Dungeon Player

Chapter 494

"...I tell you, we Victorians very much welcome friendly units like you!"

In front of General Stan, the Victorian who led the way kept chattering.


Beside General Stan, a knight was stunned for a moment and asked. What this Victorian said sounded very strange, as if he didn't treat them as human beings.

The other knights of the Kingdom of God had the same idea, but the Victorias were just around the corner, and they were too embarrassed to say anything. You looked at me, I looked at you, and listened to the Victorias continue to talk.

"That's right, it's not very common to have good units like yours. You know, we often see those guys rushing towards us and hacking at us with knives. We are also very distressed. If possible, we would also like to solve more tasks, help others do things they cannot do, and hunt monsters and so on."

Everyone listened to what this Victorian man said as if he really wanted to contribute to world peace.

If it weren't for the strange way this person spoke, everyone would almost believe him.

But now there is only this Victoria man, and no one can find him. There is another person who can extract information.

"If possible, I hope you can take us to see your leader. We are here to assist you on behalf of the Kingdom of God." Commander General Stan said:

"Speaking of which, how come I didn't see any of the other Victorians? Don't you have troops to defend Victoria Forest?"

"Other people? Everyone else is fighting at the intersection!"

The Victorian quickly said:

"But don't worry, our vice president is still in Victoria Free City, I have already informed him."

Vice-President? Who is that? Also, when did he contact outsiders? Except for the five minutes when the Victorian slept during his break, General Stan can guarantee that he has never left his side. Out of sight.

Although I don't know what it is, it seems to be very powerful judging from the situation.

General Stan really wanted to meet the so-called Queen Victoria from the beginning, but this was finally a good start. Meeting the vice-president was also a good choice.

While talking about how much they needed the assistance of the Kingdom of God, the Victoria man praised how much he loved peace. Like everyone in the Kingdom of God, he was willing to sacrifice his life and blood for world peace, and he had admired the Kingdom of God very much since he was a child. , willing to do everything for the Kingdom of God, etc.

Including General Stan, everyone just listened to it as if it was fart. Love peace? Worship the Kingdom of God? Are you a fool? Don’t be kidding, I don’t know who executed the Duke of York not long ago.

But no one would talk about this kind of thing.

"We also come with the olive branch of peace."

General Stan spoke with his head held high and his chest raised, and the Victorian immediately became awe-inspiring:

"It's really touching. Ah, here we are, right in front."

The Victorians took General Stan and his group to a place in the Victoria forest soon.

The place they went to was not in the depths of Victoria, but on the edge of Victoria for about an hour.

In the forest, there was already a group of people waiting there. Each of them had a special green symbol on their head, which looked very neat.

A man walked out from the front, carrying various weapons on his back. Judging from the appearance, this man was a very professional warrior.

"This is our vice-president, Ou is in trouble!"

So said the Victorian who had been leading the way.

Ou Chimai took two steps forward and stretched out his hand to them:

"Hello everyone, I heard that you are here to provide us with supplies. We welcome any supplies."

"President Ou Chizhao..."

General Stan hesitated, mainly because he thought the name sounded a bit too strange.

"Wait a minute, you are... the person next to Zhuo Genbao!"

Just as they were talking, the blond George suddenly stood up and looked at the Victorian named Ou Chimai in front of him in surprise.

In the previous battle, he had personally killed this man named Ou Chishang. Because it was almost a duel-like scene, the blond George still remembered it very clearly.

“I didn’t expect that I actually know our President Zhuo Genbao!”

"The Capture Genbao is too strong. If he were here, he might be able to trigger the adventure mission."

"Stop talking, this guy has been on strange missions every day these days."

"Damn it, I'm so envious!"

"What do you mean by this guy? Just call him President!"

"You made a standard villain sound."

The people in front of them were talking and laughing, and it didn't look like a formal diplomatic occasion at all. Their casual appearance made General Stan and his entourage look very embarrassed.

"Ahem, please be quiet!"

Fortunately, the vice president named Ou Chimao shouted loudly, quieting down the noisy people around him.

He opened his hands, watched with satisfaction as the players around him calmed down, and then looked at General Stan in front of him:

"I'm sorry, my friends are so warm, lively and hospitable. Let's talk about the most important thing, where is the assistance?"

General Stan looked at the team of nearly a hundred people in front of him, as well as the smiling Ou Chimao.

If he thought that Ou Chunbao was a very professional soldier at first, now that he saw their casual look, General Stan no longer thought so.

"I think you may have misunderstood. The supplies we brought are not distributed casually, but are used to defeat the monsters in the underground world. You call them monsters in the underground city of the Eternal Kingdom, right?"

General Stan said this. Of course, the term "Eternal Kingdom Dungeon" was told to them by the Victoria player who led the way before.

"We are here to deal with those monsters!"

Ou Chimao said loudly.

"Oh? Do you have any plans?"

General Stan had just finished asking, and the players immediately said:

"We've got all kinds of bombs ready."

"My plan is to dig a tunnel!"

"The trash is already underground!"

"What are you talking about? Of course we want to attack Wei in the east and rescue Zhao in the west. We must use all thirty-six strategies!"

In the midst of the chaos, a voice suddenly shouted:

"Is it so troublesome? Of course we will capture the Eternal Pigs and kill them! Real warriors always defeat them head-on!"


(On the seventh day, the baby had jaundice of 330, which is a medium-high risk. The doctor asked my baby to be hospitalized for blue light exposure, but I really couldn’t bear to see my baby with tubes all over his body for light exposure. I chose medical treatment and gave the baby medicine, diarrhea medicine, Let him defecate more often and see if there is any sun tomorrow. Go and bask in the sun. I hope he can grow up safely and healthily. Come on, baby! Defeat jaundice! Seeing him having diarrhea makes me really heartbroken. .)

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