Drunk Immortal Gourd

Chapter 878 We stand together through thick and thin

This is exactly what happened. After leaving the city, the three of them flew onto the Wind-Resisting Gourd, and then took turns driving towards the outer sea. The person who was following obviously did not expect this result. At this time, it was too late to notify Yang Mu, so Can watch Qingyang disappear into the distance.

Qingyan Island is extremely huge and is 50,000 miles away from the outer sea. The three of them took turns to drive the wind-controlling gourd. It took them ten days to reach the outer sea area. After that, they flew forward for a long time and finally arrived not far away. I met Master Shi Han and others on a secluded island.

This small island is only a dozen miles in radius. Compared with other islands in the Zhongsha area, it is extremely small. However, there is a mountain with a height of several hundred feet on the edge of the small island, which is quite distinctive. As long as you recognize it, Once the location is correct, it is not difficult to find it.

The spirit boat was parked behind the mountain in a harbor surrounded by mountains on three sides. It was blocked by mountain peaks and ancient trees. It was difficult to spot unless you got close. However, Master Shi Han and other first comers opened a few boats on the stone wall halfway up the mountain. A stone cave serves as their temporary residence.

As soon as Qingyang and others approached the mountain peak, they were discovered by the monks on alert on the top of the mountain. Then with a whistle, more than a dozen monks rushed out of the cave. The leader was Master Shi Han. The ones who saw them were Qingyang and The tense atmosphere between Xiying and the three of them eased somewhat.

When Qingyang drove the wind-controlling gourd and landed on the mountain, Master Shi Han took the initiative to greet him with the others, and said with a smile: "I figured you should arrive today. Fellow Taoist Qingyang, this flying spiritual weapon is very good. Ah, it looks like it was made by a famous artist.”

Seeing Master Shi Han and others, Qingyang secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although the terms had been negotiated before, and he also trusted Master Shi Han's character, he was also afraid that everything could happen if Master Shi Han didn't say hello. Just leave. Aren’t the three of them going to be caught blind?

Qingyang put away the Wind-Resisting Gourd, and then said with a smile: "In front of a master refiner like you, Master Shi Han, my Wind-Resisting Gourd can only be regarded as an inconspicuous gadget. I heard that you help the Golden Pill cultivator to refine it." I have made several magic weapons, how can I look down on a mere high-grade spiritual weapon like mine?"

Master Shi Han said: "The material of your flying spiritual weapon is rare, and the refining technique is unique. It is a rare masterpiece among high-grade spiritual weapons. Why should Master Qingyang be humble? Come, I am Master Qingyang." Let me introduce these friends around me. From now on, we will go through thick and thin together. This is my old friend Heisang Zhenren, whom you all met last time..."

The first thing Master Shi Han introduced was a golden elixir monk standing side by side with him. Unlike Master Shi Han, who was unshaven and full of bad luck, Master Heisang was a clean-cut middle-aged man with a second-level cultivation of the golden elixir. Dressed in black, Qingyang saw him last time when he went to see the spirit ship. He has been helping Master Shi Han guard the spirit ship. This time he will go to the Gufeng Continent with everyone.

To the left of Master Shi Han are the two masters and servants. The young master is a young monk who has perfected the foundation building, his name is Zhou Yufan, and the old servant is named Zhou An, who only has the eighth level of foundation building.

This week Yufan is said to be the bastard of a medium-sized family in Qingyan City. The competition between the brothers in the family is too fierce. He knows that it is difficult to obtain the opportunity to form a pill due to his status, so he cruelly gave up his status as a son of the family and spent all his savings to make a pill. An opportunity came to go to Gufeng Continent.

On the right side of Master Heisang is a couple with their son and a family of three. The man's name is Fuchang. He is an ordinary-looking middle-aged monk with a perfect foundation. The woman's name is Qi He. It is slightly lower than that of Fuchang, but it also has nine levels of foundation building.

As for their son, his name is Fu Yunxiao. He looks like a young man and has the lowest cultivation level among all the people present, only one level of foundation building.

This family of three are ordinary monks in the Zhongsha Region, but the fact that the couple can rely on their own efforts to cultivate to the late stage of foundation building shows that they are the best among monks in terms of qualifications and luck. They have also accumulated a lot of spiritual stones over the years. The only regret is that their son's qualifications are not very good. After practicing to the perfection of Qi refining in the past few years, he has been unable to break through the foundation building stage. Fuchang and Qi He's cultivation was also close to the completion of foundation building. When it came time to consider forming an elixir, they were faced with a choice: whether to help their son build the foundation first or to consider forming an elixir themselves first.

This choice is not too difficult, because forming pills is a very luxurious thing for ordinary monks like them. Even the top families in Qingyan City like the Liu family, Yang family, and Gui family have difficulty in forming pills. , let alone them. Firstly, the opportunity to form an elixir is rare, and on the other hand, the spiritual stones they have accumulated are far from enough for anyone to form an elixir.

The couple decided to help their son build the foundation first, so they spent a lot of spiritual stones to buy a foundation-building pill at a high price. They finally helped the master Fu Yunxiao build the foundation. At this time, the remaining spiritual stones they had were not enough to build the pill. At that time, news came that Master Shi Han was going to Gufeng Continent. The couple discussed it and decided to move their family. Maybe they could find a chance to form pills in Gufeng Continent, so they gave Shi Han the remaining spirit stones. Master Han, bought three places to ride on the spirit ship.

There are two people behind Master Shi Han. They have the same appearance. They are both short and fat, with a big bald head on top of their round bodies, like two short winter melons side by side.

These two people are brothers, named Jiang Dahai and Jiang Dayang respectively, and they are both with perfect foundation building skills. The qualifications of these two brothers are also very good. They have cultivated to the perfect level of foundation building early. After that, they have been wandering in the Zhongsha region for many years, but they have never found the opportunity to form a pill. In desperation, they chose to ride on the spirit of Master Shi Han. The boat headed to the Gufeng Continent to try its luck.

The red-robed monk who was slightly behind Jiang Dahai was Master Liehuo. He had a red face with a fiery red beard. From a distance, he looked like a moving flame. Master Liehuo is a monk at the first level of the golden elixir. He is a casual cultivator in the Zhongsha region. In order to break through the golden elixir, he tried every means. He was luckier than others and successfully broke through the golden elixir realm.

However, after breaking through the Golden Core Realm, Liehuo Zhenren suddenly lost the motivation to practice. The Nascent Soul Realm was like a big mountain blocking his face, which was almost despairing. The Zhongsha Territory is vast and boundless, and there are countless people with amazing talents. How many people can finally break through the Nascent Soul? Master Liehuo doesn't think he will be the lucky one. Since he knows that it is impossible to achieve Nascent Soul in the end, why bother practicing? Later, I heard about Master Shi Han, so I decided to travel with him to see the customs and customs of other places, and maybe I would gain something unexpected.

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