Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 192: arrogant

"No" Head Xueyue trembled in despair, his voice no longer had the triumph and flamboyance of the first meeting, and the fear and sorrow from his heart made him instantly limp on the front deck of the mechanical dragonfly. "Www.qii is more and more complete",

Under the **** of the blood moon warriors, Hao Zhi was taken to the central court of the blood moon spacecraft. A row of huge metal pillars more than 30 meters high stood in front of the court. The blood moon heads and ten elders stood solemnly. At the top of the pillars, the surface of each pillar projected their tall image like a screen, which caused tremendous pressure on the interrogated persons in the middle.

However, Hao Zhi didn’t care about this. He wanted to scare my brother, who was also the one he had seen before. He died a hundred times before, and he wanted to scare me.

"You 27883" the head of the blood moon pointed to the stardust and asked angrily, "have you escaped the download and upload of your thoughts privately, and why there are choices that are different from the interests of the entire blood moon civilization group"

Stardust was burned by the powerful electric current, and the body was still surrounded by blue smoke, and was framed by two Blood Moon fighters, with their heads lowered, and there was no answer.

"Is this your way to control the people?" Hao Zhi sneered, "eliminating individual differences and ruthless ideological rule. You must not only control what the people are doing, but also limit what they want to think."

He didn't finish his words. A blood moon soldier broke into the semi-circular court gate. He almost smashed into him, screaming as he ran, "Report that the earthlings have escaped."

Following him in was the body of Hao Zhi, who was also being escorted, and another blood moon warrior was holding half of the broken Wang Yanke.

"They seem to have robbed the consciousness transfer machine, transferred their consciousness into the body of our blood moon tribe, and escaped," the soldier panted and reported. "Www.qii dedication"

The Head of Blood Moon groaned for a moment, and looked back at the two strange Blood Moon men standing in front of him. He instantly understood what was going on, so he said to the soldier who reported the letter: "I know, step back."

The original "Hao Zhi" looked at the body that had been exchanged in horror, and pointed at the current Hao Zhi and shouted: "The head of state, it is him that is my body, pity me, now I am trapped in this ugly In the filthy human body of the earth, please the head of state uphold justice for me and exchange it for my body"

The head of "Quiet" impatiently smashed the ground with the scepter in his hand, and the huge metal pillar made a dull echo.

"This court already knows what happened, and now it is sentenced to the earthling Hao Zhi. Because of your deviance, the blood moon spacecraft has been in irreparable and permanent damage. According to the highest law of the blood moon civilization, I declare you guilty and immediately Execution of the death penalty"

"It's great" the original "Hao Zhi" happily clapped his hands on the side, "Anyone who is clever earth, **** it"

But he didn't finish his words, but a few blood moon soldiers came up and dragged him out one by one.

"Wait, wait for the head of state, you made a mistake. That person is an earthling and I am a citizen of the blood moon." He lifted his legs off the ground in despair, shouting in the air.

"The verdict is not wrong," the head of the **** moon replied coldly, "I have just made it very clear that this verdict is aimed at the earthling Hao Zhi and is also a verdict on his original identity. You are an important part of his dereliction of duty leading to his escape. Members, should also bear this crime and send them to the incinerator together"

The voice of "I, I was wronged" gradually disappeared. Hao Zhi squinted his eyes and watched "Self" and "Xiaobing" being dragged down to death. He felt strange in his heart. After all, it was his body that had been with him for more than ten years. No, but when I think about it, I have reached this point anyway. The virus has even gotten into it, and there is no way out.

""A string of cold electronic sounds echoed in the huge space.

"Do you understand what that means" Head of Blood Moon asked, lowering his head.

Hao Zhi shook his head: "I haven't learned your language."

"That is the last warning issued by the Blood Moon Giant Brain. The virus has almost completely invaded the Giant Brain. Although it has been temporarily suppressed, there is only time left for the collapse of the Blood Moon spacecraft," the Head of Blood Moon said sadly.

"Oh then, we won" Hao Zhi was ecstatic in his heart.

"No, we are all defeated." The head of the Blood Moon dropped his eyes. "Stupid earthlings, after the blood moon civilization originally invaded the entire earth, it will retain the continuation of individual earthlings and become a commemorative symbol of your civilization. , But now, you have driven the most powerful enemy to death, so the last way left is to die together."

"The giant brains that belonged to you have been destroyed, and the blood moon spacecraft will fall into complete chaos, what else can you do?" Wang Yanke asked with a smile.

"Ask what else we can do. First of all, you need to know what the Blood Moon spacecraft is." The head of state looked around for a while, "Do you know why the Blood Moon spacecraft is made up of cubes of different sizes."


"Because this is a symbol of our civilization and high technology. The entire Blood Moon spacecraft is all modularized. It is huge and magnificent, but it doesn't have a screw or glue."

"You mean such an orderly structure is entirely the result of the spontaneous aggregation of every small component" Wang Yanke immediately understood what he meant and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, without the giant brain's unity and control of all consciousness bodies, the blood moon spacecraft would immediately be scattered into billions of cubes of various sizes. The large ones are hundreds of kilometers away, and the small ones, like the colors you play on earth. Son, now you know why we must carry out a strict ideological unification."

"Why do you use this kind of loose sand to build spaceships"

"That's because the biggest advantage of our blood moon nation is unity. Unlike your people on earth, you have climbed to the top of the food chain in the long-term evolutionary process. On your planet, you stand high on the top. Ruling the planet with a slaughter of all peoples, therefore, you people on earth do not have a sense of crisis. For a long time, only humans can kill mankind. Therefore, you do not understand the value of the saying that unity can survive."

"You mean, the blood moon civilization is on your home planet, it is not the highest creature, and you are always in danger of being killed or even eaten as food" Wang Yanke asked in amazement. ~Search for blue colors, you can read the full text of the following chapters

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