Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 202: Polar jihad

Hao Zhi bent down and got in from the low door frame. Of course, the most important thing was to retract the long neck. I really don’t know why the Blood Moon Man had to evolve such a long neck. Although it is convenient to observe everything around him, it’s easy to look back. Neat, but too unsightly

When he was distracted, he accidentally kicked the metal bench on the ground, jumped up with one foot in pain, and limped towards the living room. "Www.qii more and more complete" basket color,

Upon hearing the movement, Wang Yanke hurriedly ran out of his bedroom. Hao Zhi smiled apologetically. Another door opened, and Stardust stretched out his long neck, watching curiously.

"Come back" Wang Yanke smiled sweetly.

Hao Zhi replied, dejectedly took out a plastic bag from the thick quilted jacket, and gently held it in his hand: "Hey, the nearby supermarkets have been robbed by those people. Almost none of them are still open. I bought a little bit from nearby residents’ homes. It was too expensive. Later, it was almost seen by others. A few people chased me all the way curiously. Fortunately, I ran fast. It seems that we should move again.”

"Not bad, enough for a meal." Wang Yanke took the half-bag of rice and weighed it. It was not as heavy as a pack of instant noodles, but she tried her best to make her look very happy.

Stardust is really happy. Whenever there is something to eat, he is always the happiest one. He has eaten synthetic food in space for about 5 years. He feels fresh to all the food on earth, boiled in plain water. A little porridge can make him smacking and drinking like a treasure.

After the Doomsday War, everyone followed Xu Zhe to the Haixia base organized by the Dawn, but Wang Yanke was reluctant to follow. She could not face her parents, and she did not want the two elders to be hit by this kind of attack again. He died, and later became the living dead, and later, became a robot, and now, he became an alien directly. The speed of change and the bizarre experience were beyond their acceptable range.

Xu Zhe just told them that Wang Yanke had been sent to perform a very important task and would not be able to come back after a while. This departure took 5 years. Except for regular emails and occasional phone calls, they had never seen him. Over.

Hao Zhi naturally never left. First, he made a promise to himself that he would never leave his girl in this life. Second, only he and Wang Yanke became this weird appearance, and he really didn’t want to follow. Everyone, bear that strange look.

Even Song Xiaojia couldn’t accept his ugly appearance for a while. In the past, the sunshine boy went to space, and when he came back, he had turned into a monster.

"This is the true sharing of joys and sorrows" Hao Zhi often comforts himself, as if the princess in the cartoon who turned into a monster for her own deep monster needs to sacrifice herself.

He was in a daze in a daze, and suddenly heard a small noise in the corridor. All the glass in this dilapidated building was shattered by artillery fire during the war. There were broken glass stubble on the floor of the corridor. As long as someone walked around, There will be a crunching sound. The **** moon man’s hearing is much more sensitive than humans. Hao Zhi can tell it almost instantly. It is at least the footsteps of more than five people.

He didn't speak much, he jumped up to grab the iron rod at the door, his hands were not even close, and he felt that the door in front of him was kicked open and almost hit his face. He drew sideways and saw that two dark shadows had already hit him. Entering, without waiting for him to react, he kicked his hand fiercely. "Www.qii dedication"

"Here, here" the two people moved and shouted loudly. Behind them, more than a dozen people followed into the house.

"You" Hao Zhi hadn't asked, the two people on the opposite side had already jumped up and wanted to knock him down. Knowing that the visitor was not good, Hao Zhi rushed forward and strangled the two people's necks. Knocked them down first, and fell on the ground with him, and then pulled out abruptly. At the moment when the third person had not started, he had already stood up on his knees, raising his hand with a punch.

The third guy yelled, covered his eyes and fell backwards. The two men coming up behind were about the same height as Hao Zhi. They were dressed in black leather jackets with European-style beards and light gray sunglasses. Embroidered with a skull logo on the sleeve of the dress.

These two skills are obviously different from the previous ones. The movements are clean and swift, and the strength on the wrists is amazing. With three punches and two kicks, Hao Zhi is a bit uncontrollable, so he has to retreat and loudly report to the house: Run.

Wang Yanke was preparing to cook rice soup in the kitchen. He heard a fight outside, and then heard Hao Zhi yelling, so he pushed the door and ran out quickly, grabbing a kitchen knife in his hand, and when he looked again, Hao Zhi was already After being slammed to the ground by more than a dozen people, one of the big guys took out a flashing blue electric stick from his trouser pocket and cracked it on Hao Zhi's neck. Hao Zhi wailed and lost consciousness.

On the other side, Stardust was also shocked. These strangers triumphantly tied Hao Zhi with a rope. Stardust looked around, only took a magazine, rolled it into a tube, and rushed over. Naturally, he was knocked down instantly.

Wang Yanke was silly there, with windows behind him, but it was eight stories high and jumped down a dead end.

Unexpectedly, it took less than half a month to move here, and it was exposed again.

"Pap" an anesthetic gun was shot out silently and stuck on Wang Yanke's right shoulder. She felt her head sink and slid down against the wall wilfully. Before she lost consciousness, she heard the group of people high-fiving each other excitedly. , Talked and laughed loudly: "Haha, what an unexpected gain, it's great to catch three at once."

On the road, Hao Zhi woke up in a daze, feeling that he was **** like a zongzi lying face down in a truck, someone’s foot was on his back, and there was something in his ear. There were noisy voices, the sky was dim, the car shook violently, and the smell of gunpowder and sulfur was all around him. He struggled, feeling severe pain in his head, and soon passed out into a coma.

When I woke up again, I was already in a huge sewer. The sewers in Europe were all built taller than houses. The huge circular passages extend in all directions, with rows of dim yellow lights on. This place seems to be a gathering point. Huge concrete pillars support the five- or six-meter-high space, and various street paintings, huge letters and abstract faces, coquettish red lips, slogans, etc. are sprayed on the walls.

In front of him was a square iron cage. He, Wang Yanke and Stardust were trapped in it. Stardust was already awake. He put his arms around Wang Yanke, who was in a coma, and looked at the anxious and crazy humans around him in horror. .

Someone played rock music with huge speakers and speakers, huge echoes accompanied the ghostly dance of the crowd, lights and figures dangling around, it was not clear how many people gathered here, beer and sweat filled this dark space. , There were huge bonfires in the several passages nearby, and even among the crowd in this hall, there were five or six fires raised with gasoline cans. Some people kept throwing all kinds of garbage in, flames A big chunk of it came up.

"Quiet" suddenly, someone was talking in the huge speaker, and the noisy and chaotic crowd instantly became quiet. Everyone looked up and saw a guy in a black vest with a colorful pattern on his arm holding a microphone and loudly on the front stage. Called, "Just be quiet, there is a boss who invites us to organize"

So, amidst a wave of screams and cheers, the man called the boss came onto the stage. He wore a worn-out military uniform, hung up a suit of medals and medals, and clinked as he walked. The original color can't be seen in the broken military cap, and the side is worn out, which looks very funny.

However, this guy is stout enough, tall and sturdy, standing there as if his head can reach the roof, he looked around, in the silence that everyone was expecting, suddenly raised his right fist, high Shouted: "Long live the doomsday"

Those followers of "Long Live the Doomsday" also cheered together.

A young man under the "boss" leaned in favorably, "We caught three fresh ones today, to honor your old man, these aliens are now becoming fewer and fewer, and the black market price has more than doubled."

"Oh" Quiba was obviously happy to hear the news, "Is it alive?"

The "caught alive" Xiaoluo puffed up proudly.

Quiba squinted his eyes with satisfaction and looked here, as if he didn't see it very clearly because of the lighting problem, so he stepped off the stage, pushed aside the crowd, and walked all the way to the front of the big cage.

Although this guy is tall, he walks crippled. Hao Zhi stared at him curiously and found that one of his legs was an assembled mechanical prosthesis. It was very crude and not very flexible. He was still leaning on a leg in his hand. A thick iron cane.

"Yes, yes, these three appearances are very complete, and they are not incomplete. They will definitely be able to get a good price. This time, we can buy more arms and weapons, and eat the Freedom Front in the East in one fell swoop. The entire Minsk region will belong to me. After the rule is over, everyone wants to grab whatever they want, and whoever wants to cut anyone no longer has to worry about turf battles.” He laughed loudly. In the laughter, the men and women around him also cheered excitedly.

"Yes, after the defeat of the blood moon men, the tens of thousands of blood moon men who fell on the earth were almost killed by zombies. There are more than one thousand still alive, most of them were captured alive, except for those who were killed. The lower parts have become rare animals, rich people’s pets, the boss yesterday, I heard people say that the blood of the blood moon people can fight against rejection reactions, which makes the price of these things a lot more expensive.”

"Oh, I also heard about this. It's like my leg. If you want to change to a live one, you may lose your life due to rejection. With the blood of the blood moon, I can completely recover." He tapped his mechanical leg with the iron crutches and said.

"Congratulations, boss, if you fix this leg again, then the world will be invincible. With your might and invincibility, you will surely rule the whole world." The little girl hurriedly cheered without losing the opportunity.

"Hum, of course when the time comes, you will follow me and drink spicy food" Kuiba triumphantly looked at the little guys around him with his nostrils.

"Long live the boss" someone shouted in the crowd.

"Bang" Hao Zhi stood in the cage dismissively, spitting at the "boss", "You quickly let us go, don't be conceited"

"Oh, I still speak human words" Quiba was obviously taken aback.

"Nonsense, let us off quickly, don't say I didn't warn you, if you let my friend know, if you open your nest, you won't be able to keep that leg."

"Yeah" The boss looked at Hao Zhi is your friend"

Hao Zhi laughed haha: "You probably forgot how your leg was crippled."

"You" has a suspicious look on the boss's face, he squinted his eyes and looked at Hao Zhi carefully, "What do you know?"

"Although I haven't seen you, but I have heard that, if I guess right, listen to your northeastern accent, you shouldn't be called this before, should I call you a strong beast or should I call you Zhao Shuanbao Hahaha" Haha Haha laughed, pinching his waist.

He heard Song Xiaojia talk about this guy, one of the nine main halls of the Shuguang organization, Qiang Beast, single-handedly attacked the Lanzhou headquarters because of his greed and eagerness, he was beaten to a leg by Song Xiaojia and was later locked up there. In the Doomsday War, when the Dawn Organization attacked the headquarters, he was released. Song Xiaojia also entered the Dawn Organization. He was ashamed to meet people, so the world evaporated. I did not expect to organize a group of rogues here, and behaved. The boss of the underworld ~ Search for the blue color, you can read the full text of the following chapters

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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