie Lin and Qin Luan for a while, and then remembered that he met Xie Lin on the street today, and didn't pay attention to whether he was happy or not.

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