Dungeon Player

Chapter 540 Bandits Attacking

In the end, the players bought a large backpack for 10 copper coins, and also bought a good-looking ax from Old John's house.

Although Old John repeatedly emphasized that the ax was not particularly sharp and was not as sharp as the weapons in their hands, the players still insisted on buying the ax.

After all, this ax is an unidentified product in the eyes of players, and the price is not very high. Who knows if it will be the best ax in the village, and maybe it will be orange legendary equipment. After all, this kind of routine is used in other games. are common in .

Originally, Old John thought that things would end like this, but when Old John just got up and walked out of the house the next day, he saw that many villagers had gathered at the door. They all came to Old John to express their demands. After understanding in detail what the villagers wanted to express, Old John knew what happened last night. It turned out that it was not only his own home that was patronized by those guests, but most of the villagers were also visited by those players. There was a knock on the door.

They didn't necessarily go to the villagers' homes to rummage through their belongings. Many players knocked on the door to ask for some information, or to ask if they needed help with any tasks, etc.

None of the villagers in the village had a good night's sleep. The players seemed to have unlimited energy. They would come over from time to time and ask more questions when they remembered something.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is the players rummaging through boxes and cabinets in the village to find things.

Old John felt that it was necessary to communicate with those guests, and tactfully told these guests from far away not to disturb the villagers at night. Although saying this would make it appear that he was not very hospitable, Old John did not There are other ways, he doesn't want them to break into his home in the middle of the night and rummage through the cabinets.

With the demands and resentments of the villagers, Luo John walked outside the large room he had arranged for the guests. As he was about to walk in, he heard the voices of people inside talking.

The ones who spoke sounded like two little goblins.

"Your Highness, they did not make things difficult for you, did they? Have you been mistreated in the underground world?"

"Don't worry too much about me. Everything is fine with me. Now we should think more about how to return to our homeland."

"But Your Highness Princess, I still don't trust these monsters in the dungeon. They have killed many soldiers and Victorians from the Kingdom of God before, and now they are suddenly kind enough to release you. I think there must be an ulterior conspiracy! "

"Don't worry too much. They do kill people like crazy, but Yucha is different from them."

The voices of the two little goblins became quieter and quieter, and Old John felt as if a big hammer had struck his heart. Of course he knew what the underground world represented, and he had already known about these green-skinned monsters before. He came from the underground world, but if he heard the conversation between the two goblins, if it were true, those monsters actually killed many people?

Old John suddenly understood the seriousness of the matter. He originally wanted to communicate with the guests about not disturbing people at night, but he immediately forgot about it. He slowly backed away and then bumped into something solid. .

Old John turned around and saw a huge figure. It was a green-skinned monster with green characters on its head and wearing black armor.

The tall monster looked down at Old John. Old John looked into the monster's eyes, his heart trembling, and his legs couldn't stop shaking. If it weren't for the crazy secretion of adrenaline, he might have been unable to bear it. He fell to the ground.

The huge monster said something to Old John, but Old John couldn't understand it at all. The monster seemed to suddenly realize that Old John couldn't understand what he said. He shook his head and shouted into the house.

But there are only two goblins in the house now. The princess among them could speak the language of the underground world. After hearing the shouts of the monster outside, the princess came out and said a few words to the monster in the same language, and the monster answered the princess again.

The two chatted with each other for a few words, and then Her Royal Highness the Princess said to Old John:

"Arthur asked what you want to do here? Do you have any mission requests?"

Her Royal Highness, the goblin princess who knows both the languages ​​of the underground world and the surface world, acted as a translator at this time.

Old John is now thinking about catching these monsters from the underground world, so why is he still thinking about chatting with them here? He just whined a few perfunctory words, then backed away and left quickly.

Old John's behavior seemed strange, but Arthur didn't take it to heart. There were quite a few NPCs with strange behaviors, but Arthur didn't study the habits of NPCs, nor was he interested.

Arthur looked at the direction that Old John was leaving, and finally went to do his own business. They were planning to design supplies for graduation, and then leave this town. They already knew the nearby map and the general direction of the little goblin's hometown and how far away it was from here. It's not particularly far away. Although there is a deviation in the location of the portal, fortunately the deviation is not very large. If you walk, you can reach the edge of the forest in four or five days.

But he didn't know that Old John really planned to think of ways to deal with them.

Old John walked a long way, stopped for a moment, turned his head and looked behind him, but no one was catching up.

Old John calmed down for a moment. Now it is definitely unrealistic to drive away those uninvited guests. And to say that they are not worried at all, it is unrealistic for them to continue to stay in the village. Last night, four people came directly to their rooms to search for things. Although they paid in the end, if they If they didn't come out to see it, they would just take it away. This was like a robber's behavior, which made Old John really unable to trust them.

Old John quickly summoned the young people in the village and planned how to deal with the players, but before he had time to conceive his plan, several villagers came to Old John with the players.

"The village chief and the others are leaving. Come and say goodbye to us."

Hearing what the villagers said, the young people following Old John breathed a sigh of relief. To be honest, if possible, they really don't want to have any conflict with the players, because the players are fully armed and not The size of those beastmen and the appearance of goblins are really terrifying.

They didn't think that they, a lifelong farmer, could handle these people.

"The village chief is very grateful to you for taking care of us during this time, but we have more important things to do. You also know that we are braves and the whole world is waiting for us to save, so I won't bother you here. Wait. After we complete the mission, we may come back to help you deal with nearby monsters. Of course, our work is not free. I hope you will be ready to give us rewards and rewards by then."

The one who stood up to speak was Ah Fei, who had spinal deformity. As soon as Ah Fei finished speaking, Ou Chimai, who was beside him, translated Ah Fei's words and told them to the other players in the Eternal Kingdom Dungeon.

When Old John heard what A Fei said, he welcomed them to his village again and hoped that they could successfully complete the mission of saving the world. Of course, he said this, but in his heart, Old John had already made up his mind to tell the Empire There are monsters in the underground world here. These guys plan to come back again. It's terrible that they have to prepare their own rewards when they come back.

The players didn't know what Old John was thinking. After they said goodbye to Old John, they embarked on a journey to the World Tree.

It is about 3 to 4 days away from the world. Of course, the players do not advance on foot. Many players bring their own mounts. With the help of the villagers, they put homemade simple carriages on their mounts. Those mounts pull the carriage forward, so that it can carry as many players as possible. The advantage of this is obvious, but the disadvantage is that it will slow down everyone's speed, but that speed actually doesn't matter, especially in Eternity. Players of Kingdom Dungeon, they have been playing this game for several months. Everyone knows the character and characteristics of this game. If you are on the road for a longer time, you can just chat or hang up the concept, etc. Everything is okay.

In order to complete this very large and rewarding sports task, it is worth spending more time, everyone thinks so.

What they didn't know was that while they were on their way, there were pairs of eyes around them staring at them.

On the other hand, not long after these players left, Old John asked a young man to quickly inform the nearest noble. The empire soon learned that a group of monsters from the Free City of Victoria and the underground world had appeared. In their territory, the name of the Free City of Victoria was very loud during this period. Why are these people together with the monsters in the underground world? Wouldn't it be nice to catch them and ask them?


The people who were on their way at night did not know that the Empire's troops had already set off and were heading towards them.

After spending more than three days, their carriage finally arrived at the edge of the forest. Looking at the forest in the distance, the elf princess's mood became better and better. As long as they entered the forest, there would be Now that they are in the goblin's territory, they are not in any danger. After leaving home for so long, seeing the direction of home again, Her Royal Highness's eyes couldn't help but become moist.

But she wasn't happy for long. There were shouts and noises around them.

The sound of arrows streaked through the air.

"Someone is attacking us! We are entering battle! Raise your shield!"

Burning Chest Hair shouted loudly for the first time. The beastmen players carried huge shields, and the arrows rained down and hit their shields, densely packed like hedgehog thorns.

Some players raised their shields too slowly and were shot to death on the spot. But the number of these players is only a small number after all, because after so many battles, the players all know the importance of shields and carry a huge shield with them.

Even in such an adventure mission, there is no exception.

Fortunately, there was no second wave of arrow rain to attack them. After the wave of arrow rain, the sound of running was heard in the distance, and dozens of people were vaguely seen rushing towards them on horseback. Judging from their attire and style, players immediately identified the identities of these people, who were probably the legendary bandits.

Until now, Victoria's players have only encountered bandits once, and those bandits were all wiped out by Victoria's players not long after. A Fei's adventure mission was triggered when he was attacked by bandits. of.

When they saw these bandits rushing over, many players were thinking about being captured by these bandits and going on an adventure mission instead. However, they are already completing an adventure mission, and the rewards for the other missions are very clear. He Fenfeng, even if he is captured by these bandits, he doesn't know whether he can become a slave and be trained. It's better not to take such a risk.

The battle is about to break out, and the players' fighting qualities are no worse than those of these bandits. After several months of training and life-and-death battles, these players' combat effectiveness is stronger than expected, not to mention their There is also the spirit of not fearing death and the power of powerful magic and holy light to support them.

When a bald bandit rushed toward one of the humans with a huge hammer, he couldn't believe it in his dreams. He casually rolled a small fireball and threw it at him. When the bald head was hit by the fireball and his whole body was ignited with flames, he groaned and fell to the ground. He couldn't even struggle as his body was melted by the magical fireball.

WTF? Why are there magicians here?

Most of the bandits were startled, some even stopped in their tracks, and a guy who looked like the leader shouted loudly:

"Don't be afraid. They only have one magician. Capture those green-skinned monsters. They are very valuable. As long as we do this, we will never have to do it again in our lives!"

With the leader's shout, the bandits who had stopped in fear suddenly regained their energy. They shouted and rushed towards the players again. Just as the leader said, the magician is not They are rotten cabbage on the street. These people don't look very rich. Even if there is a magician, there is probably only one of them. As long as the magician is killed, there is nothing scary about them. These bandits are here. They have a huge advantage in numbers, and they also have long-range weapons to help them.

Just when they were thinking this, another player released a whirlwind not far away, followed by another player who released a fireball, and another player was covered in white holy light. His body floated, as if he was guided by the Holy Lord.

"Holy Lord, are there any fucking priests here?"

The bandits didn't know what they had experienced, but they had never seen a priest wearing a suit of armor and holding a huge weapon in his hand, but the power of promotion in him was real. If you look closely, that priest The official turned out to be a green-skinned monster...


Old John led a group of heavily armed knights towards the World Tree Forest. The news he reported was that after four or five days, a pair of knights came to his village. These nobles were very interested in Old John. The monsters in Victoria Free City and the underground world seem to be very interested. As nobles, they have much better information than Old John. Not long ago, they had heard about the Kingdom of God and the battles related to Victoria Free City. and news, not to mention the emergence of the underworld and the great achievements of the Free City of Victoria in resisting the invasion of the underworld.

Old John could actually name the monsters in the Free City of Victoria and the underground world. It was obvious that he was not talking, which meant that those Victorians and monsters from the underground world had really come to the border of the empire.

Why do humans and monsters from the underground world get together? The nobles of the empire are not very clear, but this is a warning. Maybe those monsters from the underground have invaded the borders of the empire. After all, the Free City of Victoria is just a small city. The empire has never thought that such a small city can To resist the invasion of the underground world, their emperor had actually considered rescuing Victoria Free City not long ago, but he wanted to see the actions of the Kingdom of God before making a decision.

The recent failure of the Kingdom of God has already signed the Empire's determination to intervene. It is said that there was a war between the Free City of Victoria and the Kingdom of God. Of course, the Empire has the mentality that the enemy of the enemy is a friend and wants to free Victoria. Let’s have a good heart-to-heart talk here in the city.

After hearing the news about the free urbanites in Victoria, these nobles came here quickly, but Old John told them that those people had left the village and were heading in the direction of the World Tree. Why did those people go? What about World Tree? The nobles of the empire didn't know, and they had no one to ask, so they could only rush towards that direction as fast as they could, but that was the territory of the goblins. Could it be that those people from the Free City of Victoria wanted to go to the goblins to ask for help? Aided? Thinking about it this way, it is really possible. Although goblins are a very solitary race, if it is to fight against monsters in the underground world, those goblins are likely to lend a helping hand.

This is of course a better thing for the empire. If it can establish a relationship with both Victoria Free City and the goblins, then the empire will definitely have an absolute advantage in the battle against the Kingdom of God.

But the first thing to do now is to find those people in the Free City of Victoria and the monsters from the underground world, and figure out what is going on.

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