Dungeon Player

Chapter 418 The Exploration Journey of the Black Volcano (Third update please vote)

The store manager was talking nonchalantly, while a group of people watching on the side shouted:

"Let us in! Let us in! We are the parties involved!"

Cherry was recording the confession of the first witness, the teahouse manager, when he heard someone yelling from the side. He couldn't help but frown. It was the group of people from the eternal kingdom dungeon again.

A member of the security team walked over and asked:

"Are you a party? What party?"

"We are the ones who were killed by that goblin! All of us, that goblin is a terrorist! There is definitely an ulterior secret behind it!"

Hoe Ho shouted loudly.


"Cherry! It's too late! Cherry, it's too late! Letter! Find the letter!"

In the picture, a goblin with dark red skin suddenly exploded after shouting these words, and the picture stopped.

"Lord Sherlock, it seems that this incident is indeed not simple."

When Sherlock started playing the picture again, Blue said in Sherlock's mind:

"Human self-destruction machines like this have been used. Although I don't know what the other party's purpose is, it is obvious that they are targeting us. The other party is behind the scenes, and the situation is extremely unfavorable to us. I suggest that we attack Winterfell immediately. , occupying a favorable position.”

"I hold the opposite view to you. Judging from the current video situation, this goblin should be under a similar curse or delayed magic, and these players just happened to stumble upon it."

Sherlock continued.

"Is this like this? Winterfell has escaped disaster again. But this matter has something to do with Cherry. Could it be his enemy or something?"

Blue asked curiously.

"I don't know. Just continue to pay attention to the development of the situation. Now let's leave it to the people of the security team. Prepare for the mission to enter the Black Volcano tomorrow and do everything possible to search for people who may have survived. By the way, don't forget it. There is also the dungeon core that was most likely not transported."

Sherlock ordered.

"I understand, Lord Sherlock."


Liluo sat in the castle and watched a few human knights in the crystal ball flee in embarrassment. A large group of Victoria players stood at the entrance of the village and watched, watching them leave.

Although some people wanted to follow, such as A Fei, they entered plot mode under Li Luo's pressure. The players in Victoria all get their magic power from Lilo, which is why Lilo can control them.

"Duke Lilo, do you know the consequences of doing this? I have heard of the Duke of York. He is an extremely cruel lord who will do anything to achieve his goals. Although I am not very clear why he sent the knights here. That’s it, but I think we should consult with them before taking any hostile actions.”

Lancelot stood in front of Lilo and suggested.

"Sir Lancelot, you may not have seen the scene at that time. Those knights struck first. In fact, we have maintained great restraint."

The boss stood on the edge and shouted loudly.

"And we didn't hurt them. Didn't you see that they all left unscathed?"

The second child pointed at the picture in the crystal ball. The knights were escaping in embarrassment wearing only their underwear.

"It's not a question of coming out unscathed..."

Lancelot hesitated for a moment, but after thinking about it he still couldn't figure out what to say.

"Is dinner ready?"

Feizhai stood on the edge, looking longingly at his two brothers.

"Wait, did you just say Sir Lancelot?"

The second child ignored his younger brother and looked at the eldest brother.


The boss answered quickly.

"According to my understanding, Lancelot cannot be called a knight now because he does not have a title at all. Did Sir Sherlock forget the content when he was teaching us?"

"But I read some books that always mention knights and knights. Aren't all knights knights?"

"It's different. The two concepts are absolutely different."

"Having said that, I saw many people calling them Sir Lancelot, and Sir Lancelot did not refuse or correct them."

"Is that because of vanity?"

The eldest and the second child were arguing over the issue of titles, but Liluo cut off the supply of magic power, and the picture on the crystal ball quickly disappeared.

The eldest and second eldest fell silent and stood on the side. It was obvious that Liluo was planning to speak.

"Lancelot, will the Duke of York attack us?" Lilo asked.

"Your Majesty, we had better prepare ourselves for the Duke of York's counterattack."

Lancelot's answer was obvious.

"Very good, let my people prepare to face the enemy." Liluo nodded:

"You can go out now."

Lancelot was stunned for a moment, but he still followed the three hamsters and walked out.

Just like Duchess Lilo, the three hamsters had no sense of an imminent crisis.

Although Lancelot knew that Victoria's people had the magical ability to be reborn, was there any limit to this power? Facing the Duke of York's vast army, how long could it last even if it was infinitely reborn?

The most important thing is that Lancelot does not want Victoria and the Duke of York to go to war, because the series of problems that will follow are very difficult. The Duke of York is not an independent lord. Once he asks for help from the kingdom behind him...

Lancelot shook his head. There was really no need to worry so far away now. It was better to deal with the matters at hand.

Lancelot walked towards the players who were happy every day and seemed to have no worries at all. It seemed that they had to increase their training volume!


At the foot of the black volcano.

"This is the most famous black volcano."

The ooze monster guide said to the black dragon dog egg and black cat pineapple in front of him.

Behind the ooze monster, the black volcano erupted violently, and then heard a rumbling sound from the earth.

Behind the black dragon Goudan and the black cat Pineapple were thousands of players who were chatting non-stop.

These people are all here to serve as bodyguards, Black Dragon Goudan explained it this way.

Although I really want to complain, I always feel that if I complain, I will be beaten to death by the black dragon in front of me. After all, this is a black dragon. The ooze monster has never received black dragon passengers. Aren't they creatures that can fly everywhere by vibrating their wings?

The ooze monster guide began to take the black dragon Goudan, the black cat Pineapple and a group of players to start this exploration trip of the black volcano.

(Third update please vote!)

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