Dungeon Player

Chapter 533 Rescue Her Royal Highness the Princess

It was obvious that the little goblin had regarded Plumeria as being with Sherlock, and Plumeria also understood what the little goblin was thinking. He quickly explained:

"I know it's difficult for you to trust me, but I'm definitely not the big evil Sherlock. Not only am I not, I hate him as much as you do. I want to tear him into pieces if possible."

"Do you think I will believe your lies? You said that in front of so many people. I'm afraid you just want to humiliate me in public. And the things they said were all lies to me, right?"

The little elf received it angrily, and at the same time he turned around and wanted to return to his tree house, but when he just turned around, the plumeria behind him said to him:

"Go back, poor little goblin. When you walk up to the tree house, you will never have the chance to leave the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon in your life. You can only stay in this small tree house forever."

The quality words echoed in the little elf's ears, and the little elf's original walking pace also slowed down. He slowly turned his head and looked at Plumeria with sharp eyes:

"If you dare to lie to me, I will definitely kill you."

Hearing the little fairy's words, Frangipani raised the corners of her mouth slightly, showing a confident smile.


The little goblin planned to escape with Plumeria. This matter was not a secret. There were a lot of players at the scene, and they all saw the conversation and plot between the little goblin and Plumeria.

You know, you know, but the number of players who can participate in this matter is not very many, mainly because the goblins don't trust those players.

And Plumeria did not invite too many players to participate. When it comes to escaping, the more the better, but the less the better. Every selected player must be the elite among the elite, and for the underground of the eternal kingdom Only if you are very familiar with the city.

There are only 6 people in total.

Arthur, Umekawa Kuko, Sylvanas, Hoe He, Burning Panda, and the last one named Yucha who was asked to join by the goblin.

According to the words of the little goblin:

"Yucha, I know you are a kind goblin. Although you are a goblin, you are more like a goblin than them. You should live in the woods, not in this evil dungeon. Here, I will run away and take you with me, you come with me."

Although Yucha has no intention of leaving the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon, he is still willing to help him if he can help the little goblin escape from here. Even though he thinks the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon is a very nice and loving place, but For the little goblin, the darkness and terror of the underground world are indeed not suitable for him, but the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers outside are more suitable for her.

The battle plan was simple.

Step one: Leave the Eternal Kingdom dungeon.

Step 2: Take the little elf to meet his companions.

Step Three: Counterattack the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon to capture Sherlock alive.

Little Fairy, after listening to Plumeria's plan, all the doubts that she had had were instantly dispelled. Plumeria's plan was so perfect. The Little Fairy felt that it would definitely succeed. If she joins forces with Plumeria, let alone leave. The Eternal Kingdom is dungeon, and even the most powerful enemy can catch Shylock, and then force him to plant trees and grass in his home, and spend the rest of his life to atone for his sins.

The little goblin thought so.

The plan was quickly implemented. Although so many players saw the conversation between the little goblin and Plumeria, and some players went to Sherlock to report, there were still quite a lot of players who reported privately, but Xia Locke still did not stop the goblin and Plumeria from escaping. He even said to the players who reported:

"It's impossible. I absolutely trust Frangipani and the little goblin. It's impossible for them to betray the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon. Stop talking!"

That's what happened. No matter how much the players tried to knock on Sherlock's door, they couldn't knock it open. The chin and the lord stopped coming out to communicate with them as usual.

What happened next seemed very strange. The little goblin and Plumeria took a few players and walked out all the way. Because it was a safe zone in the Eternal Kingdom dungeon, other players even wanted to stop them. There was no way, and he couldn't attack them, to report to Lord Sherlock, but Sherlock didn't care at all. As for telling the other NPCs, the other NPCs seemed to have been mentally prepared for a long time.

The blacksmith Simba even leaned against the pillar, smoking his metal pipe and watching the show while chatting with his brother Mufasa.

The Lich Academic Master was also dragged over by the players to take a look, and then said:

"Isn't this normal? How could they be running away? I think they just want to go out for an outing and swim. Don't bother me with these things. I have a lot of things to do."

There was no other way. The players had tried all the methods, but there was still nothing that could stop the little goblin and Plumeria from walking out in a big way.

Things went so smoothly that the little goblin even had the illusion that it was not him and Frangipani who ran away, but Sherlock tried his best to send them out. The little goblin couldn't help but wonder, could it be...

I'm already so powerful, can't even the Sherlock demon notice that I'm escaping?

That must be it.

Players don't care what the goblins think, they just complete the mission and get rewards for sending the goblin out of the Eternal Realm dungeon.

But the next task is very complicated. They have to go through the entire wilderness area of ​​the underground city, and also go from the Dark Portal to the Free City of Victoria, and then, if possible, hand over the goblin to the grasping root in the Free City of Victoria. precious.

This is the content of the adventure mission they received and the connection with Zhuo Genbao, and Zhuo Genbao has also received a similar mission.

Along the way, the only thing that worried them was that players from the other two camps came to snipe them.

When Arthur and the two NPCs left the Eternal Kingdom dungeon, Sherlock's figure quietly appeared at the exit of the dungeon.

"Lord Sherlock, it seems that our plan has been half successful."

Blue's voice appeared in Sherlock's mind:

"But how do you know that Plumeria won't take the opportunity to escape? This is a great opportunity. It has left the scope of the dungeon. Even if we want to control it, it will be difficult. Although your ban on it can control it The magic power, but you should also know the capabilities of the Ancient God Legion, what if it has any back-ups?"

Blue's words were full of worry, but Sherlock had no similar expression on his face. He nodded and said:

"Don't worry. If he can really do something, I'm really looking forward to it. As for him escaping? I've never considered such a thing."

After finishing speaking, Sherlock turned around and then said to Blue:

"Let's prepare according to our plan. We must let other players act more like them. Do you understand?"

"Lord Sherlock, please rest assured and leave it to me. I will definitely complete the task assigned by you."

Blue said this to Sherlock.


In the darkness, a human was lying on a wooden bed. Beside it, there was a pair of yellow eyes shining in the darkness, staring at it closely, as if afraid that the human would suddenly disappear.

Normally, no one would be able to sleep well with a pair of eyes staring closely at him, but this human being was breathing evenly as if nothing had happened.

Until a certain point in time, the human suddenly sat up, stretched, and then moved his arms and shoulders without any sign of getting up, as if he suddenly woke up.

The human sat in the darkness for a while, and then noticed the yellow pupils next to him. He reached out and touched the wall, and quickly turned on a light.

That light is powered by magic, and there are such light sources in the houses built by players throughout the Free City of Victoria.

This is also where they are more comfortable than in the Eternal Kingdom dungeon. You must know that in the Eternal Kingdom dungeon, players have their own houses and cannot use magic lights. They can only light kerosene lamps or other light sources with their hands.

When the lights were turned on, Zhuo Genbao quickly saw the person in front of him. It was the little goblin who followed him out of the forest and whose name he still didn't know.

"You woke up human. I have been observing you for many days. Are you like this every time you sleep? Is this also what the person called Tomato thinks highly of you?"

Zhu Genbao was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this little goblin had been observing his sleep. He thought about the tomato and seemed to have done such a thing.

Although I know that this game is very real, the NPC's reaction is a bit too real, as if they think they are NPCs like them.

Zhuo Genbao hesitated for a moment, not knowing how to answer the little goblin's question. Should he tell him that he was just offline and not really sleeping? The little goblin shook his head when he saw Zhu Genbao's hesitation, and then said:

"Forget it, this should be your secret. I won't ask any more questions. By the way, your flying dragon cub was taken away by others while you were sleeping."


Zhuo Genbao was startled and jumped up immediately. He asked the little goblin in front of him:

"Where's the flying dragon? Where's my flying dragon?"

The little goblin was pointing to the outside of the house. He had jumped out at this time. Outside the house, the sun was slowly shining on the building. The sun had just risen. The sun was not very dazzling. It was burning red on the horizon. It's very beautiful, but I'm not in the mood to enjoy the scenery in the game.

When he thought that the flying dragon cub he had worked so hard to bring back as a reward for the adventure mission was actually taken away by other players while he was sleeping, he felt as if his heart was being cut.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary. The place he was in was the guild's stronghold for Lao Xia that night. The people sleeping around him were all guild players. Other hostile players wanted to come and steal his flying dragon cubs. Safe zones are basically unrealistic as they simply cannot enter their turf without being invited.

And it was not anyone else who took away the Feilong cub, but his good friends, Leopard Head Lingchong and Ou Chimai.

After more than ten days of growth, the flying dragon cub is now as big as a person. His reversal can easily penetrate human skin and cause fatal injuries to people. But this flying dragon Liuzai is different from other flying dragons in that it will not actively attack humans, especially those who have a good relationship with Zhuo Genbao.

As early as when he entered the Free City of Victoria, he had already listened to Zhuo Genbao and met his friends. Now he is following Ou Chimao and Leopard Head Lingchong, and he will not attack them or do anything hostile. matter.

As for Ou Chizhao, they just wanted to see what the flying dragon cub looked like, and had no special ideas.

When Zhuo Genbao came out, the little goblin behind him also walked over.

"Now that you're awake, let's take the time to discuss the attack on the dungeon of the Eternal Kingdom. Our princess, according to you, is still locked up in the dungeon. I am extremely worried about her every day in there. Those demons It’s very possible that he’s already taken action against her now.”

The little goblin seemed really worried about his princess.

"I understand, then come with me. We will show you our attack plan and you are ready to go at any time."

Zhuo Genbao nodded, and then walked outside with the little goblin in front of him, heading to their temporary headquarters. This was for Lao Xia's Night Guild and A Fei Yoga Club, the two guilds formed the minister's headquarters. Of course, other allied guilds will also participate.

The total number of people is probably in the thousands, but compared to the 5,000 people in Victoria Free City, it is still a little less. Most of the individual people and hostile guilds are still not under their control, and these people are also the princess who robbed the little goblin. Potential personnel, like the people in the Eternal Kingdom dungeon, want to snatch this exclusive adventure mission from the hands of Zhu Genbao.

The little goblin didn't know that the matter was so complicated. He just thought that the players in Victoria Free City would help him retrieve the princess. He followed Zhuo Genbao to the headquarters, and Zhuo Genbao was already on the way. , someone informed Ah Fei and the others that they were here for a meeting. As mentioned before, Ah Fei and the others had already formulated a detailed battle plan before grabbing Genbao and returning to the Free City of Victoria.

When the task of catching Genbao was updated to connect with Arthur and the others, A Fei's plan also made some slight adjustments, but the overall direction remained unchanged.

It's very simple. They have to occupy the Dark Portal within the set time so that the elf princess and Arthur can safely reach the Dark Portal and hand the princess over to them to avoid harassment by other players.

Because the Dark Portal is a place they must pass through, and they cannot avoid it under any circumstances. It is also a place where other players will most likely set up ambushes and obstacles.

Needless to say, it’s important.

As for the other combat plans, there is nothing particularly detailed. In short, it is just one sentence. They will use their advantageous forces to discuss with Arthur on the spot. For this purpose, they even specially created a WeChat group for adventure missions.

Of course, these things will not be told to the goblins and tomatoes.

"Are you sure that those people in the underground city of the Eternal Kingdom you mentioned will help us send Her Royal Highness back? How did you get in touch with them and talk to them? With all due respect, it's not that I don't believe that you are only concerned about Her Royal Highness. I can’t just ignore everything about your safety.”

Although A Fei's plan was very detailed, the little goblin still had his own concerns. He frowned and asked, and A Fei quickly explained to him.

"I very much understand the concerns you said, but please rest assured and believe that we are doing these things professionally. You don't need to ask how we got in touch with the people in the underground city. This belongs to us. It’s a secret, but we will definitely help you, and you will also give some rewards after rescuing your princess. This is what we agreed before.”

"Don't worry, no matter what you want, we will try our best to satisfy you. Not only that, the goblins of the World Tree will always stand with you Victorians, and we will become your solid allies. Of course, the prerequisite is You can bring Her Royal Highness back."

Hearing what the little goblin said, A Fei nodded and said, "Don't worry, leave it to us. There will definitely be no problem."

"By the way, I plan to find some people for this plan."

The little goblin looked at the humans around him and said:

"I need you to help me."


The goblin's plan is to build a portal that directly connects to the World Tree so that the goblins from the World Tree can rush to the Free City of Victoria to help them rescue Her Royal Highness the Princess.

Needless to say, everyone knows how difficult this is to accomplish. Without any positioning, only the magic of the World Tree can do it to open two portals at such a long distance.

All the players need to do is to provide various materials for this little goblin. These materials can be purchased in the Duke of York, so it is not a big problem.

It's just that it will take a certain amount of time to activate the portal. There is no way for the players to set off to the Dark Portal immediately, and this is also part of their plan. There is still plenty of time, and they are not in a hurry. Arthur and the others are still in a hurry. Her Royal Highness the Princess with the little goblin is on her way here.

Players in the Free City of Victoria built a portal to welcome the goblins from the World Tree. When the reinforcements arrived, Arthur and the others were already leading the goblin princess towards the crossroads stronghold, and they kept getting closer. Along the way, there were other players taking the lead and serving as waiters around them, so they did not encounter much danger. Although the players from the Chang'an City Guild organized a wave, they could not find the specific location of Arthur. There was no big conflict at the location, but the conflict was foreseeable. After all, there was no way to escape through the Dark Portal.

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