Earth Destruction Plan

Chapter 213: Power experiment

Xu Zhe was dressed in a marshal's uniform, and appeared at the entrance of the submarine base with a full suit of medals. The soldiers stood on both sides, and when they saw him walk out, they all stood at attention neatly, shouting in unison: "Good for the head of state."

"It's not a general, it's called the head of state." Hao Zhi smiled wryly, as if watching a funny performance. "Ωωω.qiiLα Dedication"

"Hahaha, I'm such a rare visitor. Why don't you say hello in advance when your old friend arrives? I'll send someone to pick you up. Such a low-key visit is not like your girly style." Xu Zhe smiled hypocritically, Gao Greetings.

"Oh, we flat-headed people, how can you please help the head of state?" Song Xiaojia replied strangely.

"Haha, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen you. Come here. This is not a place to talk. Let’s talk inside the base." Xu Zhe enthusiastically let the three people into the corridor as wide as the road. Drive deep underground.

It was originally built in secret. Since Xu Zhe took over, many one-kilometer-long submarine crystal corridors have been rebuilt. They are all built with high-strength bullet-proof glass. You can directly see the beautiful scenery of the seabed and swarms of marine fish are surrounding for sightseeing. The car moved up and down, the sky reflected off the sea, and the mottled water shadow was beating on the floor.

At the end of the corridor, you have entered the submarine base. In order to resist the huge seawater gravity, the entire base is shrouded in a huge tortoise shell-shaped glass cover.

"I have always been curious, how can the glass withstand such a huge seawater gravity when such a large base is built under the sea."

"Hehe, material improvement, any technological development is inseparable from the improvement of basic materials. This kind of glass is not ordinary bulletproof tempered glass, but metallic glass with palladium added. Its hardness is comparable to the hardest metal in the world. , Of course, it is still a lot worse than the Yinggang you used to make the armor," Xu Zhe introduced cheerfully.

"You also planted a lot of plants" cried a little bit of surprise.

"Well, yes, I have made some changes to the ecological environment here. Now this base is an undersea experimental body, trying to implement a closed self-sufficient circulation system, including food production, fresh water purification and oxygen self-sufficiency. Just experiment. Success, this technology will be used to establish large-scale submarine living areas in the future. In the next 100 years, humans will gradually realize the migration to the submarine."

"Well, not bad" Song Xiaojia exclaimed, but his eyes searched among the rows of buildings.

"Come, come and visit the laboratory" Xu Zhe kindly invited.

The three jumped off the sightseeing car and followed Xu Zhe into the white egg-shaped building hidden in the bushes. All the buildings here are white egg-shaped, inverted like the home of a giant sea turtle.

The interior of this white dome is divided into four floors. It is not very tall, but very spacious. After entering the interior, it is discovered that the walls of this building are actually translucent.

"This wall is also frosted glass" asked in surprise.

"Oh, it's not glass, it's cement, but it's transparent cement." Xu Zhe laughed happily. "Subsea electricity should be used sparingly. In order to transmit light, we used this kind of transparent cement to build houses. Isn't it sci-fi"

The interior of the laboratory was clean, tidy and spotless, but with a weird atmosphere. Under the shining of incandescent light, all the experimenters were wearing masks and white clothes, and they were constantly busy between various complicated instruments.

And in every room separated by glass, there is a person who is experimenting

Those people were fixed on the experimental platform, with various electrodes plugged into their bodies, some were asleep, and some wailed in pain.

This is like a **** of lynching

Hao Zhi felt his scalp numb, so he looked at Xu Zhe with his eyes. Xu Zhe saw that he didn't explain, and shook his head and smiled bitterly: There is no other way, experiment, there will always be experimental products to sacrifice a little bit.

"The reason you explained for experimenting with living people is so simple." Hao Zhi glanced at him coldly.

"I am not the first in history to experiment with living people, nor will I be the last" Xu Zhe shrugged needlessly. "I will show you the results of the experiment first, and then you will judge how."

"Oh, it seems that you also prepared a set of rhetoric." Hao Zhi sneered, followed Xu Zhe into the experiment base, passed through some complicated equipment, and finally walked to the center of the laboratory.

Standing in the middle of many experimental equipment is a metal cylinder similar to a space capsule. There is a half-glass door on the front, and the interior is filled with liquid. A half-naked girl is filled with electrodes and wires and floats in the liquid. middle


Song Xiaojia was dumbfounded at the time, almost rushing forward, but Hao Zhi held his hand and winked: "Lele is fine for the time being, look at the situation, don't be impulsive."

"I know the purpose of your coming, it's not hard to guess." Xu Zhe leaned on the experimental platform, and the green military uniform stood out in the white laboratory.

"So you don't have any plans to hide, so you just brought us here."

"Of course, most of the time I don't like circumstance, except for those outside." Xu Zhe looked at the busy people in the various rooms outside the laboratory with his eyes.

"What's the meaning"

"The three of you are all people who are at the center of the truth in this world. There are some things that you don't need to hide from you, and there is no need to hide. For people who don't understand the truth, of course you don't need to tell the truth all of them." Xu Zhe smiled. Laughing, "You have personally experienced everything in the past, and it is easier to understand my current behavior."

"Then you can talk about why you want to experiment with these people from the Dawn Organization"

"The abilities of weapons, including yours, are likely to be used as super weapons on a large scale in future wars, better than any traditional thermal weapons. Lin Tao once told you before, build a super army. "

"Blood moon people are gone, who are you going to fight with" Hao Zhi asked angrily.

"This is exactly what I want to say before the Blood Moon Man came. None of us had ever noticed it. Who can guarantee that tomorrow, another advanced and violent civilization will invade the earth again. What should we do to plan ahead? Making good plans is what we have to consider now. For a long time, we have lived too easily, like a person who lives behind closed Now the door has been opened and the earth is no longer safe. "

"If anyone dares to invade, we can resist to the end and defeat them." Hao Zhi raised an eyebrow. "If we can win once, we can win a hundred times."

"Haha, naive" Xu Zhe interrupted him sharply, "Aren't you not personally participating in this doomsday battle? How did we win this battle. Millions of soldiers in the army sacrificed like stuffed into a meat grinder. , Hundreds of millions of inhabitants of the earth became the cannon fodder of the war. The 6 billion people of the earth are now less than one billion surplus. Until the end, the space cannon did not fire at the earth, but blasted to the moon. You think this is just a virus in their brains. Did you make a small mistake if you do it again, the earthlings can still win? This is a dream, do you believe it?"

But Hao Zhi was speechless.

The earth civilization is like a boxer who was badly injured and barely defeated his opponent in a match. Apart from recovering as quickly as possible to meet the next match, we have no other way out, otherwise, even if the next one to take the stage is Very ordinary players can easily kill us

...(..)(Earth Destruction Plan

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